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Index of Authors: | |
[edit]- Paalzow, Karl Adolph (1823–1908)
- Pabke, Marie Ludovica (1837–1934)
- Pachelbel, Johann (1653–1706)
- Page, Curtis Hidden (1870–1946)
- Page, Gertrude Eliza (1872–1922)
- Page, Norvell (1904–1961)
- Page, Ralph Walter (1881–1963)
- Page, Thomas Ethelbert (1850–1936)
- Page, Wesley Theodore (1863–1924)
- Paget, James (1814–1899)
- Paget, John Rahere (1848–1938)
- Paget, Stephen (1855–1926)
- Paine, Albert Bigelow (1861–1937)
- Paine, Byron (1827–1871)
- Paine, Thomas (1737–1809)
- Paine, William H. (1828–1890)
- Pak Hon-yong (1900–1955)
- Pakrashi, Ayodhyanath (?–1873)
- Palacios, Enrique Juan (1881–1953)
- Palacký, František (1798–1876)
- Palen, Lewis Stanton (1876–1960)
- Paley, Frederick Apthorp (1815–1888)
- Paley, William (1743–1805)
- Palgrave, Sir Francis (1788–1861)
- Palgrave, Francis Turner (1824–1897)
- Palgrave, Robert Harry Inglis (1827–1919)
- Palgrave, William Gifford (1826–1888)
- Palladas
- Palliser, William (1646–1726)
- Palmer, Alexander Mitchell (1872–1936)
- Palmer, Charles Ferrers Raymond (1819–1900)
- Palmer, Charles John (1805–1882)
- Palmer, Edward Henry (1840–1882)
- Palmer, Francis Paul (1808–1872)
- Palmer, John Leslie (1885-1944)
- Palmer, Julius Auboineau, Jr. (1840–1899)
- Palmer, Raymond Arthur (1910–1977)
- Palmer, Samuel (1805–1881)
- Palmer, Walter B. (fl. 1920)
- Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount (1784–1865)
- Panha, Somsak
- Panizzi, Sir Antonio Genesio Maria (1797–1879)
- Pankhurst, Emmeline (1858–1928)
- Pantazi, Valeriu (1940–2015)
- Panuška, Jaroslav (1872–1958)
- Papias (60–135)
- Papillon, Fernand (1847–1874)
- Papantoniou, Zacharias (1877–1940)
- Papillon, Thomas Leslie (1841–1926)
- Papineau, Louis-Joseph (1786–1871)
- Papini, Giovanni (1881–1956)
- Pappus of Alexandria (c. 290 – c. 350)
- Papworth, John Buonarotti (1775–1847)
- Papworth, Wyatt Angelicus van Sandau (1822–1894)
- Paracelsus (1493–1541)
- Paramahamsa, Ramakrishna (1836–1886)
- Paranjape, Ashwin
- Parce, Lida (1867–1923)
- Pardoe, Julia (1806–1862)
- Paris, John Ayrton (1785–1856)
- comte de Paris, Louis-Philippe, (1838–1894)
- Parish, Charles Woodbyne (1848–1922)
- Parish, John Carl (1881–1939)
- Parish, William Douglas (1833–1904)
- Park, Edward Amasa (1808–1900)
- Park Jung-yang (1874–1959)
- Parker, Alton B. (1852–1926)
- Parker, Charles Stuart (1829–1910)
- Parker, Edward Harper (1849–1926)
- Parker, Emma (fl. 1809–1817)
- Parker, George Howard (1864–1955)
- Parker, Katherine Langloh (1855–1940)
- Parker, Theodore (1810–1860)
- Parker, Thomas Jeffery (1850–1897)
- Parker, Walter Sutherland (1857–1931)
