Western Mandarin/Words with Characters/4
The 4th radical. (丿)
- 久 chiu3.
- 天長地久
- heaven is lasting, earth is enduring.
- 喫了好久
- how long ago is it since he ate it?
- 好久沒有來
- he has not been here for a long time [or a good while].
- 之 chï1.
- 得之易失之易
- lightly come lightly go [a particle used like 的 a. v.]
- 之字柺的路
- a crooked road (from the shape of the character)
- 乏 fa5.
- 脚走乏了
- my feet are tired with walking.
- 窮乏得很
- very poor.
- 我乏力
- I am wanting in means to repay your kindness.
- 乍 cha4.
- 乍冷乍熱
- changeable weather; lit. suddenly cold and suddenly hot.
- 乖 kuai1.
- 脾氣乖張
- his temper is perverse.
- 你倒乖巧
- you are very cunning!
- 乖不乖
- are you good [said to a child].
- 乘 shen2.
- 乘轎子
- to ride in a sedan chair.
- 乘機會
- to take advantage of an opportunity.
- 找個陰地方乘凉
- let us sit in a shady place to get cool.
- 轎竿子乘不起
- the chair poles will not bear the weight.
- 我靠實乘不住了
- I really can't bear, or endure it.
- 乘 read chʻen2.
- 兩乘轎子
- two sedan chairs [N. A.].