User:Jan.Kamenicek/to do
The Russian Loan (should be moved to The Eastern Question/The Russian Loan)
The Smiling Isle of Passamaquoddy
Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression
Translation:A chía stand during Holy Week
Constitution of Republika Srpska - includes notes by OHR
European Elegies/Index of Languages
User talk:Tamtam90
User talk:Kreotivazx
User talk:PrivateRyan44
Axiochus (Modernized)
User:Yanik Gol
User:Robina zia
Index:Mayantoc Ordinance No. 00-11.pdf
Index:Mayantoc Ordinance No. 00-12.pdf
Index:Mayantoc Ordinance No. 00-13.pdf
File:THE UNPLEASANTNESS AT THE BELLONA CLUB (1928).pdf to be deleted in Commons
Laws of the game
Notes sections at the bottom of various Executive Orders should be moved to their talk pages, see e. g. Executive Order 13661. Also the "more info" link in the header should be adjusted.
The Histories (Paton translation)
Treaty of Vienna (Seventh Coalition)
The Exeter Book (Jebson)
Index:Narrative of a journey through the upper provinces of India etc. (Volume II.).djvu
The Northern Hegaz: from p. 317 (Appendixes)
Page:A biographical dictionary of modern rationalists.djvu/281 (Masaryk)
Page:A biographical dictionary of modern rationalists.djvu/407 (Smetana)
- Author:Francis Dvornik
- List of some works on Czech history
- Bibliography of Czech literature
- More biblibliography
- Bibliography in World's fair memorial of the Czechoslovak group
- Chicago foreign language press survey [microform: Czech]
- bibliography in The United States, Revolutionary Russia, and the Rise of Czechoslovakia
- CIA reports on the collapse of communism in Europe
- some articles on Bohemia and WWI (1916 The Great Teutonic Plan (Tomáš Masaryk); 1918 Bohemia Ablaze With Revolt; 1918 The Ferment In Bohemia (Richard Wilmer Rowan); 1918 The Czecho-Slovak Nation (Louis E. Van Norman, George Peet); 1918 The Czecho-Slovak Nation (Thomas G. Masaryk))
- Tomáš G. Masaryk, 1850-1937: a selective list of reading materials in English (1981, by George J. Kovtun, 26p)
- Czech and Slovak literature in English (1988, by George Kovtun, Library of Congress)
- Publications about Czechoslovakia in foreign languages
- Books about Czechoslovakia by Joseph Robert Kerner, in NKC, mostly 1930s
- Selected bibliography of materials on education in Czechoslovakia (1960, by Nellie Mary Apanasewicz, 37p)
- Bibliography of Rose Rosický
- Bibliography of Fr. Lützow
- books by Matthew Spinka on Comenius, Hus, Martinů… in various Czech libraries (note: some of them have renewed copyright, some are unavailable archival copies)
- National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library
To book:
- The Caroline University of Prague : its foundation, character and development in the fourteenth century (1948 by Václav Chaloupecký; transl. by V. Fried and W.R. Lee, with seventeen pictorial ilustrations, VKOL)
- The rectors of the Czechoslovak universities, technological institutes, and other schools of superior education on Czech school facilities under Austrian government and on German school facilities under Czechoslovak government (1938, Prague: Charles University Press, 24p, VKOL)
- Mapa Spojených států S. A. s označením českých osad a Republiky Československé (aka The Bohemian settlements in the United States; 2 maps on 1 sheet 90 × 69 cm; Chicago : publisher August Geringer; The Bohemian Daily Svornost, [1920])
- T. G. Masaryk and the idea of European and World Federation (by Peter Zenkl; [translated from the Czech by Vlasta Vrázová; foreword by James T. Shotwell; Chicago 1955; 63p, VKOL)
- Yesterday and today: a survey of Czechoslovak protestantism (ed. by Luděk Brož; foreword Ján Chabada; introduction J. L. Hromádka; Prague 1955; 55p, 12 plates; VKOL)
- Czechoslovak Ceramics (Prague 1953, 8p, VKOL)
- Czechoslovak Motor Cycles Throughout The World (Jawa, ČZ) (Prague, 1951, 26p, VKOL)
- War Conspirators before the Court of the Czechoslovak People : is a short version of the official report which was published on behalf of the min. of justice (Prague, 1950, 197p, VKOL)
- The Ghetto Terezín : distant journey (Prague, 1949, 7p, VKOL)
- Chemapol Czechoslovakia Praha : the Czechoslovak Chemical Industry (Prague, 1949, 12p, VKOL)
- Jablonec Czechoslovakia : [Propagační brožura : Czechoslovak Glass Work’s National Corporation] (Prague, 1949, 19p, VKOL)
- On the distribution of insterstellar matter (Prague 1949, by Jiří Alter, 23p, VKOL)
- The Constitution of the Czechoslovak Republic (Prague 1948, transl. by F.O. Stein, 78p, VKOL)
- The Constitution of the Czechoslovak Republic Promulgated on June 9th, 1948 as No. 150 of the Collection of Acts and Orders in the Czechoslovak Republic (2nd edition, Prague 1948, transl. by F.O. Stein, 78p, VKOL), different from above???
- Czechoslovak Music. Part I, Bohemia and Moravia (Prague, 1949, 113p, 132 plates, VKOL)
- The economic aspect of the German occupation of Czechoslovakia (Prague 1948, by Leopold Chmela, 166p, VKOL)
- The czechoslovak theatre : a collection of informative material on theatrical activities in Czechoslovakia (Prague, 1948, 144, VKOL)
- Loveliest sigt-seeing tours through Prague : the Description and Plan Given (Prague, 1948, 6p, VKOL)
- books by Mathew Spinka
- John Huss (1857, long article in Catholic Layman)
- Libussa (1844, by J. H. Musaeus, in Tales from the German)
- A grammar of the Bohemian or Cech language
- History of Bohemia (1894, by Robert H. Vickers)
- The story of Bohemia from the earliest times to the fall of national independence in 1620 (1896, by Charles Edmund Maurice)
- Bohemia; an historical sketch (1910 edition, by Fr. Lützow)
- Bohemian-American cook book (1915, by Mary Rosický, tr. by Rose Rosický)
- Independent Bohemia, an account of the Czecho-Slovak struggle for liberty (1918, by Vladimir Nosek, 190p)
- Bohemian (Čech) bibliography
- The Čechs (Bohemians) in America; a study of their national, cultural, political, social, economic and religious life] (1920, by Thomas Čapek, 438p)
- Pole and Czech in Silesia (1921, by Alexander James Roy)
- Czechs (EB9)
- Huss, John (EB9))
- Jirásek + Jireček (NIE)
- Huss (The New Student's Reference Work)
- The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Masaryk, Thomas Garrigue
- Bohemia (Collier's New Encyclopedia, 1921)
- Comenius: His Life and Principles of Education (1891, by Ossian H. Lang, 26p)
to upload:
- Some Rules for the Conduct of Human Life, chiefly done from the Latin of J. A. Comenius (1736, by Edward Synge)
- Poetical tracts (1797, includes a poem "Castle of Olmutz")
- John Huss; or, The Council of Constance (1829, a poem by W. Beattie, 145p.)
- Manuscript of the Queen's Court (1843, trans. J. Bowring, in Rukopis kralodvorský)
- Manuscript of the Queen's Court (1852, trans. A.H. Wratislaw, 86p., Prague edition)
- Saint Ludmila : an oratorio, op. 71 (188?, written by Jaroslav Vrchlický; music by Antonín Dvořák)
- Slavonic Literature (by W. R. Morfill, incl. Early literature of Bohemia, 264p, 1883)
- A patriotic hymn : from the Bohemian poem "The heirs of the white mountain" (1884)
- 189? edition (written by V. Halek, the music composed for chorus ad orchestra)
- Sixty folk-tales from exclusively Slavonic sources (1889, by A.H. Wratislaw, from Erben's Čítanka, 315p.)
