Wikisource:WikiProject Catholic Encyclopedia Upgrade/CE Vol 12
- Vol: 12 Philip II (King of France) -> Philip II (Augustus) [1] Philip II (Augustus)
- Vol: 12 Philip II (King of Spain) -> Philip II [2] Philip II
- Vol: 12 Philip IV -> Philip IV [3] Philip IV
- Vol: 12 Philip Benizi, Saint -> St. Philip Benizi [4] St. Philip Benizi
- Vol: 12 Philip of Jesus, Saint -> St. Philip of Jesus [5] St. Philip of Jesus
- Vol: 12 Philip of the Blessed Trinity -> Philip of the Blessed Trinity [6] Philip of the Blessed Trinity
- Vol: 12 Philippi (Macedonian town) -> Philippi (1) [7] Philippi (1)
- Vol: 12 Philippi (titular metropolitan see) -> Philippi (2) [8] Philippi (2)
- Vol: 12 Epistle to the Philippians -> Epistle to the Philippians [9] Epistle to the Philippians
- Vol: 12 Philippine Islands -> Philippine Islands [10] Philippine Islands
- Vol: 12 Philippopolis (titular metropolitan see) -> Philippopolis (1) [11] Philippopolis (1)
- Vol: 12 Philippopolis (titular see in Arabia) -> Philippopolis (2) [12] Philippopolis (2)
- Vol: 12 Philip Romolo Neri, Saint -> St. Philip Romolo Neri [13] St. Philip Romolo Neri
- Vol: 12 Peter Philips -> Peter Philips [14] Peter Philips
- Vol: 12 Philip the Arabian -> Philip the Arabian [15] Philip the Arabian
- Vol: 12 Philistines -> Philistines [16] Philistines
- Vol: 12 Robert Phillip -> Robert Phillip [17] Robert Phillip
- Vol: 12 George Phillips -> George Phillips [18] George Phillips
- Vol: 12 Philo Judaeus -> Philo Judæus [19] Philo Judæus
- Vol: 12 Philomelium -> Philomelium [20] Philomelium
- Vol: 12 Philomena, Saint -> St. Philomena [21] St. Philomena
- Vol: 12 Philosophy -> Philosophy [22] Philosophy
- Vol: 12 Philoxenus -> Philoxenus [23] Philoxenus
- Vol: 12 Phocaea -> Phocæa [24] Phocæa
- Vol: 12 Phoenicia -> Phœnicia [25] Phœnicia
- Vol: 12 Photinus -> Photinus [26] Photinus
- Vol: 12 Photius of Constantinople -> Photius of Constantinople [27] Photius of Constantinople
- Vol: 12 Phylacteries -> Phylacteries [28] Phylacteries
- Vol: 12 History of Physics -> History of Physics [29] History of Physics
- Vol: 12 Physiocrats -> Physiocrats [30] Physiocrats
- Vol: 12 Physiologus -> Physiologus [31] Physiologus
- Vol: 12 Piacenza -> Diocese of Piacenza [32] Diocese of Piacenza
- Vol: 12 Giambattista Pianciani -> Giambattista Pianciani [33] Giambattista Pianciani
- Vol: 12 Giovanni da Piano Carpine -> Giovanni da Pianô Carpine [34] Giovanni da Pianô Carpine
- Vol: 12 Piatto Cardinalizio -> Piatto Cardinalizio [35] Piatto Cardinalizio
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Piauhy -> Diocese of Piauhy [36] Diocese of Piauhy
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Piazza Armerina -> Diocese of Piazza Armerina [37] Diocese of Piazza Armerina
- Vol: 12 Giuseppe Piazzi -> Giuseppe Piazzi [38] Giuseppe Piazzi
- Vol: 12 John Pibush, Venerable -> Ven. John Pibush [39] Ven. John Pibush
- Vol: 12 Jean Picard -> Jean Picard [40] Jean Picard
- Vol: 12 Alessandro Piccolomini -> Alessandro Piccolomini [41] Alessandro Piccolomini
- Vol: 12 Jacopo Piccolomini-Ammannati -> Jacopo Piccolomini-Ammannati [42] Jacopo Piccolomini-Ammannati
- Vol: 12 Pichler -> Pichler [43] Pichler
- Vol: 12 Vitus Pichler -> Vitus Pichler [44] Vitus Pichler
- Vol: 12 Thomas Pickering, Venerable -> Ven. Thomas Pickering [45] Ven. Thomas Pickering
- Vol: 12 Bernardine a Piconio -> Bernardine a Piconio [46] Bernardine a Piconio
- Vol: 12 Francois Picquet -> François Picquet [47] François Picquet
- Vol: 12 Louis-Edouard-desire Pie -> Louis-Edouard-Désiré Pie [48] Louis-Edouard-Désiré Pie
- Vol: 12 Piedmont -> Piedmont [49] Piedmont
- Vol: 12 Peter Piel -> Peter Piel [50] Peter Piel
- Vol: 12 Jesu Pie Pelicane Domine -> Pie Pelicane, Jesu, Domine [51] Pie Pelicane, Jesu, Domine
- Vol: 12 Pierius -> Pierius [52] Pierius
- Vol: 12 Pierre de Castelnau, Blessed -> Bl. Pierre de Castelnau [53] Bl. Pierre de Castelnau
- Vol: 12 Pierre de Maricourt -> Pierre de Maricourt [54] Pierre de Maricourt
- Vol: 12 Jean Pierron -> Jean Pierron [55] Jean Pierron
- Vol: 12 Philippe Pierson -> Philippe Pierson [56] Philippe Pierson
- Vol: 12 Pietism -> Pietism [57] Pietism
- Vol: 12 Albert Pighius -> Albert (Pigghe) Pighius [58] Albert (Pigghe) Pighius
- Vol: 12 Giuseppe Maria Pignatelli, Venerable -> Ven. Giuseppe Maria Pignatelli [59] Ven. Giuseppe Maria Pignatelli
- Vol: 12 William Pike, Venerable -> Ven. William Pike [60] Ven. William Pike
- Vol: 12 Nuestra Senora Del Pilar -> Nuestra Señora Del Pilar [61] Nuestra Señora Del Pilar
- Vol: 12 Pontius Pilate -> Pontius Pilate [62] Pontius Pilate
- Vol: 12 Thomas Pilchard, Venerable -> Ven. Thomas Pilchard [63] Ven. Thomas Pilchard
- Vol: 12 Pilgrimage of Grace -> Pilgrimage of Grace [64] Pilgrimage of Grace
- Vol: 12 Pilgrimages -> Pilgrimages [65] Pilgrimages
- Vol: 12 Piligrim -> Piligrim [66] Piligrim
- Vol: 12 Pillar of Cloud -> Pillar of Cloud [67] Pillar of Cloud
- Vol: 12 Pima Indians -> Pima Indians [68] Pima Indians
- Vol: 12 Pinara -> Pinara [69] Pinara
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Pinar Del Rio -> Diocese of Pinar del Rio [70] Diocese of Pinar del Rio
- Vol: 12 Ippolito Pindemonte -> Ippolito Pindemonte [71] Ippolito Pindemonte
- Vol: 12 John de Pineda -> John de Pineda [72] John de Pineda
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Pinerolo -> Diocese of Pinerolo [73] Diocese of Pinerolo
- Vol: 12 Alexandre Guy Pingre -> Alexandre Guy Pingré [74] Alexandre Guy Pingré
- Vol: 12 Mattheus Pinna da Encarnaçao -> Mattheus Pinna da Encarnaçao [75] Mattheus Pinna da Encarnaçao
- Vol: 12 Fernao Mendes Pinto -> Fernão Mendes Pinto [76] Fernão Mendes Pinto
- Vol: 12 Pinturicchio -> Pinturicchio [77] Pinturicchio
- Vol: 12 Martin Alonso Pinzon -> Martín Alonso Pinzón [78] Martín Alonso Pinzón
- Vol: 12 Sebastian Del Piombo -> Sebastiano del Piombo [79] Sebastiano del Piombo
- Vol: 12 Pionius, Saint -> St. Pionius [80] St. Pionius
- Vol: 12 Pious Fund of the Californias, The -> Pious Fund of the Californias [81] Pious Fund of the Californias
