Who's Who in the Far East/WALKER, Robert Sandilands Frowd
WALKER, Robert Sandilands Frowd (PERAK), C.M.G.; F.M.S. Civil Service; b. May 13, 1850: m. 1896, Beatrice, d, of late T. J. Ireland, M.P. Educ.: R.M.C., Sandhurst. Ag. Commissioner of Police, Perak, 1879-1881; ag. assist. Resident, Perak, 1882; Commissioner of Armed Police, Perak, 1882; Commandant, 1st Perak Sikhs, 1884; local rank of Major, Sept., 1884; acting assist. Resident, 1885; Hon. Lieut.-Colonel, 1889; ag. Secretary to Government, Perak, 1894; Commandant of Malay States Guides, and Inspector of Prisons, 1896, acting British Resident, Perak, 1899; local rank of Lieutenant' Colonel whilst commanding Malay States Guides, 1902. Clubs: Naval and Military; Ranelagh; Wellington; Sports. Address: Taiping Perak, Federated Malay States.