Wikisource:WikiProject DNB/1912 authors
See also the Talk page here and Talk:Dictionary of National Biography, 1912 supplement/List of Writers.
Original pages at:
- Page:Dictionary of National Biography, Second Supplement, volume 1.djvu/13
- Page:Dictionary of National Biography, Second Supplement, volume 2.djvu/15
- Page:Dictionary of National Biography, Second Supplement, volume 3.djvu/7
[edit]- Author:John Parker Anderson {{DNB JPA}}
- Author:William Reynell Anson {{DNB WRA}}
- Author:A. L. Armstrong {{DNB ALA}}
- Author:Walter Armstrong {{DNB WA}}
- Author:Chewton Atchley {{DNB CA}}
- Author:John Black Atkins {{DNB JBA-s}}
- Author:James Beresford Atlay {{DNB JBA}}
- Author:Ronald Bayne {{DNB RB}}
- Author:Thomas Wilson Bayne {{DNB TB Bayne}}
- Author:C. E. A. Bedwell {{DNB CEAB}}
- Author:Henry Thomas Mackenzie Bell {{DNB MB}}
- Author:John Henry Bernard {{DNB JHB}}
- Author:Francis Bickley {{DNB FLB}}
- Author:Laurence Binyon {{DNB LB}}
- Author:William Arthur Bone {{DNB WAB}}
- Author:Thomas George Bonney {{DNB TGB}}
- Author:George Simonds Boulger {{DNB GSB}}
- Author:Gilbert Charles Bourne {{DNB GCB Bourne}}
- Author:Charles Walter Boyd {{DNB CWB}}
- Author:Joseph Cox Bridge {{DNB JCB}}
- Author:Edward Mansfield Brockbank {{DNB EMB Brockbank}}
- Author:Arthur Aikin Brodribb {{DNB AAB}}
- Author:Frank Herbert Brown {{DNB FHB}}
- Author:Peter Hume Brown {{DNB PHB Brown}}
- Author:Edward Granville Browne {{DNB EGB}}
- Author:Henry William Bruton {{DNB HWB Bruton}}
- Author:Augustus Robert Buckland {{DNB ARB}}
- Author:William Warwick Buckland {{DNB WWB}}
- Author:John Burnet {{DNB JB Burnet}}
- Author:John Cannell Cain {{DNB JCC Cain}}
- Author:James Lewis Caw {{DNB JLC}}
- Author:Algernon Cecil {{DNB AC-l}}
- Author:Harold Hannyngton Child {{DNB HHC}}
- Author:Henry Patrick Cholmeley {{DNB HPC}}
- Author:Robert Francis Cholmeley {{DNB RFC}}
- Author:Andrew Clark {{DNB AC Clark}}
- Author:Ernest Clarke (1856-1923) {{DNB EC Clarke}}
- Author:Grenville Arthur James Cole {{DNB GAJC}}
- Author:Sidney Colvin {{DNB SC}}
- Author:Edward Tyas Cook {{DNB ETC}}
- Author:James Cooper {{DNB JC}}
- Author:Frederick Corder {{DNB FC}}
- Author:Percy Corder {{DNB PC}}
- Author:Vaughan Cornish {{DNB VC Cornish}}
- Author:James Sutherland Cotton {{DNB JSC}}
- Author:William Cubbon {{DNB WC Cubbon}}
- Author:Lionel Henry Cust {{DNB LC}}
- Author:George Nathaniel Curzon {{DNB CofK}}
- Author:George Howard Darwin {{DNB GHD}}
- Author:Henry Davey {{DNB HD}}
- Author:James Douglas Hamilton Dickson {{DNB JDHD}}
- Author:Austin Dobson {{DNB AD}}
- Author:Campbell Dodgson {{DNB CD}}
- Author:P. E. Dowson {{DNB PED}}
- Author:Samuel Rolles Driver {{DNB SRD}}
- Author:James Duff Duff {{DNB JDD}}
- Author:William Bartleet Duffield {{DNB WBD}}
- Author:Robert Dunlop {{DNB RD}}
- Author:Pelham Edgar {{DNB PE}}
- Author:Edward Edwards (1870-1944) {{DNB EE}}
- Author:Henry Ellershaw {{DNB HE}}
- Author:Arthur Ralph Douglas Elliot {{DNB ARDE}}
- Author:Hugh Samuel Roger Elliot {{DNB HSRE}}
- Author:Mortimer Epstein {{DNB ME}}
- Author:Alfred Laurence Felkin {{DNB ALF}}
