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Voyage in Search of La Pérouse/Volume 2/Appendix 1

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Voyage in Search of La Pérouse, Volume II (1800)
by Jacques Labillardière, translated by John Stockdale
Appendix I
Jacques Labillardière4599819Voyage in Search of La Pérouse, Volume II — Appendix I1800John Stockdale


of the
Language of the Malays.

Accompany (to) Touroutsama
Accustom (to) Biassa
Adieu, farewel Tabé
Adultery Gendach
Æschinomenegrandiflora Malasui
Age Houmour
Agreeable Soucagnia
Air, wind Anging
Aloes Lida boaya
Allum Tauouass
Ananas Ananas, nanas
Animal, quadruped Binatan
Anchor Sao, bassi
Anona muricata Anona
Appetite Lapar
Apply (to) Taro
Approach (to) Decat
After Commedian, diblacan
Areca Pinang
Army Barissan
Aromatic Vangni bahe
Arrack Zopi
Arrange (to) Ator
Arrive (to) Datan, poulan
Assassin Bounou oran
Attach (to) Icat
Attention (to pay) Dgiaga
Any body Trada oran
Also Itou lagui, lagui
Around Boundre
Another Lain
Azederac (melia) Foula mourgati
Assuredly Pasti, songou
At Sama
Already Souda, abis
At length Lama lama
Above Tingui, diyatas
Afterwards Commedent
Attempt (to) Tchouba-tchouba
Awake (to) Kredgia bangon
Awakened (to be) Sonda bangon
Angry (to be) Mara, gueguen
Ant (an) Smouth
Adorn one's self (to) Paké bagous
Amongst Sama sama
Able (to be) Bolé
Almost Amper
Although Meski
Answer (to) Megniaot
Awake (to) Bangon
Alone Candiri
Ape (an) Mougniet
As soon as Kalo
Always Sela manguia
All Samougnia
Afterwards Lacass
Bee Taoun madou
Bark (to) Gongonh
Buy (to) Bli
Bring (to) Kiary
Brought to bed (to be) Branan, clouaranac
Beloved Soudatchinta
Bitter Pait
Bow Pana
Behind (from) Di blacan
Bathe (to) Siram
Before (from) Di mouca
Blind Bouta
Before Dolo
Bathe (to go to) Mandi, cloardiaer
Begone Sourby
Broom (a) Sappou
Bamboo Pring, bambou
Bamboo (very young shoots of the) for pickling Ribbon
Banana Pissang
Beard Coudek
Below Dibaoua
Basella rubra Gandula
Beat (to) Pocol
Beak (bill) Molou
Betel Siri
Bilimbi (averrhoa) Blimbing
Blue Birou
Box Peti
Borassus flabelliformis Lontor
Brothel Poporket
Buckles Kandging
Buckles (knee) Canibau
Boil (to) Bdidi
Broth Caldé
Bowl Kegué
Buttons Kantging kain
Brave Brani, oran brani
Bridle Kandali
Brick Batou Keddon
Break (to) Pitchia, pikiat
Brush (a) Sicat, sica
Buffalo Corbau
Burn one's self (to) Bauar
Brains Outac
Bat (a) Bourou-ticousse
Bell Londgin
Basket Kranguian
Body Badan
Blow (a) Tampelin
Believe (to) Cokira, perkiaïa
Begin (to) Molai
Bargain (a cheap) Moura
Burst, die (to) Mampoul
Breakfast (to) Makan pagui
Behind Diblacan
Beneath Dibaoua
Before Di mouca
Back Blackagnia
Borrow (to) Pegniem
Bewitch (to) Tauver
Building (to be in) Natchiam
Be (to) Ada
Brittle Lacas pitchia
Brother Soudara
Bet, lay a wager (to) Petaro
Boy Boudgian
Bell (a little) Loudgin kitkil
Broil (to) Panghan, bakar
Bristling Bagnia rambout
Bacon Gommock babi
Bed Tambat tidor
Book Boucou, quitape
But Tapé
Beggar Oran minta
Bite (to) Guigui
Blow one's nose (to) Bouan ignus
Born (to be) Datandi donia
Bird's nest Sarong bourou
Black Itan
Bird Bourou
Busy (to be) Fontouli
Bone Toulan
Bread fruit Boa succon
Bread fruit (wild) Boa timbol
Bread Roti
Butterfly Koupou, kopokopo
Basket Tampat
Buffoon Cassan
Bet (to) Betaro
Butterfly (a species of) Koupou malani
Bruise (to) Toumbok
Boat (Indian) Prau
Breast (the) Dada
Blackguard (a) Oran adjar
Bridge (a) Djanbatan
Behave well (to) Ada baï
