Voyages in the Northern Pacific/Index
- Adams, Capt., 71.
- Point, 57, 66, 79a.
- Aikanes, 48, 87, 101.
- Alexander, Am. brig, 76.
- Albatross, Am. ship, 68, 71.
- Aleutian Islands, 14, 29, 46, 52, 54.
- American Colony project, 5.
- continent, rapid peopling of, 6.
- government, object of the 3.
- fleet of traders, 46.
- Americans, plan of, 5.
- Amusements of Hawaiians, 106.
- Anderson, Peter, 7, 49.
- Andromache, H. M. ship, 126.
- Animals, variety of, 68–9.
- Appendix—Bouchard Letters, 128–38.
- Area of trading territory, 3, 4.
- Argentina, Patriot ship, 119.
- her motley crew, 121.
- attack on Monterey, 122,
- and along the coast, 123–126.
- arrival at Valparaiso, 127.
- Ashton, Jos., goes insane, 41.
- Astor, John Jacob, 7, 8, 13, 15.
- Atkins, (Col.) expedition, 3.
- Attack on Monterey, 122.
- Attempt (second) to settle on the Columbia, 13.
- Awa. 104–5.
- Ayers, Capt., 68.
- Baker's Bay, 25, 57, 58.
- Baranoff, Governor, 29, 30, 34, 37.
- Barber's Point, 100.
- Beaver (The), Astor's second ship, 13, 14.
- Bethune, Mr., 28, 38, 49.
- Bird Island, 73.
- Blacksmith of the Tonquin, 9, 11, 12.
- Black whale, 52, 54.
- Boatswain of Forester shot, 40.
- Bodago, 75a.
- Bay, 81, harbor, 82.
- Bodaree and Bodarkee, or skin boats, 29, 50, 53, 54.
- Boki, 93.
- Bordeaux Packet, brig, 83a.
- Bouchard Hypolito, arrival of, at Hawaii, 119.
- demands the Santa Rosa, 119.
- letters, 130–38.
- orders Griffith shot, 120.
- plundering along the Coast, 123–26.
- Brazil Coast, 20.
- British-Canadian companies, 4.
- Brutus, Am. brig, 73.
- Calpo, chief, 58.
- Canadian lakes, 4.
- Canadians, 80a.
- Canoe fur fleet, 47, 55.
- voyages, 53.
- Carpenter, John, 77a, 78a, 79a, 83a.
- Cape Disappointment, 14, 19, 24, 25, 57, 58.
- Edgecomb, 75.
- Frio, 20.
- Horn, 20, 22.
- Mendocino, 81.
- Orford, 24, 77-78.
- St. Lucas, 11, 126.
- St. Vincent, 22.
- Casakas, or Cassacas, and Selechel, 27, 65.
- Cattle shooting restricted, 109.
- Ceremonies at death of high chief, 87.
- Chatham Straits natives, 74.
- Cherub, H. M. Ship, 17, 41.
- Chickeloes, 58, 66.
- Chiefs bones, 87, 115, 117.
- Chinese fishing boats, 36.
- Chinook Indians, 27, 31, 61.
- mode of burial, 64.
- point, 58, village, 58, 59.
- women, description of, 63.
- Circumcision, rite of, observed, 67.
- Cladsaps, 66, 77a.
- mission to, 78a.
- Classet, 58.
- Climate of the Columbia, 67.
- Columbia river, 3, 8, 24, 47, 77a.
- bar, 8, 42.
- establishment, 7, 14, 16, 18.
- settlement, 13.
- Columbia, schr., 19, 28, 29, 31, 2, 34, 35, 37, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 55, 69, 73, 76, 77, 82a, 84, 84a, 88, 89, 90.
- Comley, or Com Comley, King, 27, 31, 42, 58, 65, 66, 68.
- Conception Point, 123.
- Cook's, (Capt.), crew introduced disease, 105.
- harbor, 50.
- straits, 51.
- Customs of civilized nations imitated in Haw'n Is. 2.