- Parkes, Bessie Rayner (1829–1925)
- Parkes, William Kineton (1865–1938)
- Parkhurst, Charles Henry (1842–1933)
- Parkin, George Robert (1846–1922)
- Parkinson, James (1755–1824)
- Parkinson, John (1567–1650)
- Parkinson, Sydney (1745–1771)
- Parkman, Francis (1823–1893)
- Parks, W. A. (fl. 1916)
- Parloa, Maria (1843–1909)
- Parmele, Mary Platt (1843–1911)
- Parnell, Charles Stewart (1846–1891)
- Parolin, Pietro (b. 1955)
- Parr, Harriet (1828–1900)
- Parrington, Vernon Louis (1871–1929)
- Parrish, Joseph (1819–1879)
- Parry, Frederick Sydney (1861–1941)
- Parry, Sir Charles Hubert Hastings (1848–1918)
- Parsons, Albert (1848–1887)
- Parsons, Alfred (1847–1920)
- Parsons, Elsie Worthington Clews (1875–1941)
- Parsons, Frederick Gymer (1863–1943)
- Parsons, Gertrude (1812–1891)
- Parsons, Henry Martyn (1828–1913)
- Parsons, Lucy (1853–1942)
- Parsons, Talcott (1902–1979)
- Parsons, Thomas William (1819–1892)
- Parsons, William Barclay (1859–1932)
- Partridge, John (1644–1714)
- de Parville, Henri (1838–1909)
- Parton, James (1822–1891)
- Parts, Karl (1886–1941)
- Pascal, Blaise (1623–1662)
- Pasco, Crawford Atchison Denman (1818–1898)
- Pascoli, Giovanni (1855–1912)
- Pashley, Henry Nash (1843–1925)
- Pasieka, Agnieszka
- Pasteur, Louis (1822–1895)
- Pastor, Ludwig von (1854–1928)
- Pastorius, Francis Daniel (1651–c. 1720)
- Patañjali (ca. 200 B.C.E.)
- Pataud, Émile (1869–1935)
- Pater, Walter Horatio (1839–1894)
- Paterson, Banjo (1864–1941)
- Paterson, James Alexander (1851–1915)
- Paterson, William (1745–1806)
- Paterson, William (1755–1810)
- Patmore, Coventry (1823–1869)
- Paton, Diarmid Noel (1859–1928)
- Paton, Henry (1854–1942)
- Paton, James (1843–1921)
- Paton, James Morton (1863–1944)
- Patriarche, Valance (1875-1970)
- Patrick, Saint (ca. 385 – 461)
- Patten, Christopher (b. 1944)
- Patterson, Arthur Henry (1857–1935)
- Patterson, John Brown (1804–1835)
- Patterson, Lieutenant-Colonel J. H. (1867–1947)
- Patterson, Woodford (1870–1948)
- Pattison, Mark (1813–1884)
- Patton, Francis Landey (1843–1932)
- Patton, Robert Bridges (1794–1839)
- Paudyal, Lekhnath (1885–1966)
- Pauer, Ernst (1826–1905)
- Paues, Anna Carolina (1867–1945)
- Paul, Alfred Wallis (1847–1912)
- Paul, Sir James Balfour (1846–1931)
- Paul of Tarsus (ca. 5–67 C.E.)
- Paul II, Pope (1417–1471)
- Paul III, Pope (1468–1549)
- Paul IV, Pope (1476–1559)
- Paul V, Pope (1552–1621)
- Paul VI, Pope (1897–1978)
- Paul, Ron (b. 1935)
- Paul, Herbert Woodfield (1853–1935)
- Paulding, James Kirke (1778–1860)
- Pauli, Reinhold (1823–1882)
- Paull, Susannah Mary (1812–1888) aka Paull, H. P.
- Paulsen, Matthew J.
- Pausanias (2nd century C.E.)
