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User:Beleg Tâl/Sandbox/Ulverston Hymns

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Beleg Tâl/Sandbox | Ulverston Hymns

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Hymn 1 Again the day returns of sacred rest Again the day returns of holy rest William Mason
Hymn 2 All hail the great Immanuel's Name! All hail the great Emmanuel's name
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
Edward Perronet
Hymn 3 Almighty Father! rob'd with light Almighty Father! robed with light E. T. Pilgrim
Hymn 4 Almighty Maker of my frame (from) When I resolv'd to watch my thoughts Anne Steele
Hymn 5 Angels from the realms of glory Angels, from the Realms of Glory James Montgomery
Hymn 6 As through this wilderness I stray As through this wilderness I stray John Wesley
Hymn 7 Awake! rejoice! and hail the morn Awake! rejoice! and hail the morn Anonymous[1]
Hymn 8 Awake my soul, and with the sun A Morning Hymn (Ken) Thomas Ken
Hymn 9 Before Jehovah's awful throne Before Jehovah's awful throne
Sing to the Lord with joyful voice
Isaac Watts
Hymn 10 Blow ye the trumpet blow Blow ye the trumpet, blow Charles Wesley
Hymn 11 Brightest and best of the sons of the ⁠morning! Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning Reginald Heber
Hymn 12 Bright and joyful is the morn Bright and joyful is the morn James Montgomery
Hymn 13 Captain of our salvation, take Captain of our salvation, take Charles Wesley
Hymn 14 Children of the heavenly King Children of the Heavenly King John Cennick
Hymn 15 Christ from the dead is raised, and made Christ from the dead is raised, and made anon., from the BCP
Hymn 16 Come gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove Come gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove Simon Browne
Hymn 17 Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come Veni Creator Spiritus Hrabanus Maurus
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come and visit Tate & Brady, attr. Catherine Winkworth
Hymn 18 Come let us join our cheerful songs
Hymn 19 Come let us to the Lord our God
Hymn 20 Come, weary souls, with sin distress'd
Hymn 21 Day of Judgment, day of wonders!
Hymn 22 Dear is to me the Sabbath morn
Hymn 23 Dread Jehovah, God of nations
Hymn 24 Far from these narrow scenes of night
Hymn 25 Father of Heav'n, whose love profound
Hymn 26 Father, to Thee my soul I lift
Hymn 27 For all Thy saints, O Lord
Hymn 28 Fountain of Good! to own Thy love
Hymn 29 Fountain of mercy, God of love
Hymn 30 From all that dwell below the skies
Hymn 31 From Greenland's icy mountains
Hymn 32 Give to our God immortal praise
Hymn 33 Glory to Thee, my God, this night
Hymn 34 Glory be to God on high
Hymn 35 God of mercy, God of grace
Hymn 36 Gracious spirit, love divine
Hymn 37 Great God! what do I see and hear!
Hymn 38 Great King of nations hear our prayer
Hymn 39 Great Shepherd of Thy people hear
Hymn 40 Guide us, 0 Thou great Jehovah!
Hymn 41 Hail! holy, holy, holy Lord!
Hymn 42 Hark! the herald angels sing
Hymn 43 Hark! the voice of love and mercy
Hymn 44 Hark the glad sound! the Saviour comes
Hymn 45 Hark! the song of Jubilee
Hymn 46 High let us swell our tuneful notes
Hymn 47 Holiest! breathe an ev'ning blessing
Hymn 49 How beauteous are their feet
Hymn 50 How sweet the hour of closing day
Hymn 51 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
Hymn 52 I know that my Redeemer lives
Hymn 53 In Thee, O Lord I trust
Hymn 54 Jerusalem! My happy home!
Hymn 55 Jesus, and shall it ever be
Hymn 56 Jesus Christ is ris'n to day
Hymn 57 Jesus! exhalted far on high!
Hymn 58 Jesus, Refuge of my soul
Hymn 59 Jesus, I love Thy sacred Name
Hymn 60 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
Hymn 61 Jesu, the very thought of Thee
Hymn 62 Lamb of God, whose dying love
Hymn 63 Lamb of God! that in the bosom
Hymn 64 Let us with a gladsome mind
Hymn 65 Lo! He comes, with clouds descending
