Wikisource:WikiProject Transactions NZ Institute/Article topics/Botany

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Article topics:Botany

List of botany articles to be proofread/validated


Volume Article Article title Pages
3 35 On some Algae from the Chatham Islands. 213–215
6 37 List of the Algæ of the Chatham Islands, collected by H. H. Travers, Esq., and examined by Professor John Agardh, of Lund. 208–210
7 55 On the Occurrence of Hæmatococcus sanguineus on the Wool of a Dead Sheep. 369–370
13 38 Contributions towards a List of the New Zealand Desmidieæ. 297–317
13 39 On the Structure of Hormosira billardieri. 318–323
14 43 On the Fresh-water Algæ of New Zealand. 287–299
14 49 On new Species of New Zealand Diatoms. 357–359
15 31 On the New Zealand Desmidieæ. Additions to Catalogue and Notes on various Species. 237–259
15 37 Notes on Fresh-water Algæ. 302–304
18 48 On the Classification of the Algæ. 299–302
18 49 Observations on the Fucoideæ of Banks Peninsula. 303–311
18 54 On a new Variety of Desmid. 325
21 1 Further Notes on the Desmidieæ of New Zealand, with Descriptions of New Species. 3–32
25 35 Note on Splachnidium rugosum, Grev. 288–289
27 37 The Algæ of New Zealand: their Characteristics and Distribution. 297–318
29 40 Notes on several Species of Delesseria, One being New. 446–450


Volume Article Article title Pages
7 48 Observations on the different Modifications in the Capsules of Mosses, with reference to the Dispersion of their Spores. 342–347
7 52 A Description of some new Species of Gymnostomum. 354–355
8 38 Description of a New Species of Fabronia. 312
10 47 Notes on the Fertilization of Glossostigma. 353–356
10 63 Notice of the Discovery of Monoclea forsteri, Hook., in New Zealand. 418–419
11 73 Description of a new Species of Lycopodium. 456–457
13 47 Description of a new Species of Metzgeria; also, a brief notice of Bæomyces heteromorphus, Nyl., in New Zealand. 368–370
16 35 On Lycopodium varium, R. Br., and L. billardieri, Spring., with Description of a new Form. 376–377
18 43 A Description of some newly-discovered Cryptogamic Plants, being a further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. 219–255
19 34 A Description of some newly-discovered Cryptogamic Plants, being a further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. 271–301
20 29 On new Indigenous Cryptogams, of the Orders Lycopodiacæe, Musci, and Hepaticæ. 234–254
21 4 A Description of some newly-discovered Cryptogamic Plants; being a further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. 43–80
22 57 A Description of Two Newly-discovered Indigenous Cryptogamic Plants. 449–452
22 58 A Description of some Newly-discovered Indigenous Cryptogamic Plants. 452–458
24 37 A List of New Species of Hepaticæ Novæ-Zelandiæ, named by F. Stephani, Leipzig. 398–400
25 33 Notes on the New Zealand Species of the Genus Andreæa, together with Descriptions of some New Species. 276–285
25 34 Notes on a proposed New Genus of New Zealand Mosses, together with a Description of Three New Species. 285–287
25 36 Description of New Species of Musci. 289–297
25 37 On some Little-known New Zealand Mosses. 297–302
25 45 Memorandum of a few New Species of Hepaticæ lately detected in the Seventy-mile Bush District, as determined by Dr. F. Stephani, of Berlin. 341–342
26 26 On Four New Species of New Zealand Musci. 274–277
26 27 On some Little-known New Zealand Mosses. 277–288
26 28 Notes on New Zealand Mosses: Genus Pottia. 288–296
26 29 Musci: Notes on the Genus Gymnostonium, with Descriptions of New Species. 296–301
26 30 Notes on some New Species of New Zealand Musci: Genus Phascum. 302–304
27 49 On New Zealand Mosses. 403–405
27 53 Notes on New Zealand Mosses: Genus Grimmia. 409–421
27 54 Notes on New Zealand Mosses: Genus Orthotrichum. 422–446
28 53 New Zealand Musci: Notes on a New Genus. 531–533
