User:Charles Matthews/DNB 3001-4000
[edit]- Smith, John Abel - Smith, John Chaloner - Smith, John Christopher - Smith, John Gordon - Smith, John Mark Frederick - Smith, John Orrin - Smith, John Prince - Smith, John Pye - Smith, John Raphael - Smith, John Russell
- Smith, John Sidney - Smith, John Stafford - Smith, John Thomas (1766-1833) - Smith, John Thomas (1805-1882) - Smith, John William - Smith, Joseph (1670-1756) - Smith, Joseph (1682-1770) - Smith, Joshua Toulmin - Smith, Josiah William - Smith, Lionel
- Smith, Matthew - Smith, Michael William - Smith, Miles - Smith, Montagu Edward - Smith, Philip - Smith, Pleasance - Smith, Richard (1500-1563) - Smith, Richard (1566-1655) - Smith, Richard (1590-1675) - Smith, Richard Baird
- Smith, Richard John - Smith, Robert (fl.1689-1729) - Smith, Robert (1689-1768) - Smith, Robert (1752-1838) - Smith, Robert Angus - Smith, Robert Archibald - Smith, Robert Henry Soden - Smith, Robert Percy - Smith, Robert Vernon - Smith, Samuel (1587-1620)
- Smith, Samuel (1584-1662?) - Smith, Stephen (1623-1678) - Smith, Stephen Catterson - Smith, Sydney - Smith, Theyre Townsend - Smith, Thomas (1513-1577) - Smith, Thomas (1556?-1609) - Smith, Thomas (1558?-1625) - Smith, Thomas (fl.1600-1627) - Smith, Thomas (1615-1702)
[edit]- Smith, Thomas (d.1708) - Smith, Thomas (d.1762) - Smith, Thomas (d.1767) - Smith, Thomas Assheton - Smith, Thomas Southwood - Smith, Walter - Smith, Wentworth - Smith, William (1460?-1514) - Smith, William (fl.1596) - Smith, William (1550?-1618)
- Smith, William (d.1673) - Smith, William (d.1696) - Smith, William (1651?-1735) - Smith, William (1711-1787) - Smith, William (1730?-1819) - Smith, William (1756-1835) - Smith, William (1769-1839) - Smith, William (1808-1876) - Smith, William (1813-1893) - Smith, William (1816-1896)
- Smith, William Cusac - Smith, William Henry (1808-1872) - Smith, William Henry (1826-1891) - Smith, William Sidney - Smith, William Tyler - Smith, Willoughby - Smithson, Harriet Constance - Smithson, James - Smitz, Caspar - Smollett, Tobias George
- Smyth, Edward - Smyth, James Carmichael (1741-1821) - Smyth, James Carmichael (1779-1838) - Smyth, John Rowland - Smyth, John Talfourd - Smyth, Leicester - Smyth, Patrick James - Smyth, Richard - Smyth, Robert Brough - Smyth, Warington Wilkinson
- Smyth, William (1765-1849) - Smyth, William Henry - Smythe, David - Smythe, George Augustus Frederick Percy Sydney - Smythe, James Moore - Smythe, Percy Clinton Sydney - Smythe, Percy Ellen Frederick William - Smythe, Sidney Stafford - Smythe, William James - Smythies, Charles Alan
[edit]- Snagge, Thomas - Snape, Andrew - Snape, Edmund - Snell, Hannah - Snell, John - Snelling, Thomas - Snetzler, John - Snow, John - Snow, William Parker - Soames, Henry
- Soane, John - Soest, Gerard - Solander, Daniel Charles - Solanus, Moses - Sole, William - Solly, Edward - Solly, Samuel - Solly, Thomas - Solms, Heinrich Maastricht - Solomon, Abraham
- Solus - Some, Thomas - Somer, Henry - Somer, John - Somercote, Lawrence - Somercote, Robert - Somers, Edmund Sigismund - Somers, George - Somers, John - Somers, Robert
