Voyage in Search of La Pérouse/Volume 2/End matter
The Following Valuable Works
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The * denotes such as are just published.
Practical System of the Art of War. Translated from the German of G. Venturini. In 4 vols. 4to. illustrated with numerous plans. This Work is spoken of and recommended in the strongest terms by the King of Prussia, Archduke Charles, &c.; and the Prussian General Tempelhoff, the well known Author of the Military History of the Seven Years War, has published his opinion in its favour.
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Travels in Russia, and the north of Asia. By Professor Pallas. Translated from the French. In 4 vols. 8vo. illustrated with numerous plates.
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History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. By Bryan Edwards, Esq. Dedicated, by permission, to his Majesty. In 3 large vols. 8vo. illustrated with plates.
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Poems on Various Subjects and Occasions. By William Boscawen, Esq. In one volume, crown 8vo.
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A new History of Russia. Translated from the French. With several plates, and a large map of Russia.
History of the Life and Sketch of the Campaigns of General Neapolone Bonaparte. Translated from the French. Together with a large Map of Germany and Italy, showing the Routes of the Armies, Encampments, and Fields of Battle, &c. accurately delineated by Bacler Dalbe, Captain of Cannoneers attached to the Army of Bonaparte during the War, in the capacity of Chief of his Topographical Office. And further illustrated with Maps of Egypt and Syria. In 4to. Price 1l. 1s.
Lives of the British Poets. In one large vol. 8vo. with Plates. Price 10s, 6d. in boards; or on fine paper, with proof impressions, 13s. 6d.
Observations on the Manners and Customs of the Egyptians, the Overflowing of the Nile and its effects; with Remarks on the Plague, and other Subjects. Written during a Residence of Twelve Years in Cairo and its Vicinity. By John Antes. Neatly printed in 4to.
Voyage to the East Indies and China, made by order of the King, from 1774, to 1781. In which are described the Manners, Religions, Arts and Sciences of the Indians, Chinese, and Natives of Pegu and Madagascar; with Observations on the Cape of Good Hope, Isles of France and Bourbon, the Maldives, Ceylon, Malacca, the Philippines and Moluccas: with Researches into the Natural History of those Countries. Translated from the French of M. Sonnerat. In 2 vols. 4to. illustrated and embellished with 140 plates of views, natural history, mythology, &c.
†⸸† Gentlemen desirous of the above valuable Works are requested to favour Mr. Stockdale with early Orders.
Published by J. Stockdale.
A reduced Map of the Empire of Germany, Holland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the Grisons, Italy, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia. By Captain Chauchard, &c. On three large sheets. Price 10s. 6d.
A new Map of England and Wales, with the Southern Part of Scotland; on which are accurately laid down, the Turnpike-roads and principal Towns, Parks, Rivers, and Canals. On 49 plates, 5 feet 10 inches by 4 feet 8 inches, neatly coloured, in sheets, 1l. 1s.; or on canvas and rollers, or in a case, 1l. 11s. 6d.—The great advantages of this Map are, that by being on so large a scale, with the Roads, Rivers, and principal Towns unencumbered by places of less consequence, the eye can easily trace any object, without injuring the sight, or confusing the observer.
A large Plan of London; comprehending the West India new Docks, and surrounding Villages. On four sheets, 4 feet 8 inches by 3 feet 3 inches. Price 7s, 6d.; or on canvas and rollers, or in a case, 15s.
A large Map of the Country from Twenty to Thirty Miles round London; comprehending all the Turnpike and Cross-roads, Parks, Rivers, Canals, &c. On four sheets, neatly coloured, price 7s. 6d.; or on rollers, or in a case, 13s. 6d.
A new large Plan of Manchester, from actual Survey. By C. Laurent. Price in sheets 1l. 1s.
A new large Map of the Country, from Thirty to Forty Miles round Manchester. Price, neatly coloured, 10s. 6d.
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