28 59 New Zealand Cryptogams: A List of a few Additional Cryptogamic Plants, of the Orders Hepaticæ and Fungi, more recently detected in New Zealand. 614–615
29 39 On New Zealand Mosses. 441–445
29 41 New Zealand Musci: Notes on the Genus Dicranum, with Description of New Species, including Some Doubtful Species of Blindia. 451–465
29 42 Notes on the New Zealand Musci, and Descriptions of New Species. 465–477
29 43 Further Notes on the New Zealand Musci: Genus Trichostomum, with Descriptions of Some New Species. 478–490
30 40 On New Australian and New Zealand Lichens. 382–393
30 41 A New Classification of the Genus Pyxine 393–398
30 42 New Zealand Musci: Notes on a New Species of Moss belonging to the Genus Seligera. 398–399
30 43 New Zealand Musci: Notes on the Genus Tortula, with Descriptions of New Species. 399–409
30 44 New Zealand Musci: Notes on the Genus Streptopogon, Wills, with Description of a New Species. 409–410
30 45 New Zealand Musci: Notes on New Genus Dendia. 411–412
30 46 Notes on New Zealand Musci, and Descriptions of Two New Species. 412–414


Volume Article Article title Pages
3 34 On Recent Changes in the Nomenclature of the New Zealand Ferns. 213
5 43 On the Specific Characters of Dicksonia antarctica, Br., and Dicksonia lanata, Col. 345–347
5 44 Notice of a Remarkable Arborescent Fern on Ngongotaha. 347–348
9 74 On the Root-stock of Marratia fraxinea. 527–529
10 50 Notes on Ferns. 358–362
11 65 A Description of two New Zealand Ferns, believed to be new to Science. 429–431
13 46 A natural Arrangement of the New Zealand Ferns, founded on the System of Smith's "Historia Filicum," with critical Notes on certain Species. 359–368
13 48 The Ferns of Scinde Island (Napier). 370–376
13 49 On some new and undescribed New Zealand Ferns. 376–384
15 38 A Description of four new Ferns from our New Zealand Forests. 304–310
15 39 On the large Number of Species of Ferns noticed in a small Area in the New Zealand Forests, in the Seventy-mile Bush, between Norsewood and Danneverke, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay. 311–320
16 27 On the Occurrence of the Fern Botrychium lunaria, Sw., (Moonwort) in New Zealand. 363–364
16 29 Notes on Botrychium lunaria. 366–367
17 25 On the Ferns and Fern Allies of Stewart Island. 228–234
18 26 Notice of an Instance of Abnormal Colouring in Platycercus auriceps, with Record of previous Notices of similar Variations. 129–130
19 30 On a remarkable branching Specimen of Hemitelia smithii. 217
19 32 A few Observations on the Tree-Ferns of New Zealand; with particular reference to their peculiar Epiphytes, their Habit, and their manner of Growth. 252–259
20 28 On newly-discovered and imperfectly-known Ferns of New Zealand, with Critical Observations. 212–234
22 60 Notes on some New Zealand Ferns. 493
23 47 On Pleurophyllum, Hook. f. 431–456
24 36 Description of Three Species of Newly-discovered New Zealand Ferns. 394–398
25 42 Cryptogams: A Description of a few Lately-discovered Rare Indigenous Ferns; 319–324
27 47 A Description of Two New Ferns and One New Lycopodium, lately detected in our New Zealand Forests. 399–401
27 55 On the Growth of Ferns; and on a New Fern now first reported. 446–450
28 60 Cryptogams: A Description of Two New Ferns, a New Lycopodium, and a New Moss, lately detected in our New Zealand Forests. 615–618
28 61 A Description of Three Ferns believed to be undescribed, discovered more than Fifty Years ago in the Northern District of New Zealand. 618–622
28 62 Note on a Branched Specimen of a Tree-fern (Hemitelia smithii). 622–623
29 34 A Description of some New Indigenous New Zealand Forest Ferns. 414–421
30 49 On Curious Forms of New Zealand Fern. 434–435


Volume Article Article title Pages
23 41 An Enumeration of Fungi recently discovered in New Zealand. 391–398
25 44 A List of Fungi recently detected and collected in the Bush District, County of Hawke's Bay; being a Further Contribution to the Indigenous Flora of New Zealand. 338–340
