Wallenstein/The Death of Wallenstein/A5S08
(Servants run across the stage full of terror. The whole Scene must be Spoken entirely without pauses.)
SENI. (from the gallery.)O bloody frightful deed!
COUNTESS.What is it, Seni?
PAGE. (from the gallery.)O piteous fight!
(Other servants hasten in with torches.)
COUNTESS.What is it? For God's sake!
SENI.And do you ask?Within the Duke lies murder'd—and your husbandAssassinated at the Castle.(The Countess stands motionless.)
FEMALE SERVANT, (rushing across the stage.)Help! Help! the Duchess!
BURGOMASTER. (enters.)What meant these confus'dLoud cries, that wake the sleepers of this house?
GORDON.Your house is curs'd to all eternity.In your house doth the Duke lie murdered!
BURGOMASTER. (rushing out.)Heaven forbid!
FIRST SERVANT.Fly! fly! they murder us all!
SECOND SERVANT. (carrying silver plate.)That way! The lowerPassages are block'd up.
VOICE. (from behind the Scene.)Make room for the Lieutenant General!(At these words the Countess starts from her stupor, collects herself, and retires suddenly.)
VOICE. (from behind the Scene.)Keep back the people! Guard the door.