User:Heyzeuss/Haitian Creole - English/N
- we are
- are
n a pale sou sa pita
- we'll talk about it la
n a wè apre travay
- we'll meet after work
n achte kat chyen
- we buy four dogs
n achte senk chat
- we buy five cats
n ap
- we are
n ap degaje n yon jan kanmenm
- we'll get along someho
n ap degaje n yon jan kanmenm
- we'll manage somehow
n ap fè yon fèt aswè a
- we've having a party t
n ap fè yon jan kanmenm
- we'll get along someho
n ap legliz dimanch pwochen
- we will be in church n
n ap manje konnye a
- we're having dinner ri
n ap nan klas demen maten
- we will be in the clas
n ap rive a 2 è apremidi
- we will arrive at 2 p.
n ap tann li vini
- we're waiting for his
n apwal rele polis
- We will call the polic
n vin ap pale enpi m bliye lèt la sou dife a
- we got to talk but I f
na bèlgrade
- in Belgrade
na bosnya-hèzegovina
- in Bosnia-Herzegovina
na wè pita
- see you later
Na wè pita.
- I will see you later.
na wè sa jennòm na wè sa
- we shall see young man
- Swimming
- swim
- swimming
- Swim
- Swimmer
- Soul
- in
- in
- in
- ; note that is most ca
- of
- of his
- to his
- are in
- at
- for
nan adisyon a
- in addition to
Nan afèm
- in mine
Nan afèm
- in my
nan akò avèk
- in agreement with
nan alantou an
- on the territory
nan almanak la
- on the calendar
nan ane
- in year
nan ane sa
- in this year
nan ane sa
- in this year
nan ansyen
- in former
nan anviwon zòn nan
- from surrounding area
nan aplikasyon an
- in the application
nan aswè
- in the evening
nan avantaj
- in advantage
nan avantaj
- in benefit
nan avyon
- by plane
nan ayewopò
- air terminal
Nan bafon
- Beneath
nan baz lan
- on the base
Nan Bèlgrad
- in Belgrade
nan benefis
- in benefit
nan benefis
- in advantage
nan biro yo
- in the rooms
nan biro yo
- in the offices
nan bò ki moun ou ye
- whose side are you on
nan bò kiyès ou ye
- whose side are you on
nan bò kiyès ou ye
- whose side are you on
Nan Bosni
- in Bosnia
nan Bosni
- in Bosnia
Nan Bosni ak Èzegovina
- in Bosnia and Herzegov
nan Bozni santral
- in Central Bosnia
nan chak
- in every
nan chan yo
- in fields
nan chan-m yo
- in the offices
nan chan-m yo
- in the rooms
nan chapant
- in the framework
nan chemen an
- on the road
nan Davori
- in Davoru
nan de
- in two
nan de
- in two
nan dènye
- in final
nan dènye
- in the last
nan dènye 24 twè tan
- the past 24 hours
nan denye a
- in the last
Nan developman
- in progress
Nan developman
- in session
nan Deyton ak
- in Dayton and
nan dezyèm lan
- in the second
nan Dimanch
- on Sunday
nan Dimanch
- on Sunday
nan dimanch
- on Sunday
nan diplomasi
- in diplomatic
nan direction kontrè sans wotasyon egui mont
- counterclockwise direc
nan direksyon an
- in the direction
nan direksyon opoze
- oppositely directed
nan douvanjou
- in the morning
nan ekonomi a
- in the economy
nan endistri aewopasyal
- in the aerospace indus
nan enkilpasyon
- in indictment
nan entegwalite li
- in its entirety
nan epòk
- in time
nan epòk
- in period
nan èpòt sarajevo
- in Sarajevo's airport
nan ès
- on east
nan es slovoni
- in Eastern Slavonia
nan èstaj pou djòb
- On-the-job training
nan estim
- in estimate
nan etablisman
- with the establishment
nan etazini
- in the US
nan ete
- in summer
nan fen
- in the past
nan fen
- in the last
nan fen
- in final
nan fen
- in the last
nan fen an se
- of the end is
nan fen anonsman an
- at the end of the anno
nan fen jiyè
- ending July
nan fevriye
- in February
nan final
- in final
nan final
- in final
nan final
- in the last
nan finisman
- at the end
nan finisman anons lan
- at the end of the anno
nan fiti
- in future
nan fon
- Beneath
nan fontyè Ayisyen an
- in the Haitian border
nan fòs
- forces in
nan foto
- on picture
nan gè
- war in
nan Gonayiv
- in Gonaive
nan gouvènman an
- in the government
nan hague
- in the Hague
nan istwa
- in history
nan jodi se
- on today's
nan jou sa
- on today's
nan ka definal
- in a quarter-final
nan kalvè
- Wailing Wall
nan kantite de
- in the amount of
nan kanton
- in the district
nan kapital la
- in the capital
nan katriyèm mwatye
- in the fourth quarter
nan katye general sarajevo yo
- in Sarajevo's headquar
nan katye jeneral Sarayevo yo
- in Sarajevo's seat
nan katye jeneral Sarayevo yo
- in Sarajevo's headquar
nan kèk pati nan Sarayevo
- in parts of Sarajevo
nan kèk zòn nan Bosni-èrzegovin
- in parts of Bosnia-Her
nan kèk zòn nan Sarayevo
- in parts of Sarajevo
nan kèl
- in which
nan kèl
- in which
nan kèl
- in which are
nan kèlès
- in which is
nan ki
- in which
nan ki
- in whose
nan ki
- in whose
nan ki
- in which
nan ki arè mwen sipoze desann
- at what stop do I get
Nan ki avyon ou t ap vwayaje?