26 34 A List of Fungi recently collected in the Bush District, County of Waipawa; being a Further Contribution to the Indigenous Flora of New Zealand. 320–323
27 12 Note on the Vegetable Caterpillar (Cordiceps robertsii). 155–156
28 63 On Cordiceps robertsii. 623–624


Volume Article Article title Pages
1 3 On Hybridization, with reference to Variation in Plants 31–35
1 9 Notes on Plants observed during a Visit to the North of Auckland 84–88
1 10 On the Botany of the Great Barrier Island 88–99
1 Catalogue of Plants found on the South and South-east Coasts of the Little Barrier Island 99–100
1 Catalogue of Naturalized Plants observed at Kororarika, Bay of Islands 100–101
1 Essay1 On the Geographical Botany of New Zealand. Explanatory of the three following Essays 157–160
1 Essay2 On the Leading Features of the Geographical Botany of the Provinces of Nelson and Marlborough, New Zealand. By Sir David Monro, M.D. 161–174
1 Essay3 Remarks on a Comparison of the General Features of the Flora of the Provinces of Nelson and Marlborough with that of Canterbury. By W. T. L. Travers, F.L.S. 174–179
1 Essay4 Sketch of the Botany of Otago. By John Buchanan, of the Geological Survey of New Zealand 181–212
1 Essay6 On the Geographic and Economic Botany of the North Island of New Zealand. By William Colenso, F.L.S. 233–283
2 14 On some new species of New Zealand Plants. 88–89
2 15 On the Botany of the Thames Gold Fields. 89–100
2 16 An account of the Puka (Meryta Sinclairii). 100–102
2 17 On Grasses, and other plants, adapted for pasturage in the Province of Auckland, especially with regard to indigenous kinds. 102–106
2 18 On the occurrence of Orobanche; a genus new to the Flora of New Zealand. 106
2 19 On the discovery of Isoëtes, and other genera of Rhizocarpæ, new to the Flora of New Zealand. 107
2 20 On Epacris purpurascens, Br., in New Zealand; with remarks on Epacris pauciflora, A. Rich. 107–108
2 21 On the structure and colour of the fibre of Phormium tenax. 108–111
2 22 On the structure of the Leaf of Phormium tenax. 111–116
2 23 On the New Zealand Flax (Phormium tenax). 116–117
2 24 On the Vegetation of the neighbourhood of Christchurch, including Riccarton, Dry Bush, etc. 118–128
2 25 On Irrigation as applied to the growth of New Zealand Flax. 129–131
2 26 On the Naturalized Plants of New Zealand, especially with regard to those occurring in the Province of Auckland. 131–146
2 61 List of Plants found in the Northern District of the Province of Auckland. 239–247
3 24 Notes on the Botany of Certain Places in the Waikato District, April and May, 1870. 142–147
3 25 On the Occurrence of Littoral Plants in the Waikato District. 147–148
3 26 On the Flora of the Isthmus of Auckland and the Takapuna District. 148–161
3 27 An Account of an Undescribed Pittosporum and Loranthus, in the Herbarium of the Colonial Museum, Wellington. 161–163
3 28 Notes on Certain New Zealand Plants not included in the "Handbook of the New Zealand Flora." 163–166
3 29 On the Botany of the Northern Part of the Province of Auckland. 166–177
3 30 Descriptions of New Plants. 177–180
3 31 On the Cultivation of some Species of Native Trees and Shrubs. 188–202
3 33 On some New Species and Varieties of New Zealand Plants. 208–212
4 39 On some New Species of New Zealand Plants. 224–227
4 40 On the Flora of the Isthmus of Auckland and the Takapuna District. 228–238
4 41 On the Nativity in New Zealand of Polygonum aciculare, L. 238–241
4 42 Notes on the New Zealand Asteliads, with Descriptions of New Species. 241–247
4 43 A Comparison of the Indigenous Floras of the British Islands and New Zealand. 247–256
4 44 Notes on the Local Distribution of Certain Plants common to the British Islands and New Zealand. 256–260
4 45 On the New Zealand Species of Pittosporum, with Descriptions of New Species. 260–267
