Wikisource:WikiProject Transactions NZ Institute/Article topics/Zoology
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
2 | 13 | On the New Zealand Frog (Leiopelma Hochstetterii); with an account of a remarkable feature in the history of some species of Australian Frogs | 87–88 |
12 | 25 | On the New Zealand Frog | 250–251 |
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
2 | 11 | On the Katipo, a poisonous spider of New Zealand. | 81–84 |
3 | 7 | On the Katipo, or Venomous Spider of New Zealand. | 29–34 |
3 | 10 | On Latrodectus (Katipo), the Poisonous Spider of New Zealand. | 56–59 |
5 | 31 | On the Spiders of New Zealand (Part I., Genus Salticus). | 280–286 |
6 | 36 | An Introduction to the Study and Collection of the Araneidea in New Zealand, with a Description and Figures of Cambridqea fasciata, L. Koch, from Chatham Island; and also of a New Species of Macrothete, Auss., M. Huttonii, Cambr., found at Wellington, New Zealand. | 187–207 |
8 | 31 | On the Habits of the Trap-door Spider. | 222–262 |
10 | 37 | On a new Species of Trapdoor Spider from New Zealand. | 281–287 |
10 | 41 | Notes on a Marine Spider found at Cape Campbell. | 299–300 |
10 | 42 | Description of Trapdoor Spiders' Nests from California and firom Western Australia in the Christchurch Museum. | 301–306 |
11 | 22 | On Desis robsoni, a Marine Spider from Cape Campbell. | 263–268 |
11 | 54 | Notes on the Breeding Habits of the Katipo (Latrodectus katipo). | 391–392 |
15 | 12 | On some newly-discovered New Zealand Arachnids. | 165–173 |
15 | 13 | On the Protective Resemblances of the Araneidea in New Zealand. | 174–178 |
16 | 13 | On the New Zealand Pycnogonida, with Descriptions of new Species. | 242–248 |
17 | 5 | On the Spiders of New Zealand. | 31–53 |
18 | 37 | On the Spiders of New Zealand. | 184–205 |
19 | 10 | On new Species of Araneidea. | 72–118 |
19 | 28 | Descriptions of new Spiders. | 201–212 |
20 | 17 | On new Species of Araneidea. | 109–125 |
20 | 20 | Descriptions of new Species of New Zealand Araneæ. | 133–139 |
20 | 21 | Notes on Amaurobioides maritima, Cambridge. | 140 |
21 | 12 | On new Species of Araneidea. | 134–152 |
21 | 13 | On a new Species of Gasteracantha from Norfolk Island. | 152–154 |
22 | 26 | Description of a New Species of Argiope, from Fiji. | 234–236 |
22 | 27 | On Two Species of Aranea new to Science, from the Jenolan Caves, New South Wales. | 236–239 |
22 | 28 | Description of New Species of Araneidæ. | 239–266 |
22 | 29 | Description of New Species of New Zealand Araneæ, with Notes on their Habits. | 267–273 |
23 | 19 | On New Species of Araneæ. | 128–189 |
24 | 15 | Catalogue of the Described Species of New Zealand Araneidæ. | 220–230 |
24 | 16 | Descriptions of New Species of Araneæ. | 230–253 |
24 | 17 | On New Zealand Araneæ. | 253–257 |
25 | 21 | Descriptions of New Species of Araneæ. | 165–190 |
26 | 5 | Notes on Spiders. | 107–108 |
26 | 16 | Descriptions of New Species of Araneæ. | 204–218 |
29 | 24 | Described Species of New Zealand Araneæ omitted from the Catalogue of 1891, "Transactions of the New Zealand Institute." | 284 |
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
22 | 3 | Bacteria and their Relation to Disease. | 31–55 |
22 | 4 | Remarks on Pathogenic Microbes, and the Means of preventing Diseases originating in their Introduction into the System. | 55–63 |
26 | 61 | Tuberculosis in Man and Animals. | 526–533 |
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
5 | 34 | Remarks on the Coleoptera of Canterbury, New Zealand. | 294–304 |
6 | 32 | Notes upon certain recently-deseribed New Genera and Species of Coleoptera from Canterbury, New Zealand. | 155–157 |
7 | 45 | On the Goodephagous Coleoptera of New Zealand. | 297–314 |
7 | 46 | On the Longicorn Coleoptera of New Zealand. | 315–332 |
8 | 32 | Notes on the Coleoptera of Auckland, N.Z. | 262–271 |
8 | 33 | Remarks on the Pselaphidæ (Coleoptera) of New Zealand. | 271–282 |
8 | 34 | Description of a New Genera and Species of Heteromera, New Zealand. | 282–298 |
9 | 48 | Descriptions of New Species of Coleoptera. | 371–374 |
9 | 49 | Description of a New Species of the Genus Cicindela. | 374–375 |
9 | 50 | On the Anthribidæ of New Zealand. | 375–390 |
9 | 51 | On the Colydiidæ of New Zealand. | 390–401 |
9 | 52 | Description of New Genera and Species of New Zealand Coleoptera. | 402–427 |
12 | 32 | Contributions to the Cœlenterate Fauna of New Zealand. | 274–276 |
12 | 35 | On the Habits of Prionoplus reticularis, with Diagnoses of the Larva and Pupa. | 284–288 |
12 | 36 | Description of the Larva of Pericoptus truncatus, with Observations as to Habitat. | 288–290 |
15 | 29 | Notes on the Anatomy and Embryology of Scymnus lichia. | 222–234 |
20 | 16 | On Henops brunneus, Hutton. | 106–108 |
25 | 24 | Remarks on the Carabidæ of New Zealand. | 194–198 |
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
11 | 16 | On some Coccidæ in New Zealand. | 187–228 |
11 | 17 | On a Hymenopterous Insect parasitic on Coccidæ. | 228–230 |
12 | 37 | Further Notes on New Zealand Coccidæ. | 291–301 |
14 | 29 | Further Notes on Coccidæ in New Zealand, with Descriptions of new Species. | 215–229 |
17 | 4 | Further Notes on Coccidæ in New Zealand. | 20–31 |
19 | 2 | On the "Honeydew" of Coccidæ, and the Fungus accompanying these Insects. | 41–45 |
19 | 3 | Further Notes on New Zealand Coccidæ. | 45–49 |
22 | 16 | Further Notes on Coccididiæ, with Descriptions of New Species from Australia, Fiji, and New Zealand. | 133–156 |
23 | 1 | Further Coccid Notes: with Descriptions of New Species from New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji. | 1–36 |
24 | 1 | Further Coccid Notes: with Descriptions of New Species from New Zealand, Australia, and elsewhere. | 1–64 |
25 | 26 | Further Coccid Notes: with Descriptions of New Species from Australia, India, Sandwich Islands, Demerara, and South Pacific. | 201–252 |
26 | 2 | Further Coccid Notes: with Descriptions of several New Species, and Discussion of various Points of Interest. | 65–105 |
27 | 1 | Synoptical List of Coccidæ reported from Australasia and the Pacific Islands up to December, 1894. | 1–35 |