- Vol: 12 Pious Society of Missions, The -> Pious Society of Missions [82] Pious Society of Missions
- Vol: 12 Giambattista Piranesi -> Giambattista Piranesi [83] Giambattista Piranesi
- Vol: 12 Ernricus Pirhing -> Ernricus Pirhing [84] Ernricus Pirhing
- Vol: 12 Pirkheimer -> Pirkheimer [85] Pirkheimer
- Vol: 12 Piro Indians -> Piro Indians [86] Piro Indians
- Vol: 12 Pisa -> Archdiocese of Pisa [87] Archdiocese of Pisa
- Vol: 12 University of Pisa -> University of Pisa [88] University of Pisa
- Vol: 12 Council of Pisa -> Council of Pisa [89] Council of Pisa
- Vol: 12 Piscataway Indians -> Piscataway Indians [90] Piscataway Indians
- Vol: 12 Piscina -> Piscina [91] Piscina
- Vol: 12 Charles Constantine Pise -> Charles Constantine Pise [92] Charles Constantine Pise
- Vol: 12 Pisidia -> Pisidia [93] Pisidia
- Vol: 12 Synod of Pistoia -> Synod of Pistoia [94] Synod of Pistoia
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Pistoia and Prato -> Diocese of Pistoia and Prato [95] Diocese of Pistoia and Prato
- Vol: 12 Johann Pistorius -> Johann Pistorius [96] Johann Pistorius
- Vol: 12 Pierre Pithou -> Pierre Pithou [97] Pierre Pithou
- Vol: 12 Joseph Pitoni -> Joseph Pitoni [98] Joseph Pitoni
- Vol: 12 Jean-Baptiste-Francois Pitra -> Jean-Baptiste-François Pitra [99] Jean-Baptiste-François Pitra
- Vol: 12 John Pitts -> John Pitts [100] John Pitts
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Pittsburg -> Diocese of Pittsburg [101] Diocese of Pittsburg
- Vol: 12 Pityus -> Pityus [102] Pityus
- Vol: 12 Pope Pius I, Saint -> Pope St. Pius I [103] Pope St. Pius I
- Vol: 12 Pope Pius II -> Pope Pius II [104] Pope Pius II
- Vol: 12 Pope Pius III -> Pope Pius III [105] Pope Pius III
- Vol: 12 Pope Pius IV -> Pope Pius IV [106] Pope Pius IV
- Vol: 12 Pope Pius V, Saint -> Pope St. Pius V [107] Pope St. Pius V
- Vol: 12 Pope Pius VI -> Pope Pius VI [108] Pope Pius VI
- Vol: 12 Pope Pius VII -> Pope Pius VII [109] Pope Pius VII
- Vol: 12 Pope Pius VIII -> Pope Pius VIII [110] Pope Pius VIII
- Vol: 12 Pope Pius IX -> Pope Pius IX [111] Pope Pius IX
- Vol: 12 Pope Pius X -> Pope Pius X [112] Pope Pius X
- Vol: 12 Piusverein -> Piusverein [113] Piusverein
- Vol: 12 Francisco Pizarro -> Francisco Pizarro [114] Francisco Pizarro
- Vol: 12 Galla Placidia -> Galla Placidia [115] Galla Placidia
- Vol: 12 Placidus, Saint -> St. Placidus [116] St. Placidus
- Vol: 12 Plagues of Egypt -> Plagues of Egypt [117] Plagues of Egypt
- Vol: 12 Plain Chant -> Plain Chant [118] Plain Chant
- Vol: 12 Henry Beaufort Plantagenet -> Henry Beaufort Plantagenet [119] Henry Beaufort Plantagenet
- Vol: 12 Christophe Plantin -> Christophe Plantin [120] Christophe Plantin
- Vol: 12 Plants in the Bible -> Plants in the Bible [121] Plants in the Bible
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Plasencia -> Diocese of Plasencia [122] Diocese of Plasencia
- Vol: 12 Bartolomeo Platina -> Bartolomeo Platina [123] Bartolomeo Platina
- Vol: 12 Plato and Platonism -> Plato and Platonism [124] Plato and Platonism
- Vol: 12 Pierre Play -> Pierre-Guillaume-Frédéric Le Play [125] Pierre-Guillaume-Frédéric Le Play
- Vol: 12 Plegmund -> Plegmund [126] Plegmund
- Vol: 12 Plenarium -> Plenarium [127] Plenarium
- Vol: 12 Plenary Council -> Plenary Council [128] Plenary Council
- Vol: 12 Joseph-Octave Plessis -> Joseph-Octave Plessis [129] Joseph-Octave Plessis
- Vol: 12 Georgius Gemistus Plethon -> Georgius Gemistus Plethon [130] Georgius Gemistus Plethon
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Plock -> Diocese of Plock [131] Diocese of Plock
- Vol: 12 Charles Plowden -> Charles Plowden [132] Charles Plowden
- Vol: 12 Edmund Plowden -> Edmund Plowden [133] Edmund Plowden
- Vol: 12 Francis Plowden -> Francis Plowden [134] Francis Plowden
- Vol: 12 Robert Plowden -> Robert Plowden [135] Robert Plowden
- Vol: 12 Thomas Plowden -> Thomas Plowden [136] Thomas Plowden
- Vol: 12 Thomas Percy Plowden -> Thomas Percy Plowden [137] Thomas Percy Plowden
- Vol: 12 Charles Plumier -> Charles Plumier [138] Charles Plumier
- Vol: 12 Oliver Plunket, Venerable -> Ven. Oliver Plunket [139] Ven. Oliver Plunket
- Vol: 12 Pluscarden Priory -> Pluscarden Priory [140] Pluscarden Priory
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Plymouth -> Diocese of Plymouth [141] Diocese of Plymouth
- Vol: 12 Plymouth Brethren -> Plymouth Brethren [142] Plymouth Brethren
- Vol: 12 Pneumatomachi -> Pneumatomachi [143] Pneumatomachi
- Vol: 12 Hebrew Poetry of the Old Testament -> Hebrew Poetry of the Old Testament [144] Hebrew Poetry of the Old Testament
- Vol: 12 Giovanni Francesco Poggio Bracciolini -> Giovanni Francesco Poggio Bracciolini [145] Giovanni Francesco Poggio Bracciolini
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Poggio Mirteto -> Diocese of Poggio Mirteto [146] Diocese of Poggio Mirteto
- Vol: 12 Pogla -> Pogla [147] Pogla
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Poitiers -> Diocese of Poitiers [148] Diocese of Poitiers
- Vol: 12 Poland -> Poland [149] Poland
- Vol: 12 John Bede Polding -> John Bede Polding [150] John Bede Polding
- Vol: 12 Reginald Pole -> Reginald Pole [151] Reginald Pole
- Vol: 12 Polemonium -> Polemonium [152] Polemonium
- Vol: 12 Giovanni Poleni -> Giovanni Poleni [153] Giovanni Poleni
- Vol: 12 Poles in the United States -> Poles in the United States [154] Poles in the United States
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Policastro -> Diocese of Policastro [155] Diocese of Policastro
- Vol: 12 Melchior de Polignac -> Melchior de Polignac [156] Melchior de Polignac
- Vol: 12 Lancelot Politi -> Lancelot Politi [157] Lancelot Politi
- Vol: 12 Politian -> Politian [158] Politian
- Vol: 12 Political Economy, Science of -> Science of Political Economy [159] Science of Political Economy
- Vol: 12 Antonio and Piero Benci Pollajuolo -> Antonio and Piero Benci Pollajuolo [160] Antonio and Piero Benci Pollajuolo
- Vol: 12 Marco Polo -> Marco Polo [161] Marco Polo