- Pavón Jiménez, José Antonio (1754–1840)
- Payn, James (1830–1898)
- Payne, Arnold Hill (1877– c. 1956)
- Payne, Edward John (1844–1904)
- Payne, John (1842–1916)
- Payne, John Howard (1791–1852)
- Payne, John Bruce (1856–1928)
- Payne, Joseph Frank (1840–1910)
- Payne, Sereno Elisha (1843–1914)
- von Payer, Julius (1841–1915)
- Payson, Edward (1783–1827)
[edit]- Pchelinski, Konstantin ( – )
[edit]- Peabody, Andrew P. (1811–1893)
- Peabody, Josephine Preston (1874–1922)
- Peach, Louisa Courtenay (1828–1905)
- Peacock, Marjorie Beatrice (1902–1999)
- Peacock, Thomas Love (1785–1866)
- Peale, Albert Charles (1849–1914)
- Pearce, Nigel Douglas Frith (1862–1939)
- Pearce, Maresco (c. 1832 – 1897)
- Pearce, Stephen Austen (1836–1900)
- Pearse, Hugh Wodehouse (1855–1919)
- Pearse, Patrick Henry (1879–1916)
- Pearson, Alfred Chilton (1861–1935}
- Pearson, Emma Maria (1828–1893)
- Pearson, George Cullen
- Peary, Robert Edwin (1856–1920)
- Pease, Theodore Calvin (1887–1948)
- Pease, William Harper (1824–1871)
- Peate, Iorwerth (1901–1982)
- Peck, Harlan Page (1839–1881)
- Peck, Harry Thurston (1856–1914)
- Peck, Winifred Frances, née Knox (1882–1962)
- Peckham, Rufus Wheeler (1838–1909)
- Peckwater, H.
- Pedley, Ethel Charlotte (1859–1898)
- Peel, Arthur George Villiers (1868–1956)
- Peel, Robert (1788–1850)
- Peel, Thomas (1793–1865)
- Peele, George (1556–1596)
- Peele, Robert (1858–1942)
- Peery, Rufus Benton (1868–1934)
- Peirce, Charles Sanders (1839–1914)
- Peirce, James Mills (1834–1906)
- Peixotto, Ernest Clifford (1869–1940)
- Pelc, Antonín (1895–1967)
- Pelc, J. (fl. 1919)
- Pelham, Henry Francis (1846–1907)
- Pelham, John (1838–1863)
- Pelikan, Jaroslav Jan (1923–2006)
- Pell, John (1611–1685)
- Pelletier du Mans, Jacques (1517–1582)
- Pellico, Silvio (1788–1854)
- Pellow, John Dynham Cornish (1890–1960)
- Peltier, Jean Charles Athanase (1785–1845)
- Pember, Edward Henry (1833–1911)
- Pemberton, Max (1863–1950)
- Penderel-Brodhurst, James George Joseph (1859–1934)
- Pène du Bois, Henri (1858–1906)
- Penfield, Edward (1866-1925)
- Penhallow, David Pearce (1854–1910)
- Penn, William (1644–1718)
- Pennecuik, Alexander (1690 ca. – 1730)
- Pennypacker, Samuel Whitaker (1843–1916)
- Penrose, Francis Cranmer (1817–1903)
- Pentecost, George Frederick (1842–1920)
- Pepper, George Dana Boardman (1833–1913)
- Peppler, Charles William (1872–1953)
- Pepys, Samuel (1633–1703)
- Pepys, William Haseldine (1775–1856)
- Perceval, Arthur Philip (1799–1853)
- Percival, Frank (fl. 1860s–1870s)
- Percival, John (1863–1949)
- Pereda, José María de (1833–1906)
- Pereira, Duarte Pacheco (c. 1460–1533)
- Pérez Galdós, Benito (1843–1920)
- Pergaud, Louis (1882–1915)
- Pergler, Charles (1882–1954)
- Pericles (c. 495 B.C.E.–429 B.C.E.)
- Perin, Florence Hobart (1869–?)
