Wikisource:WikiProject Academic Papers/Pending
This is a list of all the papers that are waiting to be done. Please put them in their respective categories. If a category is missing, feel free to add it. Please only use major categories. If this page gets too big, we will split it up. The project category is Category:Research articles.
Projects pending
Projects being transcribed
Projects needing review
Finished projects
Projects pending
Projects being transcribed
Projects needing review
Finished projects
Projects pending
Projects being transcribed
Finished projects
Projects pending
Projects being transcribed
Finished projects
Projects pending
Projects being transcribed
Projects needing review
Finished projects
Projects pending
- The American Journal of Philology
- The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology
- The Journal of English and Germanic Philology
- The Journal of Germanic Philology
- The Journal of Philology
Projects being transcribed
Finished projects
Projects pending
Projects being transcribed
Projects needing review
Finished projects
- Arithmetic and Reality: A Development of Popper's Ideas
- SSM to Information Systems: A Wittengsteinian Approach