- Vol: 12 Polybotus -> Polybotus [162] Polybotus
- Vol: 12 Polycarp, Saint -> St. Polycarp [163] St. Polycarp
- Vol: 12 Polycarpus -> Polycarpus [164] Polycarpus
- Vol: 12 Polyglot Bibles -> Polyglot Bibles [165] Polyglot Bibles
- Vol: 12 Polystylum -> Polystylum [166] Polystylum
- Vol: 12 Polytheism -> Polytheism [167] Polytheism
- Vol: 12 Pomaria -> Pomaria [168] Pomaria
- Vol: 12 Sebastio Jos De Carvalho E Mello, Marquis De Pombal -> Marquis de Pombal [169] Marquis de Pombal
- Vol: 12 Pomerania -> Pomerania [170] Pomerania
- Vol: 12 Pompeiopolis -> Pompeiopolis [171] Pompeiopolis
- Vol: 12 Pietro Pomponazzi -> Pietro Pomponazzi [172] Pietro Pomponazzi
- Vol: 12 John Ponce -> John Ponce [173] John Ponce
- Vol: 12 Juan Ponce de Leon -> Juan Ponce de León [174] Juan Ponce de León
- Vol: 12 Joseph Anthony de La Riviere Poncet -> Joseph Anthony de la Rivière Poncet [175] Joseph Anthony de la Rivière Poncet
- Vol: 12 Archdiocese of Pondicherry -> Archdiocese of Pondicherry [176] Archdiocese of Pondicherry
- Vol: 12 Pontefract Priory -> Pontefract Priory [177] Pontefract Priory
- Vol: 12 Pope Pontian, Saint -> Pope St. Pontian [178] Pope St. Pontian
- Vol: 12 Pontifical Colleges -> Pontifical Colleges [179] Pontifical Colleges
- Vol: 12 Pontificale -> Pontificale [180] Pontificale
- Vol: 12 Pontificalia -> Pontificalia [181] Pontificalia
- Vol: 12 Pontifical Mass -> Pontifical Mass [182] Pontifical Mass
- Vol: 12 Abbey of Pontigny -> Abbey of Pontigny [183] Abbey of Pontigny
- Vol: 12 Pontius Carbonell -> Pontius Carbonell [184] Pontius Carbonell
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Pontremoli -> Diocese of Pontremoli [185] Diocese of Pontremoli
- Vol: 12 Pontus -> Pontus [186] Pontus
- Vol: 12 Pools in Scripture -> Pools in Scripture [187] Pools in Scripture
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Poona -> Diocese of Poona [188] Diocese of Poona
- Vol: 12 Care of Poor By the Church -> Care of Poor by the Church [189] Care of Poor by the Church
- Vol: 12 Little Sisters of the Poor -> Little Sisters of the Poor [190] Little Sisters of the Poor
- Vol: 12 Poor Brothers of Saint Francis Seraphicus -> Poor Brothers of St. Francis Seraphicus [191] Poor Brothers of St. Francis Seraphicus
- Vol: 12 Poor Catholics -> Poor Catholics [192] Poor Catholics
- Vol: 12 Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus -> Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus [193] Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus
- Vol: 12 Poor Clares -> Poor Clares [194] Poor Clares
- Vol: 12 Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ -> Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ [195] Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ
- Vol: 12 Poor Laws -> Poor Laws [196] Poor Laws
- Vol: 12 Sisters of the Poor of Saint Francis -> Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis [197] Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis
- Vol: 12 Poor Servants of the Mother of God -> Poor Servants of the Mother of God [198] Poor Servants of the Mother of God
- Vol: 12 Archdiocese of Popayan -> Archdiocese of Popayán [199] Archdiocese of Popayán
- Vol: 12 Alexander Pope -> Alexander Pope [200] Alexander Pope
- Vol: 12 Pope -> Pope [201] Pope
- Vol: 12 Poppo, Saint -> St. Poppo [202] St. Poppo
- Vol: 12 Popular Devotions -> Popular Devotions [203] Popular Devotions
- Vol: 12 Theories of Population -> Theories of Population [204] Theories of Population
- Vol: 12 Giovanni Antonio Pordenone -> Giovanni Antonio Pordenone [205] Giovanni Antonio Pordenone
- Vol: 12 Odoric of Pordenone, Blessed -> Odoric of Pordenone [206] Odoric of Pordenone
- Vol: 12 Thomas Pormort, Venerable -> Ven. Thomas Pormort [207] Ven. Thomas Pormort
- Vol: 12 Porphyreon -> Porphyreon [208] Porphyreon
- Vol: 12 Porphyrius, Saint -> St. Porphyrius [209] St. Porphyrius
- Vol: 12 Serafino Porrecta -> Serafino Porrecta [210] Serafino Porrecta
- Vol: 12 Carlo Porta -> Carlo Porta [211] Carlo Porta
- Vol: 12 Giacomo Della Porta -> Giacomo della Porta [212] Giacomo della Porta
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Portalegre -> Diocese of Portalegre [213] Diocese of Portalegre
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Port Augusta -> Diocese of Port Augusta [214] Diocese of Port Augusta
- Vol: 12 Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince -> Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince [215] Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince
- Vol: 12 Porter -> Porter [216] Porter
- Vol: 12 Francis Porter -> Francis Porter [217] Francis Porter
- Vol: 12 George Porter -> George Porter [218] George Porter
- Vol: 12 Portiuncula -> Portiuncula [219] Portiuncula
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Portland -> Diocese of Portland [220] Diocese of Portland
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Port Louis -> Diocese of Port Louis [221] Diocese of Port Louis
- Vol: 12 Archdiocese of Porto Alegre -> Archdiocese of Porto Alegre [222] Archdiocese of Porto Alegre
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Porto Alegre -> Diocese of Porto Alegre [223] Diocese of Porto Alegre
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Porto and Santa-Rufina -> Diocese of Porto and Santa-Rufina [224] Diocese of Porto and Santa-Rufina
- Vol: 12 Archdiocese of Port of Spain -> Archdiocese of Port of Spain [225] Archdiocese of Port of Spain
- Vol: 12 Porto Rico -> Porto Rico [226] Porto Rico
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Portoviejo -> Diocese of Portoviejo [227] Diocese of Portoviejo
- Vol: 12 Portraits of the Apostles -> Portraits of the Apostles [228] Portraits of the Apostles
- Vol: 12 Port-Royal -> Port-Royal [229] Port-Royal
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Portsmouth -> Diocese of Portsmouth [230] Diocese of Portsmouth
- Vol: 12 Portugal -> Portugal [231] Portugal
- Vol: 12 Portuguese East Africa -> Portuguese East Africa [232] Portuguese East Africa