- Which aircraft were yo
nan ki bò ou ye
- what side are you on
nan ki bò ou ye
- what side are you on
nan ki distans minn yo rive
- How far does the mine
nan ki distans minn yo rive
- How far does the minef
nan ki distans pyèj yo rive
- How far does the mine
nan ki distans pyèj yo rive
- How far does the minef
nan ki djob ou te ye?
- What was your job?
nan ki ès li
- to whom that
nan ki ès li
- to which that
nan ki fason
- in what manner
Nan ki group ou ye?
- Which group are you in
nan ki legliz maryaj la te fèt
- what church did the ma
nan ki limit pyèj yo rive
- How far does the minef
nan ki limit pyèj yo rive
- How far does the mine
nan ki magazen ou achte soulye sa a
- what store did you get
nan ki magazen ou jwenn soulye sa a
- what store did you get
Nan ki peyi ou te fèt?
- In what country were y
nan ki peyi yo fè machin sa a
- in what country was th
nan ki pwal
- in which will
nan ki ras ou soti?
- What is your ethnic ba
Nan ki repiblik ou te fèt?
- In what Republic were
Nan ki sa
- in which
Nan ki sa
- in which
nan ki vitès ekip entèvansyon w nan sou rezèv?
- How quick is your reac
Nan ki yo ye
- to whom they are
nan kilès
- in which one
nan kisa ou foure kò ou la a
- what have you gotten y
nan kisa ou lage kò ou la a
- what have you gotten y
nan kiyès
- in which one
nan kiyès
- in which is
Nan kòmand
- in order to
nan komand a
- in order to
nan kòmansman
- on the beginning
nan kòmansman
- at beginning
nan kondisyon
- in condition
nan koneksyon
- in connection
nan konferans pou
- on conference for
nan konfli a
- core of the conflict
nan konkòdans avèk
- in concordance with
nan konsèy eropeyen
- in the European Counci
nan konstriksyon
- in the structure
nan kontinyasyon
- in continuation
nan kontra ak Iran an
- in the Iran Contra aff
nan kòperasyon avèk
- in cooperation with
nan kote yo te wè zenglendo yo
- places where snipers h
nan koumansman
- in the beginning
nan koumansman ane a
- in the year earlier
nan kout
- in short
nan kout
- briefly
nan koze a
- in the conversation
nan kroetya
- in Croatia
nan kroetya pyè galbraith
- in Croatia Peter Galbr
Nan kwoasi
- in Croatia
Nan kwoasi
- in Croatia
nan la pè
- in peaceful
nan la sware
- in the evening
nan la sware
- in the evening
nan lagè
- in the war
nan lang ou
- in your language
nan lapè
- on peace
nan laveni
- in future
nan lè
- in period
nan lè
- in time
nan Lendi
- on Monday
nan lès
- in the east
nan lès Bosni
- eastern Bosnia
nan lis sa a di m ki eta zam yo?
- From this list, what i
nan lis sa a montre m manje ki ra?
- From te following list
nan lis sa a, èske w ka dim ki djòb ou tap fè?
- From this list, tell m
nan lis sa a, ki kalite misyon ou te konplete?
