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From Wikisource
Awards for participation

Proofread of the Month
November 2015

Special: Validation month

Babel user information
sl-N Uporabnik govori slovenščino kot materni jezik.
de-4 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf muttersprachlichem Niveau.
en-3 This user has advanced knowledge of English.
eo-2 Ĉi tiu uzanto havas meznivelan scion de Esperanto.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
Users by language
   admin@WIKI $ show(vivrax)
                <object at 0x00000>
                "Hi. This is a reply from yet another node in a giant network of
                simple decisions - enthusiastic programmer, hobby cryptograph and
                passionated mathematician. Not to forget, an object
                with passion for books."

Working on


British early bacteriology


German chemistry


Randomly stumbled upon


Some works that were discovered by chance - not necessarily curated.



Currently cleaning and restaurating cover and title pages of the IWW.

