Voyage in Search of La Pérouse/Volume 2/Appendix 2
Vocabulary of the Language
of the
Savages of Diemen's Land.
Arms (the) | Gouna lia |
B. | |
Beard | Conguiné |
Branch of the eucalyptus with its leaves | Poroqui
Bark of a tree | Toline |
Bird | Mouta mouta |
Basket | Terre |
Breast of a man | Ladiné |
Breast |
heré |
Here, as in many other instances, lia placed at the end of a word indicates the plural number. | |
C. | |
Charcoal, reduced to powder, with which they cover their bodies | Loira |
Cut (to) | Rogueri, toidî |
Crown of shells | Canlaride |
Chin | Onaba |
D. | |
Drink (to) | Laina |
Death, to die | Mata |
Distance (at a) | Renaué |
E. | |
Eat (I will) | Madé guera |
Ears | Cuegni lia |
Eyes (the) | Nubru nubéré |
F. | |
Fingers | Lori lori |
Family (my) | Tagari lia |
Fire | Une |
Fly (a) | Oéllé |
Fish (small) of the species of gadus | Pounerala |
G. | |
Go and eat | Mat guera |
Give me | Noki |
Grease (to) the hair | Lane poere |
Grass | Poéné |
H. | |
Hair | Pelilogueni |
Hands | Riz lia |
I. | |
I will go | Ronda |
K. | |
Knees | Ragua lia |
Kernel of the eucalyptus resinifera | Manouadra |
Kangarou's skin | Boira |
L. | |
Let us go | Tangari |
Lobster | Nuélé |
Lips | Mogudé lia |
M. | |
Me | Mana |
Me (for) | Paouai |
Mortal (that is) | Mata enigo |
Muscle (sea) | Miré |
N. | |
Nose | Muguiz |
Name of a man | Mara |
Name (another) for a man | Mera |
Navel (the) | Lué |
No | Neudi |
Nails of the toes | Peré lia |
Nails |
Toni lia |
O. | |
Oyster-shell | Louba |
Ochre | Mallaué |
P. | |
Posteriors | Nuné |
Pillow (a small) on which the men lean | Roéré |
Parrot | Mola |
Plunge (to) | Bugure |
Polishing (the act of) with a shell | Rina |
S. | |
Sit down | Medi |
Sleep (to) | Malougna |
Sclerya (a species of very large) | Leni |
Sun (the) | Panuméré |
Stone (a) | Loïne |
Sea weed, (a species of) fucus ciliatus | Roman inou |
See (I) | Quendera |
T. | |
That belongs to me | Patourana |
Tree of the species eucalyptus | Tangara |
That | Averé |
Teeth | Pegui |
Throw (to) | Pegara |
Tongue | Méné |
Tatooing | Paléré |
Trunk of the eucalyptus | Perébé |
This way | Lomi |
W. | |
Woman | Quani |
Will you come | Quangloa |
Y. | |
You | Nina |