- From this list, what k
nan lis sa a, montre m djòb ou te konn fè
- show me your civilian
nan lis sa a, pale m de ki sa w tap fè denpi w te ant
- From this list, tell m
nan lis sa a, pale m de tan ou te fè nan sèvis militè
- From this list, tell m
nan lòd a
- in order to
nan lojik sa a
- in the ground
nan lwa
- laws in
nan lwa konstitisyonèl yo
- in the constitutional
nan lwa osijè de
- in the law about
nan lwès end
- West Indies
nan machin
- by car
nan madi
- on Tuesday
nan madi
- on Tuesday
nan maten
- in the morning
nan maten
- in the evening
nan maten
- in the morning
nan maten
- in the morning
nan maten sa
- this morning in
nan mèkredi
- on Wednesday
nan Mèkredi
- on Wednesday
nan men nenpòt ki
- from anyone
nan men zanmi yo
- from friends
nan menm direksyon wotasyon egui yon mont
- clockwise direction
nan milye
- in the middle
nan mitan
- in the middle
nan mitan
- in the center
nan mitan
- in the middle
nan mitan pati chan de batay la
- in the middle part of
nan mitan pati kan de konba a
- in the middle part of
nan moman sa
- that is during
nan moman sa a
- at this moment
nan mond la
- in the world
nan mond lan
- in the World
nan mondyal
- of the world
nan mont lan
- on the watch
nan montan
- in amount
nan montan
- in sum
nan moske
- in Mosque
nan moso an
- in the part
nan moso an
- in the segment
Nan mosta
- in Mostar
nan mwatye syèk la
- middle of century
nan negosiasyon
- in negotiation
nan negosiasyon yo
- negotiations in
nan negosyasyon pè
- peace negotiation in
nan nesesite
- to be in need of
nan nesesite
- to require
nan non
- in the name of
nan non de
- in the name of
nan òd konstitisyonènel jidisyè
- in constitutional judi
nan oditoryòm
- in auditorium
nan oditoryòm
- in hall
nan òganizasyon
- in organization
nan oKap ayisyen
- in Cap Haitien
nan okazyon de
- on the occasion of
nan okazyon de
- on the occasion of
nan okin n pri
- not at any price
nan pa nou yo
- in ours
nan paleman
- in parliament
nan palman
- in the Parliament
Nan pam
- in mine
Nan pam
- in my
nan pase
- in the last
nan pase
- in the past
nan pati
- in parts
nan pati lès rejyon Slovani ki te rele Barandja e
- in eastern Slavonian r
nan pati lwès ewòp
- western Europe
nan pati sa
- in that part
nan pati sa a
- in this part
nan pati santral lan
- in the central part
nan pè
- in peace
nan peryòd
- in time
nan peryòd
- in period
nan peryòd pli bonè
- in the earlier period
nan peyi a
- in the ground
nan peyi a
- in the country
nan peyi a
- on the territories
nan peyi etrange yo
- in foreign countries
nan peyi etrangè yo
- in foreign countries
nan peyi libere yo
- on the freed territori
nan plizyè plas
- different places
nan pozisyon pou depòtasyon
- in lieu of deportation
nan premye lign
- in the first line
nan premye lign
- at first
nan premye plas
- in the first place
nan premye plas
- in the first place
nan prochèn
- in next
nan prochè-n
- in next
nan prochen an
- to the next
nan prochen an
- to the following
nan prosesis la pè
- in the peace process
nan pwemye a
- in the first
nan pwochenn
- in next
nan pwosedi kongrasyonel la
- in the congressional p
Nan pye mòn
- foothill
nan ran pou
- in order to
nan rankin de
- in spite of
nan rankont
- at the meeting
nan rapò
- in report
nan referans a
- in reference to
nan referans pou
- in the reference to
nan regyon okipeyo
- occupied regions in
nan rejyon lès
- eastern part
nan rejyon lès
- for eastern
nan rejyon nan peyi a
- in part of country
nan rejyon sa
- in that region
nan rejyon sa
- in that area
nan rejyon sa
- in that territory
nan rekonstriksyon
- in reconstruction
nan repiblik
- in the republic
nan Repiblik Kwoasyen an
- in the Croatian Republ
nan respè avèk
- in respect with
nan restoran
- waitress
nan reynyon
- in meeting
nan reynyon an
- in the meeting
nan reynyon an
- on meeting
nan rezidans siveye
- under house arrest
nan sa
- in that
nan sa
- in that
nan sa
- in his
nan sa
- in this one
nan sa
- in this
nan sa kap swiv sa
- in the following that
nan sa kap vini an
- to the next
nan sa kap vini an
- to the following
nan Samdi
- on Saturday
nan sans kontrè wotasyon egui yon mont
- counterclockwise
nan sans sa
- heretofore
nan sans sa
- in view of
nan sans sa
- on the grounds of
nan sans wotasyon egui yon mont
- clockwise
nan sant
- in the center
nan sant
- in the middle
nan sarajevo kris vènon
- in Sarajevo Chris Vern
Nan sarayevo
- in Sarajevo
nan segond
- in second
nan segond
- in other
Nan seyans
- in progress
Nan seyans
- in session
nan siyon
- Wailing Wall
nan sòm
- in amount
nan sòm
- in sum
nan syèk kap vini
- in future
nan syèk kap vini
- future
nan tan
- in period
nan tan
- in time
nan tan kap vini
- in future
nan tan kap vini
- future
nan tan kap vini
- future
nan tan kap vini
- future
nan tè a