- Vol: 12 Portuguese West Africa -> Portuguese West Africa [233] Portuguese West Africa
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Port Victoria -> Diocese of Port Victoria [234] Diocese of Port Victoria
- Vol: 12 Positivism -> Positivism [235] Positivism
- Vol: 12 Demoniacal Possession -> Demoniacal Possession [236] Demoniacal Possession
- Vol: 12 Antonius Possevinus -> Antonius Possevinus [237] Antonius Possevinus
- Vol: 12 Possidius, Saint -> St. Possidius [238] St. Possidius
- Vol: 12 Postcommunion -> Postcommunion [239] Postcommunion
- Vol: 12 Nicholas Postgate, Venerable -> Ven. Nicholas Postgate [240] Ven. Nicholas Postgate
- Vol: 12 Postulant -> Postulant [241] Postulant
- Vol: 12 Postulation -> Postulation [242] Postulation
- Vol: 12 Potawatomi Indians -> Potawatomi Indians [243] Potawatomi Indians
- Vol: 12 Robert Joseph Pothier -> Robert Joseph Pothier [244] Robert Joseph Pothier
- Vol: 12 Jean-Francois-Albert Du Pouget -> Jean-François-Albert du Pouget [245] Jean-François-Albert du Pouget
- Vol: 12 Thomas Pounde -> Thomas Pounde [246] Thomas Pounde
- Vol: 12 Nicolas Poussin -> Nicolas Poussin [247] Nicolas Poussin
- Vol: 12 Poverty -> Poverty [248] Poverty
- Vol: 12 Poverty and Pauperism -> Poverty and Pauperism [249] Poverty and Pauperism
- Vol: 12 Philip Powel, Venerable -> Ven. Philip Powel [250] Ven. Philip Powel
- Vol: 12 William Poynter -> William Poynter [251] William Poynter
- Vol: 12 Andreas Pozzo -> Andreas Pozzo [252] Andreas Pozzo
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Pozzuoli -> Diocese of Pozzuoli [253] Diocese of Pozzuoli
- Vol: 12 Jean-Martin de Prades -> Jean-Martin de Prades [254] Jean-Martin de Prades
- Vol: 12 Jerome de Prado -> Jerome de Prado [255] Jerome de Prado
- Vol: 12 Praelatus Nullius -> Praelatus Nullius [256] Praelatus Nullius
- Vol: 12 Pragmatic Sanction -> Pragmatic Sanction [257] Pragmatic Sanction
- Vol: 12 Pragmatism -> Pragmatism [258] Pragmatism
- Vol: 12 Archdiocese of Prague -> Archdiocese of Prague [259] Archdiocese of Prague
- Vol: 12 University of Prague -> University of Prague [260] University of Prague
- Vol: 12 Praxeas -> Praxeas [261] Praxeas
- Vol: 12 Praxedes and Pudentiana -> Praxedes and Pudentiana [262] Praxedes and Pudentiana
- Vol: 12 George Pray -> George Pray [263] George Pray
- Vol: 12 Prayer -> Prayer [264] Prayer
- Vol: 12 Prayer Books -> Prayer-Books [265] Prayer-Books
- Vol: 12 Feast of the Prayer of Christ -> Feast of the Prayer of Christ [266] Feast of the Prayer of Christ
- Vol: 12 Preacher Apostolic -> Preacher Apostolic [267] Preacher Apostolic
- Vol: 12 Order of Preachers -> Order of Preachers [268] Order of Preachers
- Vol: 12 Preadamites -> Preadamites [269] Preadamites
- Vol: 12 Prebend -> Prebend [270] Prebend
- Vol: 12 Precaria -> Precaria [271] Precaria
- Vol: 12 Precedence -> Precedence [272] Precedence
- Vol: 12 Precentor -> Precentor [273] Precentor
- Vol: 12 Canonical Precept -> Canonical Precept [274] Canonical Precept
- Vol: 12 Precious Blood -> Precious Blood [275] Precious Blood
- Vol: 12 Archconfraternity of the Most Precious Blood -> Archconfraternity of the Most Precious Blood [276] Archconfraternity of the Most Precious Blood
- Vol: 12 Congregation of the Most Precious Blood -> Congregation of the Most Precious Blood [277] Congregation of the Most Precious Blood
- Vol: 12 Congregations of the Precious Blood -> Congregations of the Precious Blood [278] Congregations of the Precious Blood
- Vol: 12 Count Humbert-Guillaume de Precipiano -> Count Humbert-Guillaume de Precipiano [279] Count Humbert-Guillaume de Precipiano
- Vol: 12 Preconization -> Preconization [280] Preconization
- Vol: 12 Predestinarianism -> Predestinarianism [281] Predestinarianism
- Vol: 12 Predestination -> Predestination [282] Predestination
- Vol: 12 Preface -> Preface [283] Preface
- Vol: 12 Prefect Apostolic -> Prefect Apostolic [284] Prefect Apostolic
- Vol: 12 Prelate -> Prelate [285] Prelate
- Vol: 12 Joseph Henri Marie de Premare -> Joseph Henri Marie de Prémare [286] Joseph Henri Marie de Prémare
- Vol: 12 Premonstratensian Canons -> Premonstratensian Canons [287] Premonstratensian Canons
- Vol: 12 Abbey of Premontre -> Abbey of Prémontré [288] Abbey of Prémontré
- Vol: 12 Presbyterianism -> Presbyterianism [289] Presbyterianism
- Vol: 12 Presbytery -> Presbytery [290] Presbytery
- Vol: 12 Prescription -> Prescription [291] Prescription
- Vol: 12 Presence of God -> Presence of God [292] Presence of God
- Vol: 12 Order of the Presentation -> Order of the Presentation [293] Order of the Presentation
- Vol: 12 Religious Congregations of the Presentation -> Religious Congregations of the Presentation [294] Religious Congregations of the Presentation
- Vol: 12 Right of Presentation -> Right of Presentation [295] Right of Presentation
- Vol: 12 Presentation Brothers -> Presentation Brothers [296] Presentation Brothers
- Vol: 12 Congregation of the Presentation of Mary -> Congregation of the Presentation of Mary [297] Congregation of the Presentation of Mary
- Vol: 12 Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary -> Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary [298] Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Vol: 12 Prester John -> Prester John [299] Prester John
- Vol: 12 Thomas Preston -> Thomas Preston [300] Thomas Preston
- Vol: 12 Thomas Scott Preston -> Thomas Scott Preston [301] Thomas Scott Preston
- Vol: 12 Presumption -> Presumption [302] Presumption
- Vol: 12 Presumption (in Canon Law) -> Presumption (in Canon Law) [303] Presumption (in Canon Law)
- Vol: 12 Pretorium -> Pretorium [304] Pretorium
- Vol: 12 Pride -> Pride [305] Pride
- Vol: 12 Priene -> Priene [306] Priene
- Vol: 12 Priest -> Priest [307] Priest
- Vol: 12 Assistant Priest -> Assistant Priest [308] Assistant Priest
- Vol: 12 High Priest, The -> High Priest [309] High Priest
- Vol: 12 Priesthood -> Priesthood [310] Priesthood
- Vol: 12 Confraternities of Priests -> Confraternities of Priests [311] Confraternities of Priests