- Author:William Gowland Field {{DNB }}
- Author:John Neville Figgis {{DNB }}
- Author:Thomas A. Finlay {{DNB }}
- Author:Charles Harding Firth {{DNB }}
- Author:Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher {{DNB HALF}}
- Author:David Fitzgerald {{DNB }}
- Author:James Fitzmaurice-Kelly {{DNB }}
- Author:William George Dimock Fletcher {{DNB }}
- Author:William Henry Grattan Flood {{DNB }}
- Author:Nevill Forbes {{DNB }}
- Author:Walter Howard Frere {{DNB WHF Frere}}
- Author:Douglas W. Freshfield {{DNB }}
- Author:S. E. Fryer {{DNB }}
- Author:Frederick William Gamble {{DNB }}
- Author:Frank W. Gibson {{DNB FWG-n}}
- Author:George Alexander Gibson {{DNB }}
- Author:Peter Giles {{DNB PG}}
- Author:Alfred Thomas Scrope Goodrick {{DNB ATG}}
- Author:Alexander Gordon (1841-1931) {{DNB AG}}
- Author:Edmund Gosse {{DNB EG}}
- Author:Francis Gotch {{DNB }}
- Author:Eric Graham {{DNB }}
- Author:Charles Larcom Graves {{DNB CLG}}
- Author:Robert Edmund Graves {{DNB REG}}
- Author:William Forbes Gray {{DNB WFG}}
- Author:George Abraham Grierson {{DNB }}
- Author:Francis Llewellyn Griffith {{DNB }}
- Author:Henry Guppy {{DNB }}
- Author:Leonard George Guthrie {{DNB }}
- Author:James Cuthbert Hadden {{DNB JCH}}
- Author:Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane {{DNB ESH}}
- Author:Thomas Hamilton {{DNB }}
- Author:David Hannay {{DNB DH}}
- Author:Martin Hardie {{DNB MH Hardie}}
- Author:Charles Alexander Harris {{DNB CAH}}
- Author:Frederic Harrison {{DNB }}
- Author:P. J. Hartog {{DNB }}
- Author:Francis John Haverfield {{DNB FJH}}
- Author:Thomas Finlayson Henderson {{DNB TFH}}
- Author:John Alexander Herbert {{DNB }}
- Author:Henry Higgs {{DNB }}
- Author:Alfred Peter Hillier {{DNB }}
- Author:Arthur Mayger Hind {{DNB AMH Hind}}
- Author:Arthur Robert Hinks {{DNB ARH}}
- Author:Robert Lockhart Hobson {{DNB }}
- Author:David George Hogarth {{DNB DGH}}
- Author:Bernard Henry Holland {{DNB }}
- Author:Francis Caldwell Holland {{DNB }}
- Author:Henry Park Hollis {{DNB HPH}}
- Author:Charles Holroyd {{DNB }}
- Author:Edith Sophia Hooper {{DNB ESH-r}}
- Author:James Hooper {{DNB }}
- Author:Walter Wybergh How {{DNB }}
- Author:Osbert John Radcliffe Howarth {{DNB }}
- Author:Arthur Hughes {{DNB }}
- Author:Thomas Cann Hughes {{DNB TCH Hughes}}
- Author:William Hunt {{DNB WH}}
- Author:William Holden Hutton {{DNB }}
- Author:Courtenay Peregrine Ilbert {{DNB }}
- Author:Everard im Thurn {{DNB EimT}}
- Author:Roger Ingpen {{DNB RI}}
- Author:Hugh McLeod Innes {{DNB }}
- Author:Clarke Huston Irwin {{DNB CHI}}
- Author:A. V. Williams Jackson {{DNB }}
- Author:Henry Jackson (1839-1921) {{DNB }}
- Author:W. S. Jackson {{DNB WSJ}}
- Author:Montague Rhodes James {{DNB }}
- Author:T. E. James {{DNB TEJ James}}
- Author:Richard Jennings {{DNB RJ}}
- Author:Arthur Henry Johnson {{DNB }}
- Author:Claude Johnson {{DNB CJ Johnson}}
- Author:James Kennedy {{DNB }}
- Author:Frederic George Kenyon {{DNB FGK}}
- Author:David Reid Keys {{DNB DRK}}
- Author:Charles Lethbridge Kingsford {{DNB }}
- Author:Paul George Konody {{DNB }}