- Poet Lore vol.4 (1892, incl. transls. of Jakub Arbes-Newton's Brain; Under a Bush of Lilacs– by Josef Jiří Král and Turgenev–Hamlet and Don Quixote–by Pavel Durdík; Shakespeare in Bohemia by Král)
- Bohemian legends and ballads (1890, by Flora Pauline Wilson Kopta, 63 pages)
- Myths and folk-tales of the Russians, western Slavs, and the Magyars (1891, by Jeremiah Curtin, 555p)
- Review in Folk-lore, a quarterly review on Segnuis irritant
- North-west Slav legends and fairy stories: a sequel to Segnius irritant (1897, by K. J. Erben, 111p)
- Clever tales (1897, includes "Newton's Brain" and "Under a Bush of Lilacs" by Arbes, see also Poet Lore above)
- South Slavonic folk-lore stories (1898, by K. J. Erben)
- The forestman of Vimpek (1900?, by Flora P. Kopta, 345p.)
- Linden blossoms (1908, by Jeffrey Doležal Hrbek, 126 p., poetry)
- Slav Fairy Tales (c1908, translated by R.W. Seton-Watson; illustrated by members of the Moravian society of artists, Hodonín: Sdružení výtvarných umělců moravských, 43p)
- Twenty Bohemian folk-songs (1912, English and Bohemian texts, transl. and compiled by Vincent Pisek)
- McClure's magazine v. 39 (1912, includes The Bohemian Girl by Willa Sibert Cather)
- Poetry, vol. 1, Oct.–March 1912–1913 (incl. article on Bohemian Poetry by Ezra Pound)
- Under the hollow tree (1913, by Vítězslav Hálek, tr. W. W. Strickland, 61p)
- Myths and legends of all nations (1914, includes The Decision of Libuscha, 272p)
- Rekindled fires (1918, by Joseph Anthony (1897–1991); frontispiece by J. Ormsbee, 347p, novel about Bohemian community)
- Rue with a Difference (1920, by Charles Recht, 318p)
- Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, v.11 Apr-Oct 1918 (incl. Czecho-Slovak Leader, Thomas G. Masaryk, Visits Chicago…)
- The Slavonic Review (1922, in JSTOR)
- The Slavonic Review (1922–1927, in HathiTrust)
- Beyond the giant mountains: tales from Bohemia (1923, by Adolf Wenig, 95p)
- Our World, volume 4 (1923-1924, includes The Czecho-Slovaks in America by Sarka B. Hrbkova, and Is Our Education Wrong? about Franz Čižek)
- An Atomic Phantasy (Krakatit) (1925, by Karel Čapek, transl. by Edward Lawrence Hyde, 294p) – different edition from Krakatit
- Great short stories of the world (1926, ed. by Barrett H. Clark & Maxim Lieber, 1072p, includes The Vampire by Neruda and Foltýn's Drum by Čech, translated by Šárka Hrbková)
- Twenty-five short plays international, selected and edited by Frank Shay (1926, includes "The Witness" by Vrchlický)
- The wise jeweler and other tales from Czechoslovaki (1928, translated by Madame Norbert F. Čapek (i.e. Mája Čapková-Oktávcová?); illustrated by Cyril Bouda, 136p)
- Poet Lore, vol. 39 (1928, includes The Golem by H. Leivick, tr. by J. C. Augenlicht)
- MANNING, C. A. (ed.), ČAPEK, A. V., KOUKOL, A. An Anthology of Czechoslovak Poetry. New York: Columbia University Press, 1929.
- Panslavonic Folk-Lore in Four Books (1930, By W. W. Strickland and K. J. Erben, 468p, AVAILABLE)
- An anthology of Czechoslovak literature (1929, by Paul Selver, 301p)
- The good soldier Schweik (1930+, by Jaroslav Hašek, transl. by Paul Selver, ilustr. by Josef Lada, AVAILABLE in NKP)
- [The Slav anthology: Russian, Polish, Bohemian, Serbian, Croatian] (1931, translated by Edna Worthley Underwood, 346p)
- Amerikán (contains An open letter the the unconquerable Czechoslovaks, page 198, by Joseph Auslander, 1944)
- Hundred towers: a Czechoslovak anthology of creative writing (New York, 1945, edited, and with an introduction by F.C. Weiskopf, 277p, VKOL) COPYRIGHT RENEWED
- OSERS, E., MONTGOMERY, J. K. (eds., trs.). Modern Czech Poetry: An Anthology. Published for Prague Press by George Allien & Unwin. 1945.
- SELVER, P. (ed., tr.). A Century of Czech and Slovak Poetry. London: The New Europe Publishing and The Prague Press, [1946].
- The Russian folk epos in Czech literature, 1800-1900 (1951, by Harkins, William Edward, 282p, AVAILABLE )
- Anthology of Czech literature (1953, ed. by William E. Harkins, 226p, publ. in New York, AVAILABLE in NK CR)
- URWIN, I. (tr.). Four Czech Short Stories. Praha: Orbis. 1957.
On literature and authors
- History of Bohemian Literature (1828, in The Foreign Quarterly Review, by John Bowring?)
- Historical view of the languages and literature of the Slavic nations (1850, by Therese A. L. Robinson, 412p., includes also a few poems)
- The native literature of Bohemia in the fourteenth century (1878, by A.H. Wratislaw, 185p.)
- Bohemian Literature in the Fourteenth Century (1878, review of Wratislaw’s book by A. W. Ward in Macmillan's magazine. v.38)
- Athenaeum, No. 2461 (incl. Bohemia by Durdík)
- Famous composers and their works, vol. 1 (1900, article on B. Smetana, p. 173–182)
- By a Real Bohemian of Real Bohemia (In Life, 25 May 1911, on Jaroslav Kvapil)
- The life of John Kollár (c1917, by John Kulamer, 32p)
- Bohemian (Čech) bibliography: a finding list of writings in English relating to Bohemia and the Čechs (c1918, by Thomas Čapek and Anna Vostrovský Čapek, 256p, 23 plates)
- The Freeman, vol. 6, 1922–23 (incl. articles on R.U.R., p. 208, and The World We Live In, p. 305)
- The Best plays. 1922/1923 (incl. retold R. U. R.)
- R. U. R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) (1923, by Karel Čapek, transl. by Paul Selver, 99p); different (better) edition than R. U. R. (Rossum's Universal Robots)
- Theatre arts. v.7 1923 (incl. Czechoslovak puppet shows by Šárka Hrbková)
- A short survey of Czech literature (1924, by František Chudoba, 280p.)
- Theatre arts. v.8 pt2 1923 (incl. Prague by Cloyd Head and some bits on R. U. R.)