- Perino, Dana Marie (1972–)
- Perkins, George Henry (1844–1933)
- Perlman, Fredy (1934–1985)
- Pérochon, Ernest (1885–1942)
- Péron, François Auguste (1775–1810)
- Peroutka, František (1879–1962)
- Perrault, Charles (1628–1703)
- Perrett, Wilfrid (1873–1946)
- Perrier, Edmond (1844–1921)
- Perrine, William Henry (1827–1881)
- Perris, George Herbert (1866–1920)
- Perronet, Edward (1726–1792)
- Perry, George Gresley (1820–1897)
- Perry, Henry Ten Eyck (1890–1973)
- Perry, Lilla Cabot (1848–1933)
- Perry, Nancy Ling (1947–1974)
- Perry, Thomas Sergeant (1845–1928)
- Perseus (between 200 B.C.E. and 100 B.C.E.)
- Pershing, John J. (1860–1948)
- Persius Flaccus, Aulus (34 C.E. – 62 C.E.)
- Personne, Gilles (1602–1675)
- Persoon, Christiaan Hendrik (1761–1836)
- Pertwee, Roland (1885–1963)
- Pešek, Thomas George (1938–2022)
- Pessoa, Fernando (1888–1935)
- Pestoni, Peter (1949–2005)
- Peter II of Yugoslavia (1923–1970)
- Peterkin, Julia (1880–1961)
- Peters, John Punnett (1852–1921)
- Petersen, Anker Eli (1959–)
- Petersen, Julius (1878–1941)
- Peterson, Frederick (1859–1938)
- Peterson, John Bertram (1871–1944)
- Pethick-Lawrence, Frederick William (1871–1961)
- Pétis de la Croix, François (1653–1713)
- Petlach, Karel Zdislav (1872–1953)
- Petr z Mladoňovic (1390–1451)
- Petraeus, David H. (b. 1952)
- Petrarca, Francesco (1304–1374)
- Petrie, Donald (1846–1925)
- Petrie, William Matthew Flinders (1853–1942)
- Petrie, George (1789–1866)
- Petronius (27–66)
- Petrovitch, Woislav Maximus (c.1885–1934)
- Petrus Comestor (c.1100–1178)
- von Pettenkofer, Max Joseph (1818–1901)
- Pettigrew, James Bell (1834–1908)
- Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph (1791–1865)
- Petty, William (1623–1687)
[edit]- Pfeffel, Gottlieb Konrad (1736–1809)
- Pfister, Christian (1857–1933)
- Pflugk-Harttung, Julius von (1848–1919)
[edit]- Phaulkon, Constantine (1647–1688)
- Phelan, James (1856–1891)
- Phelps, Austin (1820–1890)
- Phelps, Edward John (1822–1900)
- Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart (1844–1911)
- Phelps, William Walter (1839–1894)
- Phelps, William Wines (1792–1872)
- Phelps, William Lyon (1865–1943)
- Pherecydes of Syros (c. 580 B.C.E. – c. 520 B.C.E.)
- Philbrick, Francis Samuel (1876–1970)
- Philip, Alexander John (1879–1955)
- Philip, James Charles (1873–1941)
- Philip II of Spain (1527–1598)
- Philips, Ambrose (1675–1749)
- Philips, Katherine (1631–1664)
- Philippus of Mende (c. 400 B.C.E.)
- Phillimore, George Grenville (1867–1925)
- Phillimore, Walter George Frank (1845–1929)
- Phillip, Arthur (1738–1814)
- Phillipps-Wolley, Clive (1853–1918)
- Phillips, Catherine Beatrice (Sennett) (1884–1979)
- Phillips, Charles Stanley (1883–?)
- Phillips, Claude (1846–1924)
- Phillips, Harry (1909–1985)
- Phillips, Henry Arthur Deuteros (1854–1897)
- Phillips, John (1800–1874)
- Phillips, Marmaduke (c. 1697 – )
- Phillips, Paul Chrisler (1883–1956)
- Phillips, Reginald William (1854–1927)
- Phillips, Stephen (1864–1915)
- Phillips, Susan Katherine (1831–1897)
- Phillips, Thomas (1770–1845)
- Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell (1877–1934)
- Phillips, Walter Alison (1864–1950)
- Phillips, William (1775–1828)
- Phillpotts, Dame Bertha Surtees (1877–1932)
- Phillpotts, Eden (1862–1960)
- Philodemus of Gadara (c. 110 BCE – 35 BCE)
- Philolaus (c. 470 B.C.E. – c. 385 B.C.E.)
