Wikisource:WikiProject Transactions NZ Institute/Article topics/Physics

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Article topics:Physics

List of physics articles to be proofread/validated


Volume Article Article title Pages
2 58 On the Mechanical Principles involved in the Flight of the Albatros. 227–232
2 59 On the Mechanical Principles involved in the Sailing Flight of the Albatros. 233–236
3 64 On the Currents, Temperature, and Saltness of the Ocean. 322–324
3 65 Notes on the Conduction of Electricity. 324–325
4 64 On the Sailing Flight of the Albatros; a Reply to Mr. J. S. Webb. 347–350
5 16 On the Flight of the Black-backed Gull (Larus dominicanus). 140–144
13 10 The Cause of Gravitation. 122–180
15 57 The Surface Features of the Earth and Local Variations in the Force of Gravity. 463–467
17 51 On Gravitational Experiments. 407–410
22 15 On Terrestrial Magnetism. 129–131
22 36 The Soaring of the Hawk—A possible Reason for Notched Wing-feathers. 325–320
23 53 On some Means for increasing the Scale of Photographic Lenses and the Use of Telescopic Powers in connection with an Ordinary Camera. 461–465
25 74 Analogy between Light and Sound: Are they Convertible? 510–514
26 52 The Effect of Current Electricity on Plant-growth: Further Experiments. 463–464
27 59 Magnetization of Iron by High-frequency Discharges. 481–513
27 61 On some Peculiar Cases of the Reflection of Light. 535–538
28 19 A Comparison of the Magnetic Screening produced by Different Metals. 178–182
28 20 Magnetic Viscosity. 182–204
30 13 On an Objection to Le Sage's Theory of Gravitation. 118–120
30 14 On the Magnetic Force parallel to the Axis in the Interior of Solenoids. 121
30 54 On the Screening of Electro-motive Force in the Fields produced by Leyden-jar Discharges. 459–462
30 55 On the Relative Commercial Values of Pumice and Charcoal for Purposes of Insulation. 463–465
30 56 Notes on the Vertical Component of the Motions of the Earth's Atmosphere. 465–476
30 57 The Histories of the Storms of the 30th January and the 16th April, 1897. By Major-General Schaw 477–486


Volume Article Article title Pages
1 4 On the recent Earthquakes and Wave Phenomena observed in New Zealand 35–47
1 21 On the Wave Phenomena observed in Lyttelton Harbour, 15th August, 1868 146
1 22 On the recent Earthquakes on Land and Sea 147–154
2 55 On the earlier Earthquake Waves observed on the Coast of New Zealand. 222–223
4 57 On a Form of Electro-magnetic Seismograph adapted for Indicating or Registering Minute Shocks. 330
18 8 On a New Form of Seismograph. 69–71
19 42 Notes in reference to the Prime Causes of the Phænomena of Earthquakes and Volcanoes. 331–338
19 43 On the Cause of Volcanic Action. 338–341
19 44 Observations on the Eruption of Mount Tarawera, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, 10th June, 1886. 342–371
19 45 Notes on the Eruption of Tarawera Mountain and Rotomahana, 10th June, 1886, as seen from Taheke, Lake Rotoiti. 372–374
19 46 Thermal Activity in the Ruapehu Crater. 374–380
19 47 Phænomena connected with the Tarawera Eruption of 10th June, 1886, as observed at Gisborne. 380–382
19 48 Notes on the Eruption of Tarawera, as observed at Opotiki. 382–384
19 49 Traces of Volcanic Dust-showers at Napier, Petane, and generally throughout the East Coast Districts, North of Cape Kidnappers. 385–387
23 54 The Determination of the Origin of the Earthquake of the 5th December, 1881, felt at Christchurch and other Places. 465–470
23 55 The Origin of the Earthquake of the 27th December, 1888, felt in Canterbury and Westland. 470–472
23 56 Notes on the Earthquake of 7th March, 1890, felt at Napier, Gisborne, and other Places. 473–477
24 54 On Earthquakes in the Vicinity of Wanganui. 569–573
24 55 Notes on the Earthquake of the 24th June, 1891. 574–577
24 56 Notes on the Earthquake of the 5th July, 1891, in Cook Strait: an Attempt to define the Epicentrum. 577–579
24 57 On Geyser-action at Rotorua. 579–590
25 50 The Earthquake of the 4th December, 1891: Notes thereon. 362–367
26 37 The Nelson Earthquake of the 12th February, 1893. 347-354
26 51 Description of a Compound Seismograph. 461–462
30 53 Notes on the Recent Earthquake. 447–457