- Contemporary movements in European literature (1928, edited by William Rose and J. Isaacs, includes "Czechoslovakia" by Paul Selver, p.197–226)
- Jan Kollar : a poet of Panslavism (1942, by R. A. Ginsburg, 14p, publ. in Chicago, AVAILABLE in NK CR)
- Encyclopedia of literature (1946, includes "Czech Literature" in volume 1)
- A literature in crisis: Czech literature, 1938-1950 (1954, by Milada Součková, 158p.) AVAILABLE
- Czech literature before Hus (1961, by Zdeněk Salzmann, 12p) AVAILABLE
- Karel C̆apek (1962, by William E. Harkins, publ. in New York, 193p., DOWNLOADED)
- Dance of Death (ca. 1680, only etchings by Hollar after Holbein, 30 sheets)
- A description of the works of the ingenious delineator and engraver Wenceslaus Hollar (1759, by George Vertue, mostly catalogue + something about Hollar, 151p)
- Dance of Death (1804, painted by Holbein, engraved by Hollar, 70p)
- Dance of Death (1816, with paintings by Holbein engraved by Hollar, incl. text., 70p)
- Exhibition of a selection from the work of Wenceslaus Hollar (1875, about Hollar and his works, no pictures)
- Catalogue of paintings by Vacslav Brozik (1902, 60p)
- Art and archaeology vol11 (1921, incl. The Arts of Czechoslovakia by Hrdlička, Chotek and Heidrich, 46p)
- Wenceslaus Hollar and his views of London and Windsor in the seventeenth century (1922, by Arthur M. Hind 92p)
- Graphic art of Czechoslovakia] (1922, exhibition of prints from the private collection of Henry J. John., Introduction and biografical [sic] data by Ladislav Urban, 30p, 14 plates)
- Letter of Joan of Arc to the Bohemians (1430, in The life of Joan of Arc, vol. 2, 1908, by Anatole France)
- The history of the Council of Constance (1730, by Jacques Lenfant, 2 vols, 720+680pp)
- Literary relics (1789, incl. letters from King Charles II., King James II., the Queen of Bohemia, Swift..., 415p)
- Life, Legend, and Canonization of St. John Nepomucen (1873, by Albert Henry Wratislaw, 81p)
- The lives of John Wicliff and of the most eminent of his disciples; Lord Cobham, John Huss, Jerome of Prague, and Zisca (1765, by Gilpin, William)
- 1814 edition (288p.)
- The Lives, Prophecies, Visions and Revelations of Christopher Kotterus and Christina Poniatonia (by J. A. Comenius, in Prophetical Extracts, 1795)
- Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary, visited in 1837 (1839, by G. R. Gleig, 3 volumes, probably only 2 about Bohemia and Moravia)
- John Huss: a memoir, illustrating some of the workings of popery in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries ([by Georg Lommel], 1841, 136p.)
- The reformers before the Reformation; the fifteenth century: John Huss and the Council of Constance (1844, by Émile de Bonnechose, 375p.)
- The reformers before the Reformation; the fifteenth century: John Huss and the Council of Constance (1844, by Émile de Bonnechose, 375p.+Preface)
- The reformation and anti-reformation in Bohemia (1845, by C. A. Pescheck, 2 vols.)
- The martyrs of Bohemia: or, Brief memoirs of John Huss and Jerome of Prague. (1846, 237p.)
- North American Review, vol. 65 (1847, incl. The Life and Letters of John Huss)
- Carlsbad and Its Mineral Springs Medically, Socially and Locally Considered (1847, by Rudolph Mannl, 140p)
- Documents relative to the colonial history of the state of New York, vol. 2 (1853, includes Journal of the Dutch Embassy to Maryland and Messrs. Heermans and Waldron to Director Stuyvesant)
- The Council of Constance, and the war in Bohemia (1855, by Richard Cattermole, 304p.)
- Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the state of New York (1856, includes The Nine Men of New Netherland to the States General (by Herman et al.), Petition of the Commonalty of New Netherland to the States General (by Herman et al.) Additional Observations on the preceding Petions (by Herman et al.), Resolution of the States General on the Petitions of Augustyn Herman and others, Select Men of New Amsterdam to the States General (by Herman et al.), Extract of two letters from Augustin Herman–Stuyvesant does as he pleases and Extract of a letter from Augustin Herman–Van Tienhoven returned and exposed by the basket-maker’s daughter)
- Travels in Bohemia: with a walk through the highlands of Saxony (1857, by An Old Traveller, 2 volumes in 1)
- A July holiday in Saxony, Bohemia, and Silesia (1857, Walter White, 305p)
- John Huss (1857, in The Catholic Layman, 3p)
- Carlsbad in Bohemia and Its Mineral-springs (1858, by Rudolph Mannl, 151p)
- Bohemia Under Austrian Despotism (1859, by Anthony Michael Dignowity, 236p)
- Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, v.83 (1860, incl. Constance and John Huss)
- The life and times of John Huss ; or, The Bohemian reformation of the fifteenth century, volume 1 (1863, by Ezra Hall Gillet, 632p.)
- 3rd edition (1871)
- The life and times of John Huss ; or, The Bohemian reformation of the fifteenth century, volume 2 (1863, by Ezra Hall Gillet, 651p.)
- Church constitution of the Bohemian and Moravian Brethren: the original Latin, with a translation, notes, and introduction (1866, by J. A. Comenius, transl. by B. Seifferth, 200p)
- Heroes of Bohemia : Huss, Jerome and Zisca (c1871, by John William Mears, 350p)
- The infallibility of the Pope at the Council of Constance; the trial of Hus, his sentence and death at the stake, in two letters by a member of the council, Fra Poggius, to his friend and brother in Christ, Leonhard Nikolai (1930 edition of 1875 forgery, 103p)
- The gospel in Bohemia : sketches of Bohemian religious history (1877, by E. Jane Whately, 182p.)
- Few words on the native question (1877, by Emil Holub, 8p, downloaded)
- Report of proceedings of the first General Presbyterian Council, convened at Edinburgh, July, 1877 (includes some texts by Vincent Dusek)
- Report of proceedings of the Second General Council of the Alliance, convened at Philadelphia, September, 1880 (includes 2 texts by Ferdinand Císař)
- Conrad : a tale of Wiclif and Bohemia (1881, by Emma Leslie, 293p.)
- John Amos Comenius: bishop of the Moravians, his life and educational works (1881, by S. S. Laurie., 239p.)
- John Hus the commencement of resistance to papal authority on the part of the inferior clergy (1882, A.H. Wratislaw, 408p.)
- Proceedings of the Department of Superintendence of the National Educational Association… (1881, includes 3 texts on Comenius)
- Wiclif and Hus (1884, by Johann Loserth, 366p.)
- Life of Right Rev. John N. Neumann, D.D., of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. Fourth bishop of Philadelphia. (1884, by Johan Berger, transl. Eugene Grimm, 457p.)
- History of the Thirty Years' War (1884, by Antonín Gindely, transl. by Andrew Ten Brook, 2 vols., 456+456p)
- Carlsbad and its environs (1886, by John Merrylees, 199p)
- Ancient families of Bohemia manor; their homes and their graves (1888, by Charles Payson Mallery, 74p.)
- Fund-Publications No. 30 (1889, by Maryland Hist. Society, includes A Maryland Manor (on A. Herman) by James Grant Wilson)
- Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society. ... ser.2,v.11-12 1890-1893 (includes Augustin Herrman, Bohemian, 1605–1686) by James Grant Wilson)
- The Severence News (10 Apr. 1891, incl. The Women of Bohemia, by Frances Gregor)
- The Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography. ... v.15 (1891, includes Copy of the Will of Augustine Herrman; of Bohemia Manor)
- Educational Review, vol. 3 (1892, includes 5 texts on Comenius)
- The Sun, 23 Oct. 1892 (includes Lord of Bohemia Manor, author E. N. Vallandigham according to this source)
- Wenzel's inheritance, or, Faithful unto death (1893, by Annie Lucas, 404p.)
- Pictures from Bohemia drawn with pen and pencil (1894, by James Baker, 192p., 108 illustr.)
- The Gypsy road (1894, by Grenville A. J. Cole, 166p.)
- 400 years of freethought (by Samuel P. Putnam, 1894, 874p., includes chapters Modern Bohemia, p.634–637 and Jaroslav Vostrovsky, p.814)
- Music, vol. 8 (incl. Stimuli to Genius by J. J. Král)
- Johnson's universal cyclopædia (1893–1897, articles by Josef Jiří Král in vols 4 to 6)
- The history of the church known as the Unitas Fratrum, Or, The unity of the Brethren, founded by the followers of John Hus, The Bohemian reformer and martyr (1885, by Edmund de Schweinitz, 693p)
- Bohemia:An Historical Sketch (1896 edition, by Fr. Lützow)
- Riots break out anew in Prague (New York journal and advertiser, December 3, 1897)
- The Austrian Crazy Quilt (By Thomas Čapek, in New York journal and advertiser, December 7, 1897)
- Communism in central Europe in the time of the reformation (1897, by Karl Kautsky, 293p.)