27 | 2 | Further Coccid Notes: with Descriptions of New Species from New Zealand, Australia, Sandwich Islands, and elsewhere, and Remarks upon many Species already reported. | 36–75 |
28 | 38 | Further Coccid Notes: with Descriptions of New Species, and Discussion of Questions of Interest. | 380–411 |
29 | 28 | Further Coccid Notes: with Descriptions of New Species, and Discussion of Points of Interest. | 293–331 |
30 | 26 | Further Coccid Notes: with Description of New Species, and Discussion of Points of Interest. | 219–252 |
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
4 | 23 | On the New Zealand Chitonidæ. | 173–183 |
4 | 37 | Description of a New Shell found at Nelson. | 218–219 |
7 | 39 | Description of two new Species of Aplysia. | 279 |
10 | 40 | Contributions to the Conchology of New Zealand. | 293–299 |
12 | 40 | Descriptions of new Marine Shells. | 306–307 |
14 | 22 | Description of two little-known Species of New Zealand Shells. | 168–169 |
14 | 37 | Additions to the List of New Zealand Shells. | 268–269 |
14 | 41 | Description of new Shells. | 282–283 |
15 | 8 | Descriptions of new Land Shells. | 134–141 |
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
7 | 40 | Description of two new Species of Crustacea from New Zealand. | 279–280 |
7 | 43 | Description of a new Crustacean, Phronima novæ-zealandiæ. | 294–295 |
9 | 64 | Notes on New Zealand Crustacea. | 472–475 |
9 | 65 | Notes on the Genera Astacoides and Paranephrops. | 475–477 |
11 | 18 | New Zealand Crustacea, with Descriptions of new Species. | 230–248 |
11 | 19 | Description of new Crustacean from the Auckland Islands. | 249–250 |
11 | 20 | Description of a new Species of Isopodous Crustacean. | 250–251 |
11 | 21 | On the New Zealand Entomostraca. | 251–263 |
11 | 55 | On Additions to the Carcinological Fauna of New Zealand. | 392–397 |
11 | 57 | Notes on some New Zealand Crustaceans. | 401–402 |
12 | 38 | On Melicerta ringens and Plumatella repens. | 301–303 |
12 | 44 | Description of a new Species of Palinurus. | 313–314 |
13 | 23 | Recent Additions to, and Notes on, New Zealand Crustacea. | 204–221 |
13 | 31 | Notice of new Crustaceans. | 236–237 |
14 | 24 | Additions to the New Zealand Crustacea. | 171–174 |
14 | 25 | On some Subterranean Crustacea. | 174–180 |
14 | 30 | Additions to the Crustacean Fauna of New Zealand. | 230–238 |
15 | 2 | Further Additions to our Knowledge of the New Zealand Crustacea. | 69–86 |
15 | 3 | Notes on, and a new Species of, Subterranean Crustacea. | 87–92 |
15 | 4 | On the New Zealand Copepoda. | 93–116 |
15 | 10 | Additions to the Isopodan Fauna of New Zealand. | 145–150 |
15 | 11 | On some Points of Difference between the English Crayfish (Astacus fluviatilis) and a New Zealand one (Paranephrops setosus). | 150–165 |
15 | 15 | On two new Isopods. | 188–190 |
16 | 11 | Descriptions of new Crustaceans. | 234–240 |
16 | 14 | Additions to the Sessile-eyed Crustacea of New Zealand. | 249–265 |
16 | 21 | On the Structure of the Head in Palinurus, with especial Reference to the Classification of the Genus. | 297–307 |
18 | 33 | Critical List of the Crustacea Malacostraca of New Zealand. | 141–159 |
19 | 25 | On a new Species of Alpheus. | 194–196 |
20 | 4 | On a curious Parasite (Anthosoma smithii, Leach) from the Porbeagle Shark (Lamna cornubica). | 31–33 |
20 | 6 | Brief Description of a new Species of large Decapod (Architeuthis longimanus). | 34–39 |
21 | 28 | The Distribution and Varieties of the Freshwater Crayfish of New Zealand. | 237–252 |
21 | 31 | Notes on, and recent Additions to, the New Zealand Crustacean Fauna. | 259–268 |
22 | 22 | Revision of the New Zealand Idoteidæ. | 189–204 |
22 | 43 | Parasitic Copepoda of New Zealand, with Descriptions of New Species. | 353–376 |
23 | 7 | On the Changes in Form of a Parastic Isopod (Nerocila). | 68–71 |
23 | 27 | A New Parasitic Copepod. | 227–229 |
24 | 18 | Notes on some New Zealand Amphipoda and Isopoda. | 258–269 |
27 | 22 | Notes on some Crustacea from Macquarie Island. | 210–214 |
Entomology (other)
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
3 | 8 | Notes on the Genus Deinacrida in New Zealand. | 34–37 |
3 | 15 | Notes upon a New Zealand Flesh-fly. | 116–120 |
5 | 32 | Notes on the Stridulating Organs of the Cicada. | 286–288 |
5 | 33 | On the Direct Injuries to Vegetation in New Zealand by various Insects, especially with reference to Larvae of Moths and Beetles feeding upon the Field Crops; and the expediency of introducing Insectivorous Birds as a Remedy. | 289–294 |
6 | 31 | Note on the Occurrence of Dernestes lardarius and Phoracantha recurva in Canterbury, New Zealand. | 153–154 |
6 | 33 | List of the Insects recorded as haying been found in New Zealand previous to the Year 1870. | 158–171 |
9 | 37 | Insect Architecture, or Notes on the Habits of the Black Spider-wasp of New Zealand. | 343–348 |
9 | 42 | Contributions to the Entomology of New Zealand. | 355–358 |
9 | 47 | On Insects injurious to the Kauri Pine (Dammara australis). | 366–371 |
12 | 31 | Contributions to the Entomology of New Zealand. | 272–274 |
13 | 27 | Description of the Larva and Pupa of Lasiorhynchus barbicornis. | 228–230 |
13 | 28 | On the Larva and Pupa of Ceratognathus irroratus. | 230–231 |
14 | 16 | On the New Zealand Hydrobiinæ. | 143–146 |
14 | 40 | On some new and undescribed Species of New Zealand Insects, of the Orders Orthoptera and Coleoptera. | 277–282 |
15 | 16 | On two Marine Mites. | 190–192 |
15 | 27 | Description of a new Dipterous Insect. | 218 |
16 | 3 | Notes on a Native Species of Mantis. | 113–118 |
16 | 12 | On a new Species of Daphnia. | 240–241 |
17 | 2 | Note on an Aphidian Insect infesting Pine Trees, with Observations on the Name "Chermes" or "Kermes." | 13–19 |
18 | 34 | A new Species of Philygria. | 159–161 |
18 | 41 | On the Metamorphosis of the Caddis Fly. | 213–214 |
19 | 7 | On Ixodes maskelli, a Parasite of the Albatross (Diomedea exulans). | 65–67 |
19 | 14 | A Description of a large and new Species of Orthopterous Insect of the genus Hemideina, Walker. | 145–147 |
19 | 26 | Notes on some Foraminifera from the Hauraki Gulf. | 196–200 |
20 | 8 | A Description of a new Species of Coccinella found in New Zealand. | 40–42 |