- Somerset, Charles - Somerset, Edward (1553-1628) - Somerset, Edward (1601-1667) - Somerset, Fitzroy James Henry - Somerset, Henry - Somerset, John - Somerset, Robert Edward Henry - Somerset, William - Somerville, Alexander (1811-1885) - Somerville, Alexander Neil
- Somerville, Andrew - Somerville, Hugh - Somerville, James - Somerville, John (1560-1583) - Somerville, John Southey - Somerville, Mary - Somerville, Thomas - Somerville, William (1675-1742) - Somerville, William (1771-1860) - Somerville, William Meredyth
[edit]- Sommers, William - Sondes, George - Soone, William - Sopwith, Thomas - Sorocold, Thomas - Sotheby, Samuel (1771-1842) - Sotheby, Samuel Leigh - Sotheby, William - Sothel, Seth - Sothern, Edward Askew
- Sotherton, John - Soulemont, Thomas - Soulis, John de - Hawkins, William (1722-1801) - Hawkshaw, Benjamin - Hawkins, William (1673-1746) - Hastings, Francis (1514?-1561) - Hastings, Francis (d.1610) - Hastings, Henry (1535-1595) - Hastings, Henry (d.1268)
- Hastings, Henry (1551-1650) - Hastings, Henry (d.1667) - Hastings, Hugh - Hastings, Laurence - Hastings, Hans Francis - Hastings, George Fowler - Hastings, Frank Abney - Hastings, George (1488?-1545) - Hastings, John (1262-1313) - Hastings, John (1347-1375)
- Wilson, Thomas (1663-1755) - Watt, James (1736-1819) - Wheler, Robert Bell - Penderel, Richard - Ford, David Everard - Brown, John (1810-1882) - Jukes, Joseph Beete - Macdonald, John Alexander - South, James - South, John Flint
- South, Robert - Southcote, John - Southcott, Joanna - Southern, Henry - Southern, John - Southerne, Thomas - Southey, Caroline Anne - Southey, Henry Herbert - Southey, Robert - Southgate, Henry
[edit]- Southgate, Richard - Southrey, Simon - Southwell, Nathanael - Southwell, Richard - Southwell, Robert (1561?-1595) - Southwell, Robert (1635-1702) - Southwell, Thomas (1592-1637) - Southwell, Thomas (1667-1720) - Sowerby, George Brettingham - Sowerby, James (1757-1822)
- Sowerby, James de Carle - Sowerby, John Edward - Soyer, Alexis Benoît - Soyer, Elizabeth Emma - Spalding, John - Spalding, Samuel - Spalding, William - Spark, Thomas - Sparke, Edward - Sparke, Joseph
- Sparrow, Anthony - Sparrow, John - Spearman, Robert - Spedding, James - Speechly, William - Speed, Adolphus - Speed, John - Speed, Samuel - Speght, Thomas - Speke, Hugh
- Speke, John Hanning - Spelman, Clement - Spelman, Edward - Spelman, Henry - Spelman, John (1495?-1544) - Spelman, John (1594-1643) - Spence, Benjamin Edward - Spence, Elizabeth Isabella - Spence, George - Spence, James
- Spence, Joseph - Spence, Thomas - Spence, William - Spencer, Aubrey George - Spencer, Augustus Almeric - Spencer, Brent - Spencer, Charles (1674-1722) - Spencer, Charles (1706-1758) - Spencer, Dorothy - Spencer, George John
[edit]- Spencer, George Trevor - Spencer, Gervase - Spencer, John (d.1610) - Spencer, John (1601-1671) - Spencer, John Charles - Spencer, Robert (d.1627) - Spencer, Robert (1640-1702) - Spencer, Robert Cavendish - Spencer, Thomas (1791-1811) - Spencer, Thomas (1796-1853)
- Spencer, William George - Spencer, William Robert - Spender, Lily - Spens, James - Spens, John - Spens, Thomas de - Spenser, Edmund - Spenser, John - Sperling, John - Spicer, Henry
