User:T. Mazzei/Completed
Completed Works
[edit]Canadian Constitutional Documents
[edit]- Act of Settlement, 1701
- Charter of Hudson's Bay
- Peace and Friendship Treaty of Utrecht between France and Great Britain, 1713
- Royal Proclamation, 1763
- Quebec Act, 1774
- Constitutional Act, 1791
- Colonial Laws Validity Act, 1865
- London Resolutions of 1866
- British North America Act, 1867 (Not the original contributor)
- British North America Act, 1871
- British North America Act, 1886
- British North America Act, 1907
- British North America Act, 1915
- British North America Act, 1916
- British North America Act, 1930
- British North America Act, 1940
- British North America Act, 1943
- British North America Act, 1946
- British North America Act, 1949 (Not the original contributor)
- British North America (No. 2) Act, 1949
- British North America Act, 1951
- British North America Act, 1952
- British North America Act, 1960
- British North America Act, 1964
- British North America Act, 1965
- British North America Act, 1974
- British North America Act, 1975
- British North America Act (No. 2), 1975
- Rupert's Land Act, 1868
- Temporary Government of Rupert's Land Act, 1869
- Manitoba Act, 1870
- Rupert's Land and North-Western Territory Order
- Order of Her Majesty in Council admitting British Columbia into the Union
- Prince Edward Island Terms of Union
- Parliament of Canada Act, 1875
- Adjacent Territories Order
- Canada (Ontario Boundary) Act, 1889
- Statute Law Revision Act, 1893
- Canadian Speaker (Appointment of Deputy) Act, 1895, Session 2
- Yukon Territory Act, 1898
- The Alberta Act, 1905
- The Saskatchewan Act, 1905
- Statute Law Revision Act, 1927
- Statute of Westminster, 1931 (Not the original contributor)
- Letters Patent Constituting the Office of Governor General of Canada
- Statute Law Revision Act, 1950
- Miscellaneous Statute Law Revision Act, 1977
- Canada Act, 1982
- Constitution Act, 1867
- Constitution Act, 1871
- Constitution Act, 1886
- Constitution Act, 1907
- Constitution Act, 1915
- Constitution Act, 1930
- Constitution Act, 1940
- Constitution Act, 1960
- Constitution Act, 1964
- Constitution Act, 1965
- Constitution Act, 1974
- Constitution Act (No. 1), 1975
- Constitution Act (No. 2), 1975
- Constitution Act, 1982
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Not original contributor)
- Report on the Affairs of British North America
Misc. Canadian
[edit]- Interpretation Act
- Statutes of Canada/1867-68/Chapter 2
- Members' Indemnity Act
- Statutes of Canada/1867-68/Chapter 4
- Statutes of Canada/1867-68/Chapter 5
- An Act respecting the Customs
- An Act imposing Duties of Customs, with the Tariff of Duties payable under it
- An Act respecting the Inland Revenue
- An Act to impose duties on Promissory Notes and Bills of Exchange
- Post Office Act, 1867
- An Act respecting Banks
- An Act respecting the Public Works of Canada
- An Act respecting the construction of "The Intercolonial Railway"
- An Act to protect the inhabitants of Canada against lawless aggressions from subjects of Foreign Countries at Peace with Her Majesty
- An Act to prevent the unlawful training of persons to the use of arms, and the practise of Military evolutions ; and to authorize Justices of the Peace to seize and detain arms collected or kept for purposes dangerous to the public peace
- An Act to authorize the apprehension and detention of such persons as shall be suspected of committing acts of hostility or conspiring against Her Majesy's Person and Government
- An Act for the Settlement of the Affairs of the Bank of Upper Canada
- Commercial Bank Act, 1867
- Grand Trunk Railway Act, 1867
- St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Act
- An Act to amend and consolidate the several Acts incorporating and relating to the Canadian Island Steam Navigation Company, and to change its corporate name to that of the Canadian Navigation Company, and for other purposes
- An Act for continuing the Parliament of Canada, in case of the demise of the Crown
- An Act to define the privileges, immunities and powers of the Senate and House of Commons, and to give summary protetion to persons employed in the publication of Parliamentary Papers
- An Act to provide for Oaths to Witnesses being administered in certain cases for the purposes of either House of Parliament
- An Act further securing the independence of Parliament
