Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Shen Pao-shen

Mr. T. C. Shen
(Shen Pao-shen)
Mr. T. C. Shen was born at Shanghai in 1884. He received his early education at the Y. M. C. A., Shanghai. From 1904 to 1909 he studied at the St. John's University, graduating there with the degree of A. B. He was awarded a medal for best translation in 1908. After his graduation he was engaged as an instructor of the Shanghai High School for two years. In the mean time he was the editor of the Commercial Press, Shanghai, making commentary notes on Shakespeare's works. In 1910 he was also Secretary to Dr. Wu Ting-fang. In 1911 he accepted the position of secretary to the Bureau of Foreign Affairs, Hangchow. During the First Revolution, Mr. Shen was transferred to the Bureau of Foreign Affairs, Shanghai, for a year. He went to the United States in April 1913. From 1913 to 1916 he was Secretary to the Chinese Educational Mission in America. While serving in that capacity, he studied international law and diplomacy at George Washington University, graduating there with the degree of A. M. in 1915. He was a member of the International Law Society, 1914-16; member of the League to Enforce Peace, 1916; member of the Chinese Legation at Washington, D. C., 1916. Mr. Shen returned to China in August 1916. He was for a time a translator in Peking. In 1917 he was engaged as instructor in translation in the Li Hung-chang Memorial in St. John's University and also as lecturer on International Law, Constitutional Law and Far Eastern Questions, in the Department of government. He has been a member of the Chinese Political and Social Science Association and of the Twentieth Century Club, since 1916. He is also the general secretary of the Western Returned Students' Union of Shanghai.