- Spiers, Alexander - Spigurnel, Henry - Spillan, Daniel - Spiller, James - Spilsbury, Jonathan - Spittlehouse, John - Spode, Josiah - Spofforth, Reginald - Spooner, Charles (d.1767) - Spooner, Charles (1806-1871)
- Spooner, William Charles - Sporley, Richard - Spottiswood, Alexander - Spottiswood, James - Spottiswood, John (1510-1585) - Spottiswood, John (1565-1637) - Spottiswood, John (1686-1728) - Spottiswood, Robert - Spottiswoode, Arthur Cole - Spottiswoode, William
- Spragge, Edward - Sprat, Thomas - Spratt, James - Spratt, Thomas Abel Brimage - Sprenger, Aloys - Sprigg, Joshua - Spring-Rice, Thomas - Sprott, George - Sprott, Thomas - Spruce, Richard
[edit]- Spry, Henry Harpur - Spry, Richard - Spurgeon, Charles Haddon - Spurgin, John - Spurstowe, William - Squire, Edward - Squire, John - Squire, Samuel - Squire, William - Stack, Edward
- Stack, Richard - Stackhouse, John - Stackhouse, Thomas (1677-1752) - Stackhouse, Thomas (1756-1836) - Stafford, Anthony - Stafford, Edmund de - Stafford, Edward (1478-1521) - Stafford, Edward (1552?-1605) - Stafford, Henry (1454?-1483) - Stafford, Henry (1501-1563)
- Stafford, Humphrey (1402-1460) - Stafford, Humphrey (1439-1469) - Stafford, John (d.1452) - Stafford, John (1728-1800) - Stafford, Ralph de - Stafford, Richard (1663-1703) - Stafford, Richard Anthony - Stafford, Thomas (1531?-1557) - Stafford, Thomas (fl.1633) - Stafford, William (1554-1612)
- Stafford, William (1593-1684) - Stagg, John - Staggins, Nicholas - Staines, Thomas - Stainton, Henry Tibbats - Stairs, William Grant - Staley, William - Stalham, John - Stampe, William - Stanbridge, John
- Stanbury, John - Standish, Arthur - Standish, Frank Hall - Standish, Henry - Standish, John - Standish, Myles - Stanfield, Clarkson - Stanfield, James Field - Stanford, Charles - Stanford, William
[edit]- Stanger, Christopher - Anderson, James (1662-1728) - Anderson, James (1680?-1739) - Anderson, James (1739-1808) - Anderson, James (d.1809) - Anderson, James (1760-1835) - Anderson, James Caleb - Anderson, John (1668?-1721) - Anderson, John (1726-1796) - Anderson, John (fl.1799)
- Anderson, John (d.1804) - Anderson, John (fl.1816) - Anderson, John (fl.1825) - Anderson, John (1789-1832) - Anderson, John (1795-1845) - Anderson, John (1805-1855) - Anderson, John Henry - Anderson, Joseph - Anderson, Lionel - Anderson, Lucy
- Anderson, Patrick (1575-1624) - Anderson, Patrick (fl.1618-1635) - Anderson, Robert (fl.1668-1696) - Anderson, Robert (1750-1830) - Anderson, Robert (1770-1833) - Anderson, Thomas (1832-1870) - Anderson, Thomas (1819-1874) - Anderson, Walter - Anderson, William (d.1778) - Anderson, William (1757-1837)
- Anderson, William (1766-1846) - Anderson, William (1805-1866) - Anderson, William (1799-1873) - Anderton, Henry - Anderton, James - Anderton, Laurence - André, John - Andreas, Bernard - Andree, John (1699?-1785) - Andree, John (fl.1790)
- Andrew, James - Andrewe, Laurence - Andrewe, Thomas - Andrewes, Lancelot - Andrews, Eusebius - Andrews, George - Andrews, Henry (1743-1820) - Andrews, Henry C. - Andrews, James Pettit - Andrews, John (17th cent.)