Bug Coutou tampat tidor
Breathe (to) Napas
Break (to) Pata
Belch (to) Ato
Beehive (a) Roma taoun
Bleed (to) Sangara
Blood Dara
Boar (a wild) Tcheleng
Bosom (the) Soufou, teté
Blow (to) Tihopé
Box (to) Cambeling
Beneath Baoua
Barren Trada patana
Bark, for tanning Cayou bounko
By and by Sabentar
Bull Lombou
Betray (to) Camblanghan
Barter (to) Toukar sama
Blow (to) Anguin
Belly Prot
Bladder (the) Tampat kinkin
Collect (to) Pungot
Call (to) Panguil
Clay Lambac
Certainly Sacali
Confess (to) Menauo
Chatterer Bagna tcherita
Corn, wheat Bras blanda, gandoum
Cable Tali sao
Chaise (a) Creta siass
Coffee Coffi
Calamus aromaticus Dringho
Cinnamon Cayou manis
Cannon Marian
Cardamum (the little) Gardamoungo
Caress (to) Gosso
Chariot (a) Greta toutoup
Cards, for playing Cartou
Casuarina Cayou samara
Cinders, ashes Abou
Circle Bonder
Chair (a) Crossi
Chalcas camunung Kamouni
Candle, light (a) Lilen
Change, exchange (to) Toucar
Coal Arenh
Chinese Orankina
Choose (to) Pili, tchioba
Coco Kalapa, klapa
Coition Tiouki
Cucumber Timon
Contrary (on the) Lain
Cord, rope Tali
Corypha umbraculifera Saribou
Cotton Benan
Colour Roupa
Cut Poton, tadgiam
Crooked Benko
Cushion Bantal
Cover (a) Combar
Chalk Kappor blanda
Cry out (to) Batreia
Cook (to) Massac
Copper Tombaga
Cynometra cauliflora Nam nam
Chagrin Saketati
Cat Koutchien, toussa
Castrate (to) Kabiri
Comprehend (to) Tau, menarti
Count, reckon (to) Iton
Conduct (to) Baoua
Contrary wind Tchenela
Cover, enclose (to) Toutoup
Crush to pieces (to) Toumbo
Cup Manco
Church Gredgia
Catch cold (to) Pilic
Careless Sarfar, guila
Call for (to) Sourou panguil
Cunning Pinter
Cold Dinguin, dignin
Cheese Kediou
Clove tree Kenké
Clutches (signifying hands) Tangan
Cricket (a species of) Yankrek
Climb (to) Naik
Coarse Kassar
Clock (a) Lontchin
Conflagration Bessar api
Cheek (a) Pipi
Cowardice Lessou
Chin Djiangot
Coin, value 2½d. Koupan pera, ouan barou
Cloud (a) Mega
Comb (a) Cisser
Comb one's head (to) Cisser rambout
Coward Trada brani
Carry (to) Picol
Chicken Ayammouda
Crawl (to) Dgialan caïa oular
Chafing dish Kren
Come back (to) Balai, combali datan
Cold (a) rheum Patoc
Cuttle fish Ican pougniabatou
Compact Icat crass
Century Seratus ta un
Cup Tchanger
Corkscrew Poutar, ouler
Cork (to draw a) Tchiabou
Cloth Cagui
Cough (to) Batou
Cough (a) Batou
Cow (a) Sampi paranpouan
Come (to) Datan, mari, poulan
Drink (to) Minum
Dirt Lumpor, cotor
Dear, high priced Mahal
Dog Andgin
Dance (to) Tandac
Discover (to) Bouca
Defend (to) Laran
Descend (to) Touron
Debt Outan
Diamond Inten
Diarrhea Saket bouanaer
Difficult Soussa
Diligent Naguin
Dine (to) Comp, makan stinga ari
Dolichos tuberosus Bongouan
Domestic Oupas, boudac
Demand (to) Minta, tagnia
Debauch (to) Ambel praoen loller
Dried up Krain, kring
Do (to) Kredgia
Do that Kredgia itou
Ditch (a) Bentin
Drop (a) Tetés
Dress (to) Packian, paké
Dress Packian
Dishonest Ieng tracassi ormat
Damp Bassa
Drunk Mabou
Day Ari, paguiara
Daylight (it is) Souda siam
Day (every) Sari ari
Dull Brat
Death Mati
Die (to) Mati
Dumb Tra bissa cata
Deny (to) Trada menauo
Dare (to) Brani
Depart (to) Pigui
Depart Sourbay
Dream (to) Mnimpi
Dollar (a) Real compani
Dew Oumboung
Dry Souda cring
Dry (to) Cring
Dream Menimbi
Deaf Oran touli
Darkness Glap, glap
Deceive (to) Kamblau
Dress (to) Paké
Expert Bissa
Elsewhere Lain, di lain tampat
Easily, with ease Ganpan
Engaged with (to be) Oudgiou
Enough Souda
Ear-picker Gorep copeng