4 46 On the Habit of the Rata (Metrosideros robusta). 267–270
4 47 On the Botany of the Titirangi District of the Province of Auckland. 270–284
4 48 On the Naturalized Plants of the Province of Canterbury. 284–290
4 49 On some New Species of New Zealand Plants. 290–291
5 38 Preliminary Notes on Mr. H. H. Travers' Recent Collections of Plants from the Chatham Islands. 309–310
5 39 On the Origin in New Zealand of Polygonum aviculare, L. 310–314
5 40 Further Notes on the Nativity of Polygonum aviculare, L., in New Zealand, in reply to Mr. Travers. 315–320
5 41 Notes on thee Naturalized Plants of the Chatham Islands. 320–322
5 42 Notes on the Flora of the Lake District of the North Island. 322–345
5 45 Notice of a New Species of Senecio (S. hectori). 348–349
5 46 List of Plants found on Miramar Peninsula, Wellington Harbour. 349–352
5 47 On the Fertilization of the New Zealand species of Pterostylis. 352–357
5 48 On the Growth of Phormium tenax. 357–360
5 49 Notes on Plants collected near Invercargill. 360–363
5 50 On the Botany and Conchology of Great Omaha. 363–369
6 38 Notes on the Flora of the Province of Wellington, with a List of Plants collected therein. 210–235
6 40 On some New Species of New Zealand Plants. 241–244
6 41 Notice of an Undescribed Species of Cordyline. 244–246
6 42 On the New Zealand Forms of Cheilanthes. 247–248
6 43 On the Spread of Cassinia leptophylla. 248–251
7 47 On the flowering Plants and Ferns of the Chatham Islands. 333–341
7 49 Description of a new Species of Senecio. 348
7 50 On the Fertilization of Acianthus and Cyrtostilis. 349–352
7 51 On Pterostylis squamata in New Zealand. 352–353
7 56 On some of the Naturalized Plants of Otago. 370–376
7 58 Description of a new Species of Isoëtes. 377
7 59 On the Occurrence of Juncus lamprocarpus, Ehr., in New Zealand. 378
8 40 On a Remarkable Instance of Double Parasitism in Loranthaceæ. 329–330
8 41 Description of a New Species of Hymenophyllum. 330–331
9 68 Notes on a Lomaria collected in the Malvern District. 491
9 69 Notes on Panax Lineare. 492–493
9 70 Description of a New Species of Rumex. 493–494
9 71 Notes on the Economic Properties of certain Native Grasses. 494–502
9 72 Descriptions of Two New Species of Veronica. 502–503
9 73 On the Botany of Kawau Island. 503–527
9 75 On Gnaphalium (Helichrysum) fasciculatum, sp. nov. 529
9 76 Revised Description of Two Species of New Zealand Panax. 529–531
9 77 On a few of the Grasses and other Herbage Plants that might be advantageously introduced into Cultivation in New Zealand. 531–538
9 78 Notes on some Otago Plants. 538–542
9 79 On the Fertilization of Selliera. 542—545
9 80 On New Zealand Coffee. 545–546
9 81 Description of a New Species of Pilularia. 547
9 82 Description of New Plants. 547–552
10 46 On Grasses. 345–353
10 48 Description of a new Species of Polypodium. 356–357
10 49 Note on a branched Nikau Tree. 357–358
10 51 On the Naturalized Plants of Port Nicholson and the adjacent District. 362–378
10 52 On the New Zealand Species of Phyllocladus. 373–383
10 54 Notice of the Occurrence of a Variety of Zostera nana, Roth, in New Zealand. 392–393
10 55 Notice of the Occurrence of Juncus glaucus, L., in New Zealand. 393–394
10 56 Description of a new Species of Hymenophyllum. 394
10 57 On Hymenophyllum villosum, Colenso. 395–396
10 58 On Lindsaya viridis, Colenso. 396–398
10 59 On Nephrodium decompositum, Br., and N. glabellum, A. Cunn. 398–400
10 60 On the Botany of the Bluff Hill. 400–406
10 61 Contributions to the Botany of Otago. 406–417
10 64 Descriptions of New Plants. 419–421
11 58 Further Observations upon certain Grasses and Fodder Plants. 403–411
11 59 On Pituri, a new Vegetable Product that deserves further Investigation. 411–415
11 60 Notes on Cleistogamic Flowers of the Genus Viola. 415–417
11 61 On the Means of Fertilization among some New Zealand Orchids. 418–426