- of Hawaiians, 103.
- of Indians, 39, 74.
- Death ceremonies of Hawaiians, 87.
- Directions entering Columbia river, 57.
- Distilling, 106, first introduced in Hawaii, 107
- Dodd, James, lost overboard, 50.
- Drunkenness, 81a.
- Ebbets, Mr., 40.
- Edgecombe, Cape and Mount, 75.
- English flag rarely seen, 1.
- Falkland Islands, 20.
- Fatal Catastrophe, 10.
- Fence of human bones, 115.
- Fishing, Hawaiian methods of, 111–114.
- party, a large, 111.
- Fish catching by poison, 114
- Forester, brig, 38, 39, 40, 71.
- Fort George, 27, 55.
- Fort at Oahu, 2, 71, 98.
- Monterey, 44.
- Waimea, Kauai, 88.
- Furs, chief depot for, 52.
- Fur Seal curing, 51.
- Fur trade, The, 2, 4, 5, 16.
- activity and enterprise, 4.
- Gallipagos Islands, 94.
- Gambling, prevalence of, 106.
- Goat Island, 21.
- Governor Baranoff, 29, 30, 34.
- Kutscoff, 34, 82.
- of Monterey, 32, 33.
- Greek Church converts, 52.
- Griffiths, mutineer, 94, arrives at Hawaii, 95, executed at Kauai, 120.
- Hallibut Island, 50.
- Hawaiian house building, 91.
- produce, 69, 108, 109.
- Hawaii, arrival at 35, 39, 47, 69, 82a.
- Hawaiians attachment to their chiefs, 105.
- Hawaiian superstition, 104.
- women described; 110.
- Harbottle, John, 48, 71, 96.
- Harbor dues and pilotage, origin of, 96.
- Heavy cape Horn weather, 22.
- Hikanees—see Aikanes.
- Honolulu, 71, 90, 96, 99,
- Human bones, fence of, 115.
- Hunt's (Mr.) Overland party 13.
- Commands the Pedlar, 46.
- Icarius, H. M. ship, 126.
- Indians' aversion to work, 67.
- customs, habit and dress, 53, 61, 74.
- hostile intentions, 10.
- Indians of Kodiac and Oonalaska, 30, 50.
- savage tribes of, 76a, 81, weapons, 79.
- Indian tribes, 3, designs on the Beaver 14.
- manners and customs, 59,
- religious ideas, 67.
- massacre of the Tonquin's crew, 11.
- prisoners executed, 42.
- tribal war averted, 66.
- villages, 27, 34, 58, 59, 76a, 78.
- Inglis, Ellice & Co. 19.
- Isaac Todd, ship, 17, 18, 27, 31, 41.
- deserters from, 43, 46,
- Isabella, Am. ship, 46.
- Jameson, Jno death of 22.
- Jennings Captn. 38, trouble with crew, 39.
- shoots the boatswain, 40, 52, 81.
- visits the King 83a, signs agreement of sale, 84a.
- gives ship upto the King, 92.
- returns from Hawaii, 95.
- Juan Fernandes, 94.
- Kaahumanu, queen, 16.
- brig, loading for China 71.
- at Hunolulu, 96.
- Kalaimoku, 83a, 84a, 90.
- Kailua, 35, 39, 47, 69, 83a.
- Kaleioku, death of, 86.
- ceremonies, 87.
- spirit visitation, 116.
- Kalo cultivation, 108.
- Kamahaiolani, 88.
- Kamamalu, 47.
- Kamehameha, King of Hawaii, 16.
- advised of the Santa Rosa piracy, 95.
- begins the makahiki fesivities, 101.
- boards the Columbia, 47.
- buys the Santa Rosa, 92.
- Kamehameha, clears ship of natives, 85.
- defers purchase of the Columbia, 83a.
- establishes harbour dues, etc. 96.
- high priest, 103.
- orders Russians to leave, 72.
- orders ship to Kauai for sandal-wood, 88.
