Vicar of Bray/The Vicar of Bray

IN good King Charles' golden days,
When Loyalty had no harm in't,
A zealous High church man I was,
and so I got preferment;
To teach my flock I never miſs,
kings are by God appointed!
And thoſe are damn'd that do reſist,
or touch the Lord's anointed
And this is law, I will mantain
until my dying day, Sir,
That whatſoever king ſhall reign,
I'll be the Vicar of Bray, Sir.
When royal James obtained the throne,
and Pop’ry came in faſhion,
The penal laws I hooted down,
and read the declaration.
The Church of Rome I found would fit
full well my conſtitution,
And had become a Jeſuit,
but for the Revolution.
And this is law, &c.
When William was our king declar'd,
to ease the nation's grievance,
With this new wind about I ſteer'd,
and ſwore to him allegiance.
Old principles I did revoke,
ſet conſcience at a diſtance;
Paſſive obediance was a joke,
and piſh for non-reſidance.
And this is law, &c.
When gracious Anne aſcends the throne,
the church of England's glory,
Another face of things was ſeen,
and I became a Tory:
Occaſional conformity baſe,
I d—n’d their moderation
And thought the Church in danger was,
by ſuch preverication.
And this is law &c.
When George, in pudding time, came o’er,
and moderate men look’d big, Sir,
I turned cat in pan once more,
and then became a Whig, Sir,
And ſo preferment I procur’d,
from our new faith's defender;
And almost every day abjur’d
the Pope and the Pretender.
And this is law, &c.
The illuſtrious Houſe of Hanover,
and Prodeſtant ſuceeſſion;
To those I do allegiance ſwear,
while they can keep poſſeſſion.
For, by my faith and loyalty,
I never more will faulter,
And George my lawful king ſhall be,
untill the times ſhall alter.
And this is law, &c.