Ebony  ayouaram
Equal Sama-sama
Elephant Gadia
Emperor Sussunan
Enemy Mousso
Entry Massoc
Enter (to) Massocdi dalam
Envelope (to) Bonkou
Epidendum Angrec
East Vetan
Eternity Porslamagnia
Examine (to) Tagnia
Excrement Taï
Excuse Cassi ampon
Esteem (to) Bagnia tchinta
Easy Trada soussa
End Abis
Eat (to) Makan
Eye Mata
Egg Talor
Ear Kopeng, kopine
Eyelid Ourat
Ear-rings Crabou
Escape (to) Lari
Evening Sori
Eyebrow Halisse
Execute (to) Oucoum
Earth Tana
Earth (the) Interrodonia
Empty Cossou
Empty water out of a boat (instrument to) Timba
Eyes Mata
Fine (a) Denda
Friend Sobat
Friend (female) Sobat paranpouan
Fathom (a) Sato deppa
Flesh Daguin
Fight (to) Bacalaye
Finger Gredgy, yari
Flay (to) Clouar koulet
Frighten (to) Caguet
Filled up Penou
Fly (to) Lari, ilan
Faggot Bon koussan
Fault Sala
False (it is) Djousta
Falsehood Djousta
Female, woman Paranpouan
Festival Ari bessar
Fire Api
Fever Deman
Figure Mouka
Fishing-line Dgiolon
Flame Mniala
Flower Comban, bounga
Fountain Summur
Fool Bodo, oran guila, guendan
Forehead Alis
Fruit Boua-boua
Flour Debon
Flagellaria judica Rotan outan
Flower (to) Comban
Fresh Dinguin
Flog (to) Pocol
Flee (to) Lari, bourou
Fusil Pedel, suapan
Fat (subst.) Gommock
Fat (adj.) Gommok
Frog Codoc
Fortunate Slamat, beronton
Fish-hook Pantchien
Formerly Dolo
Farthing (a) Keppen
Free Merdica
Far Dgiau
Fly (a) Lalar
Forget (to) Loupa
Fish (to) Ambel ican
Father Papa
Fear Caguet, tacot
Foot Kaki
Flat Samarata
Full Penan
Fold a napkin (to) Lipa serbetta
Feather (a) Penant, boulou, boulongousa
Frying pan Ouadjan
Fish Ican
First Lebi daulon
Flea (a) Coutou andgin
Fetch (to) Kredgia baï
Fill (to) Kredgia penou
Field of rice (a) Sava
Filthiness Cotor
Foolish Guila, bodo
Follow (to) Tchinda, tourout
Fall (to) Guiatou
Flock (a) Bagnia binatan sama sama
Find (to) Dapat
Friday Ari diemat
Food Daguin
Face (the) Mouka
Fly (to) Minkiourri
Grieve (to) Saquetati
Garlic Baouan pouti
Go (to) Dialan, pigui
Good Bahé, taillon, enac
Gourd (a) Labau pandang
Goat Cambing
God Touanala, toueran allé
Give (to) Cassi
Gain (to) Onton
Gay Enac ati
Gallop (to) Dialan tell
Guard (to mount) Djaga
Guard (to) Simpan
Generous Pasaran
Gesture Tinkagnia
Glutton Bagnia makan
Goave Goryave
Great Bessar, tingui
Gratis Trabolé trima, per kiouma
Grimace Tinka
Guide Toniou dialan
Genteel Halus
Gold lace Pasmin
Green turf Roumpot
Gums (the) Icanguigui
Gipsum Taufou
Gouramier (a fish thus named) Ican gourami
Growl (to) Marat
Grass Roumpot
Garden Kabon
Greens Sayor
Grind (to) Tumbok, toumbo
Gall-nut Madia cané
Gold Mass
Gate (a) Pintou
Gunpowder Obat passan
Gather (to) Ambel
Gird (to) Icatcras tali prot
Grasshopper Balang
Green Idgiau, ougou
Glass Kermine
Have (I) Ako ada
Hunchbacked Pounco
Heat Panas
Hot Panas
Hunting (to go a) Pigui passan
Heat (to) Massac
Horse Kouda
Hair Rambout
Hat Toppi
Hardwareman Toucanclinton
Heart Yanton
How much Barapa
How Saya
Horn Tandou
Hog Babi
Hook (a) Tiantolan
Half Stinga
Hard Cras
Hear (to) Dingher
Hell Nourakka
Husband Penanten laks
Hope Kira
Hungry (to be) Lappar
Hole (a) Poton
Hatchet (a) Camba
Hash (to) Kinkian
Hate (to) Benki, mara
Harem Seller
High Tingui
Helideres ifora Boa radja
Hernandia ovigera Cayou radja
Hour's walk (an) Sato djaum
Hour (an) Pocol
Hibiscus tiliaceus Ouarou
History Kirita
Honest Cassi ormat
Honour Ormat
Howl (to) Boubouni
Here Di sini
Hire a coach (to) Sewan creta
He Dia
Hand Tangan, guearé
House Rouma
Hammer (a) Pocol bessi