- in the ground
nan te ya
- in the ground
nan te ya
- in the country
nan teren yo
- in fields
nan tèritwa libere yo
- on the freed territori
nan tèritwa sa
- in that area
nan tèritwa sa
- in that region
nan tèritwa sa
- in that territory
nan tèritwa sa
- on that territory
nan tèritwa yo
- on the territories
nan tèt
- high
nan tonbe m
- from mine throwing
nan tou
- in the whole
nan tout
- in every
nan tout
- in the whole
nan tout
- on whole
nan tout Ayiti
- throughout Bosnia
nan tout ligne devan an
- along the front line
nan travay la
- in the work
nan trikti
- in the structure
nan twa
- in three
nan Vandredi
- on Friday
nan vil la
- in the city
nan vil la
- in the city
nan vil la
- in the town
nan vil sa a
- In this city
nan vilaj la
- in the village
nan vini
- in coming
nan vini vizit
- in coming visit
nan vizit
- in visit
nan wout pou defann HVO
- along of HVO defensive
nan yon deklarasyon
- in a statement
nan yon lèt
- in a letter
nan yon lòt
- in other
nan yon lòt
- in second
nan yon sèten tan
- within a certain time
nan yon tèm sèten
- within a certain term
nan yon ti moman
- very soon
nan yon valè echanj pwovizyon
- in a stock swap valued
nan yon valè tranzaksyon a
- in a transaction value
nan yon zòn nan peyi a
- in part of country
nan you santen
- in a hundred
nan you vizit
- in a visit
nan you vizit
- Tudjman
nan youn
- in one
Nan Zagrèb
- in Zagreb
nan zòn enpòtan an
- in the immediate area
nan zòn kote beton oubyen alfat la te kraze a
- areas where concrete o
nan zòn nan
- in the area
Nan zòn nan
- in the area
nan zòn nan
- in the region
nan zòn nan
- on the territory
Nan zòn nan
- on the territory
nan zòn sa
- in that territory
nan zòn sa
- in that area
nan zòn sa
- in that region
nan zòn sa a
- in this area
nan zòn sila a
- in that area
- Tribe
- Tribe
- space
- heart
- Soul
- in model
- grain
- none
- we are
nap boule
- what is going on
nap travay pou fè zòn isit la pi an sirte pou
- We are working to make
- napalm
- people
- nation
- nation
- race
nasyon an gè
- warring
nasyon lwès yo
- western nations
nasyon oksidantal yo
- western nations
nasyon santral amerik yo
- Central American natio
nasyon zini
- United Nations
nasyon zini sou
- United Nations on
- national
- national
- national
- national
- national
- national
nasyonalis Sèb
- Serbian nationalist
nasyonalis sèbyen
- Serbian nationalist
- nationalism
- nationality
- nationality
- nationality
nasyonalite sèbi
- serbian nationality
- UN
- united nations
- United Nations
- United Nations
Nasyonzini pou refigye yo
- UN for refugees
- homeland
- native
- Swimming
- nature
- Nature
- nature
- countryside
nati imaniteryen
- humanitarian nature
- Native
natif natal
- native
Natif natal
- Native
Natif natal
- Natives
Natif natal
- Resident
National Agricultural and Industrial Party
National Cooperative Action Movement
National Front for Change and Democracy
National Party of Labor
National Progressive Party
- homeland
- native
- of course
- of course
- of course
natirèlman men ni
- of course he it is
- of course.
NATO fòs pou la pè
- NATO peacekeeping forc
NATO fòs pou la pè
- NATO peace keeping for
NATO fòs pou la pè
- NATO peace-keeping for
NATO fòs pou lapè
- NATO peace-keeping for
NATO fòs pou lapè
- NATO peace keeping for
NATO fòs pou lapè
- NATO peacekeeping forc
NATO fòs pou mentni lapè
- NATO peacekeeping forc
NATO fòs pou mentni lapè
- NATO peace keeping for
NATO fòs pou mentni lapè
- NATO peace-keeping for
naval enstalasyon
- naval installation
naval enstalasyon
- shore station
Navèt èspasyal
- Space shuttle
- ship
- boat
navi terasye
- navy
navigasyon maritim
- Marine navigation
- Navigator
nay clib
- discotheque
nay clib
- disco
- innoccence
- nightclub
- cabaret
- nightclub
- cabaret
- nose
- born
- born
- Ladder
- nine
- nine
- new
- new
- new
- new
- 9
- man
- Man
- black man
nèg la men wotè men lajè
- the guy was a giant
Nèg save
- Scholar
- negation
- negative
- black woman
- black woman
- careless
- negligence
Neglijans pwofesyonèl
- Malpractice
- neglect
- negotiation
negosiasyon matine yo
- morning negotiations
negosisyasyon sou konstitisyon an
- negotiations over the
negosiyason apropo de
- negotiations about
negosiyason osijè de
- negotiations about
negosiyasyon lapè yo
- peace negotiations
- negotiator
negosiyatè izrayelyen yo
- Israeli negotiators
- Trade
Negosyasyon ant bòs ak travayè
- Collective bargaining
negosyasyon apropo de bosnya-hèzegovina
- negotiation about Bosn
negosyasyon final yo
- final negotiations
negosyasyon komèsyal yo
- trade negotiations
negosyasyon la pè nan Deytonn
- peace negotiations in
negosyasyon miltilateral yo
- multilateral negotiati
negosyasyon nan
- negotiations in
negosyasyon osijè de
- negotiations about
negosyasyon osijè de bosnya-hèzegovina