11 62 Description of a new Species of Coprosma. 426–427
11 63 Description of a new Species of Celmisia. 427–428
11 64 Notice of a new Species of Pomaderris (P. tainui). 428–429
11 66 On the Occurrence of the Australian Genus Poranthera in New Zealand. 432–433
11 67 Notice of the Occurrence of Juncus tenuis, Willd., in New Zealand. 433–434
11 68 Notice of the Occurrence of the Genus Kyllinga in New Zealand. 434–435
11 69 List of Plants collected in the District of Okarita, Westland. 435–438
11 70 Notes on Mr. Hamilton's Collection of Okarita Plants. 439–444
11 71 Notes on the Botany of Waiheke, Rangitoto, and other Islands in the Hauraki Gulf. 444–454
11 74 Description of a new Species of Hymenophyllum. 457–458
11 76 Descriptions of New Plants. 463–466
11 77 Notice of the Discovery of Calceolaria repens, Hook. f., and other Plants in the Wellington District. 466–467
12 47 On the Botany of the Pirongia Mountain. 317–323
12 48 On the Occurrence of the Genus Sporadanthus in New Zealand. 324–325
12 49 A short Sketch of the Flora of the Province of Canterbury, with Catalogue of Species. 325–353
12 50 Notice of the Occurrence of Liparophyllum gunnii, Lob., in New Zealand. 354
12 51 Notice of the Occurrence of a Species of Hemiphues in New Zealand. 355–356
12 52 Description of a new Species of Ehrharta. 356–357
12 53 Notes on the Growth of certain Trees on Scoria Soil near Mount Eden, Auckland. 357–358
12 54 A Description of a few new Plants from our New Zealand Forests, with dried Specimens of the same. 359–367
12 56 Notes on New Zealand Plants. 380–382
12 57 On Grasses and Fodder Plants. 382–393
12 58 Descriptions of new Flowering Plants. 393–397
12 59 Description of a new Species of Cladophora. 397
12 60 Notice of the Occurrence of Lagenophora emphysopus and other unrecorded Plants in New Zealand. 397–399
13 33 On the Fertilization of New Zealand Flowering Plants. 241–288
13 34 Note on Donatia novæ-zealandiæ, Hk.f. 289–290
13 35 New New-Zealand Plants. 290–291
13 36 On the Fertilization of Thelymitra. 291–296
13 37 Description of a new Species of Loranthus. 296–297
13 40 A Visit to Stewart Island, with Notes on its Flora. 323–332
13 41 Description of new Species of Carex. 332–333
13 42 On the Genus Corallospartium. 333–334
13 43 Description of new and rare New Zealand Plants. 335–343
13 45 A Synopsis of the New Zealand Species of Veronica, Linn., with Notes on new Species. 344–359
13 50 Description of New Plants. 384–385
14 44 On some Additions to the Flora of New Zealand. 299–301
14 45 Contributions to a Flora of the Nelson Provincial District. 301–329
14 46 A Description of a few new Plants from our New Zealand Forests. 329–341
14 47 On the Alpine Flora of New Zealand. 342–356
14 48 On some Plants new to New Zealand, and Description of a new Species. 356–357
14 50 Description of new Plants. 359–362
14 51 Description of new Plants. 362–364
14 52 Notes on Epacris microphylla in New Zealand. 364–365
14 55 On an Abnormal Growth of New Zealand Flax. 374
14 57 Notice of the Occurrence of Triodia and Atropis in New Zealand, with Descriptions of new Species. 378–379
14 58 A Revision of the New Zealand Lepidia, with Descriptions of new Species. 379–382
14 59 Notes on recent Additions to the New Zealand Flora. 382–386
14 60 Notes on Plants from Campbell Island. 387–389
14 77 On the Origin of the New Zealand Flora—being a Presidential Address to the Otago Institute. 485–502
15 32 On a new Composite Plant. 259–260
15 34 On the Growth of the Cork Oak in Auckland. 267–268
15 35 The Naturalized Plants of the Auckland Provincial District. 268–298
15 36 On some recent Additions to the Flora of New Zealand. 298–301
15 40 Description of a few new Indigenous Plants. 320–339
15 41 Additions to the Flora of New Zealand. 339–340
15 44 Descriptions of two new Species of Carex. 358–359
15 45 Description of a Variety of Celmisia sessiliflora, Hook. f. 359