- Vol: 12 Priests' Communion League -> Priests' Communion League [312] Priests' Communion League
- Vol: 12 Priests' Eucharistic League -> Priests' Eucharistic League [313] Priests' Eucharistic League
- Vol: 12 Primacy -> Primacy [314] Primacy
- Vol: 12 Primate -> Primate [315] Primate
- Vol: 12 Prime -> Prime [316] Prime
- Vol: 12 Primer, The -> The Primer [317] The Primer
- Vol: 12 Primicerius -> Primicerius [318] Primicerius
- Vol: 12 Primus and Felician, Saints -> Sts. Primus and Felician [319] Sts. Primus and Felician
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Prince Albert -> Diocese of Prince Albert [320] Diocese of Prince Albert
- Vol: 12 Prior -> Prior [321] Prior
- Vol: 12 Prioress -> Prioress [322] Prioress
- Vol: 12 Priory -> Priory [323] Priory
- Vol: 12 Prisca, Saint -> St. Prisca [324] St. Prisca
- Vol: 12 Priscianus -> Priscianus [325] Priscianus
- Vol: 12 Priscillianism -> Priscillianism [326] Priscillianism
- Vol: 12 Prisons -> Prisons [327] Prisons
- Vol: 12 Ecclesiastical Prisons -> Ecclesiastical Prisons [328] Ecclesiastical Prisons
- Vol: 12 Privilege -> Privilege [329] Privilege
- Vol: 12 Ecclesiastical Privileges -> Ecclesiastical Privileges [330] Ecclesiastical Privileges
- Vol: 12 Faltonia Proba -> Faltonia Proba [331] Faltonia Proba
- Vol: 12 Probabilism -> Probabilism [332] Probabilism
- Vol: 12 Marcus Aurelius Probus -> Marcus Aurelius Probus [333] Marcus Aurelius Probus
- Vol: 12 Roman Processional -> Roman Processional [334] Roman Processional
- Vol: 12 Processions -> Processions [335] Processions
- Vol: 12 Processus and Martinian, Saints -> Sts. Processus and Martinian [336] Sts. Processus and Martinian
- Vol: 12 Proclus, Saint -> St. Proclus [337] St. Proclus
- Vol: 12 Proconnesus -> Proconnesus [338] Proconnesus
- Vol: 12 Procopius of Caesarea -> Procopius of Caesarea [339] Procopius of Caesarea
- Vol: 12 Adelaide Anne Procter -> Adelaide Anne Procter [340] Adelaide Anne Procter
- Vol: 12 Procurator -> Procurator [341] Procurator
- Vol: 12 Religious Profession -> Religious Profession [342] Religious Profession
- Vol: 12 Divine Promise -> Divine Promise (in Scripture) [343] Divine Promise (in Scripture)
- Vol: 12 Promotor Fidei -> Promotor Fidei [344] Promotor Fidei
- Vol: 12 Promulgation -> Promulgation [345] Promulgation
- Vol: 12 Proof -> Proof [346] Proof
- Vol: 12 Sacred Congregation of Propaganda -> Sacred Congregation of Propaganda [347] Sacred Congregation of Propaganda
- Vol: 12 Society for the Propagation of the Faith, The -> The Society for the Propagation of the Faith [348] The Society for the Propagation of the Faith
- Vol: 12 Property -> Property [349] Property
- Vol: 12 Ecclesiastical Property -> Property Ecclesiastical [350] Property Ecclesiastical
- Vol: 12 Ecclesiastical Property in the United States -> Ecclesiastical Property in the United States [351] Ecclesiastical Property in the United States
- Vol: 12 Prophecy -> Prophecy [352] Prophecy
- Vol: 12 Prophecy, Prophet, and Prophetess -> Prophecy, Prophet, and Prophetess [353] Prophecy, Prophet, and Prophetess
- Vol: 12 Proprium -> Proprium [354] Proprium
- Vol: 12 Franz Isidor Proschko -> Franz Isidor Proschko [355] Franz Isidor Proschko
- Vol: 12 Proselyte -> Proselyte [356] Proselyte
- Vol: 12 Prose or Sequence -> Prose or Sequence [357] Prose or Sequence
- Vol: 12 Karl Proske -> Karl Proske [358] Karl Proske
- Vol: 12 Prosper of Aquitaine -> Tiro Prosper of Aquitaine [359] Tiro Prosper of Aquitaine
- Vol: 12 Protectorate of Missions -> Protectorate of Missions [360] Protectorate of Missions
- Vol: 12 Protectories -> Protectories [361] Protectories
- Vol: 12 Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America -> Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America [362] Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
- Vol: 12 Protestantism -> Protestantism [363] Protestantism
- Vol: 12 Prothonotary Apostolic -> Prothonotary Apostolic [364] Prothonotary Apostolic
- Vol: 12 Protocol -> Protocol [365] Protocol
- Vol: 12 Protopope -> Protopope [366] Protopope
- Vol: 12 Protus and Hyacinth, Saints -> Sts. Protus and Hyacinth [367] Sts. Protus and Hyacinth
- Vol: 12 Father Prout -> Father Prout [368] Father Prout
- Vol: 12 Leon Abel Provancher -> Léon Abel Provancher [369] Léon Abel Provancher
- Vol: 12 Book of Proverbs -> Book of Proverbs [370] Book of Proverbs
- Vol: 12 Congregations of Providence -> Congregations of Providence [371] Congregations of Providence
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Providence -> Diocese of Providence [372] Diocese of Providence
- Vol: 12 Divine Providence -> Divine Providence [373] Divine Providence
- Vol: 12 Ecclesiastical Province -> Ecclesiastical Province [374] Ecclesiastical Province
- Vol: 12 Provincial -> Provincial [375] Provincial
- Vol: 12 Provincial Council -> Provincial Council [376] Provincial Council
- Vol: 12 Canonical Provision -> Canonical Provision [377] Canonical Provision
- Vol: 12 Statute of Provisory -> Statute of Provisors [378] Statute of Provisors
- Vol: 12 Provost -> Provost [379] Provost
- Vol: 12 Prudence -> Prudence [380] Prudence
- Vol: 12 Aurelius Clemens Prudentius -> Aurelius Clemens Prudentius [381] Aurelius Clemens Prudentius
- Vol: 12 Prudentius -> Prudentius [382] Prudentius
- Vol: 12 Prum -> Prüm [383] Prüm
- Vol: 12 Prusias ad Hypium -> Prusias ad Hypium [384] Prusias ad Hypium
- Vol: 12 Prussia -> Prussia [385] Prussia
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Przemysl -> Diocese of Przemysl [386] Diocese of Przemysl
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Przemysl, Sambor, and Sanok -> Diocese of Przemysl, Sambor, and Sanok [387] Diocese of Przemysl, Sambor, and Sanok
- Vol: 12 Psalms -> Psalms [388] Psalms
- Vol: 12 Alphabetic Psalms -> Alphabetic Psalms [389] Alphabetic Psalms
- Vol: 12 Psalterium -> Psalterium [390] Psalterium
- Vol: 12 Nicholas Psaume -> Nicholas Psaume [391] Nicholas Psaume
- Vol: 12 Michael Psellus -> Michael Psellus [392] Michael Psellus