- Philonides of Laodicea (c. 200 B.C.E. – c. 130 B.C.E.)
- Phifer, Jerald
- Phin, John (1832–1913)
- Phipps, Constantine (1656–1723)
- Phule, Jotiba (1827–1890)
[edit]- Piave, Francesco Maria (1810–1876)
- Picek, Václav Jaromír (1812–1869)
- Pick, Otto (1887–1940)
- Pick, Willam Henry (1891–1947)
- Pickard-Cambridge, Sir Arthur Wallace (1873–1952)
- Pickard-Cambridge, Octavius (1828–1917)
- Pickering, William Henry (1858–1938)
- Pickersgill, Maria (1784/1785–1857)
- Pickthall, William Marmaduke (1875–1936)
- Pictet, Marc-Auguste (1752–1825)
- Pidgeon, Daniel (1833–1900)
- Pidsley, William Elias Helman (1867–1905)
- Pierce, Edward L. (1829–1897)
- Pierce, Franklin (1804–1869)
- Pierpont, James (1822–1893)
- Pierpont, John (1785–1860)
- Piétrement, Charles-Alexandre (1826–1906)
- Pigafetta, Filippo (1533–1604)
- Piggott, Romola (1874–1915)
- Pigott, Montague Horatio Mostyn Turtle (1865–1927)
- Pike, Albert (1809–1891)
- Pike, John Gregory (1784–1855)
- Pike, Luke Owen (1835–1915)
- Pilar, Marcelo Hilario del (1850–1896)
- Pilgrim, Peace, pseudonym for Mildred Lisette Norman (1908–1981)
- Pilkington, Joseph Green (1835–1917)
- Pilkington, Laetitia (c. 1709–1750)
- Pilkington, Matthew (1701–1774)
- Pilsbry, Henry Augustus (1862–1957)
- Pim, Bedford (1826–1886)
- Pinchot, Gifford (1865–1946)
- Pinchuk, Viktor (1969–)
- Pindar (522 BCE – 443 BCE)
- Pinero, Arthur Wing (1855–1934)
- Pinkas, Soběslav (1827–1901)
- Pinkney, Edward Coote (1802–1828)
- Pinsent, Ellen Frances (1866–1949)
- Pioche de La Vergne, comtesse de La Fayette, Marie-Madeleine (1634–1693)
- Pirandello, Luigi (1867–1936)
- Pirenne, Henri (1862–1935)
- Pirenne, Jacques (1891–1972)
- Pirkis, Catherin Louisa (1841–1910)
- Pirzad, Zoya (1952–present)
- Písecký, Ferdinand (1879–1934)
- Písek, Vincent (1859–1930)
- Pitcher, William (1858–1925) (pen name C. Wilhelm)
- Pitman, Charles Murray (1872–1948)
- Pitman, Marie Jane Davis (1850–1888)
- Pitney, Mahlon (1858–1924)
- Pitt, Walter (1852–1921)
- William Pitt the Elder (1708–1778)
- William Pitt the Younger (1759–1806)
- Pitts, John (1560–1616)
- Pius II, Pope (1405–1464)
- Pius III, Pope (1439–1503)
- Pius IV, Pope (1499–1565)
- Pius V, Pope (1504–1572)
- Pius VI, Pope (1717–1799)
- Pius VII, Pope (1740–1823)
- Pius VIII, Pope (1761–1830)
- Pius IX, Pope (1792–1878)
- Pope Pius X (1835–1914)
- Pius XI, Pope (1857–1939)
- Pius XII, Pope (1876–1958)
- Pius, Titus Fulvius Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Augustus (86–161)
- Pixley, Francis W. (1852–1933)
[edit]- Plačzek, Baruch Jacob (1835–1922)
- Planck, Max (1858–1947)
- Planudes, Maximus (c. 1260–c. 1310)
- Plate, Wilhelm Heinrich Franz (about 1810–1852)