21 | 17 | A Description of a new and large Species of Orthopterous Insect of the Genus Hemideina, Walker. | 193–194 |
21 | 26 | The Mole-cricket (Gryllotalpa vulgaris) in New Zealand. | 233–235 |
21 | 30 | On some Gall-producing Insects in New Zealand. | 253–258 |
22 | 17 | On some Species of Psyllldæ in New Zealand. | 157–170 |
22 | 18 | On some Alcurodidæ from New Zealand and Fiji. | 170–176 |
22 | 19 | The Wattle-blight (Icerya purchasi) in Tasmania, and its Natural Enemies. | 176–178 |
22 | 20 | An Entomological Tour on the Table-land of Mount Arthur. | 179–186 |
22 | 21 | Eristalis tenax and Muaca vomitoria in New Zealand. | 187–188 |
22 | 25 | Notes on a Collection of Pselaphida from the Neighbourhood of Clevedon, Southern Wairoa. | 230–233 |
22 | 40 | On the Occurrence of the Black Vine-weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) in Nelson. | 338–340 |
23 | 4 | On the New Zealand Cicadæ. | 49–55 |
23 | 14 | Notes on Blights. | 111 |
24 | 24 | Description of a New Genus of the Family Formicidæ. | 303–304 |
24 | 28 | Instances of Instinct in Insects. | 354–358 |
25 | 17 | Notes on New Zealand Insects. | 153–155 |
25 | 19 | Synonymical Notes on New Zealand Cicadidæ. | 162–163 |
25 | 20 | Note on an Ant-like Insect (Betyla fulva, Cameron) parasitic in the New Zealand Glow-worm. | 164 |
25 | 25 | On some Mites parasitic on Beetles and Wood-lice. | 199–201 |
25 | 27 | On the Geographical Distribution of Atax. | 252–253 |
27 | 10 | On the Wetas, a Group of Orthopterous Insects inhabiting New Zealand; with Descriptions of Two New Species. | 143–147 |
27 | 15 | On a New Species of Weta (Locustidæ) from Bounty Island. | 174–176 |
27 | 32 | A Chapter in the History of the Warfare against Insect-pests. | 282–284 |
27 | 36 | On some New Species of Tipulæ (Daddy-long-legs) found in New Zealand. | 293–295 |
27 | 72 | On a New Species of Ant from New Zealand. | 635–636 |
28 | 24 | New Zealand Diptera: No. 1. | 216–250 |
28 | 25 | New Zealand Diptera: No. 2. Mycetophilidæ. | 250–309 |
28 | 26 | New Zealand Diptera: No. 3. Simulidæ. | 310–311 |
28 | 30 | On a New Species of Deinacrida or Forest-cricket from Nelson. | 323–326 |
28 | 39 | Contributions towards a Monograph of the Aleurodidæ, a Family of Hemiptera-Homoptera. | 411–449 |
28 | 42 | Notes on the Cicadidæ of New Zealand. | 454–459 |
28 | 44 | On the Habits of New Zealand Ants. | 468–479 |
28 | 45 | On the Construction of the Comb of the Hive-bee. | 479–490 |
29 | 14 | The Stenopelmatidæ of New Zealand. | 208–242 |
29 | 15 | Note on the Mantis found in New Zealand. | 242–243 |
29 | 22 | Notes on the Cicadas of New Zealand. | 280–282 |
29 | 27 | On some Tick-parasites of the Kiwi. | 290–293 |
30 | 17 | The Grasshoppers and Locusts of New Zealand and the Kermadec Islands. | 135–150 |
30 | 19 | On a Collection of Insects from the Chatham Islands, with Descriptions of Three New Species. | 155–160 |
30 | 20 | On the Phasmidæ of New Zealand. | 160–166 |
30 | 21 | Synopsis of the Hemiptera of New Zealand which have been described previous to 1896. | 167–187 |
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
2 | 1 | On the New Zealand Sword-fish. | 13–16 |
2 | 7 | On a species of Ophisurus, found on the Coast of New Zealand. | 34–40 |
2 | 12 | On four Fishes, commonly found in the River Avon; with a consideration of the question, "What is Whitebait?" | 84–87 |
2 | Paper6 | On the Mud Fish (Neochanna apoda, Günther), from Hokitika. | 402 |
3 | 16 | On the Absence of the Eel from the Upper Waters of the Waiau-ua and its Tributaries. | 120–122 |
3 | 20 | Observations on Coridodax pullus. | 130–132 |
3 | 21 | On the Salmonidæ of New Zealand. | 133–136 |
3 | 22 | On a New Species of Fish, Coryphænoides Novæ Zelandiæ; Native name, Okarari. | 136 |
4 | 27 | Notes on the Anatomy of the Kanae (Mugil sp.). | 189–191 |
5 | 28 | Contributions to the Ichthyology of New Zealand. | 259–272 |
5 | 29 | Notes on some Undescribed Fishes of New Zealand. | 272–278 |
5 | 37 | Note on Ctenolabrus knoxi. | 308 |
6 | 20 | On Cheimarrichthys fosteri, a New Genus belonging to the New Zealand Freshwater Fishes. | 103–104 |
6 | 21 | Notes on some New Zealand Fishes. | 104–107 |
6 | 22 | Notice of Motella novæ-zealandiæ, n.s. | 107–108 |
7 | 32 | On the Occurrence of Lamna cornubica, Porbeagle Shark, Flem., the Mako of the Maoris, in New Zealand. | 237–238 |
7 | 33 | On the Occurrence of Leptocephalus longirostris, Kaup, on the Coast of New Zealand. | 238 |
7 | 34 | Notes on New Zealand Ichthyology. | 239–250 |
8 | 26 | Notes on the Introduction and Acclimatization of Salmon. | 205–209 |
8 | 27 | Contributions to the Ichthyology of New Zealand. | 209–218 |
8 | 28 | Notes on the Habits of the Frost-fish (Lepidopus caudatus). | 218–219 |
8 | 29 | Notes on the Sword-fish (Ziphias gladius). | 219–220 |
8 | 30 | Is Access to the Sea a necessity to Eels. | 221–222 |
9 | 41 | Contributions to the Ichthyology of New Zealand. | 533–354 |
9 | 62 | Notes on New Zealand Ichthyology. | 465–469 |
9 | 63 | Remarks on New Zealand Fishes. | 469–472 |
9 | 67 | Fish and their Seasons. | 484–490 |
10 | 30 | On two new Fishes. | 243–246 |
10 | 31 | Notes on Regalecus pacificus, a new Species of Ribbon-fish from the New Zealand Seas. | 246–250 |
10 | 32 | On the Habits of the New Zealand Grayling (Prototroctes oxyrhynchus). | 250–252 |
10 | 44 | The Dunedin Fish Supply. | 324–330 |
11 | 23 | Notes on the Anatomy of Regalecus pacificus, von Haast. | 269–270 |
11 | 24 | On the Brown Trout introduced into Otago. | 271–290 |
11 | 25 | On some new Fishes. | 291–295 |
11 | 26 | On a new Fish found at Hokitika. | 295–297 |
11 | 27 | On a new Fish. | 297–298 |
11 | 28 | Notes on the Genus Callorhynchus, with a Description of an undescribed New Zealand Species. | 298–300 |
11 | 52 | Our Fish Supply. | 380–386 |
12 | 42 | Additions to the List of New Zealand Fishes. | 308–310 |
12 | 43 | On the Occurrence of Giant Cuttlefish on the New Zealand Coast. | 310–313 |
12 | 46 | Notes on Fishes in Upper Whanganui River. | 315–316 |
13 | 19 | Notes on some Specimens of Migratory Salmonidæ. | 175–193 |
13 | 20 | Notice of a new Fish. | 194–195 |
13 | 21 | Description of a new Species of Trachypterus. | 195–199 |