- An Act to declare certain persons therein mention indemnified for having sat and voted as Members of the House of Commons, while holding certain offices under the Crown
- An Act respecting the internal Economy of the House of Commons, and for other purposes
- An Act to ammend an Act, intituled : An Act respecting the Statutes of Canada
- An Act to continue for a limited time the several Acts therein mentioned
- An Act respecting the commencement of certain Acts of this Session therein mentioned
- An Act for granting Her Majesty certain sums of money... (1868)
- Merchant Shipping Act 1867
- Parliament of Canada Act 1875
- Quebec Act, 1774
- The Canada Railway Loan Act, 1867
- An Act to encourage the gradual Civilization of the Indian Tribes in this Province, and to amend the Laws respecting Indians
- An Act to alter for a limited period the place of sitting of the Heir and Devisee Commission of the late Province of Upper Canada and for other purposes therein mentioned
- Clarity Act
- Reproduction of Federal Law Order
- Chinese Immigration Act, 1885
- Chinese Immigration Act, 1923
- An Act respecting the Canadian Pacific Railway
- An Act respecting Aliens and Naturalization
Misc. American
[edit]Canada Gazette
[edit]- Order-in-Council, Customs, May 22, 1868
- Order-in-Council, Customs, May 28, 1868 (1)
- Order-in-Council, Customs, May 28, 1868 (2)
- Order-in-Council, Inland Revenue, May 30, 1868 (1)
- Order-in-Council, Inland Revenue, May 30, 1868 (2)
- Order-in-Council, Inland Revenue, May 30, 1868 (3)
- Order-in-Council, Inland Revenue, May 30, 1868 (4)
- Order-in-Council, Fisheries, May 28, 1868
[edit]- Appointments, May 23, 1868
- Appointments, May 23, 1868
- Appointments, June 5, 1868
- Appointments, June 5, 1868 (2)
Military General Orders
[edit]- Militia General Orders, June 2, 1868
- Militia General Orders, June 5, 1868
- Militia General Orders, June 12, 1868
- Militia General Orders, June 19, 1868
Government Notices
[edit]- Government Notice, Customs, June 5, 1868
- Government Notice, Customs, June 19, 1868
- Free Bank Return, May 15, 1868
- Free Bank Return, June 10, 1868
- Statement of Revenue, June 5, 1868
- List of Pensions, Gratuities, and Amounts for Medical Services, June 1st, 1868
- Statement of Banks, April 30, 1868
- Statement of Banks, May 31, 1868
- Parliamentary Notice, January 2, 1868
- Parliamentary Notice, January 13, 1868
- Post Offices Established, June 12, 1868
- Railway Traffic Returns, June 12, 1868
Applications to Parliament
[edit]- United States patent RE4815
- United States patent RE4816
- United States patent RE4817
- United States patent RE4818
- United States patent RE4819
- United States patent 585210
- United States patent 725069
- United States patent 995600
Nikola Tesla
[edit]- Alternate Current Motors
- Alternating Current Electrostatic Induction Apparatus
- The "Drehstrom" Patent
- Electric Discharge in Vacuum Tubes
- An Electrolytic Clock
- Electro-motors
- The Ewing High-Frequency Alternator and Parson's Steam Engine
- Experiments with Alternate Currents of Very High Frequency and Their Application to Methods of Artificial Illumination
- From Nikola Tesla - He Writes About His Experiments in Electrical Healing
- The Losses Due to Hysteresis in Transformers
- Mr. Nikola Tesla on Alternate Current Motors
- The Physiological and Other Effects of High Frequency Currents
- On Roentgen Rays (2) - Latest Results
- On Roentgen Rays (1)
- Phenomena of Currents of High Frequency
- Swinburne's "Hedgehog" Transformer
- The Tesla Alternate Current Motor
- Tesla's New Alternating Motors
[edit]- Canadian patent 142352
- Canadian patent 135174
- Canadian patent 33317
- Canadian patent 30172
- Canadian patent 29537
- Canadian patent 24033
[edit]- Lectures on Ventilation
- Natural and Artificial Methods of Ventilation
- Ventilation Standards and Ventilation Methods
[edit]- Gertrude of Wyoming
- Retirement (Cowper)
- The Country's Recreations
- Chloe Hunting
- Poems written in jail
[edit]- Littell's Living Age/Volume 1/Issue 1/Simpson's Discoveries on the North Coast of America
- A Short View of the Life and Death of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham
- Extract of a Letter concerning Electricity, from Mr. B. Franklin to Mons. Delibard
- An Account of the Effects of Lightning in the Danish Church, in Welclose-Square
The New York Times
[edit]- The New York Times/1901/08/01/British Warship Ashore?
