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User:Beleg Tâl/Sandbox/Newes from the Dead

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Beleg Tâl/Sandbox | Newes from the Dead
The "Citation" column refers to the text at the bottom of the poem in the work itself, identifying the author of the poem. I have compiled a glossary at the bottom of the page for all the cryptic abbreviations.

Authors are marked with pictographs as follows:

  • if I have found enough information about them to determine dates of birth and death.
  • if I have found information sufficient to identify them, but birth and/or death dates appear to be unknown.
  • if I have found little or no information beyond college attendance

Note that these are rough categories. For some, like Charles Forster, all I know about them is their birth/death dates. Others, like William Willis, I know everything about them except birth/death dates.

Newes from the Dead
Page Redirect[1] Author Citation
Newes from the Dead Newes from the Dead Richard Watkins a Scholler in Oxford[2]
On Shee which was hang'd and afterwards Recover'd On Shee which was hang'd and afterwards Recover'd Henry Perin Hen. Perin Gen. Com. of Trin. Coll.
In Puellam à Diutino Patibuli Cruciatu Redivivam In Puellam à Diutino Patibuli Cruciatu Redivivam Henry Birkhead[3] H. B. Coll. Om. Anim.
On the Shee that was Hang'd, but not Executed On the Shee that was Hang'd, but not Executed Henry Beeston[4] Ἠυτοσχεδίασε H. B. Soc. N. C.
On one dead by Law, but reviv'd by Physick On one dead by Law, but reviv'd by Physick John Hutton J. Hutton Fell. of New Coll.
In Fœminam post Patibuli cruciatus reviviscentem In Fœminam post Patibuli cruciatus reviviscentem
Ad Medicos, dissecandum corpus vitæ restituentes Ad Medicos, dissecandum corpus vitæ restituentes George Lee Geo. Lee, Coll. Reg. Commensalis.
A ceux de la Messe A ceux de la Messe Joseph Williamson Jos. Williamson, du Coll. de la Reyne.
The Womans Case put to the Lawyers The Womans Case put to the Lawyers John Watkins Joh. Watkins, Eq. Aur. fil. Coll. Reg.
Nondum cessàrunt Miracula Nondum cessàrunt Miracula
Thou shalt not Swing againe Thou shalt not Swing againe Robert Mathew Rob. Mathew, Fellow of New Coll.
To the Physitians To the Physitians
Ad Puellam Redivivam Ad Puellam Redivivam William Fitz-Gerald Guil. Fitz-Gerald. ex Æd. Ch.
In Puellam suspensam In Puellam suspensam William Willis Guil. Willis, Æd. Chr. Comm.
Admire not, 'tis no newes Admire not, 'tis no newes Robert Sharrock Rob. Sharrock, Fellow of New Coll.
In puellam ὑϛερόποτμον à patibulo reviviscentem In puellam ὑϛερόποτμον à patibulo reviviscentem Daniel Danvers Dan. Danvers, Coll. Trin. Alum.
On the Death and Life of Anne Greene On the Death and Life of Anne Greene John Aylmer Joh. Aylmer, Schol. of New Coll.
So sportive, Atropos? So sportive, Atropos? Peter Killigrew Pet. Killigrew, Eq. Aur. fil. Coll. Reg.
Proh Metamorphosis naturæ dissona! Proh Metamorphosis naturæ dissona! William Miles Guil. Miles, Nov. Coll.
Hippolytus was dead Hippolytus was dead Richard Glyd Rich. Glyd, Fell. of New Coll.
That Life's a Vapour I'le no more complaine That Life's a Vapour I'le no more complaine George Davenant Geo. Davenant, Com of Qu. Coll.
Ternas sicne Deas Ternas sicne Deas Hugh Davenant H. Davenant, Com. Coll. Reg.
For certaine, she was dead! For certaine, she was dead! John Dwight John Dwight, Ch. Ch.
Are Fates growne kind? Are Fates growne kind? Thomas Ireland Tho. Ireland, Ch. Ch.
To the Hangman To the Hangman Edward Norreys Ed. Norreys Eq. Aur. fil. Coll. Reg.
Eurydicen sileat jam fama à morte reductam Eurydicen sileat jam fama à morte reductam Edwin Skrymsher Edwin. Skrymsher Armig. fil. Nat. Max. Coll. Trin.
Wonder of highest Art! Wonder of highest Art! Christopher Wren Christ. Wren, Gent. Com. Wad. Coll.
Hang up the Gallow-Tree Hang up the Gallow-Tree Charles Forster Car. Forster Eq. Aur. fil. Coll. Trin.
To the happy Instruments of the Executed Maids Recovery To the happy Instruments of the Executed Maids Recovery Kingsmill Lucy Kingsmill Lucy Gent. Com. of Ch. Ch.
Thou Pill too strong for fate! Thou Pill too strong for fate! Francis Wythens Fr. Withins Gen. Com. of. S. Johns.
The Maids Game The Maids Game William Berkeley W. Berkley Com. of Br. Coll.
Had I been tongue-ti'd Had I been tongue-ti'd Walter Pope Walter Pope è Coll. Wadh.
Dum sacer Eurydicen Dum sacer Eurydicen William Hatley W. Hatley, of Saint Johns Coll.
Quam penè abstulerat Quam penè abstulerat William George Guil. George, Æd. Christi Alumnus.
Search for a pleasant now delight Search for a pleasant now delight Theodore Wynne[5] Theodore Wynne Fell. Com. Jes. Coll.
Here lies—'t must not be so Here lies—'t must not be so Charles Capell[5] Car. Capell, Armig. Coll. Winton.
Iugglers we have seene Iugglers we have seene Henry Capell[5] Hen. Capell Armig. Coll. Winton.
Thou Sophister of Fate Thou Sophister of Fate Abraham Spence A. Spence of St. Joh. Coll.
What hath the Law its power lost What hath the Law its power lost Samuel Christopher Sam. Christopher of S. Joh. Coll.
Iustice would cut, but Fate unedg'd the knife Iustice would cut, but Fate unedg'd the knife John Hall Joh. Hall Eq. Aur. fil. Coll. Reg.
She liv'd, and in the cord made Fate despair She liv'd, and in the cord made Fate despair William Bell Will. Bell.
Death's Metamorphos'd Death's Metamorphos'd Thomas Arthur T. Arthur, Comm. Ch. Ch.
I'le stretch my Muse I'le stretch my Muse Anthony Wood Ant. Wood, Schol. of Mert. Coll.
On Anne Greene her execution On Anne Greene her execution John Mainard Joh. Mainard, of Magd. Coll.
Are fates dread engines Are fates dread engines Richard Garrard Rich. Garrard Gent: Com. of S. Joh. Coll.




