Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Wang Ju-ch'in

General Wang Ju-ch'in
General Wang Ju-ch'in was born at Mi-yun Hsien, Chihli province, in 1897. He received his military education first in a military academy in North China. In 1904 he was sent to Japan among the third group of Chinese military students to study in the Japanese Army Cadets' Academy. The course he took was artillery. Upon his graduation from the Cadets Academy, General Wang returned to China and joined the Peiyang Army first as an instructor and later as a staff office. In November 1922 General Wang was made a Major-General and a month later he was promoted to be a Lieutenant-General. Then he was Chief Staff Officer to the Military Governor of Honan. In 1914 General Wang was appointed Commander of the 15th Brigade of the 8th Division of the National Army. He was subsequently awarded the Second Class Wen-bu Decoration. In 1919 General Wang was promoted Commander-in-Chief of the 8th Division which position he is still holding. In June 1921 General Wang received the Second Class Paokuang Chiaho. In November 1921 he was made a Chiangchun with “Ch'in-Wei” as special title. In February 1922 General Wang was appointed Garrison Commissioner of Chin Chow, Hupei Province. In August 1922 he was awarded the First Class Wenhu Decoration. In July 1923 Genera! Wang was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Garrison of the Upper Yangtze which position he is still holding.