Hymn 66 Light of those whose weary dwelling
Hymn 67 Lord, dismiss us with Thy blessing
Hymn 68 Love Divine all love excelling
Hymn 69 Lord, if Thou Thy grace impart
Hymn 70 Lord of the worlds above
Hymn 71 Lord of Heav'n and earth and ocean
Hymn 72 Lord of mercy and of might
Hymn 73 Lord, when we bend before Thy throne
Hymn 74 Look down O Lord, and on our youth
Hymn 75 Lo! round the throne, at God's right hand
Hymn 76 Lord of the Sabbath! hear us pray
Hymn 77 Mine eyes and my desire
Hymn 78 Meet and right it is to sing
Hymn 79 My God, and is Thy table spread
Hymn 80 My God, my Father, while I stray
Hymn 81 Nearer, my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee!
Hymn 82 Not all the blood of beasts
Hymn 83 O'er the realms of pagan darkness
Hymn 84 Oh, happy day that fix'd my choice
Hymn 85 O come, and let us all with one accord
Hymn 86 O God Thy grace and blessing give
Hymn 87 O God, unseen, yet ever near
Hymn 88 O help us, Lord; each hour of need
Hymn 89 O Lord! turn not Thy face away
Hymn 90 O Saviour is Thy promise fled
Hymn 91 O Thou, from whom all goodness flows
Hymn 92 O Sun of Righteousness, arise
Hymn 93 O for a closer walk with God
Hymn 94 Oh! for a heart to praise my God
Hymn 95 O for a thousand tongues to sing
Hymn 96 Oh! tell of His might
Hymn 97 Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven
Hymn 98 Praise the Lord! Ye Heav'ns adore Him
Hymn 99 Praise the Lord, whose mighty wonders
Hymn 97 Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven
Hymn 98 Praise the Lord! Ye Heav'ns adore Him
Hymn 99 Praise the Lord, whose mighty wonders
Hymn 100 Praise to God, immortal praise
Hymn 101 Prayer is the soul's sincere desire
Hymn 102 Put thou thy trust in God
Hymn 103 Rock of Ages, cleft for me
Hymn 104 Salvation? Oh the joyful sound!
Hymn 105 Saviour! When in dust to Thee
Hymn 106 Since Christ, our Passover, is slain
Hymn 107 Soldiers of Christ! arise
Hymn 108 Songs of praise the Angels sang
Hymn 109 Soon shall the ev'ning star with silver ray
Hymn 110 Stand up and bless the Lord
Hymn 111 Sweet is the work, my God! my King!
Hymn 112 The day of wrath, that dreadful day
Hymn 113 The billows swell, the winds are high
Hymn 114 The God of Abraham praise
Hymn 115 The Lord is King! lift up your voice
Hymn 116 The Lord, the sov'reign King
Hymn 117 Thee we adore, eternal Lord!
Hymn 118 This is the day the Lord hath made
Hymn 119 Thou art gone to the grave—but we will not deplore thee
Hymn 120 Thou art the Way—to Thee alone
Hymn 121 Thou boundless source of every good
Hymn 122 Thou God, all glory, honour, pow'r
Hymn 123 Thou Refuge of my weary soul
Hymn 124 Through all the dangers of the night
Hymn 125 To God be glory, peace on earth
Hymn 126 What sinners value I resign
Hymn 127 When all Thy mercies, O my God
Hymn 128 When cares of life around me press
Hymn 129 When Christ came down on earth of old
Hymn 130 When gath'ring clouds around I view
Hymn 131 When I survey the wondrous cross
Hymn 132 When our heads are bowed with woe
Hymn 133 When to the house of God we go
Hymn 134 While shepherds watch'd their flocks by night
Hymn 135 While Thee I seek, protecting Pow'r
Hymn 136 While with ceaseless course, the sun
Hymn 137 Witness ye men and angels, now
Hymn 138 Ye servants of God
Hymn 139 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty
Hymn 140 Sun of my Soul, Thou Saviour dear
Hymn 141 O God of Bethel! by whose hand
Hymn 142 All that we know of saints above
Hymn 143 Yes, love is of the Lord
Hymn 144 Eternal God! we look to Thee
Hymn 145 The saints on earth, and those above
Hymn 146 We sing of the realms of the blest
Hymn 147 Around the throne of God in heaven
Hymn 148 Gentle Jesus, meek and mild
Hymn 149 From Calv'ry's cross a fountain flows
Hymn 150 Just as I am, without one plea
Hymn 151 When His salvation bringing
National Anthem National Anthem God Save the Queen Henry Carey

  1. This publication is the only edition I can find of this hymn, and its authorship is not specified.