[edit]- Andrews, John (1736-1809) - Andrews, Miles Peter - Andrews, William (fl.1656-1683) - Andrews, William (1802-1880) - Andrews, William Eusebius - Anne of Bohemia - Anne (1456-1485) - Anne (1507-1537) - Anne of Cleves (1515-1557) - Anne of Denmark
- Annesley, Arthur - Annesley, James - Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn - Stanley, Charlotte - Stanley, Edward (1460?-1523) - Stanley, Edward (1508-1572) - Stanley, Edward (1779-1849) - Stanley, Edward (1793-1862) - Stanley, Edward George Geoffrey Smith - Stanley, Edward Henry
- Stanley, Edward John - Stanley, Edward Smith - Stanley, Ferdinando - Stanley, Hans - Stanley, Henry - Stanley, James (1465?-1515) - Stanley, James (1607-1651) - Benson, William (d.1549) - Stanley, John - Stanley, Montague
- Stanley, Thomas (1435?-1504) - Stanley, Thomas (1625-1678) - Stanley, William (d.1495) - Stanley, William (1548-1630) - Stannard, Joseph - Stannus, Ephraim Gerrish - Stanwix, John - Stanwix, Richard - Stanyan, Abraham - Stapeldon, Walter de
- Stapleton, Augustus Granville - Stapleton, Brian de - Stapleton, Gregory - Stapleton, Miles de (d.1314) - Stapleton, Miles de (d.1364) - Stapleton, Philip - Stapleton, Theobald - Stapleton, Thomas (1535-1598) - Stapleton, Thomas (1805-1849) - Stapley, Anthony
[edit]- Stark, Adam - Stark, James - Stark, William - Starke, Mariana - Starkey, George - Starkey, Humphrey - Starkey, Ralph - Starkey, Thomas - Starkie, Thomas - Starley, James
- Staunton, George Leonard - Staunton, George Thomas - Staunton, Howard - Staveley, Charles William Dunbar - Staveley, Thomas - Staveley, William - Stawell, John - Stawell, William Foster - Stayley, George - Stayner, Richard
- Stebbing, Henry (1687-1763) - Stebbing, Henry (1799-1883) - Stedman, Charles - Stedman, John Andrew - Stedman, John Gabriel - Stedman, Rowland - Steel, Scudamore Winde - Steele, Anne - Steele, Christopher - Steele, Joshua
- Steele, Richard (1629-1692) - Steele, Richard (1672-1729) - Albert Francis Charles Augustus Emmanuel - Fullarton, William - Steele, Thomas (1788-1848) - Steele, Thomas Montague - Steele, William - Steell, Gourlay - Steell, John - Steere, Edward
- Steevens, Charles - Steevens, George - Steevens, Richard - Stenhouse, John - Stenhouse, William - Stennett, Joseph - Stephanoff, Francis Philip - Stephen (1097?-1154) - Stephen (d.1112) - Stephen of Exeter
[edit]- Stephen, Alfred - Stephen, Edward - Stephen, George - Stephen, Henry John - Stephen, James (1758-1832) - Stephen, James Fitzjames - Stephens, Alexander - Stephens, Catherine - Stephens, Charles Edward - Stephens, Edward (d.1706)
- Stephens, Edward Bowring - Stephens, George (1800-1851) - Stephens, George (1813-1895) - Stephens, Henry - Stephens, James Francis - Stephens, Jane - Stephens, Jeremiah - Stephens, John - Stephens, Joseph Rayner - Stephens, Thomas
- Stephens, William (1647?-1718) - Stephens, William (1671-1753) - Stephenson, George - Stephenson, Henry Palfrey - Stephenson, James - Stephenson, Robert - Stephenson, Samuel Martin - Stephenson, Thomas - Stepney, Catherine - Stepney, George
- Sterling, Anthony Coningham - Sterling, James - Sterling, John - Stern, Henry Aaron - Sterne, John (1624-1669) - Sterne, John (1660-1745) - Sterne, Laurence - Sterne, Richard - Sternhold, Thomas - Sterry, Peter
- Steuart, Henry Seton - Steuart, James - Stevens, Alfred - Stevens, Francis - Stevens, George Alexander - Stevens, John - Stevens, Richard John Samuel - Stevens, William (1732-1807) - Stevens, William Bagshaw - Stevenson, Alan
[edit]- Stevenson, David - Stevenson, George (1799-1856) - Stevenson, George John - Stevenson, John (1778-1846?) - Stevenson, John Andrew - Stevenson, John Hall- - Stevenson, Joseph - Stevenson, Matthew - Stevenson, Robert (1772-1850) - Stevenson, Robert Louis
- Stevenson, Seth William - Stevenson, Thomas - Stevenson, William (1719?-1783) - Stevenson, William (1772-1829) - Stevenson, W. B. - Stevenson, William Fleming - Steward, Simeon - Steward, Thomas - Stewardson, Thomas - Stewart, Alexander (1343?-1405?)