- Author:Horace Lamb {{DNB }}
- Author:John Newport Langley {{DNB }}
- Author:Joseph Larmor {{DNB }}
- Author:Daniel Conner Lathbury {{DNB }}
- Author:John Knox Laughton {{DNB JKL}}
- Author:Leonard George Carr Laughton {{DNB LGCL}}
- Author:William John Lawrence {{DNB WJL}}
- Author:W. R. M. Leake {{DNB }}
- Author:Elizabeth Lee {{DNB EL}}
- Author:Robert Warden Lee {{DNB }}
- Author:Sidney Lee {{DNB SL}}
- Author:Charles Herbert Lees {{DNB CHL}}
- Author:William Lee-Warner {{DNB WL-W}}
- Author:R. C. Lehmann {{DNB RCL}}
- Author:John Henry Leslie {{DNB JHL-e}}
- Author:Thomas Martin Lindsay {{DNB }}
- Author:E. M. Lloyd {{DNB }}
- Author:John Edward Lloyd {{DNB JEL}}
- Author:Benjamin Fossett Lock {{DNB }}
- Author:Basil Somerset Long {{DNB BSL}}
- Author:Joseph Henry Longford {{DNB Longford}}
- Author:Henry Louis {{DNB }}
- Author:Sidney J. Low {{DNB }}
- Author:Charles Prestwood Lucas {{DNB CPL}}
- Author:E. V. Lucas {{DNB }}
- Author:Perceval Lucas {{DNB PL}}
- Author:Reginald Lucas {{DNB RL Lucas}}
- Author:James Ramsay MacDonald {{DNB JRM}}
- Author:A. A. Macdonell {{DNB }}
- Author:Charles Donald Maclean {{DNB }}
- Author:George Augustin Macmillan {{DNB }}
- Author:William Gray McNaught {{DNB }}
- Author:John Gordon Swift MacNeill {{DNB }}
- Author:Falconer Madan {{DNB }}
- Author:Andrew Macphail {{DNB }}
- Author:Henry Elliot Malden {{DNB }}
- Author:Bernard Mallet {{DNB }}
- Author:James Marchant {{DNB }}
- Author:John Masefield {{DNB }}
- Author:Annie Matheson {{DNB }}
- Author:David Storrar Meldrum {{DNB DSM Meldrum}}
- Author:Lewis Melville {{DNB LM}}
- Author:Everard Meynell {{DNB }}
- Author:Henry Miers {{DNB }}
- Author:A. H. Millar {{DNB }}
- Author:Viscount Milner {{DNB }}
- Author:James Donald Milner {{DNB JDM}}
- Author:Harry Christopher Minchin {{DNB HCM Minchin}}
- Author:James Edward Geoffrey de Montmorency {{DNB }}
- Author:William Flavelle Monypenny {{DNB }}
- Author:Norman Moore {{DNB NM}}
- Author:Edward Moorhouse {{DNB }}
- Author:Miss S. Morrison {{DNB }}
- Author:A. L. Mumm {{DNB }}
- Author:Robert H. Murray {{DNB }}
- Author:Gerald le Grys Norgate {{DNB GLeGN}}
- Author:Charles Boswell Norman {{DNB CBN}}
- Author:Philip Norman {{DNB }}
- Author:Richard Barry O'Brien {{DNB RBO'B}}
- Author:David James O'Donoghue {{DNB DJO'D}}
- Author:George William Thomson Omond {{DNB GWTO}}
- Author:John Henry Bernard i.e. Ossory {{DNB }}
- Author:D. J. Owen {{DNB }}
- Author:W. B. Owen {{DNB WBO}}
- Author:T. E. Page {{DNB }}
- Author:Stephen Paget {{DNB SP}}
- Author:John Parker (1875-1952) {{DNB JP}}
- Author:Edward Abbott Parry {{DNB }}
- Author:David Patrick {{DNB }}
- Author:Ernest Harold Pearce {{DNB EHP}}
- Author:John Sinclair, 1st Baron Pentland {{DNB }}
- Author:L. R. Phelps {{DNB }}
- Author:Theophilus Goldridge Pinches {{DNB TGP}}
- Author:Charles Plummer {{DNB }}
- Author:A. W. Pollard {{DNB }}
- Author:D'Arcy Power {{DNB D'AP}}
- Author:G. W. Prothero {{DNB }}
- Author:David Prain {{DNB }}
- Author:Arthur Quiller-Couch {{DNB }}
- Author:R. S. Rait {{DNB }}
- Author:John Rae {{DNB JR Rae}}
