Western Mandarin/Table of Relationships
1. Father's Family.
- Father
- 父親
- Father (direct address)
- 爹
- 爺
- 爸
- Father (vulgar)
- 老漢兒
- 老人家
Father's Brother.
- Father's elder brother
- 胞伯
- 伯父
- 伯伯
- Father's elder brother (according to rank)
- 大爸
- 二爸
- 三爸
- Father's elder brother (according to rank)
- 大滿
- 二滿
- 三滿
- Father's elder brother's wife
- 伯娘
- 大嬸
- 大媽
- 大娘
- Father's younger brother
- 胞叔
- 叔父
- 叔叔
- Father's youngest brother
- 么叔
- Father's youngest brother's wife
- 叔娘
- 嬸娘
- Father's brother's sons
- 叔伯弟兄
- Father's brother's son (elder)
- 哥哥
- Wife of the last
- 大嫂
- 嫂嫂
- Father's brother's son (younger)
- 兄弟
- Wife of the last
- 弟媳
- Father's brother's daughters
- 叔伯姊妹
- Father's brother's daughter (elder)
- 姐姐
- Husband of last
- 姐夫
- 姐丈
- Father's brother's daughter (younger)
- 妹妹
- Husband of last
- 妹夫
- 妹弟
- Father's brother's grandson
- 姪兒
- 姪子
- 姪男
Father's Sister.
- Father's sister
- 姑娘
- 姑母
- Father's sister's husband
- 姑爺
- 姑父
- Father's sister's son
- 老表
- Father's sister's son (elder)
- 表兄
- Father's sister's son (younger)
- 表弟
- Father's sister's son's wife
- 表嫂
- Father's sister's daughter
- 表姊妹
- Father's sister's daughter (elder)
- 表姐
- Father's sister's daughter (younger)
- 表妹
- Father's sister's grandson
- 表姪
- Father's sister's granddaughter
- 表姪女
- Grandfather
- 祖父
- 爺爺
- 公公
- Grandmother
- 祖母
- 奶奶
- 婆婆
- Grandfather's brother
- 叔祖
- Grandfather's brother (eldest)
- 大祖
- Grandfather's brother (second)
- 二祖
- Grandfather's brother (youngest)
- 么祖
- Grandfather's brother's son (eldest)
- 伯父
- Grandfather's brother's son (younger)
- 叔父
- Grandfather's brother's son (youngest)
- 么叔
- Grandfather's brother's grandsons
- 同堂弟兄
- Grandfather's sister
- 姑婆
- Grandfather's sister's husband
- 姑公
- Grandfather's sister's son
- 表叔
- Great-grandfather
- 曾祖
- 太公
- Great-grandmother
- 曾祖母
- 太婆
- Great-great-grandfather
- 高祖
- Great-great-grandmother
- 高祖母
- Elder brother
- 胞兄
- 哥哥
- Elder brother's wife
- 嫂嫂
- Eldest brother
- 大哥
- Eldest brother's wife
- 大嫂
- Second brother (older)
- 二哥
- Second brother's wife
- 二嫂
- Younger brother
- 胞弟
- 兄弟
- Fourth brother (younger)
- 四弟
- Youngest brother
- 么弟兒
- 弟娃
- Younger brother's wife
- 弟媳
- Brother's son
- 姪兒
- 姪子
- 姪男
- Brother's son's wife
- 姪媳
- Brother's daughter
- 姪女
- Brother's daughter's husband
- 姪女婿
- Brother's grandson
- 姪孫
- Brother's granddaughter
- 姪孫女
- Elder sister
- 胞姐
- 姐姐
- Eldest sister
- 大姐
- Second sister (elder)
- 二姐
- Third sister (elder)
- 三姐
- Elder sister's husband
- 姐丈
- 姐夫
- Younger sister
- 胞妹
- 妹妹
- Third sister (younger)
- 三妹
- Youngest sister
- 么妹
- Husband of younger sister
- 妹丈
- 妹夫
- Sister's son
- 外姪
- 外子
- Sister's daughter
- 外姪女
- Son
- 兒子
- Son (polite)
- 少爺
- Son (eldest)
- 大公子
- 老大
- Son (second)
- 二公子
- 老二
- Son (youngest)
- 么兒子
- 老么
- Son's wife
- 媳婦
- Son's wife (direct address)
- 姑兒
- 女兒
- Daughter
- 女兒
- 女子
- 姑娘
- Daughter (polite)
- 小姐
- 千金
- Daughter's husband
- 女婿
- 乾兒
- Daughter's son
- 外孫
- Daughter's daughter
- 外孫女
- Grandson
- 孫子
- 孫頭兒
- Grandson's wife
- 孫媳婦
- Grandson's daughter
- 孫女
- Grandson's daughter's husband
- 孫女婿
- Great-grandson
- 曾孫
- 蟲蟲
- Great-grandson's daughter
- 曾孫女
- Great-great-grandson
- 玄孫
- 末末
2. Mother's Family.
- Mother
- 母親
- 媽
- 娘
Mother's Brother.
- Mother's brother
- 舅父
- 舅舅
- Mother's brother's wife
- 舅母
- 舅娘
- Mother's eldest brother
- 大舅舅
- Wife of the last
- 大舅母
- Mother's second brother
- 二舅舅
- Wife of the last
- 二舅母
- Mother's youngest brother
- 么舅舅
- Wife of the last
- 么舅母
- Mother's brother's son
- 老表
- Wife of the last
- 表嫂
- Mother's brother's son (elder)
- 表兄
- Mother's brother's son (younger)
- 表弟
- Mother's brother's daughter
- 表姊妹
- Mother's brother's daughter (elder)
- 表姐
- Mother's brother's daughter (younger)
- 表妹
- Mother's brother's grandson
- 表姪
Mother's Sister.