- Short life of the venerable servant of God John Nepomucene Neumann, C.SS.R., Bishop of Philadelphia (1897, by J. Magnier, 99p, Available in NKCR)
- The Bohemian Question (1898, by František Lützow, excerpt from The nineteenth Century. Dec. 1898. Vol. XI-IV. No. 262; avaliable in NK CR)
- 1866 in Boemia (1900, by Enrico Barone, 2 vols)
- The free church in the land of John Huss (1899, 24p)
- The Nineteenth Century (v. 46. December 1899, Austria at the End of the Century, by T. G. Masaryk)
- A History of Bohemian Literature (1899, by Fr. Lützow, London:Heinemann, 425p.)
- 1900 version (New York: D. Appleton and Company)
- 1907 edition (London:Heinemann)
- 1917 edition (London:Heinemann)
- Comenius and the beginnings of educational reform (1900, by W. S. Monroe, 184p)
- The British-American guide to Carlsbad (1900, by S. A. Arany, 89p)
- The Council of Constance to the death of John Hus; being the Ford lectures delivered in the University of Oxford in Lent term, 1900] (by James Hamilton Wylie, 192p)
- The universal anthology; a collection of the best literature, ancient, mediæval and modern (by Richard Garnett et al., publ. 1899–1902, volume 29?)
- The dawn of the Reformation (1902, by Herbert B. Workman, volume 2: The age of Hus, 374p)
- Outline v 73 (1903, includes The Bohemian in America by Edward A. Steiner)
- The follies of science at the court of Rudolph II, 1576-1612 (1904, by Henry Carrington Bolton 217p.)
- Carlsbad as it was and is. A guide for visitors (1904, by Josef Ruff, 176p)
- Prague and its Environs (1905, 49p)
- The English Historical Review, vol. 21, 1906 (incl. art. by Fr. Lützow: Geschichte Böhmens on the work of Adolf Bachmann, p.562–566)
- The Czech Ethnographical Review (1906, by F. P. Marchant, in Folk-Lore, a quarterly review)
- Champlain educator, vol. 25 (1906, incl. The Catholic Bohemians of the United States, by Valentine Kohlbeck)
- Maryland historical magazine. v.1 (1906, includes The Labadists of Bohemia Manor by Geo. Armistead Leakin)
- Who's who in Ameria (1906/07 edition, articles including expression "Bohemia", among others article on Aleš Hrdlička)
- John Huss : The Witness (c1907, by Oscar Kuhns, 174p.)
- The Christian Register, v.86 (1907, incl. 2 texts by Masaryk, p. 898 and 1146)
- Czecho-Slovak Student Life (1909–1931)
- Pope John the Twenty-third, and Master John Hus of Bohemia (1910, Eustace J. Kitts, 446p)
- Narratives of early Maryland, 1633-1684 (1910, by Clayton Colman Hall, 460p, includes Journal of the Dutch Embassy to Maryland by Augustine Herrman, 1659)
- Bohemia, 1866 (1912, by Neill Malcolm, 146p)
- Guide to the royal city of Prague and to the kingdom of Bohemia (1911, 224p)
- Essays by divers hands, being the transactions of the Royal Society of Literature (vol. 30, 1911, includes Later thoughts on the apostles of Moravia and Bohemia by Francis Lützow, p. 225–243)
- Some Bohemians in the Notable men of Illinois & their state (1912)
- A primer of civics designed for the guidance of the immigrant (1912, by J. J. Zmrhal, 66p)
- The Fortnightly. v.100 (1913, includes Bohemian Sokol by Walter Jerrold, 12p, PDF ALREADY DOWNLOADED)
- Sadowa: a study (1913, by H. Bonnal ; translated from the French by C.F. Atkinson, 255p)
- The Bohemians; a study of the "Land of the cup and the book" (c1914, by Edith Fowler Chase, 63p)
- North American Review, vol. 200 (Dec. 1914, incl. Nationalism in Bohemia and Poland by Herbert Adolphus Miller, see also [1])
- The position of the Bohemians (Czechs) in the European war (1915, 40p)
- Some new sources for the life of Blessed Agnes of Bohemia, including a fourteenth century Latin version (1915, by Walter W. Seton, 176p)
- John Hus: The Martyr of Bohemia (1915, by William Nathaniel Schwarze, 152p.)
- Current History, v3 (includes Problem of Small Nations in the Crisis of Europe by Masaryk, December 1915, p425, and Bohemia, February 1916, p991]
- Declaration of the Bohemian (Czech) Foreign Committee : Comments of London papers. (1915, 16p.)
- Collections of the Kansas State Historical Society, v.13 (1913-14) (1915, includes Bohemians in Central Kansas by Francis J. Swehla, 45p)
- An Uncouth Slav Dialect (1915, by Charles Pergler, from The North American Review)
- A memorial to the International (1915, Socialist Party (US), Bohemian Section, 40p., 4 languages)
- John Huss (6 July 1915, The Times)
- Semi-millennial Commemoration of the Jan Hus Martyrdom, Burned at the Stake in Constance, July Sixth, Fourteen Hundred and Fifteen (1915, by Herbert Adolphus Miller; Francis Lützow; Šárka B Hrbková)
- The problem of small nations in the European crisis (1916, by T. G. Masaryk, 32p.)
- Bohemian hopes and aspirations (c1916, by Charles Pergler, 17p.)
- Pamphlets on Czechoslovakia (1916, by Seton-Watson, illustrations?)
- Austrian terrorism in Bohemia (1916?, by T. G. Masaryk, 38p.)
- Orgán bratrstva–Brotherhood Organ, vol. 24, 1916 (in Czech, includes some English texts, e. g. on Karel Havlíček B., Comenius...)
- The Asiatic Review, vol. 9 and 10 (1916), includes Bohemia: Her story and her claims by F. P. Marchant, p. 147, and A fair hearing and no favour, p. 363 (downloaded)
- The Country gentleman (vol. 81, 1 July 1916, includes New Bohemia, Virginia; colony of alien farmers, by R. G. Carroll)
- The New Europe (1916–20)
- The North American Review, vol. 206 (1917, Bohemian Appreciation by Pergler, Bohemia the Submerged Front by Stephen Bonsal)
- The Austrian Problem (1917, by Charles Pergler, in Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science in the City of New York, Volume 7)
- The Literary Digest (includes Our Bohemian Fighters in v54? 23 June 1917? or 1920?)
- The Bohemian Review / The Czechoslovak Review (1917–1924)
- Volume 5 (1921, includes Sunflower by Machar, Well of Oblivion by Vrchlický, and poems by Březina, Sova, Bezruč)
- Volume 6 (1922, includes articles "The World We Live In" on Karel Čapek, "Czech Literature" and "Note on Petr Bezruč" by P. Selver, poems by Zeyer and Sova, Machar, Čech, Březina, Vrchlický, Sládek, Kvapil, Neruda-Kosmic Songs,...)
- Should Austria-Hungary exist? (1918, by Charles Pergler, 24p, reprinted from the The Yale Review, see below)
- The Yale Review, new ser., v.7 (January 1918, includes Should Austria-Hungary exist? by Charles Pergler)
- Sioux City Journal from Sioux City, Iowa (September 7, 1918, includes article on Charles Pergler)
- Austrian socialism and the present war (1918, by Vladimir Nosek, 15p)
- American Leader (1918, includes Four New Nations by L. N. Hammerling, The oppressed in Austria-Hungary by Ira E. Bennet, The Czechoslovaks in America by Jaroslav Císař)
- The Bohemian question (in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Volume 72)
- The demands of the Bohemian people (1917, by Jaroslav F. Smetánka, 13p)
- Economic strength of the Bohemian (Czechoslovak) lands (1918, by Vojta Beneš, tr. J. F. Smetanka, 23p)
- Meeting of the Lawyers Club ... New York City. Subject: Czecho-Slovako--Middle Europe (1918, incl. contribution by Masaryk, 28p.)