- Platen-Hallermünde, August Graf von (1796–1835)
- Plato (c. 427–c. 347 BCE)
- Platt, John Arthur (1860–1925)
- Platts, Charles (1864–1923)
- Playfair, John (1748–1819)
- Playfair, 1st Baron Playfair, Lyon (1818–1898)
- du Plessis, Armand Jean (1585–1642)
- Pliny the Elder (24–79)
- Pliny the Younger (63–113)
- Plues, Margaret (c. 1828–1903)
- Plummer, Alfred (1841–1926)
- Plummer, Charles (1851–1927)
- Plummer, Henry Crozier Keating (1875–1946)
- Plummer, John (1831–1914)
- Plummer, Mary Wright (1856–1916)
- Plumptre, Edward Hayes (1821–1891)
- Plunkett, Edward (1808–1889)
- Plunkett, Edward (1878–1957)
- Plutarch (c. 46–127)
[edit]- Pocock, Isaac (1782–1835)
- Pocock, Nicholas (1814–1897)
- Pocock, Reginald Innes (1863–1947)
- Podmore, Frank (1856–1910)
- Poe, Edgar Allan (1809–1849)
- Pogany, Andras (1919–1995)
- Poggendorff, Johann Christian (1796–1877)
- Poincaré, Henri (1854–1912)
- Poindexter, Miles (1868–1946)
- Poisson, Jules (1833–1919)
- Poisson, Siméon Denis (1781– 1840)
- Pokagon, Simon (1830–1899)
- Polák, Milota Zdirad (1788–1856)
- Pole, Herbert (1867–1949)
- Pole, William (1814–1900)
- Polhill, Cecil (1860–1938)
- Poliziano, Angelo (1454–1494)
- Polk, James K. (1795–1849)
- Pollard, Albert Frederick (1869–1948)
- Pollard, Alfred William (1859–1944)
- Pollard, Eliza Fanny (1840–1911)
- Pollen, John Hungerford the elder (1820–1902)
- Pollen, John Hungerford the younger (1858–1925)
- Pollen, Maria Margaret (?–1919)
- Pollock, Frederick (1845–1937)
- Pollock, Horatio Milo (1868–1950)
- Pollock, James Arthur (1865–1922)
- Pollock, Robert (1798–1827)
- Pollock, Walter Herries (1850–1926)
- Pollok, Fitzwilliam Thomas (1832–1909)
- Polo, Marco (1254–1324)
- Polybius (203 BCE–120 BCE)
- Pomfret, John (1667–1702)
- Pomponazzi, Pietro (1462–1525)
- Poncelet, Jean-Victor (1788–1867)
- Pontoppidan, Henrik (1857–1943)
- Poole, Edward Stanley (1830–1867)
- Poole, Reginald Stuart (1832–1895)
- Poole, William Frederick (1821–1894)
- Poor, Charles Lane (1866–1951)
- Pope, Alexander (1688–1744)
- Pope, Georgina (1862–1938)
- Pope, Jessie (1868–1941)
- Popham, Hugh Francis Arthur Leyborne (1864–1943)
- Popoff, Constantine (1868–1923)
- Popper, Karl (1902–1994)
- Popplewell, William Charles (1865–1928)
- Odoric of Pordenone (1286–1331)
- Porphyry of Tyre (234–305)
- Porter, Anna Maria (1780–1832)
- Porter, Bertha (1852–1941)
- Porter, Charlotte Endymion (1857–1942)
- Porter, Henry (?–1599)
- Porter, Horace (1837–1921)
- Porter, Hugh (1780–1839)
- Porter, Jane (1776–1850)
- Porter, Katherine Anne (1890–1980)
- Porter, Noah Thomas (1811–1892)
- Porter, Rufus (1792–1884)
- Porter, William Haldane (1867–?)
