Who's Who in the Far East/WALLACE, Rev. George
WALLACE, Rev. George (TOKYO), A.M., B.D.; Clergyman of Amer., Prot. Epis. Ch.; b. June 1, 1845. Educ.: Racine Coll., Wisconsin; Nashotah Theol. Sch., Wisconsin. Asst. Minister, All Saints Cath. r Milwaukee, 1868-69; Asst. Minister, St. Paul's Ch., Marquette, Mich., 1869-70; Rector of Ch. of the-Redeemer, Elgin, III., 1870-71; Rector of Trinity Ch., Janesville, Wisconsin, 1871-78; Rector of St. Paul's Ch., New York, 1878-82; Rector of St. Andrew's Cath. Ch., Honolulu, Hawaiian Is., 1882-89; Pastor of Calvary Cath., Sioux Falls, South Dakota, 1889-02; Rector of St. Margaret's Sch., Cal., 1892-99; Prof, of Eccles. History in Trinity Divinity Sch., Tokyo, since 1899. Address: No. 7, Tsukiji, Tokyo, Japan.