- personal appearance, 35.
- protects Captn. Jennings, 40.
- receives oyster dredge, 100.
- restricts cattle shooting, 109.
- welcomes the Columbia's return, 69.
- Kapa making, 105,
- Kapu, 36, 86, 100,
- Kauai, 49, 88.
- Kaumuahi, King of Kauai, 49, 88, 89, 120.
- Kawaiahae bay, 82a.
- Kealakekua, 39, 41.
- Keeaumoku, chief of Maui, 16, 102, 112.
- Keith Mr. 77a.
- Kenopoo, 48, 70.
- Kings (The) taxes, 86.
- Kodiac 29.
- and Oonalaska Indians, 30, 52.
- Kuwahine 112.
- Lark, ship dismasted at sea, 15.
- Lahaina, visit to, 70.
- Lapham, Lewis death of, 56.
- Laurel, H. M. ship, 20, wrecked on Kahoolawe, 16.
- Lehina (Lahama) Roads 86.
- Levant, ship, 119.
- Lewis and Clark's journey, 5.
- Liddy, Am. schr. 46.
- Liholiho, Prince, 47, 85.
- Little, Joseph, rescued, 19.
- Loss of boat's crew, 8, 9.
- Machal Mr. 15.
- Makahiki festival 82a, 83a, 101, 102.
- Mandarin, Grand, 49.
- Manini (Manning) or Don Marin, 48,99, 107, 109, 114, 115, 116, 117.
- Massacre of Tonquin's crew, 11.
- Maui, touch at, 70.
- Mercury, ship, 68.
- Mc. Donald, mutineer, 94, 95.
- Mc. Dougal, governor, 8, 10, 12, 18.
- Mr. 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 49.
- Mc. Kay, or Mc Kie, Mr. 10.
- Mc. Kenzie, Mr. 55.
- Mc. Lennan, Mr. 28, 49.
- Mc. Tavish, Donald 17, 18, 19, 31.
- Fraser & Co. 17, fit out the Columbia, 19.
- Mc. Tavish, James, 28.
- Jno. Geo. governor, 27.
- Mexico, Viceroy of, 33.
- Millwood, Am. schr. 47.
- Mission of Carmel, 44.
- of Santa Cruz, 44.
- Moffitt, Mr. 8, 10.
- Monterey, 17, 32, 43.
- description and population, 44.
- pillaged, 122.
- Morai, 83a, 101
- Murderous Indian assault, 42.
- Mutineers delivered to the fort, 27.
- of the Santa Rosa, 94, 120.
- Mutinous plot frustrated, 23.
- Myrtle, Rus. ship, condemned, 83a.
- Nations in the fur trade, 4.
- New Albion, 76.
- Russian settlement on, 82.
- Trading with Indians of, 77.
- Norfolk Sound, 14, 29, 31, 46, 73, 79a, 83, 89.
- Northwest Company, 27, 28, 55, 79a, 80a, 81a, 119.
- of Canada, 17, 18.
- Russian, 28.
- Oahu Battery or fort 2, 71, description of, 98.
- Oahu, Island of, 96.
- tide flow, 114.
- O' Cain or O'Kean, ship, 46.
- Oonalaska, 50, 51, 52.
- habits and dress of Indians, 53.
- Indians, skillful hunters, 54.
- Ormsby Peak, 50.
- Owhyhee—see Hawaii.
- Pacific Ocean, 3, 4, 5, shores 6.
- Packet, Am. ship, 29.
- Paleioholani, King, 115.
- Pearl Oyster industry, 100.
- Pearl River, 115.
- Pearl water Inlet, 99.
- Pedlar, Am. brig, 18, 40.
- Penguin Island, 21.
- Phoebe, H. M. ship, 19.
- Piggot, Capt. 71.
- Pillage, a cruise of, 123–126.
- Pilotage, Hawaiian origin, 2, 96.
- Pitt Mr. (Kalaimoku, which see)
- Point Gregory, 77a.
- Pinos, 122.
