Voyages in the Northern Pacific/Appendix
Note:—In the year 1847, Mr. R. C. Wyllie, who was for many years, the Hawaiian Minister of Foreign Affairs, discovered a number of letters and other documents, belonging to the estate of the late Don Francisco de Paula y Marin, in a house in the old fort.
Most of them were filed in the Government archives, and are still in existence, although unfortunately Don Marin's diary has been lost. Among them are the following letters from Capt. Bouchard of the frigate "Argentina," addressed to Don Tuan de Elliot y Castro and Don Marin, as well as his instructions from the Provisional government of Buenos Ayres.
Information having reached this Government of the scandalous conduct of the crew of the corvette called "Santa Rosa," Don Hipolito de Bouchard, sergeant major of the navy of this state, and commander of the war frigate "Argentina," has been duly authorized and invested with power to proceed over the same route hitherto cruised by said vessel, and wherever the said ship may be found with all belonging to it, to seize it or reclaim it from any government, as also any member of the crew. We request any government or state, in such case, to deliver it up to said commander; that all the effects of said vessel be delivered with the armament, ammunition and stores belonging to it; to which we sign and seal with the coat of arms of this state, 27th, of April 1818.
Dr. Francisco Sans, President.
Juan Jose Paso. Vocal.
Dr. Don Pedro Elias, Secretary,
(and seven others).
II.I have just received at this date the excellent order of His Majesty in which he states the following:—That H. M. has been pleased to order that the pilot deliver to me every thing belonging to the corvette "Santa Rosa," and at the same time that he deliver to the bearer six barrels for vegetables, * * * the consumption said men * * * * * *
For the compliment in which I most heartily thank His Majesty, as I do you, for the unbounded kindness you have manifested in providing for the ships belonging to the United Provinces of Rio de La Plata.
I communicate to you how we are situated here, in the same state as before your departure, (for I have been in your confidence), which would not permit our coming to Kavacacao (Kawaiakekua?) for you must be aware of the great loss to my expedition, and the great consumption of provisions and water, without the slightest remuneration, but withal sustaining a great loss.
The individual to whom His Majesty has been pleased to assign the delivery of the sweet potatoes, not having received the barrels, which were all in use, was given a basket which measured the same quantity, in order that he might deliver what had been ordered, but has refused to receive it, and says that he will return thus from Kayroa; all of which I communicate to you for your information.
May God preserve you many years.
"Argentina," 30th Aug., 1818.
Hipolito Bouchard.
Sr. Don de Eliot y Castro.
Sec. of H. M.
III.Because of the difficulties which may arise in regard to the vessels belonging to the United Provinces of Rio de La Plata, e. g. mutinies, escapes, etc, as happened formerly in the case of the corvette "Santa Rosa," I authorize in the name of the nation of the United Provinces of Rio de La Plata, King Kamehameha to proceed as follows with any ship taking refuge within his dominions:—to hold the vessel with all its effects and crew, to deprive them of all means of communication, to take down the testimony of all the crew, examining its papers which should contain the number of the patents; taking note of the number of men comprising the crew, as also of its orders and its private instructions; for in these will be found whether the vessel has been duly commissioned: should it not possess these documents, and should it be armed for war, or have plunder on board, it will be suspicious, and must be held with all its effects and crew until due notice be given to the Government; observing to regard and care for said vessel until the resolution taken by the Government of Buenos Ayres near (por) the coasts of Chili (be received.)
His Majesty Tameamea (Kamehameha) is requested to observe the utmost punctuality and order in these cases. This authority being given by Senor Don Hipolito Bouchard, Commander of the frigate "Argentina," 6th, of Sept., 1818.
Hipolito Bouchard.
Senor Don Francisco de Paula y Marin.
IV.Dear Sir:—
I have had the misfortune not to find the brigantine of which I was in search, and have found only four of the seamen, among them the chief of the mutiny from aboard the "Santa Rosa;" who, for his crime has gone to give account to the Almighty. I have aboard a sailor who had come from Oahu with Capt. Cary. I request you on receipt of this letter, if the men who escaped have been found, to send them to me immediately, as also some provisions, as potatoes, taros, and pork. You will kindly make out the full account in order that it may be settled; for it seems to me that I have not paid for the three casks of sweet potatoes which I have received from you, and for which I will settle on my arrival. I send you the cask which you loaned me for measuring the brandy, and about which I had forgotten.
Remember me to Captain Ebbitt and to Capt. Davis; have the kindness to give my best wishes to Governor Boki, and ask him to send me six pieces of timber for (canones?), the same as those of which I spoke to you before my departure; and should he deliver them, send the bill that I may settle it: all of which I shall esteem a favor from you as well as from the Governor; also send some hogs, if they can be obtained.
