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Wikisource:WikiProject Royal Society Journals/Uploading progress

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This pages lists the volumes collated and uploaded so far. All volumes need a DJVU and the relevant index.



Volumes to be uploaded and/or downloaded to the IA


We're trying to sort out the volumes that are already on IA or could be uploaded there to generate DjVus (and have a single venue with all volumes), starting from this list (use the advanced search to find Google Books volumes on IA! e.g. [1]).

Volume (part) Internet Archive Other website if missing on IA Notes
45(1) TODO http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=ucm.5324350853
45(2) TODO http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=ucm.5324350844

Volume problems


Please list problems you find with the uploaded volumes here, giving the page number as #DJVU page number (#number printed in text). If you fix these problems, strike through the problem you fixed.

A general problem, unfixable, with at least volume 3, 4, 5, 6, is that page numbering contains many errors, gap in page number and duplicated page number are very common. e.g. Volume 6 page 2299 is followed by page 3000, numbering continue from 3000, volume 3 page number 890 is used twice for two different pages.

Volume 1
  • duplicate 251 (248)
  • missing 258 (254)
Volume 12
no front cover nor index, 4 blank page inserted at start of the djvu to make room for the front cover and a possible epistle dedicatory. [2] contains also a general index for volume 1 to 12 + a list of books cited, but this is not a part of this volume. We will need to create a separate djvu from this part of this pdf.
Volume 13
published in 1683, front cover say: Vol. XII 1683, but vol XI 1676, vol. 12? (without front cover, 1678), so the volume marked as Vol. XII 1683 is uploaded as vol. 13. Page and Issue numbering in the so called vol. 11, 12, 13, 14 is also consistent with this volume numbering.
Volume 16
On commons file named Philosophical Transactions - Volume 16 p452.pdf up to Philosophical Transactions - Volume 16 p563-578.pdf are parts of volume 17, not 16. See [3], our djvu is built according to this source, not to commons file names.
Volume 20

1 commons pdf file damaged (marked with a pdf icon)

Volume 23

4 commons pdf file damaged (same mark)

Volume 24

6 commons pdf file damaged (same mark)

Volume 25

1 commons pdf file damaged (same mark)

Volume 32

Missing summary for issue 371, two blank page inserted at this position.

Volume 38

up to ..., most or all pdf are missing on commons.