- Mother's sister
- 姨母
- 姨娘
- Mother's sister's husband
- 姨夫
- Mother's sister's son
- 姨表
- Mother's sister's daughters
- 姨娘姊妹
Mother's Father.
- Mother's father
- 家公
- 外公
- Mother's mother
- 家婆
- 外婆
- Mother's father's brother (eldest)
- 大家公
- Wife of the last
- 大家婆
- Mother's father's brother (second)
- 二家公
- Wife of the last
- 二家婆
3. Wife's Family.
- Wife
- 妻子
- Wife (vulgar)
- 婆娘
- 婦人
- Wife (used by the husband when speaking of the wife)
- 家裏
- 屋裏
- 屋頭
- 內裏
- 內人
- 室人
- 拙荆
Wife's Father.
- Wife's father
- 岳父
- 親爺
- 老丈人
- Wife's mother
- 岳母
- 親娘
- 老丈母
- Wife's father's brother
- 叔岳父
- Wife of the last
- 叔岳母
- Wife's father's brother's son (elder)
- 內兄
- Wife's father's brother's son (younger)
- 內弟
- Wife's father's brother's daughters
- 姨姊妹
- Wife's father's sister
- 妻姑娘
- Husband of the last
- 妻姑爺
Wife's Grandfather.
- Wife's grandfather
- 親公
- Wife's grandmother
- 親婆
Wife's Brother.
- Wife's brother
- 舅子
- Wife of the last
- 嫂嫂
- 舅母子
- Wife's brother (elder)
- 內兄
- Wife's brother (younger)
- 內弟
- Wife's brother's son
- 內姪兒
- Wife's brother's daughter
- 內姪女
Wife's Sister.
- Wife's eldest sister
- 大姨姐
- Wife's second sister (elder)
- 二姨姐
- Wife's fourth sister (younger)
- 四姨妹
- Wife's youngest sister
- 么姨妹
- Wife's sister's husband
- 姨夫
- Wife's sister's son
- 姨姪兒
- Wife's sister's daughter
- 姨姪女
4. Son-in-law's Family.
- Son-in-law's father
- 親家
- Son-in-law's mother
- 親家母
- Son-in-law's father's eldest brother
- 大親家
- Son-in-law's father's second brother
- 二親家
- Son-in-law's father's youngest brother
- 么親家
- Son-in-law's grandfather
- 親翁
- Son-in-law's grandmother
- 親母
- Son-in-law's brother
- 兄弟
- Son-in-law's sister
- 姊妹
5. Daughter-in-law's Family.
(The same as Son-in-law's Family).
6. Husband's Family.
- Husband
- 丈夫
- Husband (vulgar)
- 老公
- 男人
- Husband (used by the wife when speaking of husband)
- 外前人
- 娃娃的爹
Husband's Father.
- Husband's father
- 老人公
- 公公
- Husband's mother
- 老人婆
- 婆婆
Husband's Brother.
- Husband's elder brother
- 大伯子
- 哥哥
- Wife of the last
- 大嫂
- 嫂嫂
- Husband's younger brother
- 小叔子
- 兄弟
- Wife of the last
- 弟媳
- Husband's brother's son
- 姪兒
- Husband's brother's daughter
- 姪女
Husband's Sister.
- Husband's elder sister
- 姐姐
- Husband's eldest sister
- 大姐
- Husband's second sister (elder)
- 二姐
- Husband's elder sister's husband
- 姐丈
- 姐夫
- Husband's younger sister
- 妹妹
- Husband's fourth sister (younger)
- 四妹
- Husband's youngest sister
- 么妹
- Husband's younger sister's husband
- 妹弟
- 妹夫
- Husband's unmarried sister
- 小姑子
- Husband's sister's son
- 外姪
- Husband's sister's daughter
- 外姪女
7. Miscellaneous.
- Distant relatives
- 瓜葛親
- Step-father
- 繼父
- 皮老漢
- Step-mother
- 繼母
- 後娘
- 晚母
- Step-son
- 繼兒子
- 皮兒子
- Step-daughter
- 皮女
- Principal wife
- 正妻
- Concubine
- 側室
- 小婆子
- 妾
- Father's principal wife
- 庶母
- Father's concubine
- 嫡母
- Mother (said by the son of a concubine)
- 生母
- 乃媽
- 親親媽
- Wet-nurse
- 奶媽
- 乳母
- A kind of God-father
- 乾父
- 寄父
- 保爺
- God-mother
- 乾母
- 寄母
- 保娘
- God-son
- 乾兒子
- 寄兒子
- 乾殿下
- God-daughter
- 乾女
- Girl living in the house of her future husband's parents
- 乾女子
- 閒房媳婦
- Adopted son
- 抱的兒子
- Foundling, or Foster, son
- 收的兒子
- 義子
- Foundling, or Foster, daughter
- 義女
- Foster parents
- 義父母
- Sworn sisters
- 仁義姊妹
- Covenant brothers
- 盟兄
- 盟弟
- Father's covenant brother
- 盟叔
- Covenant brother's son
- 盟姪
- Man born in the same year
- 老庚
- 庚兄
- Elder and younger brothers of the last
- 同年哥
- 同年弟
- Son of a man born in the same year
- 同年姪
- Man who obtained his degree in the same year
- 年兄
- 年弟
- Son of last
- 年姪
- Man who obtained his degree in the same year as my father
- 年伯