13 | 60 | On the Venous System of the Skate (Raja nasuta). | 413–418 |
14 | 26 | History of Fish Culture in New Zealand. | 180–210 |
14 | 27 | On the Occurrence of the Salmon Trout in Nelson Harbour. | 211–213 |
15 | 21 | On Diseased Trout in Lake Wakatipu. | 198–203 |
15 | 22 | Notes on the New Zealand Sprat. | 203–208 |
15 | 23 | Notes on the Picton Herring, Clupea pilchardus (C. sagax, New Zealand form). | 208–213 |
15 | 30 | On the Connection of the Air-bladders and the Auditory-organ in the Red Cod (Lotella bacchus). | 234–236 |
16 | 16 | Effect of Cold on Fishes. | 275–278 |
16 | 18 | On the Occurrence of the Spinous Shark (Echinorhinus spinosus) in New Zealand Waters. | 280–281 |
16 | 19 | On a Torpedo (T. fusca, ? n. sp.) recently caught near Dunedin. | 281–284 |
16 | 20 | On a Specimen of the Great Ribbon Fish (Regalecus argenteus, n. sp.), lately obtained at Moeraki, Otago. | 284–296 |
16 | 25 | Notes on New Zealand Ichthyology. | 322–323 |
16 | 55 | On the Brown Trout introduced into Otago.—Paper No. 2. | 467–512 |
17 | 16 | Notes on New Zealand Fishes. | 160–172 |
18 | 29 | Note on a large Sun-Fish (Orthagoriscus mola, L.), recently captured at Napier, Hawke's Bay. | 135–136 |
19 | 17 | On a new Species of Giant Cuttlefish, stranded at Cape Campbell, June 30th, 1886 (Architeuthis kirkii). | 155–157 |
20 | 2 | On a Specimen of Regalecus recently stranded in Otago Harbour. | 20–29 |
20 | 19 | List of Fishes found round the Mokohinou Islands; their Spawning Time; and Observations regarding some of the Species. | 127–133 |
21 | 27 | On the Cause of the Disappearance of Young Trout from our Streams. | 235–237 |
22 | 30 | On a New Genus of Fishes of the Family Percidæ, from New Zealand. | 273–275 |
22 | 31 | List of the New Zealand Fishes. | 275–285 |
22 | 39 | On a Specimen of the Great Ribbon-fish (Regalecus argenteus) taken in Nelson Harbour. | 333–338 |
23 | 6 | Notes on the New Zealand Squillidæ. | 58–68 |
23 | 8 | On the Anatomy of the Red Cod (Lotella bacchus). | 71–83 |
23 | 17 | Description of a New Species of Migas, with Notes on its Habits. | 123–126 |
23 | 18 | Notice of the Occurrence of the Basking Shark (Selache maxima, L.) in New Zealand. | 126–127 |
24 | 10 | On a Species of Regalecus or Great Oar-fish, caught in Okain's Bay. | 192–198 |
24 | 12 | Note on the Occurrence of Cancer in Fish. | 201 |
24 | 13 | Notes on Sea-fishes. | 202–215 |
25 | 14 | On a Specimen of Sunfish captured at Poverty Bay. | 110–111 |
25 | 22 | On Eels. | 191–193 |
25 | 28 | Note on some Sea-trout (Salmon or Salmon-trout?). | 254 |
26 | 7 | On the Anatomy of the Pig-fish (Agriopus leucopæcilus). | 111–120 |
26 | 18 | Note on the Occurrence of Lophotes in New Zealand Waters. | 223 |
28 | 28 | Notes on some New Zealand Fishes, with Description of a New Species. | 314–318 |
29 | 16 | On Two New Globe-fish. | 243–250 |
29 | 17 | Notes on the Occurrence of a Species of Lophotes on the Coast of Taranaki. | 251–252 |
30 | 27 | Notes on Regalecus Sp. | 253–254 |
30 | 28 | Notes on Occurrence of Regalecus argenteus on the Taranaki Coast. | 254–266 |
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
9 | 40 | On the New Zealand Earth-worms. | 350–353 |
11 | 33 | Catalogue of the hitherto-described Worms of New Zealand. | 314–327 |
11 | 56 | On some New Zealand Aphroditæ, with Descriptions of supposed new Species. | 397–400 |
12 | 33 | Additions to the List of New Zealand Worms. | 277–278 |
14 | 36 | On some new Marine Planarians. | 267–268 |
14 | 38 | On Pseudo-scab and Lung-worm in Sheep. | 269–274 |
15 | 24 | On two new Planarians from Auckland Harbour. | 213–214 |
16 | 15 | On the Habits of Earth-Worms in New Zealand. | 266–275 |
19 | 5 | On New Zealand Glow-worms. | 62–64 |
19 | 6 | Note on a curious Double Worm. | 64–65 |
19 | 11 | On the Work of Earth-worms in New Zealand. | 119–123 |
19 | 12 | Notes on New Zealand Earth-worms. | 123–139 |
21 | 29 | Note on the Parasite (Temnocephala) found on the Freshwater Crayfish of New Zealand. | 252–253 |
23 | 3 | The Habits and Life-history of the New Zealand Glowworm. | 43–49 |
25 | 15 | Further Notes on New Zealand Earthworms, with Observations on the known Aquatic Species. | 111–146 |
25 | 29 | Notes on a Land Planarian (sent by F. V. Knapp, Hampden State School, Nelson). | 255 |
26 | 10 | Further Notes on New Zealand Earthworms. | 155–175 |
27 | 17 | Notes on New Zealand Land Planarians: Part I. | 177–189 |
27 | 18 | Note on a New Variety of Peripatus novæ-zealandiæ, Hutton. | 190–191 |
27 | 19 | Notes on a New Zealand Land Nemertine. | 191–194 |
28 | 22 | Notes on New Zealand Land Planarians: Part II. | 210–214 |
28 | 23 | Note on the Discovery of Living Specimens of Geonemertes novæ-zealandiæ. | 214–215 |
29 | 20 | Notes on New Zealand Land Planarians: Part III. | 258–264 |
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
3 | 23 | On the Lepidoptera of Otago. | 137–141 |
4 | 36 | Observations on a Paper read by Mr. A. Bathgate before the Otago Institute, 11th January, 1870, "On the Lepidoptera of Otago." | 214–218 |
5 | 30 | Notice of a New Species of Moth in New Zealand. | 279–280 |
6 | 34 | List of the Lepidoptera recorded as haviug been found in New Zealand previous to the Year 1871. | 171–182 |
6 | 35 | Observations on the Occurrence of a Butterfly, new to New Zealand, of the Genus Danais. | 183–186 |
8 | 36 | Description of a Species of Butterfly belonging to the family Satyridæ, Westwood. | 302–304 |
9 | 58 | On the occurrence in New Zealand of a Species of Lepidoptera belonging to the Cossidæ family. | 459–460 |
9 | 59 | Brief Observations on the Genus Chrysophanus as represented in New Zealand. | 460–463 |
10 | 33 | Supplementary Description of Species or Varieties of Chrysophani (Lepidoptera Rhopalocera) inhabiting New Zealand. | 252–259 |
10 | 34 | Description of new Genera and Species of Psychidæ. | 260–263 |
10 | 35 | On the Butterflies of New Zealand. | 263–276 |
10 | 36 | Notes on the Metamorphosis and Development of one of our large Butterflies (Danais berenice), or a closely-allied Species. | 276–280 |
11 | 29 | Notes on the Metamorphosis of one of our largest Moths, Dasypodia selenophora. | 300–304 |
11 | 30 | Further Notes on Danais berenice | 305 |
