Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Fung Yu-lan
Professor Fung Yu-Lan, Ph. D.
Dr. Fung Yu-lan was born thirty years ago in Honan Province and with the increasing years he has shown a 'growing zeal for the advancement of the people of his native province and of all China. Philosophy is his chosen field. He does not think of philosophy as a mere abstraction with no real relation to life and history but rather holds with a great scholar that "History is only Philosophy teaching by example.” The new Chung Chow University at Kaifeng, Honan, with its pesent teaching staff of sixty faculty members, can not boast of a more prominent acquisition than that of its new Professor of Philosophy, Fung Yu-lan, Ph. D., who is doing a great work in helping to build up for interior China a great modern school. He first studied philosophy in the National University of Peking where be graduated in 1918. He then went to Columbia University, New York City, where after years of research he fulfilled the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1923. His dissertation entitled, “A Comparative Study of Life Ideals," was highly commended by Professor John Dewey. It is now in press and will be published in a few weeks by the Commercial Press. As it is an interesting and rather complete comparison of leading Chinese systems of philosophy with those of leading western philosophies it is safe to predict that the book will have a large sale in China and abroad, for it will be published in English. Dr. Fung is also author of "Life's Ideals” recently published in Chinese by the Commercial Press. He is contributing editor of the International Journal of Ethics, Chicago; the Journal of Philosophy, New York; and other literary and academic magazines in China. He is the editor of the Mind's Echo, a bi-weekly paper published in Kaifeng. In addition to his important chair in Chung Chow University, Dr. Fung is Dean of the Department of Liberal Arts.