Honey Madou
Handkerchief Sapo tangan, linso
Hang (to) Ganton
Hairdresser Toucancisser
Heavy Brat
Hair Boulou
Hen (a) Ayam
However Mousti
Horseradish Loba
Health Slamat
His Pougnia
Hold (to) Pegandi tangan
Head Capala
Hole Louka, loban
Hole (to make a) Kredgia loban
Here Ada
Isinglass Andiour
Immediately Sécaran
In, within Diadalm
Itch (to) Krechia, main main
Inkstand Tampat touliss
Ink Tinta
Infant, male or female Anak
Intoxicate (to) Mabou
Inter (to) Tanam
Intirely Basti
Iron Bessi
Itch (the) Garo
Inhabit (to) Tingal
Inherit (to) Depat possaca
Idea Pekiran
Ignorant Bodock
Island Poulou
Imitate (to) Tourotan
Immoveable Trada goïan
Impatient Tranata
Impertinent Brani
Impossible Traboulé
Impotent Tra bolé kredgia apapa
Inconvenient Sousso
Immodest Trada malou
Indigo Nila
Infamous Trada malougna
Infected Boussouc bagnia
Injury Maki
Innocent Trada fala
Inundation Banguir
Inundate (to) Banguir
Insects Taoun, mahémahé
Insipid Tra enack
Instruct (to) Adiar
Invent (to) Dapat
Irritate (to) Kredgia mala
Ill Iahat
Iron clothes, (to) Streka
If Kalo
In consequence of Saya
Ivory Toulan gadia
Jealous Gembourouan
Join (to) Kredgia sama sama
Joined together Diadi
Jew Chemaos
Just Betol
Jaw (the) Daguin guigui
Kiss (to) Cassi tioum, tioum
Kiss my a—e Guilapantat
Key Kounki
Know (to) Kenaille
Knife Pissou
Kitchen Dapor
Knees Loutou
Knock (to) Tendiss
King Sultan, radja
Kingdom Rami
Kicking Seppa
Know (to) Larac
Knit (to) Mindgeait causs
Kill (to) Toussou
Lean on one's elbow (to) Soungouan
Love (to) Tchinta, souca
Love Tchinta
Lean, rest upon (to) Taro tyaga
Lease (a) Bea
Lease (to let on) Malas, anghop
Lame Pintchan
Lime Kappor
Limestone Batou kapper
Lemon Dierro assam
Lie down (to) Tidoran
Like that Beguitou, beguini
Lightning Biglap
Light (to) Tran
Leaf (a) Daun, blayé
Liver (the) Ati
Left (the) Kiri
Leg Coeto
Labour (to) Patchiol
Lake Aer bessar
Leave (to) Lapass
Large Lebar
Light Trada brat
Letter (a) Sourat
Lip Biber
Lizard Kikia
Libertine Brani sama paran pouan
Limonia trifoliata Mekantkil ou dierre kitkil
Linen Baran
Lion Singo
Long Paguian
Light Tran, siam
Lick (to) Quilet
Let for hire (to) Tero
Lye (to tell a) Djousta
Looking-glass Katchia, kiarmine
Less Kouran
Lose (to) Ilan
Lose at play (to) Kala
Little Kitkil, penkek
Little (a) Sidiquet
Lead Tima itan
Lay eggs (to) Betalor
Louse (a) Coutou
Lungs (the) Parou
Lend (to) Piundjoun, pignian
Line (a) Ican pare
Liquorice Cayou manis blanda
Loins (the) Blacan
Lift up (to) Ancat
Laugh (to) Tetaoua
Leech (a) Lynta
Learned Oran pinder
Leap (to) Bloundgiat, blumpat
Lord Touan bessar
Like Sama roupa
Lock (a) Ma coundgy
Locksmith Toucan coundgy
Lukewarm Sangat
Life Idop
Live (to) Idop
Money Ouan
Magnificent Bagous
Much Segala, bagnia-talalo
Mouth Moulot, moulou
Mallard (a) Bebé
Mushroom Diamour
Marry (to) Caven
Must (it) Misti
Man (a) Oran, ourang, lakilaki
Mongrel Indian Leplap
Milk Aer soussou
Monday Ari sinen
Moon (the) Boulan
Mace Combang pala
Mason (a) Toucan batou
Madam Gnien, Gnognia
Miss Ana dara
Master Touan
Malay Malayo tabalé
Male Laki laki
Mangoustan Mangoustan
Merchant Oran djoual merdika
Mix (to) Chiamper
Member Badan
Mercury, quicksilver Aer pera
Mother Maï, ma, mama
Messenger Kirriman
Measure (to) Oukor
Metal Tambaga
Michelia champaca Cananghan
My Pougnia
Middle Ditingan
Miracle Eran
Misery Kassieu
Manner Patout
Me Goa, ako, beta
Month Boulan
Moment Sabantar
Monoculus polyphemus Mimi
Mountain Gounon