- Bohemian (Čech) bibliography (1918)
- The Slavs of Austria-Hungary (1918, by Šárka Hrbková, 30p)
- Recognition of the Czechoslovak Nation (1918, in The American Political Science Review, Volume 12)
- The Asiatic Review, vol. 13 and 14, (1918), incl. The Cecho-Slovaks in Russia and the British Declaration, by F. P. Marchant (downloaded)
- The Independent, vol. 95 (1918, incl. The Czech Revolt)
- letter to the editor (New York Times, Feb. 1918, G. H. Mika and Ch. Pergler challenging Wilson’s decision to maintain Hapsburg Empire)
- New Outlook v. 118 (1918, incl. The Army of Victory or Death by G. H. Mika)
- American leader. v.13 (1918, includes The Czechoslovak in America by Jaroslav Císař)
- The World’s Work, vol. 35 (1918, no. 5 includes The Ferment in Bohemia, by Richard Wilmer Rowan)
- Peace via Austria (in The Unpopular Review, v. 10, 1918, by Jaroslav Císař)
- The Czecho-Slovaks, part 1 (12 October 1918, by Charles Downer Hazen, in The Saturday Evening Post)
- German trade and the war: commercial and industrual conditions in war time and the future outlook (1918, by Chauncey Depew Snow and J. J. Král; includes appendices by Masaryk and Rašín; 236p; extensive tables)
- Asia, vol. 18 (1918, includes articles The Fighting Czechoslovakia by Maynard Owen Williams, The Future Czechoslovak State by Charles Pergler, The Singing Czechoslovaks by Louise Llewellyn and Prague, city of seven hills: Eight Etchings by J. C. Vondrous)
- The campaign in Bohemia 1866
- The story of Prague
- On plain and peak
- Bohemia and the Čechs (110, by Monroe W. S., 488p.)
- The Germans in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia
- Pearson's magazine. v.38 (July 1917-Apr. 1918, includes The Czechs and their Bohemia and other articles by or about Guido Bruno)
- The Czechoslovak Republic : travelling Information and Literature, Circular Drives through the Town of Prague (between 1918 and 1938?)
- The Czechoslovak Republic, Prague : The Union for Promoting Tourist Traffic to the Czechoslovak Republic (after 1922, same as above or different????)
- The Czechoslovak republic; its economical, industrial and cultural resources
- President Masaryk and the spirit of Abraham Lincoln
- Prussian Upper Silesia and the Czech State (1919, by Jan Kapras, 15p)
- Těšín Silesia, an integrant part of the Czech State (1919, by Jan Kapras, 28p)
- The rise of the Czecho-Slovak republic (1919, by Aleš Brož, 31p)
- Leslie's photographic review of the great war
- Czecho-Slovak secondary schools (1919, by Karel Velemínský, The Czecho-Slovak Republic ; Vol. IV., Part 3)
- Protocol to the Treaty of Peace with Germany (1919, sign. among others Karel Kramář)
- Report on labor situation of Austria, Hungary, and the Czecho-Slovak Republic (1919?, 31p)
- Czechs and Poles in Těšín Silesia (1919, by Jan Hejret, transl. Otakar Vočadlo, 10p.)
- The Czechoslovak State (1919, by Charles Pergler, 32p.)
- An Experiment in Progressive Government. The Czechoslovak Republic (1919, by Charles Pergler, in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Volume 84.)
- In the world war (1919, by Ottokar Czernin, 352p.)
- Geographical review. vol8 (1919, incl. Czecho-Slovakia and its people, by Milivoy S. Stanoyevich, 6p)
- Publications of the Nebraska State Historical Society, vol. 19 (1919, includes Bohemians in Nebraska by Šárka B. Hrbková, different from Boh. in N. published in Bohemian Review)
- American deportation and exclusion laws: a report (submitted by Charles Recht, Counsel, to the N.Y. Bureau of Legal Advice, January 15, 1919)
- In the matter of L. C. A. K. Martens, an alleged alien (1920?, by Charles Recht, attorney, 104p)
- The Americas, vol. 5, 1919 (incl. Picturesque Old Bohemia to be a New Market for American Products, 11p)
- Outlook, New outlook. v.121 1919 (incl. A Panorama of Central Europe: An authorized interview with Dr. Thomas G. Masaryk…, by Gregory Mason)
- The Literary Digest v.61:no.1511-1516 (1919)
- Bohemians in the United States
- The plain and illuminating tale of a Czecho-Slovak private (reprinted from the Bohemian Review, vol. 2, December no.)
- The American review of reviews v.59 (1919) (incl. The Music of the Czechoslovaks)
- Bohemia's endeavors at world's peace arbitration and world's federation (1919, by Leon Zelenka Lerando, 14p)
- The right of the Germans of Bohemia to dispose of themselves (c1919, a speech delivered by Dr. Rudolph Lodgman von Auen, 12p)
- Treaty between the principal Allied and associated powers and Czecho-Slovakia (1919, 11p)
- Geographical sketch, outline of the history and importance of the Bohemian (Czechoslovak) State (1919, by Stanislav Nikolau, 34p, VKOL)
- Agricultural schools in Czecho-Slovakia (1919, by Fr. Sitenský, 28p)
- Insurance companies: The Czechoslovak Republic (1919, by Karel Svoboda, 18p, KRAMERIUS online)
- The Public, v.22 (1919, incl. President Masaryk of Bohemia by E. F. Prantner)
- Transactions, vol.21 (1919, includes Comenius and Harvard College by Albert Matthews)
- Eastern Europe (1919–1922, journal, includes "Czech and Slovak" by Baudiš, "The Danubian Federation" by J. Císař, "Modern Czech Literature" by P. Selver and others in vol. 5, "The foundations of Czech culture" by Baudiš in vol. 6)
- Freeport Journal-Standard 8 May 1919 (includes Prague, The Capital of The Czechoslovaks by Donald L. Breed; linked from The Czechoslovak Review/Volume 3/Current Topics (6))
- Czecho-Slovak music and the British press. Report on the Czecho-Slovak festival in London (May 25th-June 3rd, 1919), with press comments. (1919, 86p)
- Current Opinion, v66 (includes article The importance of the Czecho-Slovak state to Europe, by Charles Pergler)
- Current history, vol. 11 (1920)
- Religious problems of Czechoslovakia (very short)
- Event in two new Slavic states (3+p., includes New Czechoslovak cabinet)
- Three founders of the Czech (sic) Republic (by Louise Weiss, 3p)
- The geographical impossibility of the Czech State
- The Čechs (Bohemians) in America; a study of their national, cultural, political, social, economic and religious life, by Thomas Čapek (1920)
- The Catholic historical review, new ser. vol. 1 (1922, review of The Cechs (Bohemians) in America)
- The Czechs and Slovaks in American banking ([1920], by Thomas Čapek, 60p)
- Economic and social position of women in the Czechoslovak republic (1920, by Plamínková, 19p.)
- The Czecho-slovak national movement (1920?, 3p?)
- A history of Czechs (Bohemians) in Nebraska (1929, by Rose Rosický, 492p., maps, FULL VIEW)
- Augustine Herman : 1606-1686, founder of Bohemia manor (1929, by Henry Arthur Stump, not to be found anywhere)
- Jugoslavs and the Czechoslovak Republic (1920, Czecho-Slovak Foreigner's Office, 12p.)