- negotiation about Bosn
negosyasyon pasifik
- peaceful negotiations
negosyasyon pou la pè
- peace negotiations
negosyasyon yo
- negotiations
negosyasyon yo
- negotiations
negosyasyon yo
- negotiations
- negotiator
negosyatè de pè
- peace negotiator
negosyatè izraelyen
- Israeli negotiator
negosyatè la pè
- peace negotiator
negosyatè palèstinyen yo
- Palestinian negotiator
negosyayson apwopo de
- negotiations about
- negotiate
negosye echanj yo
- trade negotiations
- snow
- Snow
- snow
- pneumonia
- Nose
- nose
- nose
- nose
- nose
nen pòt
- loaf
nen pòt
- idle
nen yo
- noses
- whatever
- anyone
- whatever
- anyone
Nenpòt bagay
- anything
Nenpòt bagay
- anything
nenpòt bagay
- anything
Nenpòt bagay nou ka fè pou ede w
- anything we can do to
nenpot ki
- however
nenpòt ki
- however
Nenpòt kibò
- anywhere
nenpòt kote
- anywhere
Nenpòt kote
- anywhere
nenpòt kote
- from anyone
nenpòt lè
- any time
nenpòt lòt moso
- Any other parts
Nenpòt moun
- anybody
Nenpòt moun
- anybody
Nenpòt moun
- anyone
Nenpòt moun
- anyone
Nenpòt moun ki bezwen asistans
- anyone who is in need
Nenpòt Moun ki bezwen dra
- anyone who needs blank
Nenpòt moun ki bezwen èd
- anyone who is in need
Nenpòt moun ki bezwen èd medikal
- anyone who needs medic
Nenpòt moun ki bezwen kote pou yo rete
- anyone who needs shelt
nenpòt moun ki bezwen kouvweli
- anyone who needs blank
Nenpòt moun ki bezwen manje an ijans
- anyone who needs food
Nenpòt moun ki bezwen manje pwese pwese ijans
- anyone who needs food
Nenpòt moun ki bezwen rad cho
- anyone who needs warm
Nenpòt moun ki bezwen sekou
- anyone who is in need
Nenpòt moun ki bezwen swen medikal
- anyone who needs medic
nenpòt moun ki bezwen yon abwi
- anyone who needs shelt
Nenpòt moun ki bezwen yon tonnèl
- anyone who needs shelt
Nenpòt mouvman?
- Any other movement?
nenpòt sa m fè, li toujou jwenn yon bagay pou l di
- no matter what I do, h
- indispensable
- necessary
- necessary
- necessary
- necessary
- necessary
- necessary
- necessary
- valuable
- essential
- necessary
- importance
- should be
- needs
- need
- obligation
- neccessite
- to be needed
- be needed
nesesite yo
- necessities
- Neat
- without exception
- without exception
- completely
- completely
- completely
- clear
- cleansings
- clean
- cleaning
- clearing
netwayè yo
- cleaners
netwayè yo
- dry cleaners
- clean
- nephew
- irritated
- irritate
- nervous
neve mwen
- my nephew
- Neo-Colonialism
- Neoliberal
- neoliberalist
- nor
- nor
- noon
- neither
- kennel
- nest
- dog house
- doghouse
nich chen
- kennel
nich chen
- dog house
nich chen
- doghouse
- nest
- niece
- Nickel
- nuclear
- numerous
- number
nimero group kontak
- member of contact grou
nimero telefòn
- telephone number
- numerous
- number
- number
nimewo alyenn kat
- registrastion number
nimewo atomik
- Atomic Number
nimewo blòk
- block number
nimewo en
- world premiere
nimewo jwèt
- numbers game
nimewo lotri
- numbers game
nimewo rejistrasyon
- registrastion number
Nimewo telefòn ijans
- Emergency telephone nu
nimewo telephone mwen se: 551234
- my telephone number is
nimewote aks
- number axis
ninpòt lòt ekipman èspesyal
- Any other special equi
- level
- level
- level
- story
- storey
- grade
- floor
nivo de patisipasyon
- rate of participation
nivo de vi Ameriken
- American standard
nivo entènasyonal
- international level
nivo ki pi wo
- highest level
nivo konfyans
- Confidence level
nivo lanmè
- sea level
nivo mondyal
- world-wide level
nivo patisipasyon
- rate of participation
nivo pwi elèktrik
- electrical rates
nivo vi
- Life style
- north
- north
- North
- north
- North
nò atlantik
nò atlantik
nò atlantik pou
- NATO for
- northeast
- northwest
- Northwest
- Christmas
nòm entènasyonal yo
- international norms
- Nomad
- horse barn
- stable
- stalls
- stand
- stables
- sales booth
- stall
- Fair
nòmal yo
- stand
nòmal yo
- sales booth
nòmal yo
- stall
- normalization
- normalization
nòmalizasyon de relasyon yo
- normalization of relat
- appoint
- nomination
- no
- name
- not
- no
- named
- name
- name
- name
- no
- no
non fanmi
- last name
non jèn fiy
- maiden name
non k sou tikè a se pa non k sou paspò a
- the name on the tiket
non kòde
- code name
non konbatan evakyasyon
- Non-combatant evacuati
non li pa al lekòl chak jou
- no, she does not go to
non m pa gen oto
- no, I don't
non mwen gen
- no I have
non pa
- no
non pa
- not
Non vyolan
- Non-violent
non yo
- names
non, jan pa te la maten an
- no, jean was not there
non, li pa t la
- no, he wasn't there
non, m ap mennen l apremidi a
- no, I am going to take
non, m pa marye
- no, I am not married
non, m pa pral kay mari
- no, I am not going to
non, mwen p ap lakay mwen aswè a
- no, I will not be home
non, mwen pa renmen lafwans.