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Killed While Making a Raid
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Americans Allege Mexican Outrage
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Canada and Reciprocity
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Miner Makes Rich Strike
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Hurt in Runaway Accident
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/New Ship for Cunard Line
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Alabama Interests Consolidated
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Advertisement—Berkeley Arms
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Train Robbers Blow Open Wrong Cars
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Americans Want Lease of a British Railway
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Low Freight from Canada to Glasgow
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Advertisement—New York Central
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Bryanites Convene in a Columbus Bedroom
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Mr. Babcock's Tariff Bill
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Schoolgirls as Smugglers
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Had Tobacco in Her Trunk
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Advertisement—Hygeia Hotel
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Capt. Diamond Stood By His Detective
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Big Tree for Big Fair
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/To Tax the Sugar Trust
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/To Fight Quay Machine
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Advertisement—Burnett's Vanilla Extract
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/America's Gold Fund Largest in the World
- The New York Times/1901/08/01/Advertisement—Overland Limited
- The New York Times/Canada's Strong Man
- The New York Times/England's Prince
Maximilien Robespierre
[edit]- A litil boke the whiche traytied and reherced many gode thinges necessaries for the infirmite a grete sekeness called Pestilence
- The Indian Emperor
- Amazing Stories/Volume 01/Number 01/The New Accelerator
- Amazing Stories/Volume 01/Number 01/The Man Who Saved the Earth
- Sceptical Chymist
Author Pages Created
[edit]- Author:Amitābha
- Author:Robert Boyle
- Author:John George Lambton
- Author:Lewis W. Leeds
- Author:Tecumseh
- Author:Thomas Simpson
Templates Created
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Copyright Templates
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Project Specific
[edit]Insects, Their Ways and Means of Living
[edit]- {{ITWAMOL-header}}
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Dictionary of the English Language
[edit]- {{DEL-begin}}
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- {{DEL-attribution}}
New Student's Reference Work
[edit]Nixon's Daily Diary
[edit]- {{Nixon-DD}}
- {{Nixon-DD-entry}}
- {{Nixon-DD-entry-nohi}}
Index Pages Created
[edit]- Portal:Acts of Parliament of Canada
- Portal:Canadian Proclamations
- Portal:Canadian Orders-in-Council
- Portal:Constitutional documents of Canada
- Portal:Canadian Government Appointments
- Portal:Canadian Militia General Orders
- Portal:Canadian Government Notices
- Portal:Applications to Parliament of Canada
Categories Created
[edit]Dictionary of the English Language
[edit]- Category:A Dictionary of the English Language
- Category:A Dictionary of the English Language/Templates
[edit]- Category:Province of Canada:Acts of Parliament
- Category:Province of Canada:Acts of Parliament, 1841
- Category:Province of Canada:Acts of Parliament, 1857
- Category:Canada:Acts of Parliament
- Category:Canada:Acts of Parliament, 1867
- Category:Canada:Acts of Parliament, 1868
- Category:Canada:Acts of Parliament, 1869
- Category:Canada:Acts of Parliament, 1870
- Category:Canada:Acts of Parliament, 1885
- Category:Canada:Acts of Parliament, 1898
- Category:Canada:Acts of Parliament, 1905
- Category:Canada:Acts of Parliament, 1923
- Category:Canada:Acts of Parliament, 1952
- Category:Canada:Acts of Parliament, 1965
- Category:Canada:Acts of Parliament, 1974
- Category:Canada:Acts of Parliament, 1975
- Category:Canada:Acts of Parliament, 1977
- Category:Canada:Acts of Parliament, 1994
- Category:Canada:Acts of Parliament, 2000
- Category:British law affecting Canada