- Our Little Czecho-Slovak Cousin (1920, by Clara Vostrovsky Winlow, 160p)
- Jugoslavs and the Czecho-Slovak republic (1920, by Karel Kadlec, 12p)
- The land question (1920, by Joseph Macek, 14p)
- Bohemia and Moravia (1920, by H. M. Stationery Office, 109p)
- The Czechoslovak republic; its economical, industrial and cultural resources. (1920, collected under the direction of Jar. Císař by Fr. Pokorný and P. Selver. 83p)
- The Czechoslovak Republic (1921, Císař, Jaroslav, Pokorný, František, 197p?)
- The problem of Upper Silesia (1921, by Sidney Osborne, 180p.)
- Otakar Březina : A study in Czech literature (1921)
- The Czecho Slovak Republic (1921, by R. W. Seton Watson, 14p.)
- Three years of the Czechoslovak republic, a survey of its progress and achievements (1921, by Aleš Brož, 40p.)
- The Čechoslovaks : The Čech (Bohemian) community of New York (1921, by Thomas Čapek, 93p)
- The eight-hour day act and its application to agriculture in Czecho-Slovakia (1921, 96p)
- The life & times of Master Jan Hus] (1921 edition, by Count Lützow, 372p)
- Transactions of the Celtic Congress (1921 vol. includes The Re-Establishment of the Czech Literary Language by Josef Baudiš; rewritten online
- School and Society, vol. 13 (1921, includes The spirit of Jan Amos Comenius in the education of the Czechoslovak Republic by B. (Bedřich?) Stepanek)
- The foreign policy of Czechoslovakia, speech of Dr. E. Beneš ... in the House of Deputies, 27 January, 1921 (1921, by Edvard Beneš, 35p)
- The Czecho-Slovaks in America (c1922, by Kenneth D. Miller, 192p)
- Masaryk's realism and the Czech nation (1922, by Edward Z. Rowell, 186p.)
- Graphic art of Czechoslovakia (1922)
- The Czechoslovak Republic : a survey of its history and geography, its political and cultural organisation, and its economic resources (1922, by J. Císař and F. Pokorný, 5 p. l., 3-218 p. illus., plates, port., fold. map, diagrs.)
- Eminent Europeans (1922, by Eugene S. Bagger, incl. part on Masaryk?, 283p.)
- Bohemia from the earliest times to the foundation of the Czecho-Slovak republic in 1918 (1922, by Edmund C. Maurice, 576p.)
- The Century illustrated monthly magazine, vol104 (1922, incl. The Yankees of Central Europe, by James Alton James, 7p)
- The Slavs after the War (1922, by T. G. Masaryk, 23p, available in MZK Brno)
- These help build America (1922, by Emil F. Prantner, 112p)
- The Slavonic and East European review (1922–1949)
- Financial policy of Czecho-Slovakia during the first year of its history (1923, A. Rašín, 160p)
- From a terrace in Prague (1923, by Lieut.-Col. B. Granville Baker, 262p., illustrations)
- Nicholas Glassberger and his works, with the text of his Major cronica Boemorum moderna (A. D. 1200-1310) (1923, by Walter Seton, 117)
- The Religious Problem of Czechoslovakia (1923, by Clarence Augustus Manning, 13p, SKC)
- Six Great Scientists (1923, by Margaret Avery, 100p, includes chapter on Mendel)
- Prague, the capital of the Czechoslovak Republic, by Městská spořitelna pražská, 30p.)
- Social policy in the Czechoslovak Republic, for the International congress on social policy in Prague (1924, by Sociální ústav Československé Republiky)
- Czechoslovakia; a survey of economic and social conditions (1924, by Josef Gruber (ed.), Brož, Klíma, Král, 256p.)
- President Masaryk in Paris, Brussels and London in October, 1923. (1924, 141p.)
- Czechoslovak help to the Russian and Ukraine emigration (1924, 140p)
- The nation, v.119 (July-Dec 1924, includes "Savinkov’s story" about Masaryk)
- The nation, v.119 ("Savinkov and Masaryk" by Charles Pergler)
- Woodstock letters, v.53, no.2 (1924, includes Protestantism in Czechoslovakia by Zaroslav? Ovecka)
- East of Prague (1924, by C.J.C. Street, preface by His Excellency Dr. Vojtěch Mastný)
- Five years of Czechoslovak foreign policy (1924, by Edvard Beneš, 39p)
- Czechoslovaks as Americans (1924, Chicago: Czechoslovak National Council of America, AVAILABLE in SKC)
- President Masaryk in Paris, Brussels and London in October, 1923 (1924)
- The late Count Lützow; a tribute to the memory of a great Bohemian patriot. (1925, collected and edited by Dr. A. Sum, 71 p.)
- Origins of the Czechoslovak state (1926, by Thomas Čapek, 104p)
- Czechoslovakia, the land of an unconquerable ideal (1926, by Jessie Mothersole, 296p with sixty illustrations)
- The problem of the small nations after the world war, a lecture (1926?, by Edward Beneš, 28p, reprinted from Slavonic Review) (AVAILABLE)
- Czechoslovakia (1926, by Helena C. Schott, 69p)
- Liber amicorvum Romain Rolland (1926, includes contribution by Masaryk, 405p.)
- Czecho Slovak pictorial weekly. Česko slovenský obrázkový týdeník. (1926, just one issue)
- Huss and His Followers (1926, by Jan Herben, 214p)
- The Spirit of Bohemia (1927, by Vladimir Nosek, 379p)
- The Semi-Centennial Jubilee of the Bohemian National Cemetery Association in Chicago, Illinois (1927, By Jan Diviš, A free English version of J.J. Jelínek’s Bohemian historical sketch by J.E.S. Vojan, 134p, AVAILABLE in NK CR)
- The middle Euphrates, a topographical itinerary (1927, by Alois Musil, 426p)
- Palmyrena, a topographical itinerary (1928, by Alois Musil, 367p)
- The manners and customs of the Rwala Bedouins (1928, by Alois Musil, 712p)
- A Bohemian scholar at Heidelberg and Oxford in the 16th century. Jan Bernart of Přerov (1553-1600) (1928, by Robert Fitzgibbon Young, 20p)
- Antonín Dvořák (1928, by Karel Hoffmeister, translated by Rosa Harriet Jeaffreson Newmarch, 132p)
- [ The America of Today (1929, by Aleš Brož, 47p)
- Year-book of the Czechoslovak Republic (1929, by Bohuslav Horák (ed.), 318p?)
- In the Arabian desert (1930, by Alois Musil, 339p)
- Augustine Herrman of Bohemia manor (1930, by Thomas Čapek, 35p, available in VKOL)
- The Moravians and the Czech contribution to the early history of Ohio ... published in remembrance of the Gnadenhutten Sesqui-centennial Commemoration of the Massacre of the Moravian Christian Indians (1932, American National Alliance of Czechoslovaks, 28p)
- Bohemia in the eighteenth century (1932, by Robert Joseph Kerner, 412p)
- World's fair memorial of the Czechoslovak group (Czechs and Slovaks) international exposition, Chicago, 1933, incoporated. (1933, 184p, ACCESSIBLE)
- The Quest for Polar Treasures (1933, by Jan Welzl, translated by M.R. Weatherall, 352p.)