- Porter, William Sydney (as O. Henry) (1862–1910)
- Post, Melville Davisson (1869–1930)
- Postan, Michael Moissey (1898–1981)
- Postgate, John Percival (1853–1926)
- Postgate, Raymond William (1896–1971)
- Poswiatowska, Halina (1935–1967)
- Potanin, Grigory (1835–1920)
- Potter, Beatrix (1866–1943)
- Potter, Elizabeth Gray (1874–1959)
- Potter, J. Sherman (fl. 1905)
- Potter, Paulus (1625–1654)
- Potter, Robert (1721–1804)
- Potter, Robert (1831–1908)
- Pottier, Eugène (1816–1887)
- Pottinger, Henry (1789–1856)
- Pouchet, George (1833–1894)
- du Pouget, Jean-François-Albert (1818–1904)
- Poulett, John (1668–1743)
- Poulton, Edward Bagnall (1856–1943)
- Pound, Ezra (1885–1972)
- Pound, Thaddeus Coleman (1832–1914)
- Poupardin, René (1874–1927)
- Powell, Anita
- Powell, Caroline Amelia (1852–1935)
- Powell, Colin L. (b. 1937)
- Powell, Eleanor Grace (1859–1945)
- Powell, ENoch (1912–1998)
- Powell, Fred Wilbur (1881–1943)
- Powell, Frederick York (1850–1904)
- Powell, George Henry (1880–1951)
- Powell, Harry James (1853–1922)
- Powell, John Giles (1799–1864)
- Powell, John Wesley (1834–1902)
- Powell, Jr., Lewis Franklin (1907–1998)
- Powell, William Jenifer (1897–1942)
- Power, Sir D'Arcy (1855–1941)
- Power, Marguerite Agnes (1815–1867)
- Powicke, Fredrick James (1879–1963)
- Powys, John Cowper (1872–1963)
- Poynder, Frederick (1816–1899)
- Poynting, John Henry (1852–1914)
[edit]- Praeger, Robert Lloyd (1865–1953)
- Praetorius, Johannes (1630–1680)
- Prantl, Karl Anton Eugen (1849–1893)
- Prantner, Emil F. (1881–?)
- Prášek, Karel (1868–1932)
- Prateepasen, Rujiporn
- Pratt, Charles Tiplady (1839–1921)
- Pratt, Daniel Johnson (1827–1884)
- Pratt, Edwin Augustus (1854–1922)
- Pratt, Fletcher (1897–1956)
- Pratt, H. (1676–1769)
- Pratt, Joseph Hyde (1870–1942)
- Pratt, Orson (1811–1881)
- Pratt, Parley P. (1807–1857)
- Pratt, Richard Henry(1840–1924)
- Pratt, Waldo Selden (1857–1939)
- Pratten, Benjamin Plummer (1817–1889)
- Prätzel, Karl Gottlieb (1785–1861)
- Preece, William Henry (1834–1913)
- Preisler, Jan (1872–1918)
- Preissig, Vojtěch (1873–1944)
- Preradović, Paula von (1887–1951)
- Prescott, Albert Benjamin (1832–1905)
- Prescott, George Bartlett (1830–1894)
- Prescott, William Hickling (1796–1859)
- Prešeren, France (1800–1849)
- Presl, Karel Bořivoj (1794–1852)
- Pressel, Wilhelm von (1821–1902)
- Pressensé, Edmond de (1824–1891)
- Prestage, Edgar (1869–1951)
- Preston, Erasmus Darwin (1851–1908)
- Preston, John (1587–1628)
- Preston, Margaret Junkin (1820–1897)
- Preston, Samuel Tolver (1844–1917)
- Preyer, David Charles (1861–?)
