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Collaboration of the Week

The current community collaboration is for works related to
the Eminent Women Series.

Last collaboration: Slavery in the United States (1837)

The current Proofread of the Month is

Towards a New Architecture  (1927)
by Le Corbusier.

Last month completed: Precious Stones

The next scheduled collaboration will begin in March.

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Well, if you've clicked all the way to this tab, you might as well plan on spending a few more hours acquainting yourself with our massive library. It's not perfect, sometimes there's an occasional misspelling or you'll see a text sorted incorrectly. So help us out, let us know, or fix it yourself!

If you're bored and just wanting to grab a mop and bucket, then there are plenty of corners that need tidying. Works that need to be split into chapters, Works that need their licensing clarified, Works that need machine-read words corrected and Works that need page-numbers removed would all be a good place to start.

Help us out
Yann (talk) 11:58, 30 November 2008 (UTC)Reply

Agrippa's Three Books formatting


Hi! I've been working on Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy for a few months, and it's good to see someone else take an interest. I really like the formatting you've applied to chapter one, but I think it might be a good idea to keep the "part" divisions (Part 1, Part 2, etc.), to keep the work's main page tidy and easy to use. Of course, there might be problems I haven't thought of, so the issue is certainly open to discussion, whether here or on the book's talk page! Lusanaherandraton (talk) 16:06, 7 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for your reply. I see your point, and have mentioned some of your options on the book's talk page. Lusanaherandraton (talk) 05:11, 19 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

American Anthropologist



I noticed you're working on the American Anthropologist journals (which is, in my opinion, awesome--I've always thought WS should have academic journals on its servers). I wanted to let you know I'm uploading all the text from the DJVU files using a bot, so each journal volume should be up within 2-3 hours of my beginning that volume.

I'd like to ask one small favor, though. When you add the journals you might want to refrain from working on it temporarily (clicking the OCR button or proofreading anything) so that when I remove the first page (the copyfraud page that Google Books puts on the front of all of their documents) your work isn't undone. I hate the fact that companies put those "copyright" pages on the DJVU files (especially since they aren't even true) and remove them when I see them. But I would hate for you to do all that work and then have it all shifted around a bit after I change the DJVU file.

I likely won't remove it from volume 1 of AA (New Series), but I will be removing them from the others. It's a quick process, though, so it won't take forever to do. Thanks!—Zhaladshar (Talk) 18:55, 22 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

Actually, I just realized, I can move the pages you already contribute, so none of your previous work will be upset. :) I'll do that once I remove the copyfraud pages.—Zhaladshar (Talk) 18:59, 22 December 2008 (UTC)Reply

The Illiad


I do not think that the new title you have moved the Butler translation to is appropriate. I think that, if anything, it should be moved to "The Illiad (Butler)" if anything. I understand that the title you've given was the one that the translation was published under in the early 20th century, but on Wikisource it should be classified as a variation of "The Illiad". Your title system makes categorisation and organisation more awkward and more difficult. —Anonymous DissidentTalk 05:06, 23 February 2009 (UTC)Reply

Use of Section


Hi. Nice to see <section> being used. With <section name = >, if you wish to use two words, try putting and underscore between the words, eg. <section name =fine_arts>. -- billinghurst (talk) 11:12, 8 March 2009 (UTC)Reply



Thanks for the formatting at {{New texts}}. Cheers, Cirt (talk) 11:30, 10 March 2009 (UTC)Reply




Over the last couple of days I have come across quite a few edits where you have cleared the OCR out of a non-blank page and validated it as blank; e.g. here. What's going on with that?

Hesperian 00:03, 29 May 2009 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for the explanation; that makes sense. I've now validated them as blank pages. Hesperian 14:10, 14 June 2009 (UTC)Reply

Index:Fables of Aesop and other eminent mythologists.djvu


Hi. Last year you set up Index:Fables of Aesop and other eminent mythologists.djvu. I have now purged the file at Commons, and the text layer is now in place. This will make the transcription work a lot easier. :-) billinghurst sDrewth 12:31, 23 January 2010 (UTC)Reply