- Vol: 12 Psychology -> Psychology [393] Psychology
- Vol: 12 Psychotherapy -> Psychotherapy [394] Psychotherapy
- Vol: 12 Ptolemais (titular see in Egypt) -> Ptolemais [395] Ptolemais
- Vol: 12 Ptolemais (titular metropolis in Phoenicia Prima) -> Ptolemais (Saint-Jean d'Acre) [396] Ptolemais (Saint-Jean d'Acre)
- Vol: 12 Ptolemy the Gnostic -> Ptolemy the Gnostic [397] Ptolemy the Gnostic
- Vol: 12 Publican -> Publican [398] Publican
- Vol: 12 Public Honesty -> Public Honesty (Decency) [399] Public Honesty (Decency)
- Vol: 12 Pueblo Indians -> Pueblo Indians [400] Pueblo Indians
- Vol: 12 Pierre Puget -> Pierre Puget [401] Pierre Puget
- Vol: 12 George Ellis Pugh -> George Ellis Pugh [402] George Ellis Pugh
- Vol: 12 Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin -> Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin [403] Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin
- Vol: 12 Victor-Alexandre Puiseux -> Victor-Alexandre Puiseux [404] Victor-Alexandre Puiseux
- Vol: 12 Casimir Pulaski -> Casimir Pulaski [405] Casimir Pulaski
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Pulati -> Diocese of Pulati [406] Diocese of Pulati
- Vol: 12 Pulcheria, Saint -> St. Pulcheria [407] St. Pulcheria
- Vol: 12 Luigi Pulci -> Luigi Pulci [408] Luigi Pulci
- Vol: 12 Robert Pullen -> Robert Pullen [409] Robert Pullen
- Vol: 12 Pulpit -> Pulpit [410] Pulpit
- Vol: 12 Capital Punishment -> Capital Punishment [411] Capital Punishment
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Puno -> Diocese of Puno [412] Diocese of Puno
- Vol: 12 John Baptist Purcell -> John Baptist Purcell [413] John Baptist Purcell
- Vol: 12 Purgatorial Societies -> Purgatorial Societies [414] Purgatorial Societies
- Vol: 12 Purgatory -> Purgatory [415] Purgatory
- Vol: 12 St. Patrick's Purgatory -> St. Patrick's Purgatory [416] St. Patrick's Purgatory
- Vol: 12 Purim -> Purim [417] Purim
- Vol: 12 Puritans -> Puritans [418] Puritans
- Vol: 12 Pusey and Puseyism -> Pusey and Puseyism [419] Pusey and Puseyism
- Vol: 12 Pustet -> Pustet [420] Pustet
- Vol: 12 Putative Marriage -> Putative Marriage [421] Putative Marriage
- Vol: 12 Erycius Puteanus -> Erycius Puteanus [422] Erycius Puteanus
- Vol: 12 Joseph Putzer -> Joseph Putzer [423] Joseph Putzer
- Vol: 12 Pierre Puvis de Chavannes -> Pierre Puvis de Chavannes [424] Pierre Puvis de Chavannes
- Vol: 12 Puyallup Indians -> Puyallup Indians [425] Puyallup Indians
- Vol: 12 Johann Ladislaus von Oberwart Pyrker -> Johann Ladislaus von Oberwart Pyrker [426] Johann Ladislaus von Oberwart Pyrker
- Vol: 12 Pyrrhonism -> Pyrrhonism [427] Pyrrhonism
- Vol: 12 Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism -> Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism [428] Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism
- Vol: 12 Pyx -> Pyx [429] Pyx
- Vol: 12 Quadragesima -> Quadragesima [430] Quadragesima
- Vol: 12 Quadratus -> Quadratus [431] Quadratus
- Vol: 12 Quality -> Quality [432] Quality
- Vol: 12 Quamichan Indians -> Quamichan Indians [433] Quamichan Indians
- Vol: 12 Quam singulari -> Quam singulari [434] Quam singulari
- Vol: 12 Quantity -> Quantity [435] Quantity
- Vol: 12 Quapaw Indians -> Quapaw Indians [436] Quapaw Indians
- Vol: 12 Quarantines -> Quarantines [437] Quarantines
- Vol: 12 Franciscus Quaresmius -> Franciscus Quaresmius [438] Franciscus Quaresmius
- Vol: 12 Archdiocese of Quebec -> Archdiocese of Quebec [439] Archdiocese of Quebec
- Vol: 12 Province of Quebec -> Province of Quebec [440] Province of Quebec
- Vol: 12 Hyacinthe-Louis de Quelen -> Hyacinthe-Louis de Quelen [441] Hyacinthe-Louis de Quelen
- Vol: 12 Quem terra, pontus, sidera -> Quem terra, pontus, sidera [442] Quem terra, pontus, sidera
- Vol: 12 Jacopo Della Quercia -> Jacopo Della Quercia [443] Jacopo Della Quercia
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Queretaro -> Diocese of Querétaro [444] Diocese of Querétaro
- Vol: 12 Pasquier Quesnel -> Pasquier Quesnel [445] Pasquier Quesnel
- Vol: 12 Juan de Quevedo -> Juan de Quevedo [446] Juan de Quevedo
- Vol: 12 Quiche -> Quiche [447] Quiche
- Vol: 12 Quichua Indians -> Quichua Indians [448] Quichua Indians
- Vol: 12 Quicumque Christum Quaeritis -> Quicumque Christum Quæritis [449] Quicumque Christum Quæritis
- Vol: 12 Councils of Quierzy -> Councils of Quierzy [450] Councils of Quierzy
- Vol: 12 Prayer of Quiet -> Prayer of Quiet [451] Prayer of Quiet
- Vol: 12 Quietism -> Quietism [452] Quietism
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Quilon -> Diocese of Quilon [453] Diocese of Quilon
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Quimper -> Diocese of Quimper [454] Diocese of Quimper
- Vol: 12 Michael Joseph Quin -> Michael Joseph Quin [455] Michael Joseph Quin
- Vol: 12 Quinctianus, Saints -> Sts. Quinctianus [456] Sts. Quinctianus
- Vol: 12 Francis Quinones -> Francis Quiñones [457] Francis Quiñones
- Vol: 12 Quinquagesima -> Quinquagesima [458] Quinquagesima
- Vol: 12 Agustin Quintana -> Agustín Quintana [459] Agustín Quintana
- Vol: 12 Quiricus and Julitta, Saints -> Sts. Quiricus and Julitta [460] Sts. Quiricus and Julitta
- Vol: 12 Angelo Maria Quirini -> Angelo Maria Quirini [461] Angelo Maria Quirini
- Vol: 12 Quirinus, Saints -> Sts. Quirinus [462] Sts. Quirinus
- Vol: 12 Archdiocese of Quito -> Archdiocese of Quito [463] Archdiocese of Quito
- Vol: 12 Maurus Magnentius Rabanus, Blessed -> Bl. Maurus Magnentius Rabanus [464] Bl. Maurus Magnentius Rabanus
- Vol: 12 Rabbi and Rabbinism -> Rabbi and Rabbinism [465] Rabbi and Rabbinism
- Vol: 12 Rabbulas -> Rabbulas [466] Rabbulas
- Vol: 12 Francois Rabelais -> François Rabelais [467] François Rabelais
- Vol: 12 Raccolta -> Raccolta [468] Raccolta
- Vol: 12 Human Race -> Human Race [469] Human Race
- Vol: 12 Negro Race -> Negro Race [470] Negro Race
- Vol: 12 Rachel -> Rachel [471] Rachel
- Vol: 12 Jean Racine -> Jean Racine [472] Jean Racine
- Vol: 12 Matthew Rader -> Matthew Rader [473] Matthew Rader