- Stewart, Alexander (1375?-1435) - Stewart, Alexander (1454?-1485) - Planta, Joseph (1744-1827) - Owen, Richard (1804-1892) - Gray, Andrew (1380?-1469) - Gray, Andrew (1633-1656) - Gray, Andrew (d.1663) - Gray, Andrew (d.1728) - Gray, Andrew (1805-1861) - Gray, Charles
- Gray, David - Gray, Edmund Dwyer - Gray, Edward Whitaker - Gray, Edward William - Gray, George (1758-1819) - Gray, George Robert - Gray, Gilbert - Gray, James - Gray, John (1807-1875) - Gray, John (1816-1875)
- Gray, John Edward - Gray, Maria Emma - Gray, Patrick (d.1582) - Gray, Patrick (d.1612) - Gray, Peter - Gray, Robert (1809-1872) - Gray, Robert (1825-1887) - Gray, Samuel Frederick - Gray, Stephen - Gray, Thomas (d.1369?)
[edit]- Gray, Thomas (1716-1771) - Gray, Thomas (1787-1848) - Gray, William - Morton, Charles (1716-1799) - Leach, William Elford - Leach, Thomas - Knight, Gowin - Ellis, Henry (1777-1869) - Panizzi, Anthony - Baber, Henry Hervey
- Douce, Francis - White, Adam - Stewart, Alexander (1493?-1513) - Stewart, Alexander (d.1701) - Stewart, Alexander (d.1704) - Stewart, Alexander (d.1795) - Stewart, Alexander Patrick - Stewart, Andrew (d.1488) - Stewart, Andrew (fl.1548-1593) - Stewart, Andrew (d.1671)
- Stewart, Anthony - Stewart, Balfour - Stewart, Charles (1775-1812) - Stewart, Charles (1764-1837) - Stewart, Charles James - Stewart, Charles William - Stewart, David (1378?-1402) - Stewart, David (1772-1829) - Stewart, Dugald - Stewart, Henry (1495?-1551?)
- Stewart, Henry (1545-1587) - Stewart, Herbert - Stewart, Houston - Stewart, James (d.1309) - Stewart, James (1476?-1504) - Stewart, James (1499?-1544) - Legh, Gerard - Stewart, James (1531?-1570) - Stewart, James (d.1595) - Stewart, James (1791-1863)
- Stewart, John (1381?-1424) - Stewart, John (1457?-1479?) - Stewart, John (d.1495) - Stewart, John (1440?-1512) - Stewart, John (d.1526) - Stewart, John (1481-1536) - Stewart, John (1531-1563) - Stewart, John (d.1579) - Stewart, John (d.1659) - Stewart, John (1700-1752)
[edit]- Stewart, John (1749-1822) - Bysshe, Edward (1615?-1679) - Long, George (1800-1879) - Jones, John Winter - Stewart, Matthew (1516-1571) - Stewart, Matthew (1717-1785) - Stewart, Murdac - Stewart, Patrick - Stewart, Robert (1340?-1420) - Stewart, Robert (d.1592)
- Stewart, Robert (d.1670?) - Stewart, Robert (1739-1821) - Stewart, Robert (1769-1822) - Stewart, Robert Prescott - Stewart, Walter (d.1437) - Stewart, Walter (d.1617) - Stewart, William (d.1402) - Stewart, William (1470-1545) - Stewart, William (1481?-1550?) - Stewart, William (d.1588)
- Stewart, William (fl.1575-1603) - Stewart, William (1653-1692) - Stewart, William (1774-1827) - Stewart-Mackenzie, Maria Elizabeth Frederica - Stichil, Robert de - Stigand - Still, John - Stillingfleet, Edward - Stillington, Robert - Stirling, James (1692-1770)
- Stirling, James (1740?-1805) - Stirling, James (1791-1865) - Stirling, Mary Anne - Stirling, Robert - Stirling, Thomas - Stirling, Walter - Stirling-Maxwell, William - Stisted, Henry William - Stock, Richard - Stockdale, John