15 46 Description of a new Species of Senecio. 359–360
16 26 A further Contribution towards making known the Botany of New Zealand. 325–363
16 28 A Bird-killing Tree. 364–366
16 30 Botanical Notes. 367–368
16 31 Notice of the Occurrence of a Species of Rhagodia at Port Nicholson. 369–370
16 33 Description of new Plants collected on Stewart Island. 371–374
16 34 Notice of the Discovery of Amphibromus in New Zealand, with Description of a new Species. 374–375
16 36 Notes on Carmichælia, with Descriptions of new Species. 378–382
16 37 Description of a new Roseaceous Plant. 382
16 38 On the natural Spread of the Eucalyptus in the Karaka District. 383–384
16 39 On the Botany of the Thames Goldfields. 385–393
16 40 Notice of Olearia hectori, Hook. f. 393–394
16 41 Notes on new Species of Plants. 394–396
16 42 Botanical Notes. 397
16 43 Campbell Island and its Flora. 398–400
16 45 Notice of the Discovery of the genus Rhagodia in New Zealand. 408–409
16 46 Additions to the New Zealand Flora. 409–413
16 47 A Revision of the New Zealand Species of Carex. 414–442
17 24 On the Flowering Plants of Stewart Island. 213–228
17 26 New Species of Plants. 235–236
17 27 A Description of some newly-discovered and rare Indigenous Plants; being a further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. 237–265
17 29 Description of new Species of Native Plants. 269–271
17 30 Description of three new Species of Uncinia. 271–272
17 31 Description of a new Species of Carmichælia, with Notes on the Distribution of the Species native to Otago. 272–274
17 32 On the Botany of Te Aroha Mountain. 275–287
17 33 Description of a new Species of Erigeron. 287–288
17 34 Notes on Loranthus fieldii, Buchanan. 288–290
17 35 Notes on the Occurrence and Habits of some of our New Zealand Plants. 290–293
17 36 On the Punui of Stewart Island, Aralia lyallii, n.s. 293–297
17 37 Description of a new Species of Fagus. 297–298
17 38 Notes on the New Zealand Beeches. 293–306
18 44 A Description of some newly-discovered and rare Indigenous Plants, being a further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. 256–287
18 45 A brief List of some British Plants (Weeds) lately noticed, apparently of recent Introduction into this part of the Colony, with a few Notes thereon. 288–290
18 46 On Clianthus puniceus, Sol. 291–295
18 47 Description of new Species of Native Plants. 296–298
18 50 On the Growth of Transplanted Trees. 311–314
18 51 Description of three new Species of Coprosma. 315–317
18 52 On Cyttaria purdiei, Buch. 317
18 53 Additional Contributions to the Flora of the Nelson Provincial District. 318–324
19 29 On some new Native Plants. 213–216
19 31 On the New Zealand Species of Coprosma. 218–252
19 33 A Description of some newly-discovered and rare indigenous Phænogamic Plants, being a further Contribution towards making known the Botany of New Zealand. 259–271
19 36 Observations on the Glands in the Leaf and Stem of Myoporum lætum, Forster. 314–316
19 37 Observations on the Development of the Flower of Coriaria ruscifolia, Linn. 317–319
19 38 The Medicinal Properties of some New Zealand Plants. 319–322
19 39 Descriptions of new Native Plants. 323–324
19 40 Descriptions of new Native Plants. 325–326
20 23 On the Flora of the Kermadec Islands; with Notes on the Fauna. 151–181
20 24 On the Naturalized Dodders and Broom-rapes of New Zealand. 182–185
20 25 Description of a new Species of Uncinia, Persoon. 185–186
20 26 Rate of Growth of Transplanted Trees. 186–187
20 27 On new Phænogamic Plants of New Zealand. 188–211
20 30 Botanical Notes. 255
21 2 On the Botany of Te Moehau Mountain, Cape Colville. 32–41
21 3 A Description of a Species of Orobanche (supposed to be new) parasitical on a Plant of Hydrocotyle. 41–43
21 5 A Description of some newly-discovered Phænogamic Plants; being a further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. 80–108