11 | 41 | Notes on the Life History of Charagia virescens. | 347–348 |
12 | 27 | Description of a new (?) Genus and Species of Butterfly of the Sub-family Satyrinæ. | 264–266 |
12 | 28 | Description of a (?) new Species of the Family Leucanidæ, and a (?) new Species of the Genus (?) Chlenias. | 267–270 |
13 | 32 | Notes on some Species of Diurnal Moths. | 237–239 |
15 | 1 | Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-Lepidoptera. | 3–68 |
15 | 17 | Occurrence of a Species of Ophideres, Boisd., new to New Zealand. | 192–193 |
15 | 18 | Description of a Species of Butterfly, new to New Zealand, and probably to Science. | 193–195 |
15 | 19 | Description of two new Species of Heteropterous Lepidoptera. | 195–196 |
15 | 20 | Notes on a peculiar Neuration in the Wings of some Individuals of Perenodaimon pluto, a New Zealand Butterfly. | 197 |
16 | 1 | Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-Lepidoptera. | 1–49 |
16 | 2 | A Monograph of the New Zealand Geometrina. | 49–113 |
16 | 4 | Description of a new Species of Cidaria (Lepidoptera). | 119—120 |
17 | 10 | Supplement to a Monograph of the New Zealand Geometrina. | 62–68 |
17 | 11 | Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-lepidoptera. | 68–120 |
17 | 12 | Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-lepidoptera. | 121–140 |
17 | 13 | Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-lepidoptera. | 141–149 |
18 | 35 | Description of New Zealand Micro-lepidoptera. | 162–183 |
18 | 36 | Notes on Nomenclature of New Zealand Geometrina. | 184 |
18 | 39 | Life History of Epyaxa rosearia, Dbld. | 208–209 |
18 | 40 | Notes on the so-called Vegetable Caterpillar of New Zealand. | 209–213 |
19 | 1 | Monograph of New Zealand Noctuina. | 3–40 |
19 | 9 | Description of a new Species of Moth (Pasiphila lichenodes). | 69–72 |
19 | 27 | On the Occurrence of Junonia vellida and Deopeia pulchella in New Zealand. | 201 |
20 | 11 | Supplement to a Monograph of New Zealand Noctuina. | 44–47 |
20 | 12 | Notes on New Zealand Geometrina. | 47–62 |
20 | 13 | Notes on New Zealand Pyralidina. | 62–73 |
20 | 14 | Notes on New Zealand Tortricina. | 73–76 |
20 | 15 | Descriptions of New Zealand Tineina. | 77–106 |
21 | 14 | Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-Lepidoptera. | 154–188 |
21 | 15 | On the Natural History of Three Species of Micro-Lepidoptera. | 189–190 |
21 | 16 | On the Varieties of a common Moth (Declana floccosa). | 190–193 |
21 | 18 | Notes on a peculiar Chrysalis of an unknown pages Species of Butterfly. | 194–196 |
21 | 19 | A few Notes on the Economy and Habits of one of our largest and handsomest New Zealand Butterflies (Pyrameis gonerilla). | 196–199 |
22 | 23 | Descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. | 204–220 |
23 | 5 | A few Words on the Codlin-moths, Carpocapsa pomonella, L., and Cacoecia excessana, Walk. | 56–58 |
23 | 11 | New Species of Lepidoptera. | 97–101 |
23 | 22 | On the Occurrence of Danais plexippus and Sphinx convolvuli (?) in Nelson. | 192–194 |
24 | 14 | On New Species of Lepidoptera. | 216–220 |
26 | 3 | Notes on New Zealand Neuroptera. | 105–106 |
27 | 31 | On the Abundance of Vanessa itea in Wellington during Season 1894. | 281 |
28 | 27 | On Dodonidia helmsi, Fereday. | 312–313 |
28 | 36 | Notes on Rare Lepidoptera in Wellington. | 377–379 |
28 | 37 | On the Unusual Abundance of certain Species of Plume-moths during the Summer of 1894–95. | 379 |
29 | 23 | Descriptions of Two New Species of Lepidoptera. | 282–283 |
30 | 37 | A Synonymic List of the Lepidoptera of New Zealand. | 326–377 |
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
2 | 4 | On the Balænidæ, or Whales with baleen. | 21–28 |
2 | 5 | On Seals of the genus Stenorhyncus, captured on the East Coast of Otago. | 28–32 |
2 | 6 | On a (probably new) variety of the Small-nailed Seal,—Stenorhyncus Leptonyx, of Cuvier, and De Blainville, and allied to the Phoca Leopardina of Jameson. | 33–34 |
2 | 45 | Preliminary notice of a Ziphid Whale, probably Berardius Arnuxii, stranded on December 16, 1868, on the sea beach, near New Brighton, Canterbury. | 190–192 |
3 | 1 | On the New Zealand Rat. | 1–4 |
3 | 17 | Notes on the Skull of Balæna marginata, described in "Transactions of the New Zealand Institute," Vol. ii., p. 26, as the Type of a New Genus, Neobalæna. | 123–124 |
3 | 18 | Observations on the Ziphidæ, a Family of the Cetacea. | 125–129 |
3 | 19 | Short Notice of a Remarkable Tooth of a Cetacean. | 130 |
4 | 24 | Description of a Specimen of Mus rattus, L., in the Colonial Museum. | 183–184 |
4 | 25 | On the Bats of New Zealand. | 184–186 |
4 | 26 | Observations on the New Zealand Bats. | 186–188 |
4 | 29 | Notes on the Fur Seal of New Zealand (Arctocephalus cinereus, Gray?). | 196–199 |
4 | 30 | On the Fur Seal of New Zealand. | 199–202 |
5 | 19 | On the Whales and Dolphins of the New Zealand Seas. | 154–170 |
6 | 14 | Notes on Delphinus forsteri. | 85 |
6 | 15 | Notes of a Variation in the Dentition of Mesoplodon hectori, Gray. | 86–87 |
6 | 16 | List of Seals, Whales, and Dolphins of New Zealand. | 87–89 |
6 | 17 | Notice of the Skeleton of the New Zealand Right Whale (Macleayius australiensis). | 90–92 |
6 | 18 | Notes on Dr. Hector's Paper on the Whales and Dolphins of the New Zealand Seas. | 93–97 |
6 | 19 | On the Occurrence of a New Species of Euphysetes (E. pottsii), a remarkably small Catodent Whale, on the Coast of New Zealand. | 97–102 |
7 | 35 | Notes on New Zealand Whales. | 251–265 |
7 | 36 | Description of some Plates of Baleen in the Otago Museum. | 266 |
8 | 15 | Notes on the Existence of a large Bat. | 180 |
8 | 16 | Description of the "Cow Fish," or "Bottle-nosed Dolphin" (Tursio metis.) | 180–181 |
9 | 38 | Notes on the Maori Rat. | 348 |
9 | 39 | Notes on the New Zealand Delphinide. | 349–350 |
9 | 54 | Notes on the Skeleton of Epiodon novæ-zealandiæ. | 430–442 |
9 | 55 | Notes on the Mesoplodon floweri. | 442–450 |
9 | 56 | On Oulodon: a New Genus of Ziphioid Whales. | 450–457 |
9 | 57 | Description of a Species of Catocala, new to Science. | 457–459 |
9 | 66 | Notes on the New Zealand Cetacea. | 477–484 |
10 | 10 | Notes, chiefly historical, on the ancient Dog of the New Zealanders. | 135–155 |
