Who's Who in China (3rd edition)/Wang K'e-ming

Mr. Wang K'e-ming
Mr. Wang K'e-ming was born at Hangchow, Chekiang Province, in 1879, and was a provincial graduate in the Ching Dynasty. In 1900 Mr. Wang was appointed by the authorities of the Province of Chekiang, director of the students sent by that province to study in Japan and in 1901 he became director of the Chinese students studying in Japan. In 1902 he was appointed councillor to the Chinese Legation in Tokyo, which position he retained until 1907 when he went to Peking and received an appointments in the Board of Finance and also the Board of Foreign Affairs. Subsequently Mr. Wang became secretary to General Chao Erh-hsun who was then Viceroy of Szechuan. In 1908 he joined the Secretariat of Viceroy Yang Shih-hsiang of Chihli and he was in charge of the foreign affairs section. In 1910 he was appointed Acting Commissioner of Foreign Affairs of Chihli and in June 1911 this position w^s substantiated to him. During the First Revolution in 1911-12 he assisted in maintaining order and peace for the port of Tientsin. He resigned from the post of Commissioner of Foreign Affairs in the spring of 1913, to take a trip to Europe and particularly in France. Upon his return to Tientsin in October 1913 he accepted the post of managing-director of the Banque Industrielle de China. In July 1917 Mr. Wang was elected by the shareholders and appointed by the government, President of the Bank of China. In November 1917 he was appointed Minister of Finance holding concurrently the posts of President of the Bank of China and the Director General of the Salt Administration. In March 1918 Mr. Wang resigned from all of these posts and went into retirement although he accepted occasional special commissions from the government. In December 1918 he was appointed a Member of the Northern Delegation to the Internal Peace Conference held in Shanghai. In June 1922 Mr. Wang was again elected President of the Bank of China. In January 1923 he was made a Member of the Commission on the Educational Fund. In July 1923 he was appointed Acting Minister of Finance which position he did not accept and was officially relieved from it in August 1923. In October 1923 be resigned from the post of President of the Bank of China and in November 1923 acted temporarily as Minister of Finance. In January 1924 Mr. Wang was appointed Minister of Finance in the Sun Pao-chi Cabinet. This position he is still holding. Mr. Wang has been awarded First Class Tashou Paokuang Chiaho and First Class Wenfu, is also the recipient of many foreign decorations.