- Vol: 12 Florens Radewyns -> Florens Radewyns [474] Florens Radewyns
- Vol: 12 Joseph Maria von Radowitz -> Joseph Maria von Radowitz [475] Joseph Maria von Radowitz
- Vol: 12 Radulph of Rivo -> Radulph of Rivo [476] Radulph of Rivo
- Vol: 12 Pierre Raffeix -> Pierre Raffeix [477] Pierre Raffeix
- Vol: 12 Paul Ragueneau -> Paul Ragueneau [478] Paul Ragueneau
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Ragusa -> Diocese of Ragusa [479] Diocese of Ragusa
- Vol: 12 Johann Michael Raich -> Johann Michael Raich [480] Johann Michael Raich
- Vol: 12 Marcantonio Raimondi -> Marcantonio Raimondi [481] Marcantonio Raimondi
- Vol: 12 Rainald of Dassel -> Rainald of Dassel [482] Rainald of Dassel
- Vol: 12 Prefecture Apostolic of Rajpootana -> Prefecture Apostolic of Rajpootana [483] Prefecture Apostolic of Rajpootana
- Vol: 12 Sebastian Rale -> Sebastian Râle [484] Sebastian Râle
- Vol: 12 Ralph Crockett, Venerable -> Ven. Ralph Crockett [485] Ven. Ralph Crockett
- Vol: 12 Ralph Sherwin, Blessed -> Bl. Ralph Sherwin [486] Bl. Ralph Sherwin
- Vol: 12 Pierre Francois Xavier de Ram -> Pierre François Xavier de Ram [487] Pierre François Xavier de Ram
- Vol: 12 Ramatha -> Ramatha [488] Ramatha
- Vol: 12 Rambler, The -> The Rambler [489] The Rambler
- Vol: 12 Jean-Philippe Rameau -> Jean-Philippe Rameau [490] Jean-Philippe Rameau
- Vol: 12 Ramsey Abbey -> Ramsey Abbey [491] Ramsey Abbey
- Vol: 12 Peter Ramus -> Peter Ramus [492] Peter Ramus
- Vol: 12 Jean-Armand Le Bouthillier de Rance -> Jean-Armand le Bouthillier de Rancé [493] Jean-Armand le Bouthillier de Rancé
- Vol: 12 James Ryder Randall -> James Ryder Randall [494] James Ryder Randall
- Vol: 12 Feast of Our Lady of Ransom -> Feast of Our Lady of Ransom [495] Feast of Our Lady of Ransom
- Vol: 12 Raphael, Saint -> St. Raphael [496] St. Raphael
- Vol: 12 Raphael -> Raphael [497] Raphael
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Raphoe -> Diocese of Raphoe [498] Diocese of Raphoe
- Vol: 12 Rene Rapin -> René Rapin [499] René Rapin
- Vol: 12 Raskolniks -> Raskolniks [500] Raskolniks
- Vol: 12 Andreas Rass -> Andreas Räss [501] Andreas Räss
- Vol: 12 Joseph Rathborne -> Joseph Rathborne [502] Joseph Rathborne
- Vol: 12 Ratherius of Verona -> Ratherius of Verona [503] Ratherius of Verona
- Vol: 12 Rationale -> Rationale [504] Rationale
- Vol: 12 Rationalism -> Rationalism [505] Rationalism
- Vol: 12 Ratio Studiorum -> Ratio Studiorum [506] Ratio Studiorum
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Ratisbon -> Diocese of Ratisbon [507] Diocese of Ratisbon
- Vol: 12 Maria Alphonse Ratisbonne -> Maria Alphonse Ratisbonne [508] Maria Alphonse Ratisbonne
- Vol: 12 Maria Theodor Ratisbonne -> Maria Theodor Ratisbonne [509] Maria Theodor Ratisbonne
- Vol: 12 Ratramnus -> Ratramnus [510] Ratramnus
- Vol: 12 Georg Ratzinger -> Georg Ratzinger [511] Georg Ratzinger
- Vol: 12 Joseph Othmar Rauscher -> Joseph Othmar Rauscher [512] Joseph Othmar Rauscher
- Vol: 12 Antonio Ravalli -> Antonio Ravalli [513] Antonio Ravalli
- Vol: 12 Archdiocese of Ravenna -> Archdiocese of Ravenna [514] Archdiocese of Ravenna
- Vol: 12 Josse Ravesteyn -> Josse Ravesteyn [515] Josse Ravesteyn
- Vol: 12 Gustave Xavier Lacroix de Ravignan -> Gustave Xavier Lacroix de Ravignan [516] Gustave Xavier Lacroix de Ravignan
- Vol: 12 Henry Augustus Rawes -> Henry Augustus Rawes [517] Henry Augustus Rawes
- Vol: 12 Charles Raymbault -> Charles Raymbault [518] Charles Raymbault
- Vol: 12 Raymond IV -> Raymond IV, of Saint-Gilles [519] Raymond IV, of Saint-Gilles
- Vol: 12 Raymond VI -> Raymond VI [520] Raymond VI
- Vol: 12 Raymond VII -> Raymond VII [521] Raymond VII
- Vol: 12 Raymond Lully -> Raymond Lully [522] Raymond Lully
- Vol: 12 Raymond Martini -> Raymond Martini [523] Raymond Martini
- Vol: 12 Raymond Nonnatus, Saint -> St. Raymond Nonnatus [524] St. Raymond Nonnatus
- Vol: 12 Raymond of Penafort, Saint -> St. Raymond of Peñafort [525] St. Raymond of Peñafort
- Vol: 12 Raymond of Sabunde -> Raymond of Sabunde [526] Raymond of Sabunde
- Vol: 12 Odorico Raynaldi -> Odorico Raynaldi [527] Odorico Raynaldi
- Vol: 12 Theophile Raynaud -> Théophile Raynaud [528] Théophile Raynaud
- Vol: 12 Francois-Juste-Marie Raynouard -> François-Juste-Marie Raynouard [529] François-Juste-Marie Raynouard
- Vol: 12 Reading Abbey -> Reading Abbey [530] Reading Abbey
- Vol: 12 Reason -> Reason [531] Reason
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Recanati and Loreto -> Diocese of Recanati and Loreto [532] Diocese of Recanati and Loreto
- Vol: 12 Rechab and the Rechabites -> Rechab and the Rechabites [533] Rechab and the Rechabites
- Vol: 12 Recollection -> Recollection [534] Recollection
- Vol: 12 Rector -> Rector [535] Rector
- Vol: 12 Verax Deus Rector Potens -> Rector Potens, Verax Deus [536] Rector Potens, Verax Deus
- Vol: 12 Recusants -> English Recusants [537] English Recusants
- Vol: 12 Feast of the Most Holy Redeemer -> Feast of the Most Holy Redeemer [538] Feast of the Most Holy Redeemer
- Vol: 12 Knights of the Redeemer -> Knights of the Redeemer [539] Knights of the Redeemer
- Vol: 12 Redemption -> Redemption [540] Redemption
- Vol: 12 Redemption (in the Old Testament) -> Redemption in the Old Testament [541] Redemption in the Old Testament
- Vol: 12 Penitential Redemptions -> Penitential Redemptions [542] Penitential Redemptions
- Vol: 12 Redemptoristines -> Redemptoristines [543] Redemptoristines
- Vol: 12 Redemptorists -> Redemptorists [544] Redemptorists
- Vol: 12 Sebastian Redford -> Sebastian Redford [545] Sebastian Redford
- Vol: 12 Francesco Redi -> Francesco Redi [546] Francesco Redi
- Vol: 12 Augustine Reding -> Augustine Reding [547] Augustine Reding
- Vol: 12 Red Sea -> Red Sea [548] Red Sea
- Vol: 12 Reductions of Paraguay -> Reductions of Paraguay [549] Reductions of Paraguay
- Vol: 12 Referendarii -> Referendarii [550] Referendarii
- Vol: 12 Reformation, The -> The Reformation [551] The Reformation
- Vol: 12 Reformed Churches -> Reformed Churches [552] Reformed Churches