- Stockdale, Percival - Stocker, Thomas - Stocks, Lumb - Stockton, Owen - Stocqueler, Joachim Hayward - Stoddart, Charles - Stoddart, John - Stoddart, Thomas Tod - Stogdon, Hubert - Stokes, David
[edit]- Stokes, Henry Sewell - Stokes, John Lort - Stokes, Peter - Stokes, William - Stokesley, John - Stone, Alfred - Stone, Andrew - Stone, Benjamin - Stone, Edmund - Stone, Edward James
- Stone, Francis - Stone, Frank - Stone, George - Stone, Gilbert - Stone, Jerome - Stone, John Hurford - Stone, Nicholas - Stone, Samuel - Stone, William - Stonehewer, Richard
- Stonhouse, James - Stonor, John de - Stopes, Leonard - Stopes, Richard - Stopford, James - Stopford, Joshua - Stopford, Robert - Storace, Anna Selina - Storace, Stephen - Storer, Anthony Morris
- Storer, James Sargant - Storer, Thomas - Storks, Henry Knight - Story, Edward - Story, George Warter - Story, John - Story, Robert (1790-1859) - Story, Robert (1795-1860) - Story, Thomas - Stothard, Charles Alfred
- Stothard, Thomas - Stotherd, Richard Hugh - Stoughton, Israel - Stoughton, John - Stovin, Frederick - Russen, David - Rust, George - Rust, Thomas Cyprian - Rustat, Tobias - Rutherford, Andrew
[edit]- Rutherford, Daniel - Rutherford, John (d.1577) - Rutherford, John (1695-1779) - Rutherford, Samuel - Rutherford, William - Rutherforth, Thomas - Rutherfurd, Andrew - Ruthven, Alexander - Ruthven, Edward Southwell - Ruthven, John
- Ruthven, Patrick (1520?-1566) - Ruthven, Patrick (1573?-1651) - Ruthven, William (d.1552) - Ruthven, William (1541?-1584) - Rutledge, James - Rutter, John - Rutter, Joseph - Rutty, John - Rutty, William - Ryall, Henry Thomas
- Ryan, Daniel Frederick - Ryan, Edward (d.1819) - Ryan, Edward (1793-1875) - Ryan, Lacy - Ryan, Michael (1800-1841) - Ryan, Michael Desmond - Ryan, Richard - Ryan, Vincent William - Rycaut, Paul - Ryder, Alfred Phillipps
- Ryder, Dudley (1691-1756) - Ryder, Dudley (1762-1847) - Ryder, Dudley (1798-1882) - Ryder, Henry - Ryder, John (1697?-1775) - Ryder, John (1814-1885) - Ryder, Richard - Ryder, Thomas (1735-1790) - Ryder, Thomas (1746-1810) - Ryder, William
- Rye, Edward Caldwell - Ryerson, Egerton - Rygge, Robert - Ryland, Herman Witsius - Ryland, John (1717?-1798) - Ryland, John (1753-1825) - Ryland, John Collett - Ryland, Jonathan Edwards - Ryland, William Wynne - Rylands, John
[edit]- Rylands, Peter - Ryves, Thomas - Stow, David - Stow, James - Stow, John - Stowe, William Henry - Stowel, John - Stowell, Hugh - Stowell, William Hendry - Stowford, John
- Strachan, Archibald - Strachan, John (d.1777) - Strachan, John (1778-1867) - Strachan, Richard John - Strachey, William - Stradling, Edward - Stradling, Henry - Stradling, John - Stradling, Thomas - Strahan, William
- Strang, John (1795-1863) - Strange, Alexander - Strange, John (1696-1754) - Strange, John (1732-1799) - Strange, Robert - Strange, Roger le - Strange, Thomas Andrew Lumisden - Strange, Thomas Lumisden - Strangeways, James - Stratford, Edmund
- Stratford, Edward - Stratford, John de - Stratford, Nicholas - Stratford, Ralph de - Stratford, Robert de - Stratford, William Samuel - Hoole, John - Strathearn, Malise - Stratton, Adam de - Stratton, John Proudfoot