10 | 38 | Second Note on the Maori Rat. | 288 |
10 | 45 | Notes on the Whales of the New Zealand Seas. | 331–343 |
11 | 39 | Note accompanying Specimens of the Black Rat (Mus rattus, L.). | 343–344 |
12 | 21 | Notes on Ziphius (Epiodon) novæ-zealandiæ, von Haast—Goosebeaked Whale. | 241–246 |
13 | 18 | Notes on Balænoptera rostrata, Fabricius (B. huttoni, Gray). | 169–175 |
15 | 25 | Notes on a Skeleton of Megaptera lalandii (novæ-zealandiæ). | 214–216 |
15 | 28 | On the Gravid Uterus of Mustelus antarcticus. | 219–222 |
17 | 1 | Notes on the Skeleton and Baleen of a Fin-whale (Balænoptera musculus?) recently acquired by the Otago University Museum. | 3–13 |
17 | 22 | The Plague of Rats in Nelson and Marlborough. | 199–207 |
17 | 23 | Notes on the Dolphins of the New Zealand Seas. | 207–211 |
18 | 21 | Notes on the Habits of the Polecat, Ferret, Mongoose, Stoat, and Weasel. | 110–112 |
20 | 9 | Note on the Rat that invaded Picton in March, 1884. | 43 |
20 | 18 | Notes on Bats. | 125–126 |
22 | 34 | On the Habits of the New Zealand Bush-rat (Mus maorium). | 300–307 |
22 | 37 | On the Wild Dogs of New Zealand. | 327–330 |
22 | 38 | Note on the Fœtal Membranes of Mustelus antarcticus. | 331–333 |
23 | 23 | On Rats and Mice. | 195–201 |
23 | 24 | On Rabbits, Weasels, and Sparrows. | 201–207 |
23 | 25 | Further Notes on Coloured Sheep. | 207–216 |
24 | 11 | On some Points in the Anatomy of a Species of Sea-bear caught off Sumner, Canterbury, New Zealand; with Notes on the New Zealand Eared Seals. | 198–200 |
24 | 51 | On the Native Dog of New Zealand. | 540–557 |
25 | 6 | Notes on Mus maorium, Hutton, with Exhibition of Specimen. | 49–50 |
25 | 7 | Note on the Bats of New Zealand. | 50–52 |
25 | 30 | Notes on the Southern Seals. | 255–260 |
26 | 17 | Notes on the New Zealand Bats. | 218–222 |
27 | 27 | Zoological Notes: (1) Arboreal Nests of Bush-rat (Mus maorium); (2) Paryphanta hochstetteri found at Low Levels at West Wanganui. | 238–239 |
27 | 28 | Remarks on the Rats of New Zealand. | 240–261 |
30 | 18 | Note on the Ancient Maori Dog. | 151–155 |
30 | 32 | On Rats, and their Nesting in Small Branches of Trees. | 303–309 |
Marine (other)
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
5 | 27 | On the New Zealand Sertularians. | 256–259 |
7 | 41 | Description of a new Species of Actinia. | 280 |
7 | 42 | Notes on the New Zealand Hydroideæ. | 281–293 |
8 | 35 | Critical Notes on New Zealand Hydroida. | 298–302 |
9 | 44 | Corrections and Additions to the Catalogue of the New Zealand Echinodermata (1872). | 362 |
9 | 60 | On the occurrence in New Zealand of Diadema bolina, Linn. | 463 |
11 | 31 | Notes on some New Zealand Echinodermata, with Descriptions of new Species. | 305–308 |
11 | 32 | The Sea Anemones of New Zealand. | 308–314 |
11 | 34 | List of the New Zealand Cirripedia in the Otago Museum. | 328–330 |
11 | 40 | On a new Species of Millepora. | 345–347 |
12 | 29 | Note and Description of a possibly-new Species of Aplysia. | 270–271 |
12 | 34 | Descriptions of new Star-fishes from New Zealand. | 278–283 |
13 | 61 | On a new Holothurian (Chirodota dunedinensis, n.sp.). | 418 |
14 | 42 | Description of new Cephalopoda. | 283–286 |
18 | 38 | Description of Diadema nerina. | 205–208 |
18 | 42 | On some Specimens of Vorticellæ, collected in the neighbourhood of Wellington. | 215–217 |
19 | 4 | On the Freshwater Infusoria of the Wellington District. | 49–61 |
19 | 18 | On the Anatomy of the Limpet (Patinella radians, Quoy). | 157–160 |
20 | 1 | On the Freshwater Infusoria of the Wellington District. | 3–19 |
23 | 12 | Revised List of the Marine Bryozoa of New Zealand. | 102–107 |
24 | 25 | On the Composite Ascidians of the North Shore Reef. | 305–334 |
24 | 26 | On the Structure of Boltenia pachydermatina. | 334–348 |
25 | 23 | On a New Zealand Variety of Floscidaria coronetta, Cubitt. | 193 |
26 | 6 | Description of a New Species of Ophiuridæ. | 109–111 |
26 | 11 | Contribution to a Knowledge of the New Zealand Sponges. | 175–179 |
27 | 20 | Notes on New Zealand Echinoderms. | 194–208 |
27 | 21 | Descriptions of Two New Gymnoblastic Hydroids. | 208–209 |
27 | 23 | On the most frequent Pelagic Copepods and Cladoceres of the Hauraki Gulf. | 214–223 |
27 | 34 | Further Contribution to a Knowledge of the New Zealand Sponges. | 287–292 |
28 | 21 | New Zealand Sponges: Third Paper. | 205–210 |
28 | 43 | List of New Zealand Hydroida. | 459–468 |
29 | 19 | On Virgularia gracillima in Lyttelton Harbour. | 256–257 |
30 | 22 | Notes on New Zealand Starfishes. | 187–191 |
30 | 23 | A List of Recent and Fossil Bryozoa collected in Various Parts of New Zealand. | 192–199 |
30 | 24 | On the Hydroids of the Neighbourhood of Dunedin. | 200–218 |
30 | 25 | On the Occurrence of Pedicellina in New Zealand. | 218 |
30 | 34 | Notes on New Zealand Sponges: Fourth Paper. | 313–316 |
30 | 35 | On the Sponges described in Dieffenbach's "New Zealand." | 316–320 |
30 | 36 | Notes on a Remarkable Collection of Marine Animals lately found on the New Brighton Beach, near Christchurch, New Zealand. | 320–326 |
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
8 | 37 | On the Mollusca of Auckland Harbour. | 304–311 |
9 | 43 | Corrections and Additions to the List of Polyzoa in the Catalogue of the Marine Mollusca of New Zealand (1873). | 358–361 |
11 | 51 | Descriptions of three new Species of Opisthobranchiate Mollusca. | 378–380 |
12 | 39 | List of Marine Mollusca found in the neighbourhood of Wellington. | 303–306 |
12 | 41 | Notice of the Occurrence of Vitrina milligani in New Zealand. | 307 |
13 | 22 | Contributions to New Zealand Malacology. | 200–204 |
13 | 24 | On some new Species of Nudibranchiate Mollusca. | 222–224 |
13 | 25 | On a new Genus of Opisthobranchiate Mollusca. | 224 |
14 | 17 | On a new Genus of Rissoinæ. | 147 |
14 | 18 | On the Fresh-water Lamellibranchs of New Zealand. | 148–150 |
14 | 19 | Notes on some Pulmonate Mollusca. | 150–158 |
14 | 20 | Notes on the Anatomy of the Bitentaculate Slugs of New Zealand. | 158–161 |
14 | 21 | Notes on some Branchiate Mollusca. | 162–167 |
14 | 23 | Notes on New Zealand Mollusca. | 169–171 |
14 | 28 | On two Species of Nudibranchiate Mollusca. | 213–215 |
