Wikisource:WikiProject Transactions NZ Institute/Article topics/Engineering
Volume | Article | Article Title | Pages |
2 | 49 | On the Raising of the s.s. "Taranaki." | 203–211 |
2 | 50 | On Thorough Drainage. | 211–213 |
2 | 51 | On the Surface Fall of Water, as a guide for Under Drainage. | 213 |
2 | 52 | On Sewage Irrigation, and its results, with a Sketch of the Main Drainage Systems of London and Paris. | 214–218 |
2 | 53 | On the Drainage Works at Remuera Swamp. | 219 |
2 | 54 | On the Comparative Performances of certain River Steamers on the Waikato. | 220–221 |
3 | 60 | On an Adaptation of Water Power. | 315–316 |
3 | 61 | On the Use of the Semicircular Protractor, with a Description of an Improved Form of that Instrument. | 316–318 |
3 | 62 | On the Use of Salt Water in the "Field" Boiler. | 318–320 |
3 | 63 | On a Self-acting Clamp Mountain Wire Tramway. | 321–322 |
4 | 11 | A Description of the Foundation of the Lighthouse in the Ponui Passage. | 135–138 |
4 | 13 | Description of a Simple Contrivance for Economising the Current of Large Rivers. | 141–145 |
4 | 14 | On Some Experiments showing the Relative Value of N.S. Wales and New Zealand Coals as Gas-producing Materials. | 146–150 |
4 | 15 | On Experiments made to determine the Value of Different Coals for Steam Purposes. | 151–152 |
4 | 16 | On the Destruction of Land by Shingle-bearing Rivers, and Suggestions for Protection and Prevention. | 153–157 |
5 | 8 | On the Reclamation of Land devastated by the Encroachment of Sand. | 108–111 |
5 | 9 | Directions for Raising and Spreading Ammophila arundinacea and Elymus arenarius. | 111 |
5 | 10 | On the Taieri Floods. | 111–119 |
5 | 17 | On Compound Engines. | 144–150 |
6 | 3 | Description of the Patent Slip at Evans Bay, Wellington, and of the Mode of Erecting or Constructing the same. | 14–25 |
6 | 4 | On a Smokeless and Self-feeding Furnace for Lignites and other Fuels, and the Utilization of the Waste Heat. | 25–32 |
6 | 5 | On the Most Economic Mode of Felting Steam Boilers. | 32–34 |
6 | 6 | On the Probability of a Water Supply being obtained for the City of Auckland from Mount Eden. | 35–40 |
6 | 7 | Notes on the Proposition to supply Auckland with Water from Mount Eden. | 40–42 |
6 | 8 | On the Reclamation of Sand Wastes on the Coast, and the Prevention of their Inland Advance. | 42–45 |
8 | 9 | The Building Materials of Otago. | 123–166 |
8 | 10 | On the best Line for a Submarine Telegraph between Australia and New Zealand. | 166–168 |
8 | 11 | Improvements in Ship's Life Boats. | 168–171 |
8 | 12 | On a Direct Vision Solar Eye-Piece for Large Telescopes. | 172 |
9 | 4 | On the Draining of Towns. | 29–37 |
9 | 9 | On the Building Materials of Otago. | 108–133 |
9 | 10 | The Building Materials of Otago. | 134–181 |
9 | 11 | On the Durability of Matai Timber. | 182 |
9 | 12 | On Charring Timber as a Protection from the Teredo. | 183–187 |
9 | 22 | Draining of Towns: Results of having Outfall Drains within Sydney Harbour. | 260–264 |
9 | 23 | On Skew Arches. | 265–272 |
9 | 26 | On Mr. J. T. Thomson's System of Survey, from a Legal Point of View. | 280–293 |
9 | 29 | On some points connected with the Construction of the Bridge over the Grey River, at the Brunner Gorge. | 310–316 |
10 | 11 | A System of Weights and Measures. | 155–160 |
10 | 12 | Notes on blowing up Snags in the Waikato River with Dynamite. | 161–164 |
10 | 13 | Notes on the Firing of Torpedoes by Electricity. | 164–170 |
10 | 14 | Experiments on the Lifting-power of Inclined Planes in Aerial Transit. | 170–173 |
10 | 15 | Introduction of the Tension Wheel in Aerial Transit. | 173–176 |
10 | 16 | Introduction of the Principle of the Gyroscope in Aerial Transit. | 176–180 |
10 | 17 | On Floods in Lake Districts and Flooded Rivers in general, with Methods adopted for their Prevention and Control. | 180–189 |
11 | 3 | On the Cleansing of Towns. | 38–70 |
11 | 11 | Deflection of Shingle-bearing Currents and Protection of River Banks by Douslins's Floating Log Dams. | 144–146 |
11 | 12 | On Beach Protection. | 146–149 |
13 | 4 | Notes on the best Method of meeting the Sanitary Requirements of Colonial Towns. | 84–91 |
13 | 9 | Watershed Districts. County or other Division of the Country to be determined by the Area of the Watershed. | 119–121 |
14 | 4 | Notes upon the Great Flood of February, 1868. | 76–89 |
14 | 5 | Remarks on the Sand Dunes of the West Coast of the Provincial District of Wellington. | 89–94 |
14 | 6 | On the Taieri River Floods and their Prevention. | 94–100 |
14 | 7 | On the Reclamation of Waste River Beds. | 100–103 |
14 | 13 | On a Source of Water Supply for Invercargill. | 121–122 |
18 | 4 | The Building Timbers of Auckland. | 37–41 |
20 | 50 | Notes on the Derelict Ship in Facile Harbour, Dusky Bay. | 422–428 |
21 | 48 | Sanitary Sewerage. | 369–378 |
22 | 51 | Artesian Wells: No. 2. | 429–438 |
24 | 64 | Brake-Fins: A Proposed Appliance for the Better Handling of Ocean Steamers. | 641–644 |
24 | 66 | The Stability of Ships: its Principles made clear by Models and Diagrams. | 653–676 |
25 | 55 | Causes of Fire on Shipboard and Elsewhere. | 385–395 |
25 | 64 | Sanitation and Ventilation as required in a Modern House. | 459–478 |
25 | 65 | The Effect of Current Electricity upon Plant-growth. | 479–482 |
26 | 60 | The Disposal of Sewage by Application to the Soil (Sewage Farming). | 517–526 |
26 | 71 | Spiders as Engineers. | 600–603 |
28 | 8 | The Railway and its Place in Social Economy. | 59–62 |
29 | 7 | On Fires in Coal-ships: Their Causes and Prevention. | 100–111 |
30 | 6 | The Insulation of Cold Stores. | 44–49 |