Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Fu Tsung-yao

Mr. Fu Siao-en
(Fu Tsung-yao)
Mr. Fu Siao-en was born at Chinghai Hsien, Ningpo, Chekiang, in 1871. He is one of the most prominent Chinese merchants in Shanghai. Beginning at the bottom Mr. Fu has worked his way to the very top, meeting and overcoming numerous obstacles, and today is considered one of the richest men in the country. From 1920 to 1923 Mr. Fu held the following positions: Shanghai Superintendent of the Bank of China, since May 1920; managing director of the China Merchants Steam Navigation Co.; High Advisor to the Ministry of Finance; and Shanghai Commissioner for the Investigation of Wine and Tobacco Taxes. In the spring of 1922 Mr. Fu was offered the portfolio of Finance but he did not accept it being reluctant to enter into purely political life. In November 1922 Minister of Communications, Kao En-hung charged Mr. Fu with conspiracy and treason in connection with the China Merchants Steam Navigation Company. A mandate was issued depriving Mr. Fu of the post of Superintendent of the Bank of China and ordering his arrest and punishment. But the charges brought by Kao En-hung were finally found to be without grounds. President Li Yuan-hung, who had issued the above-mentioned mandate at the suggestion of Kao En-hung, issued another mandate in February 1923 following the downfall of Kao Er-hung cancelling the former one and Mr. Fu recovered his original standing again. Mr. Fu holds the following positions:--director and general manager of the Commercial Bank of China, Ltd; director and member of the Arbitration Committee of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Shanghai; director of the Ningpo Commercial Bank, Ltd; director of the Chung: Hua Commercial & Savings Bank, Ltd; managing director and manager of properties of the China Merchants' Steam Navigation Co. Ltd; general manager of the Inland Steam Launch Co; manager of the C. M. Inland Engine Works; director of the Han Yeh Ping Iron & Coal Co., Ltd; chairman of the association of shareholders of the Han Yen Ping Iron & Coal Co; director of the Shanghai Native Waterworks Co; director of the Lungchang Paper Mills; director of the Wah Shing Fire & Marine Insurance Co. Ltd; director of the Tai Lai Flour Mills; direotor of the Credit Franco-Chinois; director of the Nicholas Tsu Engineering Works; and director of the Sino-French Navigation Co., etc. In public life also, Mr. Fu is extremely active. He is a generous giver and not an appeal reaches him without meeting with a satisfactory response. The many public activities with which he is identified are: The Chinese-Foreign Famine Relief Committee (of which Mr. Fu is treasurer) and the Ningpo Asscciation (of which he is vice-chairman) etc., claim not a little of the time of this busy man. Mr. Fu has been awarded the following decorations: 4th Class Paokuang Chiaho, February 1919; 2nd Class Chiaho, March 1919; 2nd Class Tashou Chiaho, September 1919; 5th Class Wenfu, May 1921; 2nd Class Tashou Paokuang Chiaho, June 1921; 3rd Class Wenfu, May 1923.