- Life of Mendel (1932, by Hugo Iltis, trans. by Eden and Cedar Paul, 336p)
- Edward VII at Marienbad; political and social life at the Bohemian spas (1934, by Sigmund Münz, 303p, 42 illustrations, ACCESSIBLE)
- Czechoslovak literature and science 1935 : Selections (1936, [Prague] : American Institute in Czechoslovakia, 127p, NK ČR)
- Defender of Democracy Masaryk speaks (1936)
- Beneš, statesman of central Europe (1936, by Pierre Crabitès, 293p, AVAILABLE from Hathitrust)
- Immigrant Problems (1937, by Emil F. Prantner, 12s, AVAILABLE from NKCR)
- The Role of Chicago Czechs in the Struggle for Czechoslovak Independence (1938, by Joseph Jahelka, in Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society (1908-1984))
- Democracy today and tomorrow (1939, by Edvard Beneš, 243p)
- Czechoslovakia; its sacrifice and future (c1939, by Czechoslovak National Council of America, 101p)
- The Role of Chicago Czechs in the Fight for Czechoslovak Independence (by Joseph Jahelka, in Berwyn Life, 5 April 1939)
- Ten Million Prisoners (Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia) (1940, by Vojta Beneš, R. A. Ginsburg, 180p, publ. in Chicago, AVAILABLE in NK CR)
- Nazi barbarism in Czechoslovakia (1940, by Edvard Beneš, 31p, AVAILABLE from Hathitrust)
- Czechoslovakia's struggle for freedom (1941, by Dr. Edvard Beneš, 16p)
- Culture lives on in occupied Czechoslovakia; lecture delivered on 13th November, 1941, at the Czechoslovak institute, London (1941?, by Dr. Gustav Winter, 22p)
- The Slavonic Year-Book, American Series (1941, includes Problems of the Reign of George of Poděbrady, pp. 206-222, by Otakar Odložilík; Czechoslovakia; Twenty Years of Independence by R. J. Kerner, pp. 395-396, review by J. B. Kozák
- The Story of two peoples, or, Czechoslovak and German morality (1942, by Vojta Beneš, 20p, publ. in Chicago, AVAILABLE in NK CR)
- Masaryk in England (1943, by R.W. Seton-Watson, 206p, AVAILABLE in VKOL)
- Slavs in the United States census : 1850-1940 : with special references to Czechoslovaks (1943, by Thomas Čapek, 15p, AVAILABLE in NK CR)
- The Slavonic and East European Review. American Series (1943–1944)
- Czechoslovakia in European History (1943, by Samuel Harrison Thomson, 390p)
- Czechoslovakia fights back: a document of the Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs] (1943, introduction by Jan Masaryk, 210p, AVAILABLE)
- Peter Chelčický: The Spiritual Father of the Unitas Fratrum (1943, by Matthew Spinka, in Church History, Vol. 12, No. 4 (Dec., 1943), pp. 271-291)
- The Angel of Peace (1944, by J. A. Comenius, transl. by W. A. Morison, 125p)
- The role of Czechoslovakia : a talk to educational officers of H.M. Forces (1944, by Jaroslav Císař, 16p)
- Czechoslovak-Russian Treaty 1944
- Edvard Benes̆ in his own words: threescore years of a statesman, builder and philosopher (1944, by Edvard Beneš and Karel Hudec, 136p, AVAILABLE from Hathitrust)
- Dr. Edvard Beneš, president of Czechoslovakia; the Czechoslovak stateman's official wartime visit to the United States and Canada in 1943 (c1944, by Thomas John Watson, 156p, AVAILABLE from Hathitrust)
- Sokol, educational and physical culture association (1944, by Jarka Jelínek and Jaroslav Zmrhal, 112p, NO NOTICE)
- Nazi Conspiracy (8 volumes of various documents connected with WWII)
- The American Slavic and East European Review (1945–1961, although Cambridge University Press is given, inside there is written "Published for the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies --> published in the U.S.)
- The opening of the Prague parliament: message of president Dr. Edvard Beneš to the national assembly of the Czechoslovak Republic (1946, introduction Václav Osvald; two speeches by Josef David, president of the National Assembly; the programme of the Government under the Premiership of Zdeněk Fierlinger; translated by William Beardmore, 19p, AVAILABLE from NK CR)
- A key to Czechoslovakia, the territory of Kladsko (Glatz): A study of a frontier problem in middle Europe (1946, by Milič, Čapek, 153p, AVAILABLE)
- Bohumil Shimek (1947, by Walter Ferdinand Loehwing, 36p)
- Studies in the history of American education (1947, includes Comenius and Harvard University by James R. Taylor, AVAILABLE)
- The Founding of the Charles University of Prague (1947, by František Kop; drawings by Josef Novák; transl. by Dr. William Beardmore, 57p)
- The Lands of the Bohemian Crown their history and glory (1947, anonymous, ed. Milka Hipmanová, tr. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 139p, mostly pictures)
- Venerable John Neumann, C.SS.R., fourth bishop of Philadelphia (1952, by Michael J. Curley, 547p, AVAILABLE)
- Purges in the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (1952, by P. Korbel and V. Vagassky, 55p, NK CR)
- Czechoslovak-Polish Confederation and the Great Powers, 1940-43 (1956, by Piotr S. Wandycz, 152p)
- Czecho-Slovakia: a critical history] (1961, by Kurt Glaser, 275p)
- Antonín Dvořák, 1841-1961 (1961, by Karel Boleslav Jirák, 31p)
- Slavic Review (1961–2019, at least early numbers published in the US, see the front matter)
- [Czech and Slovak periodical press outside Czechoslovakia Czech and Slovak periodical press outside Czechoslovakia: Its History and Status as of January 1962] (1962, by Vojtěch N. Duben, 99p)
- The Czechoslovak contribution to world culture (1964, edited by Miloslav Rechcigl, 682p, AVAILABLE in NK CR)
- Czechoslovakia, a bibliographic guide (1967, by Rudolf Sturm, 157p)
- Air transport services: agreement between the United States of America and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (1986, 7p)
- Masaryk & America (1988, by George J. Kovtun, 82p)
- Czechoslovakia: a country study (1989, PUBLIC DOMAIN)
- Czechoslovakia (3 vols. 1989–1991, prepared by American Embassy Prague)
- Eastern European Business Bulletin (1991–1994)
- 1991–1992 (includes art. on Northern Bohemia)
- 1993–1994 (beginning: Czech and Slovak Republics Enter New Era, Pardubice, maybe Telecomunication Consortium...)
- 1993–1994 (middle–end: Anniversary of split; Eastern Bohemia; Distribution evolving in the Cz. R., etc. ..., Western Bohemia,..., South Bohemia, ... South Bohemia again)
- Peace Corps: agreement between the United States of America and Czechoslovakia (1990, 7p)
- Scientific and technological cooperation: agreement between the United States of America and Czechoslovakia (1991, 19p)
- Scientific and technical cooperation: earth sciences: memorandum of understanding between the United States of America and Czechoslovakia (1992, 6p)
- Treaties and other international acts series 11915 (1992, Agreement between the United States of America and Czechoslovakia, Aviation transport services)
- United States Seed Act: assistance strategy for the Czech Republic, 1993-1995, submitted by American Embassy, Prague (1993, 14p)
- Treaties and international agreements registered on 29 June 1995, No. 32007 (Treaty between EU and Czech Republic, PUBLIC DOMAIN per {{PD-UN}}, 640p, problematic signatures)
- Czech and Slovak history: an American bibliography (1996, compiled by George J. Kovtun, 481p.)
- Democratizing Communist militaries: the cases of the Czech and Russian armed forces (c1999, by Marybeth Peterson Ulrich, 292p)
- Additional investment protocol with the Czech Republic: message from the President of the United States transmitting additional protocol between the United States of America and the Czech Republic to the treaty between the United States of America and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic concerning the reciprocal encouragement and protection of investment (2003, 10p)
Natural sciences
- Naturall philosophie reformed by divine light, or, A synopsis of physicks (1651, by Johann Amos Comenius, 256p.)