21 6 Notes on a Plant (Glossostigma elatinoides) found beside the Maungapouri Stream, Otaki. 108–109
21 7 The Fall of the Leaf. 110–120
22 52 Descriptions of New Native Plants. 439–443
22 53 Description of a New Species of Celmisia. 444–445
22 54 On the Occurrence of a Variety of Mitrasacme montana, Hook, f., in New Zealand. 445–446
22 55 Description of a New Species of Chenopodium—C. buchanani. 446–447
22 56 Notice of the Discovery of Asplenium japonicum, a Fern new to the New Zealand Flora. 448–449
22 59 A Description of some Newly-discovered Phænogamic Plants, being a Further Contribution towards the making-known the Botany of New Zealand. 459–493
23 40 A Description of some Newly-discoverd Indigenous Plants, being a Further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. 381–391
23 42 Descriptions of New Native Plants, with Notes on some Known Species. 398–407
23 43 On a New Species of Celmisia. 407–408
23 44 Further Notes on the Three Kings Islands. 408–424
23 45 On a Remarkable Variety of Asplenium umbrosum, J. Sm. 424–495
23 46 On the Botany of the Snares. 426–431
23 48 On the Botany of Antipodes Island. 436–441
23 49 Description of New Species of Centrolepis, Labill. 441–443
23 50 On the Macrocephalous Olearias of New Zealand, with Description of a New Species. 443–445
23 51 Notes on certain Species of Carex in New Zealand. 448–451
24 35 A Description of some Newly-discovered Indigenous Plants, being a Further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. 387–394
24 38 Plain and Practical Thoughts and Notes on New Zealand Botany. 400–409
24 39 On some Recent Additions to the New Zealand Flora. 409–412
24 40 Additional Notes on the Genus Carex. 413–416
24 41 Note on the Cleistogamic Flowers of Melicope simplex. 416–418
24 42 Remarks on the Genus Abrotanella, Cassini, with Descriptions of New Species. 418–422
24 43 Descriptions of New Plants from the Vicinity of Port Nicholson. 423–425
24 44 Notice of the Occurrence of Australian Orchids in New Zealand. 425–428
24 45 On a New Mistletoe. 429–430
25 31 On Heterostyled Trimorphic Flowers in New Zealand Fuchsias, with Notes on the Distinctive Characters of the Species. 261–268
25 32 Description of a New Genus and of New Species of Native Plants, &c. 269–275
25 38 On a New Insectivorous Plant in New Zealand. 302–304
25 39 Botanical Notes from Takaka District. 304–305
25 40 On a remarkable Variation in Lomaria lanccolata. 306
25 41 Bush Jottings: No. 2 (Botanical). 307–319
25 43 Phænogams: A Description of some Newly-discovered Indigenous Plants; being a Further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. 324–338
26 22 Description of a New Species of Pimelea. 259–260
26 24 Remarks on the New Zealand Sow-thistles, with Description of a New Species. 263–266
26 25 Descriptions of New Native Plants, &c. 266–274
26 31 On Lessonia variegata, J. Ag., Mscr. 304–310
26 32 On the Occurrence of Xanthium strumarium, Linn., in New Zealand. 310–313
26 33 Phænogams: A Description of a few Newly-discovered Indigenous Plants; being a Further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. 313–320
26 35 Notes, Remarks, and Reminiscences of Two Peculiar Introduced and Naturalised South American Plants. 323–332
26 36 On Four Notable Foreign Plants. 333–346
27 38 On the Preparation and Preservation of Botanical Specimens 318–327
27 39 On New Forms of Celmisia, Cass. 327–330
27 40 40A Revision of the New Zealand Gentians. 330–341
27 41 On the New Zealand Species of Gunnera, L. 341–348
27 42 Descriptions of New or Remarkable Plants from the Upper Waimakariri. 349–353
27 43 Description of New Grasses from Macquarie Island. 353–354
27 44 A Revision of the New Zealand Species of Colobanthus, Bartling. 354–359
27 45 Notes and Reminiscences of Early Crossings of the romantically-situated Lake Waikaremoana, County of Hawke's Bay, of its Neighbouring Country, and of its peculiar Botany; performed in the Years 1841 and 1843. 359–382