- no, I do not like fran
non, mwen pa renmen travay mween an.
- no I do not like my jo
non, mwen pa te gen yon machin ane pase
- no, I did not have a c
non, mwen pa te la yè swa
- no, I was not there la
non, mwen pa te pale ak papa mwen semèn pase a.
- no, I did not speak to
non, mwen pa te wè Jan maten an.
- no I did not see Jean
non, nou pa te gen kamyon mwa pase a
- no, we did not have a
non, tren sa p ap rete nan tout estasyon yo
- no, this train is not
Nonb atomik
- Atomic Number
nonb endetèmine
- indeterminate number
nonb moun ki blese a mò
- number of mortally wou
- oncle
- Men
- husband
- husband
- man
- number
nonm antye enpè
- odd integer
nonm antye ki enpè
- odd whole number
nonm antye ki pè
- even whole number
nonm antye negatif
- negative integer
nonm antye pozitif
- positive integer
nonm antye relatif ki konsekitif
- consecutive integer
nonm antye relatif ki konsekitif ki enpè
- consecutive odd intege
nonm antye relatif ki konsekitif ki pè
- consecutive even integ
nonm antye relatif ki pè
- even integer
nonm antye san siy
- signless integers
nonm apwoksimatif
- approximate number
nonm awondi
- rounded number
nonm binè
- binary number
nonm desimal
- mixed decimal
nonm enkalkilab
- indeterminate number
nonm enkòmensirab
- incommensurable number
nonm enkoni
- unknown number
nonm envès
- inverse number
nonm fraksyonè
- mixed fraction
nonm imaginè pi
- pure imaginary number
nonm imajinè
- imaginary number
nonm kadinal
- cardinal number
nonm ki pa negatif
- non-negative numbers
nonm ki pa pozitif
- non-positive numbers
nonm konjige
- conjugate number
nonm konplèks
- complex number
nonm konplèks konjige
- conjugate complex numb
nonm opoze
- opposite number
nonm pitagorik
- Pythagorean triplet
nonm reyèl negatif
- negative real number
nonm reyèl pozitif
- positive real numbers
nonm san siy
- unsigned number
nonm sanblab
- like numbers
- quote
- naming
- appointing
- either
- either
- non-violence
- non-violence
- marriage
Nostalji lakay
- Home sick
- idea
- score
nòt (pyano)
- key
nòt de konpweyansyon
- memorandum of understa
nòt pibliye
- disclosed memorandum
- notation
notasyon faktoryèl
- factorial notation
notasyon literal
- literal notation
notasyon pou fòme ansanm
- set- builder notation
notasyon rakousi
- contracted notation
notasyon sigma
- sigma notation
notasyon syantifik
- scientific notation
notè piblik
- notary public
notè piblik
- notary public
notè piblik
- clerk
notè publik
- public notary
- Pad
- notify
- our
- us
- us
- we are
- we
- we
- we
- we are
- we are
- are
Nou ale
- we go
Nou ale
- we are going
nou ap
- we are
Nou ap vini
- we are coming
Nou ap vini
- we come
Nou ap vini
- are coming
Nou ap vini
- come
nou apresye l anpil
- we hold him in high es
nou apresye l anpil
- we hold him in high es
Nou bezyen
- we need
nou blije stope w
- We have to restrain yo
nou chaje travay pou n fè jodi a
- we have our work cut o
nou dwe
- we must
Nou dwe
- we can
Nou dwe
- we may
nou dwe anpeche w
- We have to restrain yo
nou espere
- we expect
nou espere
- we hope
nou fè l jan l di a
- the followed his instr
nou fè tout jounen an ap travay san rete
- we worked all day with
nou fè twa jou sou dlo, nou janm wè tè devan
- we spennt three days o
nou fè yon bèl rekòt ane sa a
- we had a fine harvest
nou fè yon bon ti pale
- we had along chat
nou fè yon bon ti pale sou sa
- we had a long talk abo
nou fini, nou mèt tou ale konnye a
- we're finished we may
nou frèt
- we cold
nou gen anpil bagay pou n fè
- we have alot of things
Nou gen anpil manje.