- Poisoning ot crew, 126
- Policy of King Kamehameha, 2.
- Polygamy among Indians, 64.
- Pork curing, method of, 72.
- Port Trinidad, 76a, 78.
- Prayed to death, fear of being, 104.
- Prockley, Captain 94.
- Racoon, H. M. ship, 17, 18.
- Rainy season of Hawn. Is. 114.
- Recovery of deserters 43.
- Rescue of Lark's crew, 16.
- Rio de Janeiro, 20, 21.
- Robson, Captn. 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 29, 31,32, 35, 37, 38.
- Russians and Kodiacs, 82, 84.
- Russian colors hoisted, 72.
- designs in Sandwich Is. 2, 46, 71.
- establishment, 82.
- fort at Kauai, 88, at Norfolk Sound, 30.
- Northwest Co. 28.
- trade precautions, 76.
- Russian trading settlement, 4, 14, 30, 33.
- Russians, 4, 30, 31, 34, 51, 52, 53, 71.
- at Kauai, 88, driven off, 89.
- expelled from Oahu, 72, 82.
- Sandal wood collecting, 89.
- purchasing, 47.
- Sandwich Islanders 8, 9, 25, 27, 38, 41, 69.
- dress of women, 110–111.
- good fighters, 122.
- human sacrifices abolished, 102.
- superstitions, 103, 115, 117.
- Sandwich Islands, 1, 2, 7, 96.
- San Francisco, 17, 32
- Santa Rosa, brig, account of mutiny, 93–94.
- arrival at Hawaii, 92.
- delivered up to Bouchard, 119.
- sails for Kauai, 120, and Monterey, 121.
- attack fort and sack the town, 122.
- reach Valparaiso, 126.
- Scheffer, Dr., (Shefham), 46, 48, 72, 73, 89.
- Sea-Otters, 30, 54.
- Selechel, 65.
- Settlers landed, 10.
- Ship towage into Honolulu, method of, 67–8.
- Sir Francis Drake harbor, 32, 75a.
- Slavery among Indians, 68.
- Smith, Capt. 27.
- Sole (or Soule), Capt., 14.
- Soledada Island, 21.
- Soosoonies, 42, 65.
- Spaniards, 32, 33, 43, 80, 122.
- Spanish crew massacred, 80.
- Spear catching, 101.
- Sperm whales seen, 42.
- St. Barbara looted, 124.
- Stevenson, Wm., escaped convict, 107.
- St. Paul & St. George Islands, 14, 51.
- Strange custom, 36.
- Surf riding experience, 112.
- Taboo or Kapu, 36, 86, 100.
- Tackum, chief, 66.
- Tameamea, see Kamehameha.
- Tameameah, Am. schooner privateer, 39
- Tamoree—see Kaumualii.
- Tarrow—see Kalo.
- Taxes, 83a, 102.
- Tee (or Ki) root, 106.
- Thorne, Captn. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
- Tongue Point, 57.
- Tonquin, leaves New York, 7.
- off the Columbia, 8, in peril, 9.
- lands cargo, 10.
- messacre of crew, 11,
- wrecked, 12.
- Tour with Don Marin, 117.
- Trade, articles of, 68.
- between N. W. Coast Sand. Is. and China, 1.
- Tres Marias, 126.
- Trinidad bay, 75a.
- Turner, Captn. 92, 93.
- with officers put ashore, 94.
- Vancouver's observatory, 32, 44.
- Waialua, 100.
- Waianae, 89, 100.
- Waikiki, 97.
- Waimea, 73, 88, 89.
- Russian fort at, 88.
- Wampoa, schr. Columbia, leaves 41.
- War Canoes, Indian, 69.
- West India trade, effect on, 2, 19.
- Western Settlement's Communication, 3.
- Wild Animals, variety of, 5.
- Winship, Captn. 71.
- Woahoo, see Oahu.
- Woody Point, 10, 12.
- Young John, 40, 72, 83a, 84a, 107.
- Young's River, 77a.