- Prévost, Antoine François (1697–1763)
- Pribram, Alfred Francis (1859–1942)
- Price, Bonamy (1807–1888)
- Price, Clair (fl. 1923)
- Price, Eleanor Catharine (1847–1933)
- Price, Henry (c. 1702–after 1741)
- Price, Richard (1723–1791)
- Prichard, Constantine Estlin (1820–1869)
- Prichard, Harold Arthur (1871–1947)
- Priebsch, Robert (1866–1935)
- Priestley, Herbert Ingram (1875–1944)
- Priestley, Joseph (1733–1804)
- Primrose, Archibald (1847–1929)
- Prime, Samuel Irenæus (1812–1885}
- Prince, John Dyneley (1868–1945)
- Prince, L. Bradford (1840–1922)
- Prince, William (1766–1842)
- Prinet, Léon Jacques Maxime (1867–1937)
- Pringle, George Cossar (1858–1927)
- Pringle, John 1st Bt. (1707–1782)
- Pringle, John (1803–1879)
- Pringle, William (1796–1873)
- Pringle-Pattison, Andrew Seth (1856–1931)
- Prior, Charles Matthew (1861–1940)
- Prior, Edward Schroeder (1857–1932)
- Prior, Matthew (1664–1721)
- Priscianus Caesariensis (5th cent.–6th cent.)
- Pritchard, Charles (1808–1893)
- Privat, Edmond (1889–1962)
- Probst, Georg Balthasar (1732–1801)
- Procházka, František Serafínský (1861–1939)
- Procházka, Jindřich (1890–1961)
- Proclus (412–485)
- Procopius (500–565)
- Procter, Adelaide Anne (1825–1864)
- Procter, Bryan Waller (1787–1874)
- Procter, John Robert (1844–1903)
- Proctor, Edna (1829–1923)
- Proctor, John Clagett (1867–1956)
- Proctor, Mary (1862–1957)
- Proctor, Richard Anthony (1837–1888)
- Prokop the Great (1380–1434)
- de Prony, Gaspard Clair François Marie Riche (1755–1839)
- Prosser, Richard Bissell (1838–1918)
- Prothero, Sir George Walter (1848–1922)
- Prothero, 1st Baron Ernle, Rowland Edmund (1851–1937)
- Protić Ljiljana (1951-)
- Protopopescu, Dragoş (1892–1948)
- Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph (1809–1865)
- Proust, Marcel (1871–1922)
- Prout, Ebenezer (1835–1909)
- Prout, John Skinner (1806–1876)
- Prout, William (1785–1850)
- Prowse, William Jeffery (1836–1870)
- Prucha, Jindřich (1886–1914)
- Prudentius Clemens, Aurelius (348–413)
- De Prunner, Leonardo (1760–1831)
- Prus, Bolesław (1847–1912)
[edit]- Ptolemaeus, Claudius (90–168)
[edit]- Puaux, Frank (1844–1922)
- Publilius Syrus (85 BCE – 43 BCE)
- Puchmajer, Antonín Jaroslav (1769–1820)
- Puffer, Ethel D. (1872–1950)
- Pugsley, William (1850–1925)
- Pulfrich, Carl (1858–1927)
- Pullen, Henry William (1836–1903)
- Pulteney, Richard (1730–1801)
- Pulteney, William (1684–1764)
- Punnett, Reginald Crundall (1875–1967)
- Purcell, Henry (1659–1695)
- Purchas, Samuel (1575?–1626)
- Purdy, Nina Sutherland (1889–1940)
- Purdy, Richard (1863–1925)
- Purkyně, Karel (1834–1868)
- Purser, Frederick (1840–1910)
- Purser, John (1835–1903)
- Pursh, Frederick Traugott (1774–1820)
- Pusey, Edward Bouverie (1800–1882)
- Pusey, Pennock (1825–1903)
- Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich (1799–1837)
- Putnam, George Haven (1844–1930)
- Putnam, Herbert (1861–1955)
- Pütter, Johann Stephan (1725–1807)
[edit]- Pycraft, William Plane (1868–1942)
- Pye-Smith, Philip Henry (1839–1914)
- Pyle, Howard (1853–1911)
- Pyle, Joseph Gilpin (1853–1930)
- Pyle, Katharine (1863–1938)
- Pynchon, Thomas (1937–)