Mount (to) Naïk
Mock (to) Kredgia malo
Morinda citrifolia Bancoudon
Mustard Savi
Muscle Ourat
Music Mainan
Meagre Kourous
Misfortune Kielaka
Malicious Trada bahe
Manage (to) Pegan
Mark (a) Tan da
Mattress (a) Combess
Marrow Gommok pougnia toulain
Mould Boussouc
Mortar for rice (a wooden) Loumpan
Mulatto Groubiak
Mat (a) Ticker
Marriage Kaven
Marriageable Souda biraie
More Lebi
Maidenhead Praoën
Mend (to) Kredgia betol
Move (to) Goïan
Midwife Paranpouan brana
Mouse (a) Ticousse peti
Milk (to) Deppo
Mistaken (to be) Souda fala, trada betol
Needle Dgiarum
Nosegay Comban
Noise Glouadagan
Neck Leher
Never Pougnia homour
Now Secaran
Notwithstanding Masqui
Net (a) Sombou
Noon Doua plas pocol, stinga ari
Nails Pakou
Nutmeg, long Pala laki laki
Nutmeg,— — — common Pala sabran
Nauclea orientalis Bancal
Necessary (it is) Miski kredgia
Necessary— — — (it is not) Traoussa
Negligent Malass
Neglect (to) Loupa
Nose Idon
Niece Tchiou tchiou
Name (to) Panguil, pouranama
Not Boucan, trada tida
Nourish (to) Cassi makan
News Kerita
Nut Bigui
Naked Tlangnian
Night Malam
Navigate (to) Blayer
Nail (of the fingers) Koukou
Near this place Decat sini
Nine-pins Ana kegue
Nothing Trada
North Nalor
Neighbouring Decat
Ox (an) Sampi
One-eyed Bouta sato
Of, of the Di, deri
Once Sakali
Oil Miniac
Oyster Tiram
Odd (not even) Benko
Obey (to) Dinguer
Obliged (much) Tremacassi
Obscure Kouran tran
Obtain Dapat
Odor Vangni, bau
Officer Alferus
Offer (to) Mao cassi
Onion Baouan, baouan mera
Opium Amphion, madat
Orange Djerro manis, guiroh
Ordinary Slamagna
Order (to) Souro
Ornament Beda
Open (to) Bouca
Oxalis Galing galing tana
Overthrow (to) Thutan
Only Kiouma
Often Bagni kali
Old man Oran toua
Old Woman Mémé toua
Old Toua
Opposite Dimouka, decat
Passion (to be in a) Mara
Pickles Manisang
Preserve (to) Simpan
Prawn Oudan di laot
Paste Kantging
Poison (to) Radgiun
Pregnant woman Bonting
Pierce (to) Tindiss
Pin (a) Fenitti
Pewter Tima
Paint Borrei
Posteriors (the) Pantat
Pride Psarati
Pomegranate Delima
Play Meinan
Play (to) Mim, main
Play— — — at cards Main cartou
Place (a) Tampat
Paps Soufou
Physician Toucanobat, mistris bassar
Physic Obat
Put (to) Terro, taro
Piece (a) Saparo
Plane (a) a joiner's tool Konting lelen
Proud Bessarun
Pair (a) Passan
Pair of shoes Sato passan sapadou
Peace Abis pram
Pale, wan Poutchiac
Peacock Boorou merac
Pardon Ampon
Part (some) Di mana, mana
Partake (to) Bagui-bagui
Pace Petcha
Pass (to) Guiabran, piko
Paved with brick Batou bin
Poor Mesquin
Pay (to) Baiar
Peasant Oran di gounon
Pierce (to) Kredgia loban
Pearl Moudiara
Permission Amet
Perroquet Lori
Persuade (to) Besankal
People Bagniaoran
Perhaps Brancali
Piastre Real batou
Pigeon Bourou dara
Pimento Tchiabé
Pimento and onions (a mixture of) Sambal
Pinch (to) Tchoubet
Pipe (for smoking) Kioupa
Plain (a) Lappan
Please (to) Souca
Pleasure Souca ati
Plank Papan
Plant (a) Taneman
Plunge (to) Sloroup
Poignard Criss
Poinciania pulcherima Bougnia merac
Pepper Merikia lada
Porter (a) Bator
Possess (to) Pougnia
Possible Brancali
Pot (a) Coali
Push (to) Tola
Preach (to) Mantcho
Precious Bagnia rega
Predict (to) Soulap
Prefer (to) Candati
Prince Pneran
Profound Dalam
Promise (to) Dgingi
Prudent Oran diam
Powerful Bai diam
Punish (to) Tchelaka
Purgative Obat clouar, obat cardgia persi prot
Pure Nana
Physic (to take) Minum obat bouan aer
Paint (to) Tchet
Pare (to) Koupas
Petrolium Miniac taua
Pestle (a) Ana, ana toumbok