- Vol: 12 Reform of a Religious Order -> Reform of a Religious Order [553] Reform of a Religious Order
- Vol: 12 Cities of Refuge -> Cities of Refuge [554] Cities of Refuge
- Vol: 12 Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Refuge -> Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Refuge [555] Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Refuge
- Vol: 12 Droit de Regale -> Droit de Regale [556] Droit de Regale
- Vol: 12 Regalia -> Regalia [557] Regalia
- Vol: 12 Regeneration -> Regeneration [558] Regeneration
- Vol: 12 Papal Regesta -> Papal Regesta [559] Papal Regesta
- Vol: 12 Archdiocese of Reggio di Calabria -> Archdiocese of Reggio di Calabria [560] Archdiocese of Reggio di Calabria
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Reggio Dell' Emilia -> Diocese of Reggio dell' Emilia [561] Diocese of Reggio dell' Emilia
- Vol: 12 Diocese of Regina -> Diocese of Regina [562] Diocese of Regina
- Vol: 12 Regina Coeli -> Regina Coeli (Queen of Heaven) [563] Regina Coeli (Queen of Heaven)
- Vol: 12 Antonin Reginald -> Antonin Reginald [564] Antonin Reginald
- Vol: 12 Reginald of Piperno -> Reginald of Piperno [565] Reginald of Piperno
- Vol: 12 Regino of Prum -> Regino of Prüm [566] Regino of Prüm
- Vol: 12 Regionarii -> Regionarii [567] Regionarii
- Vol: 12 Jean-Baptiste Regis -> Jean-Baptiste Régis [568] Jean-Baptiste Régis
- Vol: 12 Pierre Sylvain Regis -> Pierre Sylvain Régis [569] Pierre Sylvain Régis
- Vol: 12 Parochial Registers -> Parochial Registers [570] Parochial Registers
- Vol: 12 Henri Victor Regnault -> Henri Victor Regnault [571] Henri Victor Regnault
- Vol: 12 Regulae Juris -> Regulæ Juris [572] Regulæ Juris
- Vol: 12 Regulars -> Regulars [573] Regulars
- Vol: 12 Reichenau -> Reichenau [574] Reichenau
- Vol: 12 August Reichensberger -> August Reichensberger [575] August Reichensberger
- Vol: 12 Peter Reichensberger -> Peter Reichensberger [576] Peter Reichensberger
- Vol: 12 Reifenstein -> Reifenstein [577] Reifenstein
- Vol: 12 Johann Georg Reiffenstuel -> Johann Georg Reiffenstuel [578] Johann Georg Reiffenstuel
- Vol: 12 Archdiocese of Reims -> Archdiocese of Reims [579] Archdiocese of Reims
- Vol: 12 Synods of Reims -> Synods of Reims [580] Synods of Reims
- Vol: 12 Reinmar of Hagenau -> Reinmar of Hagenau [581] Reinmar of Hagenau
- Vol: 12 Carl von Reisach -> Carl von Reisach [582] Carl von Reisach
- Vol: 12 Gregor Reisch -> Gregor Reisch [583] Gregor Reisch
- Vol: 12 Relationship -> Relationship [584] Relationship
- Vol: 12 Duties of Relatives -> Duties of Relatives [585] Duties of Relatives
- Vol: 12 Relativism -> Relativism [586] Relativism
- Vol: 12 Relics -> Relics [587] Relics
- Vol: 12 Religion -> Religion [588] Religion
- Vol: 12 Virtue of Religion -> Virtue of Religion [589] Virtue of Religion
- Vol: 12 Religious Life -> Religious Life [590] Religious Life
- Vol: 12 Reliquaries -> Reliquaries [591] Reliquaries
- Vol: 12 Remesiana -> Remesiana [592] Remesiana
- Vol: 12 Remigius, Saint -> St. Remigius [593] St. Remigius
- Vol: 12 Remigius of Auxerre -> Remigius of Auxerre [594] Remigius of Auxerre
- Vol: 12 Remiremont -> Remiremont [595] Remiremont
- Vol: 12 Anne-Madeleine Remuzat, Venerable -> Ven. Anne-Madeleine Remuzat [596] Ven. Anne-Madeleine Remuzat
- Vol: 12 Abbey of Saint Remy -> Abbey of Saint Remy [597] Abbey of Saint Remy
- Vol: 12 Renaissance, The -> The Renaissance [598] The Renaissance
- Vol: 12 Eusebius Renaudot -> Eusebius Renaudot [599] Eusebius Renaudot
- Vol: 12 Theophraste Renaudot -> Théophraste Renaudot [600] Théophraste Renaudot
- Vol: 12 Guido Reni -> Guido Reni [601] Guido Reni
- Vol: 12 Archdiocese of Rennes -> Archdiocese of Rennes [602] Archdiocese of Rennes
- Vol: 12 Gaston Jean Baptiste de Renty -> Gaston Jean Baptiste de Renty [603] Gaston Jean Baptiste de Renty
- Vol: 12 Renunciation -> Renunciation [604] Renunciation
- Vol: 12 Reordinations -> Reordinations [605] Reordinations
- Vol: 12 Reparation -> Reparation [606] Reparation
- Vol: 12 Philip Repington -> Philip Repington [607] Philip Repington
- Vol: 12 Altar of Repose -> Altar of Repose [608] Altar of Repose
- Vol: 12 Reputation -> Reputation (as Property) [609] Reputation (as Property)
- Vol: 12 Masses of Requiem -> Masses of Requiem [610] Masses of Requiem
- Vol: 12 Rerum Creator Optime -> Rerum Creator Optime [611] Rerum Creator Optime
- Vol: 12 Rerum Deus Tenax Vigor -> Rerum Deus Tenax Vigor [612] Rerum Deus Tenax Vigor
- Vol: 12 Rerum Novarum -> Rerum Novarum [613] Rerum Novarum
- Vol: 12 Papal Rescripts -> Papal Rescripts [614] Papal Rescripts
- Vol: 12 Reservation -> Reservation [615] Reservation
- Vol: 12 Blessed Sacrament, Reservation of the -> Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament [616] Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament
- Vol: 12 Reserved Cases -> Reserved Cases [617] Reserved Cases
- Vol: 12 Ecclesiastical Residence -> Ecclesiastical Residence [618] Ecclesiastical Residence
- Vol: 12 Lorenzo Respighi -> Lorenzo Respighi [619] Lorenzo Respighi
- Vol: 12 Responsory Responsorium -> Responsorium [620] Responsorium
- Vol: 12 Restitution -> Restitution [621] Restitution
- Vol: 12 Resurrection -> Resurrection [622] Resurrection
- Vol: 12 Congregation of the Resurrection -> Congregation of the Resurrection [623] Congregation of the Resurrection
- Vol: 12 Alfred Rethel -> Alfred Rethel [624] Alfred Rethel
- Vol: 12 Retreat of the Sacred Heart -> Congregation of the Retreat of the Sacred Heart [625] Congregation of the Retreat of the Sacred Heart
- Vol: 12 Retreats -> Retreats [626] Retreats
- Vol: 12 Cardinal Jean-Francois-Paul-Gondi de Retz -> Cardinal Jean-François-Paul-Gondi de Retz [627] Cardinal Jean-François-Paul-Gondi de Retz
- Vol: 12 Johannes Reuchlin -> Johannes Reuchlin [628] Johannes Reuchlin
- Vol: 12 Alfred von Reumont -> Alfred von Reumont [629] Alfred von Reumont
- Vol: 12 Edmond Reusens -> Edmond Reusens [630] Edmond Reusens
- Vol: 12 Reuss -> Reuss [631] Reuss