- we have plenty of food
nou gen ase moun pou n fè de ekip
- we have enough people
nou gen espwa tout bagay ap byen pase
- we remain hopeful that
Nou gen manje
- We have food
Nou gen pou ou
- We have for you
nou genyen
- we have
Nou isit la
- We are here.
Nou isit la pou ede etabli lapè
- We are here to help re
Nou isit la pou ede restore lapè
- We are here to help re
Nou isit la pou n fè lapè tabli
- We are here to help re
Nou isit pou ede ou
- We are here to help yo
Nou isit pou n ede w
- We are here to help yo
nou jwenn verite a
- we learned the truth
nou kapab
- we can
Nou kapab
- we may
nou kapab
- we are able
Nou kapab
- we can
nou kapab a
- we are able to
nou ki te plante min sa yo
- we planted those mines
nou ki te tere pyèj sa yo
- we planted those mines
nou kite fèt la bonè
- we left the party earl
nou kòmande yo nou po ko resezwa yo
- we ordered them, but w
nou kontan
- we are happy
nou kontan
- we are happy
Nou la pou ede w
- We are here to help yo
Nou la pou fè lapè tounen
- We are here to help re
Nou la pou nou ede ou.
- We are here to help yo
nou lage a 3 è jodi a
- we got out at 3 days
nou met a jenou pou n lapriyè
- we knelt down to pray
nou oblije kenbe w
- We have to restrain yo
nou okipe
- we are busy
nou pa fa tige/bouke
- we are not tired
nou pa gen anpil machandiz semenn sa a
- our stock is very low
nou pa gen dwa di sa nou vle
- we don't have freedom
nou pa gen kòb ki rete ankò
- we have no money left
nou pa gen kòb pou n fè yon lòt lekòl
- we lack the money to b
nou pa jenn
- we are not young
nou pa ka pran estasyon radyon sa a
- we can't get that radi
nou pa kapab
- we are not be able
nou pa kapab
- we are not be able
nou pa kapab
- we can not
nou pa kapab
- we can not
nou pa konn sa pou n fè
- we have no idea what t
nou pa pou okenn pati nan pwosesis la pè a
- We do not take sides i
Nou pa pwam pati nan pwosesis lapè a
- We do not take sides i
nou pa rele m konen nou pa p vini
- as you didn't call I t
nou pa ret anpil kòb
- we don't have a great
nou pa te la ane pase
- we were not there last
nou pa te la ete pase a
- we were not there last
nou pa travayè
- we are not laborious
nou pa vye
- we are not old
nou paka sipòte plenyen l lan ankò
- we can't take her comp
nou pale kont pale nou
- we talked our heads of
nou parese
- we are lazy
Nou pat
- we are not
nou pat fè patipwi nan mach pou lapè a
- We do not take sides i
Nou pat genyen
- we don't have
Nou pat vle
- we don't want
nou pè
- you are afraid
nou pòv
- we are poor
nou pral
- we would be
nou pral
- we will
nou pral
- we would be
nou pral achte disèt jip
- we will buy seventeen
nou pral achte dizwit jipon
- we will buy eighteen s
nou pral achte sèz kòsaj
- we will buy sixteen bl
nou pral lekòl
- you are going to schoo
nou pral nan famasi
- we will going to the d
nou pral nan mache
- we are going to the ma
nou pral resevwa kaye nou yo
- you will receive your
nou pral resevwa teevizyon nou an
- we receive our televis
nou pral wè sa leve bwat sa a mete li sou palèt lan
- we shall see pick up t
nou prale lopital
- we going to the hospit
Nou pwal
- we will
nou pwal
- we will
nou pwal
- we shall
Nou pwal anrejistre repons ou
- We will record your an
Nou pwal eseye bay èd
- We will try to help
Nou pwal eseye ede
- We will try to help
nou pwal kenbe lèy sou ou
- We will look after you
nou pwal mete kontwòl sou ou
- We will look after you
Nou pwal pale anplis sou machin Nikleyè, Byolojik ak
- We are going to talk m
Nou pwal pale de
- We are going to talk a
Nou pwal pale de altènativ fwekans radyo yo
- We are going to talk a
nou pwal pale de ploton w lan kòm pwòp inite w kounye
- We are going to talk a
Nou pwal pale de zam konnyè a
- We are going to talk a
nou pwal pale kounye a osijè plas GCI?