Pestle used for rice— — — Ana loumpan
Pickaxe (a) Brodjol
Prick (to) Tousso, paco paco
Porcupine Landap
Port (a) Moara
Pulse (the) Ourat
Purslain Guelang
Putrid Boussouc
Proper Persi
Push back (to) Mundor
Path Dialemkitkil
Picture (a) Gambar
Potatoes Kanilaan
Pour (to) Taro
Quickly Lacass
Quarter (a) Prapat
Quarrel (a) Stori
Quit (to) Tra tingal
Queen Ratou
Quick Lacass
Ring (a) Tchintchin, tchinkien
Road, way Dialan
Rascal Banksat
Run (to) Lari
Right Betol
Right-hand Kanan
Release (to) Kredgia bessar
Rely on (to) Pretchaïa
Rogue Oran menkiouri
Rub (to) Gosso
Rude Kassar
Relax (to) Lapass
Rise (to) Bangon
Road (to) Bou
Rather Lebi bahé
Ripe Matan
Relative (a) Sanna
Rain (to) Oudgian
Rain Oudgian
Request (to) Minta
Root (a) Acar
Relate (to) Dongnié
Rare Iarang
Rat Ticousse
Rat— — — (musk) Slourout
Receive (to) Dapat
Relate (to) Taou darilouar
Refuse (to) Tra maanna
Regard (to) Liat, tengon
Reign (to) Printa
Rejoice (to) Guiran
Religion Assal
Remedy Obat
Repair (to) Kredgia betol
Regret (to) Saïan
Repent (to) Geton
Rest (to) Tidoran
Reproach (to) Coré
Resist (to) Lavan
Respect (to) Ormat
Recollect (to) Eignet
Remainder Lebignan
Remain (to) Tingal, nanti
Retard (to) Nanti
Retain (to) Pegan
Resound (to) Boubouni
Return (to) Bleca
Respect Slamat
Rhinoceros Badoc
Rhubarb Calamba
Rich Kaïa
Ridiculous Eni bolé tétaoua
River (a) Aer kali, kali
Rice (dressed) Nasi
Rice (in straw) Padi
Rice (the grain) Brass
Rock Batou bessar
Round Bonder
Rose (a) Combang maouer
Rotang (the fruit of the calamus) Boa salac
Roast (to) Goring, backar
Red Mera
Red— — — blood Treva toua
Redden (to) Kredgia mera
Rupee Roupia
Route Dialun
Ribband Fita
Ruby (a) Meera
Rivulet Kali kitkil
Row (to) Daion
Rancid Cras
Rasp (a) Proudan
Rasp (to) Parot
Restore (to) Cassi combali
Repast (a) Makan
Rosin Damar
Respect (to) Ormat
Resemble (to) Sama roupa
Rose-tree (a) Pohon maouer
Rust Cotor bessi
Roll (to) Goulon
Reside (to) Tengai
Remember (to) Ingat
Rash Brani
Roof Roma tingui
Rod (iron) Sica
Shorten (to) Kredgia prendec
Sour Podes
Sharp, morose Assam
Soul Dgiva
Spider Laoua-laoua
Silver Pera
Sit down (to) Doudou
Swallow (to) Talan
Seize, snatch (to) Tchabout
Sweep (to) Sappou
Ship (a) Prau
Stick (a) Rotan, touca
Stammer (to) Kago
Soon Chanbentar, bloum
Shut (to) Toutoup
Shine, glitter (to) Tran
Sheep Domba
Stag (a) Roussa
Song (a) Mingniagni
Sing (to) Migniagni
Seek (to) Kiari
Scar Louca
Shirt Kmedia
Sky Laoughit
Scissars Gounting
Spit (to) Botian louda, louda
Spitting-basin Tampat louda
Shell (a) Kran, bia
Shoemaker Toucan spadou
Short Pendec
Sew (to) Myndgeait
Spoon Sendock
Since Sila magna
Since yesterday Dari kalamaren
Sunday Ari mingo
Say (to) Bilin, kata, dekata
Sleep (to) Tidor
Softly Palan palan
Sweet Manis
Scale Tiram
Squirrel (flying) sciurus sagitta Vello
She Coë
Scratch (to) Garo
Span (a) Quilan
Send (to) Tirem, kirin
Shoulder Ponda
Sword Pedan
Shilling (Dutch) Satali
Slave Lascar
Sort, kind Roupa
Sneeze (to) Ouain
Spark (a) Mniala
Silk stuff Kainsoutra
Star (a) Bindan, bintam
Strangle (to) Ganton
Study (to) Adiar
Stirrups Songo veddi
Strait, narrow Tesak
Split (to) Poton
Slender Alos
Stroke (to) as one would a cat Poutre koutchien
Strong Koat, cras
Smoke Acep
Slip (to) Leitchin
Skilful Bissou
Swallow (a) Bourou sasâpi
Shame Malou
Swear (to) Soumpan
Spear (a) Tomba
Slowly Plan plan
Sick Saket
Stake (to) Paha
Sailor Golo golo
Same (the) Itou djouga
Spare (to) Simpan
Sea Laot
Snotty Ignus
Soft Lembec
