Wikisource:WikiProject Transactions NZ Institute/Article topics/Engineering

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Article topics:Engineering

List of engineering articles to be proofread/validated

Volume Article Article Title Pages
2 49 On the Raising of the s.s. "Taranaki." 203–211
2 50 On Thorough Drainage. 211–213
2 51 On the Surface Fall of Water, as a guide for Under Drainage. 213
2 52 On Sewage Irrigation, and its results, with a Sketch of the Main Drainage Systems of London and Paris. 214–218
2 53 On the Drainage Works at Remuera Swamp. 219
2 54 On the Comparative Performances of certain River Steamers on the Waikato. 220–221
3 60 On an Adaptation of Water Power. 315–316
3 61 On the Use of the Semicircular Protractor, with a Description of an Improved Form of that Instrument. 316–318
3 62 On the Use of Salt Water in the "Field" Boiler. 318–320
3 63 On a Self-acting Clamp Mountain Wire Tramway. 321–322
4 11 A Description of the Foundation of the Lighthouse in the Ponui Passage. 135–138
4 13 Description of a Simple Contrivance for Economising the Current of Large Rivers. 141–145
4 14 On Some Experiments showing the Relative Value of N.S. Wales and New Zealand Coals as Gas-producing Materials. 146–150
4 15 On Experiments made to determine the Value of Different Coals for Steam Purposes. 151–152
4 16 On the Destruction of Land by Shingle-bearing Rivers, and Suggestions for Protection and Prevention. 153–157
5 8 On the Reclamation of Land devastated by the Encroachment of Sand. 108–111
5 9 Directions for Raising and Spreading Ammophila arundinacea and Elymus arenarius. 111
5 10 On the Taieri Floods. 111–119
5 17 On Compound Engines. 144–150
6 3 Description of the Patent Slip at Evans Bay, Wellington, and of the Mode of Erecting or Constructing the same. 14–25
6 4 On a Smokeless and Self-feeding Furnace for Lignites and other Fuels, and the Utilization of the Waste Heat. 25–32
6 5 On the Most Economic Mode of Felting Steam Boilers. 32–34
6 6 On the Probability of a Water Supply being obtained for the City of Auckland from Mount Eden. 35–40
6 7 Notes on the Proposition to supply Auckland with Water from Mount Eden. 40–42
6 8 On the Reclamation of Sand Wastes on the Coast, and the Prevention of their Inland Advance. 42–45
8 9 The Building Materials of Otago. 123–166
8 10 On the best Line for a Submarine Telegraph between Australia and New Zealand. 166–168
8 11 Improvements in Ship's Life Boats. 168–171
8 12 On a Direct Vision Solar Eye-Piece for Large Telescopes. 172
9 4 On the Draining of Towns. 29–37
9 9 On the Building Materials of Otago. 108–133
9 10 The Building Materials of Otago. 134–181
9 11 On the Durability of Matai Timber. 182
9 12 On Charring Timber as a Protection from the Teredo. 183–187
9 22 Draining of Towns: Results of having Outfall Drains within Sydney Harbour. 260–264
9 23 On Skew Arches. 265–272
9 26 On Mr. J. T. Thomson's System of Survey, from a Legal Point of View. 280–293
9 29 On some points connected with the Construction of the Bridge over the Grey River, at the Brunner Gorge. 310–316
10 11 A System of Weights and Measures. 155–160
10 12 Notes on blowing up Snags in the Waikato River with Dynamite. 161–164
10 13 Notes on the Firing of Torpedoes by Electricity. 164–170
10 14 Experiments on the Lifting-power of Inclined Planes in Aerial Transit. 170–173
10 15 Introduction of the Tension Wheel in Aerial Transit. 173–176
10 16 Introduction of the Principle of the Gyroscope in Aerial Transit. 176–180
10 17 On Floods in Lake Districts and Flooded Rivers in general, with Methods adopted for their Prevention and Control. 180–189
11 3 On the Cleansing of Towns. 38–70
11 11 Deflection of Shingle-bearing Currents and Protection of River Banks by Douslins's Floating Log Dams. 144–146
11 12 On Beach Protection. 146–149
13 4 Notes on the best Method of meeting the Sanitary Requirements of Colonial Towns. 84–91
13 9 Watershed Districts. County or other Division of the Country to be determined by the Area of the Watershed. 119–121
14 4 Notes upon the Great Flood of February, 1868. 76–89
14 5 Remarks on the Sand Dunes of the West Coast of the Provincial District of Wellington. 89–94
14 6 On the Taieri River Floods and their Prevention. 94–100
14 7 On the Reclamation of Waste River Beds. 100–103
14 13 On a Source of Water Supply for Invercargill. 121–122
18 4 The Building Timbers of Auckland. 37–41
20 50 Notes on the Derelict Ship in Facile Harbour, Dusky Bay. 422–428
21 48 Sanitary Sewerage. 369–378
22 51 Artesian Wells: No. 2. 429–438
24 64 Brake-Fins: A Proposed Appliance for the Better Handling of Ocean Steamers. 641–644
24 66 The Stability of Ships: its Principles made clear by Models and Diagrams. 653–676
25 55 Causes of Fire on Shipboard and Elsewhere. 385–395
25 64 Sanitation and Ventilation as required in a Modern House. 459–478
25 65 The Effect of Current Electricity upon Plant-growth. 479–482
26 60 The Disposal of Sewage by Application to the Soil (Sewage Farming). 517–526
26 71 Spiders as Engineers. 600–603
28 8 The Railway and its Place in Social Economy. 59–62
29 7 On Fires in Coal-ships: Their Causes and Prevention. 100–111
30 6 The Insulation of Cold Stores. 44–49