- Author:R. S. Rait {{DNB }}
- Author:George Speirs Alexander Ranking {{DNB GSAR}}
- Author:C. Hercules Read {{DNB CR}}
- Author:Vernon Rendall {{DNB }}
- Author:J. M. Rigg {{DNB }}
- Author:William Roberts (1862-1940) {{DNB WR Roberts}}
- Author:Lionel Robinson {{DNB }}
- Author:Frederick Rogers {{DNB FR Rogers}}
- Author:Humphry Davy Rolleston {{DNB HDR}}
- Author:T. Kirke Rose {{DNB }}
- Author:Robert Baldwin Ross {{DNB RR}}
- Author:Robert James Rowlette {{DNB RJR}}
- Author:Arthur Rücker {{DNB }}
- Author:G. W. E. Russell {{DNB }}
- Author:Michael Ernest Sadler {{DNB MES}}
- Author:Francis Sanders {{DNB }}
- Author:Lloyd Charles Sanders {{DNB LCS}}
- Lord Sanderson {{DNB S Sanderson}}
- Author:John E. Sandys {{DNB JES}}
- Author:John Sargeaunt {{DNB JS}} (assuming Author:John Sergeant and Author:John Sergeaunt are typos)
- Author:Thomas Seccombe {{DNB TS}}
- Author:W. N. Shaw {{DNB }}
- Author:C. S. Sherrington {{DNB }}
- Author:Edith Sichel {{DNB }}
- Author:Leicester Philip Sidney {{DNB LPS}}
- Author:A. Forbes Sieveking {{DNB }}
- Author:F. Sheehy Skeffington {{DNB }}
- Author:Arthur Hamilton Smith {{DNB }}
- Author:Charlotte Fell Smith {{DNB CFS}}
- Author:George Smith {{DNB GS Smith}}
- Author:G. Gregory Smith {{DNB }}
- Author:J. G. Snead-Cox {{DNB }}
- Author:W. R. Sorley {{DNB }}
- Author:W. F. Spear {{DNB WFS Spear}}
- Author:M. H. Spielmann {{DNB }}
- Author:Archdeacon Spooner {{DNB }}
- Author:V. H. Stanton {{DNB }}
- Author:Robert Steele {{DNB }}
- Author:J. L. Strachan-Davidson {{DNB }}
- Author:Herbert Stephen {{DNB }}
- J. A. Stewart {{DNB }}
- Author:Charles William Sutton {{DNB CWS}}
- Author:S. H. Swinny {{DNB }}
- Author:Harry Tapley-Soper {{DNB HT-S}}
- Author:James Taylor (1859-1946) {{DNB JT Taylor}}
- Author:Henry Richard Tedder {{DNB HRT}}
- Author:Daniel Lleufer Thomas {{DNB DLlT}}
- Author:Frederick William Thomas (1867-1956) {{DNB FWT}}
- Author:D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson (1860-1948) {{DNB }}
- Author:Silvanus P. Thompson {{DNB }}
- Author:Basil Thomson {{DNB }}
- Author:T. H. Thornton {{DNB }}
- Author:William T. Thiselton-Dyer {{DNB }}
- Author:J. R. Thursfield {{DNB }}
- Author:T. F. Tout {{DNB }}
- Author:W. W. Tulloch {{DNB }}
- Author:R. Y. Tyrrell {{DNB }}
- Author:John Venn {{DNB }}
- Author:R. H. Vetch {{DNB }}
- Author:Henry Meredith Vibart {{DNB HMV}}
- Author:Ernest Walker {{DNB }}
- Author:Percy Maxwell Wallace {{DNB PMW}}
- Author:Robert Wallace {{DNB RW Wallace}}
- Author:W. Stewart Wallace {{DNB }}
- Author:A. W. Ward {{DNB }}
- Author:Paul Waterhouse {{DNB PW}}
- Author:E. W. Watson {{DNB }}
- Author:Foster Watson {{DNB }}
- Author:Josiah C. Wedgwood {{DNB }}
- Author:Charles Welch {{DNB CW Welch}}
- Author:H. B. Wheatley {{DNB }}
- Author:Amber Blanco White {{DNB ABW}}
- Author:William Henry White {{DNB WHW White}}
- Author:E. T. Whittaker {{DNB }}
- Author:Arthur Naylor Wollaston {{DNB }}
- Author:Henry Trueman Wood {{DNB }}
- Author:Gabriel Stanley Woods {{DNB GSW}}
- Author:Horace Bolingbroke Woodward {{DNB HBW}}
- Author:Warwick Wroth {{DNB }}