  • Æd. Ch., Æd. Chr., Æd. Christi = Christ Church
  • Br. Coll. = Brasenose College
  • Ch. Ch. = Christ Church
  • Coll. de la Reyne = Queen's College
  • Coll. Om. Anim. = All Souls College
  • Coll. Reg. = Queen's College
  • Coll. Trin. = Trinity College
  • Coll. Wadh. = Wadham College
  • Coll. Winton. = Winchester College
  • Jes. Coll. = Jesus College
  • Magd. Coll. = Magdalen College
  • Mert. Coll. = Merton College
  • N. C., New Coll., Nov. Coll. = New College
  • Qu. Coll. = Queen's College
  • S. Joh. Coll., St. Joh. Coll. = St. John's College
  • Trin. Col. = Trinity College
  • Wad. Coll. = Wadham College


  • Ant. = Anthony
  • Car. = Charles (Carolus)
  • Christ. = Christopher
  • Dan. = Daniel
  • Ed. = Edward
  • Geo. = George
  • Guil. = William (Guilelmus)
  • Hen. = Henry
  • Joh. = John (Johannes)
  • Jos. = Joseph
  • Pet. = Peter
  • Rob. = Robert
  • Rich. = Richard
  • Tho. = Thomas


  • Alum. = Alumnus, i.e. former student
  • Armig. = armiger/esquire; "not a titled person but of social rank above that of a gentleman"[6]
  • Com. = commoner
  • Comm. = either commoner or commensalis, not sure
  • Commensalis = a prof that hangs out with students (?)
  • è = of (ex), presumably
  • Eq. Aur. = a knight[6]
  • fil. = son, e.g. "Eq. Aur. fil." = son of a knight
  • Ἠυτοσχεδίασε (presumably a typo of Αὐτοσχεδίασε) = improvised
  • Fell. = Fellow
  • Gen. Com. or Gent. Com. = gentleman-commoner
  • Nat. Max. = firstborn (i.e. heir)
  • Schol. = Scholar
  • Soc. = Fellow (socium)


  1. These poems are obscure enough that there are no disambig or versions pages for any of them.
  2. This is from the book's cover page, not a citation at the end of his text.
  3. Birkhead is the only person with the initials H. B. listed in Al. Oxon. as a member of All Souls College in 1651; his notability as a Latin poet confirms this identification.
  4. Likewise, Beeston is the only person with the initials H. B. listed in Al. Oxon. as a Fellow of New College in 1651.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Does not appear in Alumni Oxoniensis.
  6. 6.0 6.1 per [1]