15 | 5 | Notes on the Structure of Struthiolaria papulosa. | 117–118 |
15 | 6 | Notes on some Branchiate Gastropoda. | 118–131 |
15 | 7 | Additions to the Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand. | 131–133 |
15 | 9 | On the New Zealand Siphonariidæ. | 141–145 |
15 | 26 | Description of a new Species of Æolis. | 217 |
16 | 5 | Further Notes on Coccidæ in New Zealand, with Descriptions of new Species. | 120–144 |
16 | 6 | On the Anatomy of Sepioteuthis bilineata, Quoy and Gaimard. | 145–160 |
16 | 7 | Notes on some New Zealand Land Shells, with Descriptions of new Species. | 161–186 |
16 | 8 | Revision of the Land Mollusca of New Zealand. | 186–212 |
16 | 9 | Notes on some Marine Mollusca, with Descriptions of new Species. | 212–216 |
16 | 10 | Revision of the recent Rhachiglossate Mollusca of New Zealand. | 216–233 |
17 | 6 | The Fresh-water Shells of New Zealand belonging to the Family Limnæidæ. | 54–58 |
17 | 7 | Description of a new Species of Paper Nautilus (Argonauta gracilis). | 58–59 |
17 | 21 | Description of a new Octopus. | 198–199 |
18 | 30 | On a new Species of Chromodoris. | 137 |
18 | 31 | On a new Paper-Nautilus (Argonauta bulleri). | 138–139 |
19 | 19 | On the Mollusca of the Vicinity of Auckland. | 161–176 |
19 | 20 | The Land Mollusca of the Thames Goldfields. | 177–181 |
20 | 10 | Description of a new Land Shell from the Province of Nelson. | 43–44 |
22 | 24 | Descriptions of New Species of New Zealand Land and Fresh-water Shells. | 221–230 |
23 | 9 | Descriptions of New Species of New Zealand Land and Fresh-water Shells. | 84–93 |
23 | 10 | Miscellaneous Communications on New Zealand Land and Fresh-water Molluscs. | 93–96 |
24 | 19 | Contributions to the Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand. | 270–278 |
24 | 20 | List of the Introduced Land and Fresh-water Mollusca of New Zealand. | 279–281 |
24 | 21 | List of Land and Fresh-water Mollusca doubtful for New Zealand or not inhabiting it. | 281–283 |
24 | 22 | Miscellaneous Communications on New Zealand Land and Fresh-water Mollusca. | 283–286 |
24 | 23 | On the Dentition of some New Zealand Land and Fresh-water Mollusca, with Descriptions of New Species. | 286–303 |
25 | 16 | Contributions to the Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand. | 147–153 |
25 | 18 | An Enumeration of the Janellidæ. | 156–162 |
26 | 8 | Further Contributions to the Knowledge of the Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand, with Descriptions of Eight New Species. | 121–138 |
26 | 9 | Check-list of the New Zealand Land and Freshwater Mollusca. | 139–154 |
27 | 24 | Notes on the Larger Species of Paryphanta in New Zealand, with some Remarks on the Distribution and Dispersal of Land-shells. | 224–228 |
27 | 35 | On a New Shell (Anomia walteri). | 292–293 |
28 | 29 | Further Contributions to the Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand. | 319–323 |
30 | 33 | Notes on Patellidæ, with reference to Species found on the Rocks at Island and Lyall's Bays. | 309–312 |
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
1 | 6 | Notes on Herr Finsch's Review of Mr. Walter Buller's Essay on New Zealand Ornithology | 49–57 |
1 | 12 | Notes on the Birds of the Great Barrier Island | 104–106 |
1 | 13 | Notes on the Birds of the Little Barrier Island | 106 |
1 | 6a | Notes on Mr. Walter Buller's Essay on the Ornithology of New Zealand | 58–73 |
1 | Essay5 | On the Ornithology of New Zealand. By Walter Buller, F.L.S. | 213–231 |
2 | 8 | On the Birds of New Zealand. | 40–78 |
2 | 9 | Description of two Birds new to the Fauna of New Zealand. | 78–80 |
2 | 10 | On the introduction of the Pheasant into the Province of Auckland. | 80 |
2 | 63 | Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand. | 385–392 |
3 | 3 | Critical Notes on the Ornithological portion of "Taylor's New Zealand and its Inhabitants." | 11–14 |
3 | 4 | Notice of a Species of Megapode, in the Auckland Museum. | 14–15 |
3 | 5 | On Zosterops lateralis in New Zealand, with an Account of its Migrations. | 15–23 |
3 | 6 | On the Structure and Habits of the Huia (Heteralocha Gouldi). | 24–29 |
3 | 9 | Further Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand. | 37–56 |
3 | 11 | On the Birds of New Zealand (Part II.) | 59–109 |
3 | 12 | Notes on an Egg of Alea impennis, Linn., in the Collection of the writer. | 109–110 |
3 | 13 | On the Nests and Eggs of some Species of New Zealand Birds not previously described. | 111–112 |
3 | 14 | Notes on the Habits of Podiceps cristatus. | 113–116 |
4 | 19 | On Megapodius pritchardi, Gray. | 165 |
4 | 20 | On the Microscopical Structure of the Egg-shell of the Moa. | 166–167 |
4 | 22 | On some Moa Feathers. | 172–173 |
4 | 28 | Notes on Harpargornis moorei, an Extinct Gigantic Bird of Prey; containing description of Femur, Ungual Phalanges, and Rib. | 192–193 |
4 | 31 | Notes on a New Species of Rail (Rallus pictus), Painted Rail. | 202–203 |
4 | 32 | Notes on a New Species of Gull, Larus (Bruchigavia) bulleri, Potts. | 203–204 |
4 | 33 | Notes on a New Species of Apteryx (A. haastii, Potts). | 204–205 |
4 | 34 | Notes on the Habits of some of the Birds of New Zealand. | 206–213 |
4 | 35 | On a Supposed New Species of Duck. | 213 |
5 | 20 | On the Birds of New Zealand (Part III.). | 171–205 |
5 | 21 | Remarks on some Birds of New Zealand. | 206–212 |
5 | 22 | On the Birds of the Chatham Islands. By H. H. Travers. | 212–222 |
5 | 23 | Notes on some of the Birds brought by Mr. Henry Travers from the Chatham Islands, with Descriptions of the New Species. | 222–224 |
5 | 24 | Notes on some of the New Zealand Birds. | 225–226 |
5 | 25 | Note on Colluricincla concinna, Hutton. | 226–227 |
6 | 13 | On Cnemiornis calcitrans, Owen, showing its Affinity to the Lamellirostrate Natatores. | 76–84 |
6 | 23 | On a New Genus of Rallidæ. | 108–110 |
6 | 24 | Notes on the New Zealand Woodhens (Oeydromus). | 110–112 |
6 | 25 | Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand. | 112–118 |
6 | 26 | Notes on the Little Bittern of New Zealand (Ardetta maculata). | 119–121 |
6 | 27 | Note on Platycercus unicolor in the British Museum. | 121–123 |