- Strauss, Gustave Louis Maurice - Streat, William - Streater, John - Streater, Robert - Streatfeild, Thomas - Street, George Edmund - Street, Thomas - Stretes, Guillim - Stretton, Robert de - Strickland, Agnes
[edit]- Strickland, Hugh Edwin - Strickland, Roger - Strickland, Thomas John Francis - Strickland, Walter - Strickland, William - Strode, George - Strode, Ralph - Strode, Thomas - Strode, William (1599?-1645) - Strode, William (1602-1645)
- Strother, Edward - Struthers, John - Strutt, Edward - Strutt, Jacob George - Strutt, Jedediah - Strutt, Joseph - Strutt, William Goodday- Orm - Strype, John - Strzelecki, Paul Edmund de
- Stuart, Alexander - Stuart, Andrew - Stuart, Bernard (1447?-1508) - Stuart, Bernard (1623?-1645) - Stuart, Charles (1640-1672) - Stuart, Charles (1753-1801) - Stuart, Charles (1779-1845) - Stuart, Daniel - Stuart, Dudley Coutts - Stuart, Esmé
- Stuart, Frances Teresa - Stuart, Gilbert (1742-1786) - Stuart, Gilbert (1755-1828) - Stuart, Henry Windsor Villiers - Stuart, James (1612-1655) - Stuart, James (1713-1788) - Stuart, James (d.1793) - Stuart, James (1764-1842) - Stuart, James (1775-1849) - Stuart, James (1780-1853)
- Stuart, John (1365?-1429) - Stuart, John (1713-1792) - Stuart, John (1759-1815) - Bond, Daniel - Bonneau, Jacob - Brummell, George Bryan - Thomas, Sidney Gilchrist - Tattam, Henry - Congreve, William (1772-1828) - Hoste, William - Stuart, John (1743-1821)
[edit]- Stuart, John (1813-1877) - Stuart, John Ferdinand Smyth - Stuart, John McDouall - Stuart, John Sobieski Stolberg - Stuart, Ludovick - Stuart, Robert - Stuart, William - Stuart-Wortley, Emmeline Charlotte Elizabeth - Stuart-Wortley-Mackenzie, James Archibald - Stubbs, George (1724-1806)
- Stubbs, George Towneley - Stubbs, Henry (1632-1676) - Stubbs, Henry (1606?-1678) - Stubbs, John - Stubbs, Philip (fl.1581-1593) - Stubbs, Philip (1665-1738) - Stubbs, Thomas - Stucley, Lewis - Stucley, Thomas - Sturge, Joseph
- Sturgeon, Henry - Sturgeon, William - Sturges, Octavius - Sturgion, John - Sturt, Charles - Sturt, John - Ryley, Charles Reuben - Ryley, John - Ryley, Samuel William - Ryley, William
- Rymer, James - Rymer, Thomas - Rysbrack, John Michael - Ryther, Augustine - Ryther, John - Ryves, Elizabeth - Ryves, George Frederick - Quælly, Malachias - Quain, John Richard - Quain, Jones
- Quain, Richard - Quare, Daniel - Quarles, Charles - Quarles, Francis - Quarles, John - Quekett, John Thomas - Quesnel, Peter - Quick, Henry - Quick, John (1636-1706) - Quick, John (1748-1831)
[edit]- Quin, Edward - Quin, Edwin Richard Windham Wyndham- - Quin, Frederic Hervey Foster - Quin, James - Quin, Michael Joseph - Quin, Walter - Quincy, John - Quincy, Saer de - Quinton, James Wallace - Quivil, Peter de
- Arkwright, Richard (1732-1792) - Style, William - Suckling, Alfred Inigo - Suckling, John - Suckling, Maurice - Sudbury, Simon of - Sudbury, William - Suett, Richard - Suffeld, Walter - Suffield, Robert Rodolph
- Sugden, Edward Burtenshaw - Suidbert - Sulcard - Sulien - Sulivan, Bartholomew James - Sulivan, Thomas Ball - Sullivan, Alexander Martin - Sullivan, Barry - Sullivan, Edward - Sullivan, Francis Stoughton