May God keep you many and happy years.
"Argentina," 8th October, 1818.
Hipolito Bouchard.
Senor Don Francisco de Paula y Marin.
V.My dear Sir:—
My present need compels me to trouble you for your attention to matters which no one can settle better than you; owing to your acquaintance with these places, and your proficiency in the language.
My friend, it appears that the King and his Secretary have taken advantage of the kindness of Mr.
an honorable man, in regard to the wood which he has given me in payment for 44 bales of fine goods and six bolts of silks. It appears that the American Captains do not wish to take the sandal wood which his Majesty has given me in payment for said goods, and I find myself compelled to appeal to the Governor, so that through your intercession be made clear the bargain for the sandal-wood, which the American Captains will not accept: he (Governor) may take the matter in hand and give you, from the lot belonging to the King, the quantity to replace that which was not genuine; this affair troubles me daily, and I cannot wait longer than day after tomorrow, and you may see the best way to settle it.You must be aware that two armed ships, containing their crews of 290 men, are very expensive, and cost upwards of $150 daily; so if the King has deceived him (Mr.
) giving me fire-wood instead of sandal-wood, charging me $10.00 a picul, I shall in consequence charge him with all the expenses of my vessels during the time this business detains me, and hold the King responsible for them.I request you as a man who understands these matters, to interview the Governor, making clear to him the cause of my complaints, and have him immediately replace the sandal-wood which was not genuine, delivering it to the Captain of the Frigate "Sultana," Mr. Caleb Reynolds, which is all I have to request of the Governor at present.
May God keep you many and happy years.
"Argentina," Sept. 2nd, 1818.
Hipolito Bouchard.
There is another letter in the collection, from Capt. Bouchard to Don Marin, dated Dec. 20, 1819 at Valparaiso, inquiring about a brig, the crew of which were supposed to have run away with it.
Habiendo llegado á noticia á esta soberania el escandaloso exceso de la tripulacion de la corveta nombrada Santa Rosa, se ha expedido poder al sarjento mayor de la marina de este Estado, y comandante de la fragata Argentina de guerra, Don Hipolito de Buchard: y para que corra por donde dicha corveta cruzaba: y para que con todo en cualesquiera destine que sea hallado este buque queda apresarlo ó reclamarlo á cualquiera Gobierno, y en seguida cualesquiera individuo de su tripulacion. Se suplica, á cualquiera gobierno ó estado, se digne, en tal caso, exederlo á dicho comandante. Se exedan todos los intereses de dicho buque, armamento, municion y armamento que correspondan. Para lo cual lo firmamos y sellamos con las armas de este Estado á 27 del mes de Abril del año de mil ochocientos diez y ocho.
Dr. Francisco Sans, Presidente.
Juan Jose Paso, Vocal.
Dr. Don Pedro Elias, Segretario.
(and seven others).
II.Con esta fecha acabo de recibir la superior orden de su Magestad donde il me expone lo siguiente; que Su Magestad se ha dignado ordenar al piloto que se me entrege todo aquello que fuese perteneciente á la corveta Santa Rosa, y al mismo tiempo, que al portador se le entrege seis barriles para los vegetales, consumo que dicho hombre * * * *
Para su complimiento en lo que doy infinitas gracias á Su Magestad y á Usted por consiguente por la immensa bondad que Usted usa para el auxilio de los buques de las Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata. Comunico á Umd. como estamos aqui en el mismo ser que antes de irse Usted pues yo he estado en la confianza de Usted, no dejaria de venir á esta Kawacacao (Kawaiakekua), pues no debe Usted ignorar el atraso de mi expedition, el gran consumo de viveres, y aguada sin la menor utilidad, si no con todo un gran atraso.
El individuo que Su Magestad se ha dignado destinar para entregar las batatas, no habiendo podido absolutamente dar se le los barriles por tenerlos todos ocupados, se le dió una canasta que podia hacer la misma cuantidad para que por el entregara lo que se habia ordenado, el que no ha querido recibir y me dice que se vuelve asi de Kayroa.
Lo cual comunico á Usted para su inteligencia.
Dios guarde á Usted muchos años. "Argentina," 30 de Agosto de 1313. Hipolito Bouchard.
Señor Don Juan de Eliot y Castro,
Secretario de Su Magestad.