- Now we are going to ta
nou pwal pale osijè idantifikasyon lye yo api sibaltè
- Now we are going to ta
nou pwal pale osijè sekirite toutotou pis aterisaj.
- Now we are going to ta
Nou pwal pale plis sou chak kalite materyèl Nikleyè,
- We are going to talk m
Nou pwal pale plis toujou sou machin yo
- We are going to talk m
nou pwal pale sou enpòtans fwekans radyo
- We are going to talk a
Nou pwal pale sou modpas alèkile
- We are going to talk a
Nou pwal pale toujou sou materyèl kominikasyon
- We are going to talk m
nou pwal rele polis
- We will call the polic
nou pwal siveye w
- We will look after you
nou pwal travay pou fè zòn sa vin pi an sekirite
- We are working to make
Nou pwale
- we are going
Nou pwale
- we go
nou rele nan match la jistan n anwe
- we yelled at the match
nou renmen l anpil
- we hold him in high es
nou renmen l anpil
- we hold him in high es
nou resevwa lèt nou yo
- you receive your lette
nou resevwa plim nou yo
- we receive our pens
nou rich
- we are rich
nou rive moman fim lan pral koumanse
- we made it just as the
nou se
- we are
nou se
- we are
nou se
- we are
nou sèlman espere stope asasinay la (mete fen nan zak
- We wish only to stop t
nou sènen vòlè yo men yo sove sou nou kanmenm
- we had surrounded the
nou swete sèlman pou yo sispann tiye moun
- We wish only to stop t
Nou ta renm
- we would
Nou ta renm
- would
nou ta renmen
- we'd like
nou ta renmen
- we would like
nou te achte dis kouto
- we bought ten knives
nou te achte onz vè
- we bought eleven glass
nou te al lekòl
- we went to school
nou te al nan mache
- you went to the market
nou te al wè on fim apremidi a
- we took in a movie thi
nou te gen randevou pou l tann nou devan sinema a
- we arranged for him to
Nou te genyen
- we had
nou te kapab
- we could
nou te la yè
- we were there yesterda
nou te la yè maten
- we were there yesterda
nou te mete
- we planted
nou te oblije met kòn sou kote
- we had to step aside
nou te resevwa yon lèt
- you received a letter
nou te resevwa yon peng
- we received a comb
nou tout nan
- we are in
nou transmèt
- we transmit
nou trasmèt bay ou
- we transmit to you
nou tris
- we are sad
nou vann sèt bourik
- we sell seven donkeys
nou vann yon chwal
- you sell a horse
Nou vini
- we are coming
Nou vini
- we come
Nou vini
- come
Nou vini
- are coming
Nou vle
- we want
Nou vle
- they want
Nou vle ede w mete peyi w an sekirite
- We want to help you ma
Nou vle ede w tabli yon peyi nan lapè
- We want to help you ma
nou vwayaje toupatou etazini
- we traveled around the
- nourish
- feed
- Feed
- food
- Food
- food
- food
- food
- news
- new
- new
- report
- new
- new
- new
nouvèl an anglè yo
- news in English
nouvèl la fè kè m kontan anpil
- the news gave me a rea
nouvèl la geye
- the news got around
nouvèl lanmò l la boulvèse n anpil
- the news of his death
nouvèl yo
- news
- new
- new
- new
- new
- new
- new
- new
- new
- new
- news
- new
- anew
- fresh
nouvo antrepriz
- new company
nouvo antrepriz
- new firm
nouvo gè sivil
- new civil war
nouvo kalite de
- new type of
nouvo konpani
- new company
nouvo konpani ki
- new company that
nouvo konpayi
- new firm
nouvo konpayi
- new company
nouvo konpayi sa
- new company that
nouvo lide yo
- new ideas
nouvo modèl
- new model
nouvo modèl
- new type of
nouvo pwoblèm ak awozaj tè yo
- new problems with wate
nouvo pwoblèm nan drenaj dlo sou teren yo
- new problems with wate
nouvo pwogram Kwoasyen yo
- Croatian news program
nouvo tip de
- new type of
nouvo tip de
- new model
nouvo tip de
- new type of
nouvo tounwa
- new round
nouvo wonn
- new round
nouyòk siti
- New York
- November
- November
- november
novanm 1991
- November 1991
- Norwegian
nursing room
- chanm bebe
- pitch
- back
- black
- black
- court
- black
- Dark
- Black
- Black
- black
- Cloud
- To drown
- black
- night
- night
- night
- nuisance
- nuissance
- wrongful
- wrongful
- cloud
- cloudy
- ignore
- denial
- deny
- deny
- niece
nyès mwen
- my niece