- several articles in Philosophical Transactions
- Part of a Letter from James Mounsey, ..., concerning ... the Baths at Carlsbad... (1749, Philosophical Transactions, vol. 46)
- An account of an extraordinary Alteration in the Baths of Toplitz in Bohemia, on the first of November 1755 (1757, by Joseph Stepling, Philosophical Transactions, vol. 49)
- An Account of a Treatise, in Latin, presented and dedicated to the Royal Society, intituled "Gottlob Caroli Sprinsfeld..." (1756, by William Watson, Philosophical Transactions, vol. 49)
- publications by Aleš Hrdlička
- Carlsbad and its natural healing agents (1880, by Ignaz Kraus, 103p)
- Goethe in Karlsbad (1883, by Eduard Hlawaček, 121p)
- Carlsbad; its thermal springs and baths, and how to use them (1887, by Ignaz Kraus, 3ed revised and enlarged)
- Saratoga chips and Carlsbad wafers. The pursuit of happiness and health at the two great mineral water resorts of America and Europe (1887, by Nathan Sheppard)
- Goldthwaite's Geographical Magazine, vol.1–2 (1891, includes A Bridal Trip in Africa: From Dr. Emil Holub’s Narative, page 37)
- The action, therapeutic value and use of the Carlsbad sprudel salt (powder form) and its relation to the Carlsbad thermal water (1891, by Walery Jaworski, tr. by Albert L. A. Toboldt, 100p)
- Carlsbad : a medico-practical guide (1893, by Emil Kleen, 101p)
- Carlsbad; its springs and spring-products (1895, by Ludwig Sipőcz, transl. by Schuman-Leclercq)
- Harper's new monthly magazine. V.90 1894-1895 (includes Music in America by Antonín Dvořák)
- American anthropologist v.11 (1898, incl. "Study of the Normal Tibia" and "Physical Differences between White and Coloured Children" by Aleš Hrdlička)
- Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, v.10 (1898, incl. Marked Human Bones from a Prehistoric Tarasco Indian Burial Place in the State of Michoacan, Mexico. By Carl Lumholtz and Aleš Hrdlička; difficult tables)
- The Carlsbad treatment for tropical and digestive ailments and how to carry it out anywhere {1899, by Louis Tarleton Young 224p)
- Carlsbad, Clinical studies on the modes of action, indications for the use & curative value of its mineral springs (1910, Adolf Ritter, 104p)
- A Kansas surgeon in Karlsbad (1910, by Dr. J. C. McClintock, 122p)
- Goethe in Karlsbad (1922, by Franz Puchtinger, 190p)
- By and about Ferdinand Stoliczka:
- Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. v.38 (1869). (includes The Malacology of Lower Bengal and the adjoining provinces, On the Anatomy of Sagartia Schilleriana and Membranipora Bengalensis, Contributions towards the knowledge of Indian Arachnoidea
- [2] [3] Cretaceous fauna of southern India ... (Several volumes)
- Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, v.5 (1873-74, includes Remarks on the death of Dr. Ferdinand Stoliczka).
- Scientific results of the second Yarkand mission: Memoir of the life and work of Ferdinand Stoliczka (1886, by V. Ball, 36 p.)
- Scientific results of the second Yarkand mission based upon the Collections and Notes of the late Ferdinand Stoliczka (v1, v2)
- Scientific results of the second Yarkand mission based upon the Collections and Notes of the late Ferdinand Stoliczka: Geology (49p)
- Scientific results of the second Yarkand mission based upon the Collections and Notes of the late Ferdinand Stoliczka: Neuroptera (6p)
- Scientific results of the second Yarkand mission based upon the Collections and Notes of the late Ferdinand Stoliczka: Mamalia (94p)
- Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous fauna of western India
- Foreign seeds and plants imported by the Section of Seed and Plant Introduction, no. 1–8 (see pages 4, 5, 42, 50)
- The Pteridophyta of the Island of Dominica : with notes on various ferns from tropical America (1929, by Karel Domin, 28p???)
- copy in NKČR (259p????)
- Agricultural problem in the new Europe (1930, by Sigfried von Strakosch and Alois Chytil, partly in English, VKOL)
- Georgius Prochaska: A Pioneer in Modern Physiology (1749-1820) (after 1930, by Vladislav Kruta, VKOL)
- Georgius Prochaska : 1749-1820 : Professor of anatomy, physiology and ophtalmology at the universities of Prague and Vienna (1949, by Vladislav Kruta, 15p, NK CR)
- Author:Lubomír Masner
From Wikidata:
- Stanislaus von Prowazek
- Emanuel von Purkyně
- Joseph Gottfried Mikan
- Vincenz Franz Kosteletzky
- Jacob Juratzka
- Jaroslav Šulc
- František Rambousek
- František Bubák
- Josef Poech
- Jindřich Uzel
- Carl Zelinka???
- Josef Novák
- The school of infancy (1632 by Comenius, 1858 English edition, 75p.)
- A reformation of schooles (1642, English excerpt from Didactica Magna, transl. by Samuel Hartlib, 94p)
- The orbis pictus of John Amos Comenius (1658 by Comenius, 1887 English edition, 234p.)
- The great didactic of John Amos Comenius: 1907 edition, 1910 edition, 1921 edition
- In Bohemia (1905, by James Clarence Harvey; on bohemianism, not Bohemia!; illustr. by Mucha, 207p)
- Angel of Peace (1667 by Comenius, 1944(!) English edition, 125p.)
- Bohemian Glass (1916, by Esther Lilian Duff, 81p)
- Bohemian made easy (1890, by Karel Jonáš, 294p.)
- Ériu
- vol. 7 (1914), includes CúRói and CúChulinn by Josef Baudiš; rewritten online
- vol. 8 (1916), includes "On the antiquity of the kingship of Tara" rewritten online and "Notes on the Preverbal Particles and Infixed Elements" by Josef Baudiš
- vol. 9 (1921–23) includes On Tochmarc Emere by Josef Baudiš; rewritten online
- Complete method of pyramid building (1919, by Joseph Paskovský, tr. by Dr. R(udiš) Jičinsky and Henry Šmídl, 111p)
- Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society (vol. 118–120, 1921, includes "Changes in Type in Indo-European" by Josef Baudiš
- Philologica (vol. 1, 1921, includes "Remarks on the Welsh Verb" by Josef Baudiš)
- Revue Celtiquel (includes "On the Character of the Celtic Languages" by Josef Baudiš, in vol. 39, 33—46 (1922); and 40, 104—126 (1923))
- Education in Czechoslovakia (1923, by Teresa Bach, 26p.)
- The Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer, vol. 70 (1923, includes How Czecho-Slovakia Is Meeting Her Sugar Problems)
- The Sokols: Spezial supplement of The Central European Observer dedicated to the VIII Sokol Festival to be held in Prague July 4-16th, 1926 (1926, Prague: Orbis, available in NK CR)
- Educational Yearbook 1924 (includes Czechoslovakia by Emmanuel Lippert, 48p)
- The utilisation of water power in the Czechoslovak Republic (1926, by Josef Wolf, 12p.)
- Structure and development of the "living matter" (1927, by F. Vejdovský, 359p.)
- The Semi-centennial jubilee of the Bohemian National Cemetery Association in Chicago, Illinois, (1927, by J. E. S. Vojan, 134p)
- The minority principle as a problem of political science. 1. volume (1928, Prague: Orbis, by Joseph Rouček 45p)
- The working of the minorities system under the League of Nations (1929, Prague: Orbis, by Joseph S. Rouček, 122p, NK CR)
- Revue Celtique (vol. 49, 1932, includes "Notes on Early Welsh Sandhi" and "On the Uses of the Subjunctive Mood in Welsh" by Josef Baudiš)
- Revue Celtique (vol. 50, 1933, includes "The particle E. W. yt, yd, y" by Josef Baudiš and obituary of Josef Baudiš by Joseph Vendryes)
- Progressive Czech (Bohemian) (1936, by Bohumil E. Mikula, Czech textbook, includes also short texts by A. Hrdlička and T. Čapek, 538p)
- Education in Czechoslovakia (1947, Prague: Orbis, by Jaroslav Paur, transl. by B. Goldreich, 48p)
- Library of the World's Best Literature: Biographical dictionary (volume 29, containing some entries on Czech authors)
- Library of the World's Best Literature: Guide to systematic readings (volume 31, containing list of Czech authors from vol. 29)
- Hitler threatens Czechoslovakia (19 March 1938, St. Louis Globe-Democrat)