III.Por los inconvenientes que pueden suceder, respeto á los buques de las Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata, e. g. fugas, levantamientos, al caso sucedido anteriormente con la Corveta Santa Rosa, doy facultad, en nombre de la Nacion de las Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata, al Rey Tameamea (Kamehameha), que cualesquiera buque que se refugiase bajo su dominio tome las providencias siguientes; de tener el buque con todo sus intereses y la gente, ponerlas encomunicables, informa una sumaria y tomando las declaraciones de toda la tripulacion, y visitando sus papeles que deben contener o el numero de las patentes; notando en ellas la cuantidad de hombres que contiene la tripulacion; se pase ordenanza y sus instruciones secretas, que en ellas se conocerá si el buque está despedido en orden, y si acaso no tuviese estos documentos el buque será sospechoso si fuere armado en guerra y si fuese cualesquiera presa detengase el buque sus intereses y su tripulacion hasta la parte, al Gobierno, con el bien entendido respectar y cuidar los intereses que en dicho buque se refugiasen en estos dominios, hasta la resolucion del Gobierno de B. Ayres por las costas de Chile. Se suplica á su Magestad Tameamea la mayor puntualidad y orden en estos casos. Dado este poder por el Senor Don Hipolito Bouchard, Comandante de la Fragata Argentina á 6 dias del mes de Setiembre de 1818.
Hipaulito Bouchard.
Señor Don Francisco de Paula y Marin.
IV.Muy Senor mio: he tenido la desgracia de no encontrar el bergantin que iba á buscar, y solamente he encontrado cuatro de los marineros de dicho buque, y entre ellos al cabeza principal del motin, de abordo de la Santa Rosa, el cual por su delito ha ido á dar cuenta al todo poderoso, y un marinero que habia venido de Waooh (Oahu), con el Capitan Kery (Gary), lo tengo abordo. Suplico á Usted que al recibir esta si se hallan los tales hombres que fugaron, me los empresta en el momento, y lo mismo con algunas provisiones, como batatas, taros y chancho. Y Vm. formerá la cuenta de todo para satisfacer su importe lo mismo: que me parece no he pagado las tres barricas de batatas que he tomado de Vmd, que sa satisfacere á mi llegada, Remito al Vmd. la barrica que Vmd, me empresto para medir e, aguardiente que se me habia olvidado. Expresiones al Capitan Eviet (Ebbitt) y al Capitan Devis (Davis), de mi parte. Tenga Nmd, la molestia de dar muchas memorias al Gobernador M. Poquit (Boki) y suplicarle Vmd, de mi parte que me mande seis piezas de madera para canones como habia hablado á Vmd antes de mi salida, y si acaso los libra, mandeme Vmd la cuenta para satisfacer su importe, que mereceré de Vmd y del Gobernador lo mismo. Y algunos chanchos si se pueden consequir en el momento. Dios guarde á Vmd muchos y felices años.
Hipaulito Bouchard.
"Argentina," 8 de Octubre de 1818.
Señor Don Francisco de Paula y Marin.
V.M. S. M. la necesidad en que me hallo me obliga á molestar la atencion de Vmd. sobre cosas que nadie mas que Vmd puede hacer transar (transigir)? nuestras dificultades por el gran conocimiento que Vmd tiene en estos lugares, y la perfeccion que Vmd tiene para el idioma. Amigo, parece que el Rey y su secretario han engañado la bondad de—hombre de bien, sobre el palo que me ha dado en pago de 44 fardos de generos finos y seis bultes de sederias.
Segun parece los SS Capitanes Americanos no quieren tomar el sangilut que Su Magestad me ha dado en pago de dichos efeclos, y yo me veo precisado de Oluxxia al S. Gobernador para que con la persona de Vmd le haga entender el tiato del sangilut, que no quieren tomar los Americanos, él se puede hacer cargo, y darle la cantidad que fuese mala de la que pertence al Rey: para mi todos los dias me es un daño terrible, y no puedo detenerme mas que hasta pasado mañana, y Vmd. vea el mejor modo para este. Vmd. no ignora que con dos buques armad s que contienen sus tripulaciones de 290 hombres, los gastos son de una gran consideracion, y suben á mas de ciente cinquenta pesos diarios, y si el Rey é ha engañado su buena fé, dandome leña de quemar por sanguilut, cargandome a diez pesos el pico en consequencia de esto, todos los dias que me detenge este negocio, cargaré los gastos que hago abordo de mis dos buques, para que el Rey me sea responsable de ellos.
Suplico la bondad de Vmd. como hombre que entiende estos negocios, se aproxime al Gobernador, haciendo entender mis quejas y que determine en la hora misma de remplagar el sangilut que no fuese bueno, entregandolo al Capitan de la Fragata Sultano, Don Caleb Reynolds, que es la unica cosa que suplicar la éd bondad del Señor Gobernador y en este caso. Dios guarde á Vmd muchos y felices años.
Hipaulito Bouchard.
"Argentina," Setiembre 2 de 1818.