27 46 Phænogams: A Description of a few more Newly-discovered Indigenous Plants; being a Further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. 383–399
27 48 An Account of the Finding of Two Australian Plants, hitherto unnoticed, here in New Zealand. 401–402
27 50 Description of New Native Plants. 405–406
27 51 On the Presence of some Noxious Weeds in Nelson District. 407
27 52 Botanical Notes: Plants new to Nelson District, &c., from West Wanganui. 407–409
28 46 Notes on MS. Descriptions of Collections made during Captain Cook's First Voyage. 491–498
28 47 Notes on Dactylanthus taylori, Hook. f. 493–497
28 48 On Zannichellia and Lepilæna in New Zealand. 498–500
28 49 On the Products of a Ballast-heap. 501–507
28 50 Notice of the Occurrence of an Undescribed Palm-lily on the Auckland Peninsula. 508–509
28 51 A Revision of the New Zealand Species of Hymenanthera, R. Br. 510–515
28 52 Notes on Certain Veronicas, and Descriptions of New Species. 515–531
28 54 On some Additions to the New Zealand Flora. 534–537
28 55 Botanical Notes, Nelson District. 537–538
28 56 Descriptions of Three New Native Plants. 538–539
28 57 List of the Flowering Plants indigenous to Otago, with Indications of their Distribution and Range in Altitude. 540–591
28 58 Phænogams: A Description of a few more Newly-discovered Indigenous Plants; being a Further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand. 591–613
29 29 On the Flora of the North Cape District. 333–385
29 30 Notice of the Establishment of Vallisneria spiralis in Lake Takapuna, together with some Remarks on its Life-history. 386–390
29 31 On some Plants new to the New Zealand Flora. 390–393
29 32 An Account of the Plants growing at "The Gums," Taita. 393–412
29 33 Notes on the Occurrence of Kauri-gum in the Kahikatea Forest at Turua. 412–413
29 35 Supplement to List of Flowering-plants indigenous to Otago. 421–422
29 36 Note on Gunnera ovata, Petrie. 422–424
29 37 Descriptions of New Native Plants. 425–426
29 38 A Modern Chapter in Vegetable Physiology. 427–441
29 44 On the Disappearance of the New Zealand Bush. 490–496
29 45 Description of a New Genus of Gramineæ. 497
29 46 Remarks on Paratrophis heterophylla, Bl. 498–500
29 47 On Carmichaelia, Corallospartmm, Huttonella, and Notospartium. 501–509
29 48 Notes on the Botany of the East Cape District. 509–532
29 49 On the History of Botany in Otago. 532–540
30 38 Description of a New Species of Drimys. 379–380
30 39 Remarks on Gunnera "ovata," Petrie, and G. flavida, Colenso, in Reply to Mr. Petrie. 380–381
30 47 On the Botany of Hikurangi Mountain. 414–433
30 48 Description of a New Native Species of Coprosma. 433–434
30 50 On the Freezing of New Zealand Alpine Plants: Notes of an Experiment conducted in the Freezing-chamber, Lyttelton. 435–442


Volume Article Article title Pages
7 57 On Mottled Kauri. 376–377
10 53 A revised Arrangement of the New Zealand Species of Dacrydium, with Descriptions of new Species. 383–391
10 62 Notes on three dried Specimens of Matai (Podocarpus spicata). 417–418
16 32 Description of a new Pine. 370–371
26 23 Description of New Cyperaceous Plants, chiefly from the Nelson Provincial District. 260–263


Volume Article Article title Pages
6 39 Descriptions of some New Zealand Lichens, collected by John Buchanan in the Province of Wellington. 235–241
7 53 Description of some New Zealand Lichens. 356–367
7 54 Description of a new Lichen (Stereocaulon buchanani). 367–369
8 39 On the Lichen Flora of New Zealand. 313–328
12 55 Contribution to the Lichenographia of New Zealand. 367–379
13 51 Description of a new Species of Thysanothecium. 385–386
15 42 Notes on some of the Diatomaceous Deposits of New Zealand. 340–346
15 43 On the Lichenographia of New Zealand. 346–358
16 44 On the Lichenographia of New Zealand. 400–408