Sheep Kambing blanda
Swim (to) Brenan, tourou
Shipwreck Pitchia kappal
Smell Baugnia
Storm Omba
Shade Baiam sombar
Sorrel Souri
Slothful Malass
Speak (to) Cata, bilan
Skin Coulet
Shovel (a) Patiol
Stone (a) Batou gounon
Several Bagnian
Smooth Litchen
Sermon (a) Santri
Slink (to) Boussuc, bassin
Since Kalo
Some Apapa
Sometimes Barankali
Somebody Oran
Shave (to) Tchioucour, atchia
Shut up (to) Toutoup
Shark (a) Ican, kiou-kiou
Succeed (to) Bolé kredgia
ea Pinguer laot
Scurf Coring
Steep Bagous cras
Snore (to) Mongoro
Street Guiabau
Sand Passer, passîr
Sabre Spadel, pedang
Sack Caroun
Saltpetre Garam blanda
Salute you (I) Tabea, tabé
Salute (to) Tabé
Saturday Ari septou
Sandal wood Tchindana
Sattin Kain sattin
Sauce Koa
Savory Enac
Savage Outan
Scorpion Claban
Sculptor Toucan tcheit
Sebestena (cordia) Daun candal
Second Aligna
Secret Diam
Salt Garam
Sow (to) Tanam
Sensible Bagnia rougui
Sepulchre Cobouran
Serious Alem
Snake Oular
Serpent (boa constrictor) Oularsaouan
Signalize (to) Tandagna
Sign (to) Touliss namamo
Silence Diam sadja
Sincere Tradjousta
Salt (to) Garam
Spittle Louda
Shoe (an old) Quenéla
Savour, taste Enac
Soap Sabon
Saw (a) Gradgié, gregadgi
Saw wood (to) Gradgié cayou
Saddle (a) Ababa
Saddle— — — (to) Ababa kouda
Smell (to) Vangui
Squeeze (to) Pegan bahé bahé
Syrup Tetess
Sober Oran pendiam
Social Souca sobat
Sister Soudarenia, sousi
Silk Soutra
Soldier Saragny
Sun Mantaré
Solid Cras
Solitary Souca candiri
Sleep Enac tidor
Slumber (to) Tidor
Sound Baboni
Sulphur Beleran
Shoe Spadou, gulapaou
Sup (to) Makan sori
Sigh (to) Tari napass
Source Pandjouran
Sphinx Koupou sori
Skeleton of a man Pougnia toulan oran maté
Statue Déos
Stupid Oran bodo
Suddenly Secaram
Subsist (to) Tahan
Subtle Alos
Succulent Enac
Suck (to) Tioup
Sugar-cane Toubou
Sugar (palm) Goula itan
Sugar— — — white Goula passir
Sugar-candy Goula batou
Sweet Rassagnia manis
South Kidol
Sweat (to) Cringat
Sweat Criegnote
Soot Assap
Suet Gommok cambing
Sultan Suldan
Superb Bagnia, bagous
Supplicate (to) Mindanbon
Suppurate (to) Lucat talalo cotor
Sure Souda pasti
Surely Songou
Surprising Talalo iran
Suspected Trada sobat, blum can alam
Sorcerer Banksat, pagnoulo
Set off (to) Calouar, clouar
Solder (to) Pâtri
Sweet scent Crasvangni
Silent Tida tcherita
Silent (to be) Pandiam
Slow Talalo lama
Stain (to) Tcheit
Suck (to) Minum tété, missop
Shear (to) Konting rambout
Sharp Talalo tadgiam
Sorrowful Oran soussa
Sow (a) Babi paranpouan
Sell (to) Djoual
Sale Djoual
See something (to) Liat apapa
Tree Pohon
To-day Arreini
This, that, Itou
Tickle (to) Gli
Thing, any thing Apapa
Toad Codoc
Thigh Paha
Tub Bâlé
To-morrow Besso
To-morrow— — — (the day after) Loussa
Tooth Guigui
Therefore Commeden
Together Sama sama
Thorn Douri
Twice Doua kali
Tun (a) Gontor
Tremble (to) Kaguet
Taint (to) Boussouc
Taste Rassa
Taste for (to have a) Rassagnia
Throw (to) Lempar
Twins Anac combar
Till Sampé
Till— — — to-morrow Sampe besso
Tongue Lida
Tear (a) Nanguic
Tired Lessou
Tire (to) Lessou
Tie (to) Icat
Trunk, box Peti
Tuesday Ari slassa
Threaten (to) Kredgia tacot
Thin Litchin
Take away (to) Picoulbaoua
Throughout Di sana sini, kouli leng
Think (to) Piker
Thumb Dgenpol
Take (to) Ambel, pegan
Tail Bountol, ekor
Thank (to) Trema cassi
Tuck up (to) Goulon, ancat
Turmerick Saffran
Thirsty (to be) Ahoss
Tobacco Tambaco
Table Méguia, media
Taylor Toucan mindgeait
Tamarinds Airam, boa assam
Tanner (a) Toucan coulet
