Völsunga Saga/Part of the Lay of Sigrdrifa
Now this is my first counsel, That thou with thy kinBe guiltless, guileless ever, Nor hasty of wrath, Despite of wrong done—Unto the dead good that doeth.
Lo the second counsel, That oath thou swearest never,But trusty oath and true: Grim tormenting Gripes troth-breakers;Cursed wretch is the wolf of vows.
This is my third rede, That thou at the ThingDeal not with the fools of folk; For unwise man From mouth lets fallWorser word than well he wotteth.
Yet hard it is That holding of peaceWhen men shall deem thee dastard,Or deem the lie said soothly;But woeful is home-witness,Unless right good thou gettest it. Ah, on another day Drive the life from out him,And pay the liar back for his lying.
Now behold the fourth rede: If ill witch thee bideth,Woe-begetting by the way, Good going further Rather than guesting,Though thick night be on thee.
Far-seeing eyes Need all sons of menWho wend in wrath to war; For baleful women Bide oft by the highway,Swords and hearts to soften.
And now the fifth rede: As fair as thou seestBrides on the bench abiding, Let not love’s silver Rule over thy sleeping;Draw no woman to kind kissing!
For the sixth thing, I rede When men sit a-drinkingAmid ale-words and ill-words, Deal thou naught With the drunken fight-staves,For wine stealeth wit from many.
Brawling and drink Have brought unto menSorrow sore oft enow; Yea, bane unto some, And to some weary bale;Many are the griefs of mankind.
For the seventh, I rede thee, If strife thou raisestWith a man right high of heart, Better fight a-field Than burn in the fireWithin thine hall fair to behold.
The eighth rede that I give thee: Unto all ill look thou,And hold thine heart from all beguiling; Draw to thee no maiden, No man’s wife bewray thou,Urge them not unto unmeet pleasure.
This is the ninth counsel: That thou have heed of dead folkWhereso thou findest them a-field; Be they sick-dead, Be they sea-dead,Or come to ending by war-weapons.
Let bath be made For such men fordone,Wash thou hands and feet thereof, Comb their hair and dry them Ere the coffin has them;Then bid them sleep full sweetly.
This for the tenth counsel: That thou give trust neverUnto oaths of foeman’s kin,Be’st thou bane of his brother,Or hast thou felled his father;Wolf in young son waxes,Though he with gold be gladdened.
For wrong and hatred Shall rest them never,Nay, nor sore sorrow. Both wit and weapons Well must the king haveWho is fain to be the foremost.
The last rede and eleventh: Until all ill look thou,And watch thy friends’ ways ever. Scarce durst I look For long life for thee, king:Strong trouble ariseth now already.
- ↑ This continues the first part of the lay given in Chap. xx. of this Saga; and is, in fact, the original verse of Chap. xxi.