Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Shen Tsu-wei

Mr. Shen Tsu-way
(Shen Tsu-wei)
Mr. Shen Tsu-way was born at Shanghai in 1891, his native home being at Hachow, Chekiang province. He studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, from 1904 to 1910. In September 1910 he arrived in America as a government student. He studied civil engineering at the University of Michigan, being graduated with the degree of C. E. in 1914. Mr. Shen returned to China in September 1914. After having served at the Conservancy Engineering College, Nanking, as Instructor in drawing, for a short period of time, he joined the Standard Oil Company, Shanghai, as Superintendent of Construction in 1915. Shortly afterwards he returned to the Conservancy Engineering College again. From 1915 he was for many years Professor of Surveying and Structural Engineering in that College. In December 1921 Mr. Shen was appointed vice-president of the Conservancy Engineering College, Nanking. From March 1922 to July 1924 he was president of that College. Mr. Shen is member of the Chinese Institute of Engineers; director of the Nanking Branch of the Highway Construction Association; member of the Chinese Science Association; member of the Industrial Committee of the Kiangsu Educational and Industrial United Association. He has been awarded the Fourth Class Chiaho Decoration.