Western Mandarin/Words with Characters/1
The 1st radical. (一)
- 一 i5.
- 一個人
- One person; alone.
- 一心一億
- With one heart and mind.
- 一年一回
- once a year.
- 一步一步
- step by step.
- 要喫一點藥
- you must take a little medicine.
- 下了一天的雨
- it rained a whole day.
- 他們是一路來的
- they came together.
- 一切的事情
- all affairs.
- 一樣的東西
- the same kind of thing.
- 天一亮的時候
- as soon as it is daylight.
- 一早要起身
- we will start in the early morning.
- 鞋子做歸一了
- the shoes are finished.
- 都坐歸一了沒有
- are they all seated ready?
- 我人今天不居一
- I am unwell to-day.
- 第一章
- the first chapter.
- 第一要緊的
- the most important.
- 不一定
- not certain.
- 丁 tin1.
- 丁香
- cloves; lit. nail spice, (from the old meaning of the character).
- 好多人丁
- how many persons?
- 成丁
- to come of age.
- 丁憂
- a son mourning for his father (official).
- 家丁 and 門丁
- servants and door keepers.
- 兵丁
- soldiers.
- 他兩個的力量丁對
- they are about matched in strength.
- 丁梆兩句
- they squabbled a bit.
- 丁年
- "tin" year, i.e, the year in the cycle in which "tin" occurs.
- 七 tsʻi5, tsʻie5.
- 七百
- seven hundred.
- 第七本
- the seventh volume.
- 燒七
- to burn cash paper after a death every seventh day till the 40th day.
- 他在那裏說七說八的
- he just talked a lot of nonsense there.
- 丈 chang4.
- 一丈大
- ten feet long; a Chinese yard.
- 好多丈尺
- what is the measurement?
- 丈田
- to measure fields.
- 丈夫
- a husband.
- 大丈夫
- an able man.
- 老丈人
- wife's father.
- 下 shia4.
- 棹子底下
- under the table.
- 在下面
- on the lower side.
- 下等的貨
- an inferior class of goods.
- 下民
- the vulgar classes.
- 下半天
- after-noon.
- 下月
- next month.
- 快快下來
- come down quickly.
- 把瓦下下來
- take down the files off the house.
- 下馬
- to dismount from a horse.
- 下手做工
- to commence work.
- 下鄕
- to go into the country.
- 那天下了雨
- rain fell on that day.
- 生下來
- to give birth to.
- 下蛋
- to lay eggs.
- 下棋
- to play chess.
- 下脚錢
- coolie hire paid at the end of a journey.
- 下江板子
- the blocks of this book have been cut down river.
- 我名下分好多
- how much is there to my name?
- 天下
- the empire.
- 下身
- the privates.
- 一百錢的上下
- a hundred cash or thereabout.
- 三 san1.
- 三本書
- three books.
- 我不管他三七二十一
- I don't care what he says or does; lit. 3 times 7 are 21.
- 三脚
- a tri-pod.
- 三隻手
- a pick pocket.
- 不要三心二意
- don't be irresolute.
- 第三天
- the third day.
- 再三
- several times; repeatedly.
- 上 shang4.
- 擱在上頭
- place it on the top.
- 上好的東西
- the best quality of goods; a first-rate article.
- 上半天
- fore-noon.
- 上古以來
- from the most ancient times.
- 利見上人
- I am happy to be in the presence of my superior officer.
- 上諭
- an Imperial edict.
- 上帝
- the Supreme Ruler.
- 上省
- to go up to the capital.
- 上街
- to go upon the street.
- 把舖門上起
- shut up the shop front; to put up the shutters.
- 上燈
- to light a lamp.
- 拿燈來上油
- bring the lamp and pour some oil into it.
- 上顏色
- to lay on colouring.
- 那天上路
- when will you start on your journey?
- 上學
- to begin or enter upon study.
- 那個不上算
- that does not enter into the reckoning; of no importance.
- 買上了當
- I was taken in in buying it.
- 帮我達個拜上
- salute so-and-so for me.
- 在街上
- on the street.
- 班上的
- lictors; policemen.
- 你看得上嗎
- does it take your fancy?
- 不上一吊錢
- not more than 1,000 cash.
- 不 pu5.
- 不是
- it is not; no.
- 我不去
- I won't go.
- 不 read po5.
- 你要不
- do you want it or not?
- 世 shï4.
- 世界
- the world.
- 今世
- the present age; this life.
- 世代
- generations.
- 且 tsʻie3.
- 苟且了事
- the business was carelessly done.
- 两 liang3.
- same as 兩.
- 丢 tiu1.
- 丢開
- to cast aside.
- 丢石頭
- to throw a stone.
- 丢棄
- to reject.
- 丢手
- let go your hold!
- 他那一付煙癮丢不脫
- he cannot abandon the opium habit.
- 丢個信在屋頭
- leave word in the house.
- 丢不得手
- I cannot leave my work.
- 他死丢了两個娃娃
- he died and left two children.
- 那個地方丢荒了
- that land is left waste.
- 並 pin4.
- sometimes pronounced pʻin3 in the first sentence.
- 並排走
- to walk side by side, to walk abreast.
- 一並在內
- all included.
- 並不是
- it certainly is not.