Tempest Omba bessar
Time Sampa
Time (long) Lama
Tender Laumaess
Termes fatale Soumouth poetri
Terror Tacot
Tea Daun thé
Tiger Makian
Timid Trada brân
Thou, thee Osse, koé, lou, dia
Tomb Coubouran
Thy Koé pougnia
Thunder (to) Bekilap
Thunder Goundor
Torrent Eross
Total Samougnia, iton
Touch (to) Tolac
Torment Sexa
Turn (to) Cleyling bounder
Turtle-dove Pourcoutout
Traffic (to) Daganghen, djoual
Tranquil Diam leren
Transcribe(to) Toulis combaly
Transparent Katchia
Transpire (to) Aer cringat clouar
Transport (to) Kiari
Tremble (to) Guementar
Trespass (to) Souda maté
Treasure Tanan mass
Tribute Bea
Triumph (to) Slamal depatonton
Too much Tulalo bagnia
Too little Talalo sidiquet
Tumult Gueguer
Temples Pilingam
Terminate (to) Abis
Tortoise (a) Pignou, koura koura
Tortoise— — — (river) Voulous
Tipple (to) Slamat minum
Trot (to) Dgiatou
Tile (a) Guenden, batou guenden
Tube (a) Becacas
Town (a) Cota, negri
True Betol
Untie (to) Lapass
Ungrateful Trada trima
Unjust Trada patout
Useless Tra houssa
Unfortunate Kielakakan
Undoubtedly Pasti
Uniform Sama roupa
Urine Kinkin
Ugly Yatel
Vanish (to) Iatouslau
Villain (a) Banksat
Very Bagnia, talalo
Vessel, ship Capal
Vessel, utensil Tampat
Vine Pohonangor
Village Negri
Vinegar Thiouka
Violet Mera mouda
Violin Viola
Visit (to pay a) Liatoran
Voice Sonara
Volcanic stone Batou timboul
Vomit (to) Mouta
Vomitive Obatmouta
Wait (to) Nanti
With Sama
Well (adverb) Bahé, bay
White Pouti
Wound (to) Tousso
Wood Cayou
Wood— — —, a kind of black veined, in great estimation with the Javanese Cayou pelet
Wax Irouan
Without (from) Dilour
Wish (to) Kepegné
Water Aer
Write (to) Touliss
Wife Penanten
Window Tzendela
Weak Trada koat
Whip (a) Dgemetey
Wasp Taoun
War Pram
Weak Trabrani, trabissa
Wool Kappas blanda
Wash (to) Touki
Who, which Sapa
When Kapan, kalo
Want (to) Sala
Walk (to) Dialan, koulelen
Wicked Yahat, mara
Wicked thing (a) Boussouc
Waggish Nacal
Water melon Pasteka
Wednesday Ari ribbou
World (the) Donia, interredonia
Word (a) Percataan
Wet (to) Kredgia bassa
Whiskers Cornis
Whisper (in a) Bisi bisi
We Kita
Where Di mana, mana
West Coulon
Workman Toucan
Weigh (to) Kredgia brat
Weep (to) Manangnis
Why? Manapa
Walk (to take a) Pigui clelin
Whore (a) Sondel
When Kapan, kalo
What is it? Apa coran
Who Sapa
Who is there? Sapada
What Apa
Wrinkle (a) Kissot
Week Sato dimingo
Whistle (to) Ploït
Whilst Kalo
Witness Oran saxi
Work (to) Kredgia apapa, ancat kredgia
Water (to make) Koutchieng
Watch Bangan
Wind Anguin
Wine Angor
Wine— — — (palm) Sacaver
Willing (to be) Mao
Year Taun
Yet Lagui
Yesterday Kalamaren
Yesterday— — — (the day before) Kalamaren daulou
Yellow Couning
Young Mouda
Yes Baï
Your Pougnia
You Koé, lou
Numerical Terms.
One Sato
Two Doua
Three Tiga
Four Am pat
Five Lima
Six Anam
Seven Toudion
Eight Delapan
Nine Sambilan
Ten Sapoulou
Eleven Sapoulou sato, or sablas
Twelve Sapoulou doua, or douablas
Thirteen Sapoulou tiga, or tigablas
Fourteen Sapoulou ampat, or ampatblas
Fifteen Sapoulou lima, or limablas
Sixteen Sapoulou anam, or anamblas
Seventeen Sapoulou toudiou, or toudioublas
Eighteen Sapoulou delapan, or delapan blas
Nineteen Sapoulou sambilan, or sambilan blas
Twenty Doua sapoulou, or doua poulou
Twenty-one Doua sapoulou sato, or doua poulou sato, &c.
Thirty Tiga poulou, or tiga sapoulou
Thirty-one Tiga poulou sato, &c.
Hundred Saratous
Two hundred Doua ratous
Thousand Ceriboù
Ten thousand Cequety
Hundred thousand Celaxa