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Awards for participation
26 validated works

Proofread of the Month
November 2014

Special: Validation month
26 works







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<math>\left\{ \begin{matrix}\ \\ \ \end{matrix} \right.</math>

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<math>\overbrace{ \ \ \ \ }</math>


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<math>\scriptstyle \frac 12</math>

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{{c|{{anchor|Prop69}}{{x-larger|{{sc|Proposition LXIX. Theorem XXIX.}}}}}}

[[File:Principia - 1729 - Book 1, Plate 22, Figure 1.png|200px|right|Plate 22, Figure 1]]

{{RunningHeader|270|''Mathematical Principles''|Book I.}}

{{RunningHeader|{{sc|Sect. XII.}}|''of Natural Philopo{{ls}}ophy.''|259}}

Dictionary of tesseract typical error


Javascript & CSS


/common.js -- /common.css -- Auto create page.js -- Author fill.js -- Running header.js -- Interwiki.js -- /Move refs.js -- /Works about.js -- /Sort author.js



-- /Test -- /Test1 -- /Test2 -- /Test3 -- /Test4 -- /Test5 -- /Test6 -- /Test7 -- /Test8 -- /Author possible match -- /Check author -- /Check index -- Index - unknown progress




  • W.E. Hony, Fellow of Exeter Coll. Archdeacon. Obituary notice by Evans, John p. 86 in the quarterly journal of the Geological Society pdf no volume number but probably in one of the 4 volume of the 32th year of publication; wrote Geological Remarks on the Vicinity of Maestricht (Read 16th December, 1814.).