6 | 28 | Remarks on Captain Hutton's Notes on Certain Species of New Zealand Birds. | 123–126 |
6 | 29 | Notes by Captain Hutton on Dr. Buller's "Birds of New Zealand," with the Author's Replies thereto | 126–133 |
6 | 30 | On the Birds of New Zealand (Part IV.) | 139–153 |
7 | 22 | On the Ornithology of New Zealand. | 197–211 |
7 | 23 | Notes on certain disputed Species of New Zealand Birds. | 211–212 |
7 | 24 | On the Existence of two Species of Hieracidea in New Zealand. | 213–214 |
7 | 25 | Notes on an alleged new Species of Tern (Sterna alba, Potts). | 214–215 |
7 | 26 | Description of a new Species of Petrel (Procellaria affinis). | 215–216 |
7 | 27 | On the Occurrence of Plotus novæ-hollandiæ in New Zealand. | 217–218 |
7 | 28 | Notice of a new Species of Parrakeet in New Zealand. | 219–220 |
7 | 29 | On the Genus Himantopus in New Zealand. | 220–224 |
7 | 30 | On some Additions to the Collection of Birds in the Colonial Museum. | 224–225 |
7 | 31 | Preliminary Remarks on some New Zealand Birds. | 226–236 |
8 | 17 | Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand. | 190 |
8 | 18 | Notes on Gerygone flaviventris. | 190–192 |
8 | 19 | Notes on the Nesting Habits of the Huia. | 192–193 |
8 | 20 | On the Occurrence of Apteryx oweni at high altitudes in the North Island. | 193–194 |
8 | 21 | Remarks on Dr. Finsch's paper on New Zealand Ornithology. | 194–196 |
8 | 22 | Remarks on various Species of New Zealand Birds. | 196–199 |
8 | 23 | Notes on Birds observed during a voyage to England. | 199–200 |
8 | 24 | Further Remarks on some New Zealand Birds. | 200–204 |
9 | 32 | On the Ornithology of New Zealand. | 327–337 |
9 | 33 | On the occurrence of the Royal Spoonbill (Platalea regia). | 337–338 |
9 | 34 | Observations on a Species of Shag inhabiting Queen Charlotte Sound. | 338–340 |
9 | 35 | On a Tendency to Deformity in the Bill of Nestor meridionalis. | 340 |
9 | 36 | On the alleged Intercrossing of Ocydromus earli, and the Domestic Fowl. | 341–342 |
9 | 45 | Remarks on Dr. von Haast's Classification of the Moas. | 363–365 |
9 | 53 | Notes on the occurrence of a Curlew (Numenius cyanopus, Vieillot ), in New Zealand. | 427–429 |
9 | 61 | Notes on the Antarctic Petrel (Priocella antarctica). | 464 |
10 | 19 | Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand. | 191–201 |
10 | 20 | Further Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand. | 201–209 |
10 | 21 | On the Disappearance of the Korimako (Anthornis melanura) from the North Island. | 209–211 |
10 | 22 | Further descriptive Notes of the Huia (Heteralocha acutirostris). | 211 |
10 | 23 | On the Egg of the Huia (Heteralocha acutirostris). | 212 |
10 | 24 | On the Species forming the Genus Ocydromus, a peculiar Group of brevi-pennate Rails. | 213–216 |
10 | 25 | Notice of the Occurrence of the Shy Albatros (Diomedea cauta) in the North Island. | 217–219 |
10 | 26 | On the Addition of the Red-tailed Tropic Bird (Phæton rubricauda) to the Avifauna of New Zealand. | 219–220 |
10 | 29 | Disappearance of the small Birds of New Zealand. | 239–242 |
11 | 37 | On Phalacrocorax carunculatus, Gmelin. | 332–337 |
11 | 43 | On the specific Value of Prion banksii | 351–352 |
11 | 44 | Remarks on the Long-tailed Cuckoo (Eudynamis taitensis). | 353–355 |
11 | 45 | Remarks on a species of Lestris inhabiting our Seas. | 355–359 |
11 | 46 | Note on Mr. Howard Saunders' Review of the Larinæ, or Gulls. | 359–360 |
11 | 47 | On a further Occurrence of the Australian Tree Swallow (Hylochelidon nigricans) in New Zealand. | 360 |
11 | 48 | Additions to List of Species, and Notices of Rare Occurrences, since the publication of 'The Birds of New Zealand.' | 361–366 |
11 | 49 | Further Contributions to the Ornithology of New Zealand. | 366–376 |
11 | 50 | Memorandum of the Keá. | 376–377 |
12 | 6 | On the Moa. | 63–108 |
12 | 22 | On the Occurrence of the Red-capped Dotterel (Hiaticula ruficapilla) in New Zealand. | 246–247 |
12 | 23 | Remarks on some curious Specimens of New Zealand Birds. | 248–249 |
12 | 24 | Notes on the Nesting Habits of the Orange-wattled Crow. | 249–250 |
12 | 30 | On Anas gracilis, Buller. | 271–272 |
13 | 26 | An Analysis of Moa Eggshell. | 225–227 |
13 | 29 | On Harpagornis (third paper). | 232–234 |
13 | 30 | Notes on some Additions to the Collection of Birds in the Colonial Museum. | 235–236 |
14 | 31 | On the Notornis. | 238–244 |
14 | 32 | On the Skeleton of Notornis mantelli. | 245–258 |
14 | 34 | Notice of the Occurrence of the Eastern Golden Plover (Charadrius fulvus) in the Auckland District. | 264–265 |
14 | 35 | Notice of the Occurrence of the Australian Roller (Eurystomus pacificus) in New Zealand. | 265–266 |
15 | 14 | Remarks upon the Distribution, within the New Zealand Zoological Sub-region, of the Birds of the Orders Accipitres, Passeres, Scansores, Columbæ, Gallinæ, Struthiones, and Grallæ. | 178–187 |
16 | 17 | On the Occurrence of Phalaropus fulicarius, Pennant (the Red Phalarope), in New Zealand. | 279–280 |
16 | 22 | Observations on the Breeding Habits of the Eastern Golden Plover (Charadrius fulvus). | 308 |
16 | 23 | On some rare Species of New Zealand Birds. | 308–318 |
16 | 24 | On Hieracidea novæ-zealandiæ and H. brunnea. | 318–322 |
17 | 8 | Notice of the Occurrence of the Eastern Golden Plover (Charadrius fulvus, Gml.) near Wellington. | 59–60 |
17 | 9 | Notes on some New Zealand Birds, exhibiting curious Variations of Colour. | 60–62 |
17 | 17 | Notes on Moa Remains in the Mackenzie Country and other Localities. | 172–178 |
17 | 20 | Notes on New Zealand Ornithology. | 187–198 |
18 | 10 | Notes on a Skeleton of Notornis, recently acquired by the Otago University Museum. | 78–82 |
18 | 11 | Remarks on the Feathers of two Species of Moa. | 83–84 |
18 | 12 | Notes on New Zealand Ornithology: Observations on Pogonornis cincta (Dubus), Stitch-bird (Tiora). | 84–87 |
18 | 13 | Notes on New Zealand Ornithology: Observations on Procellaria parkinsoni (Grey); Brown Petrel (Taiko). | 87–90 |
18 | 14 | Observations on Gould's Petrel (Hutton), Procellaria gouldi (Ohi), their Habits and Habitats. | 90–91 |
18 | 15 | Observations on Cook's Petrel (Grey), Procellaria cooki (Ti Ti), their Habits and Habitats. | 92–93 |
18 | 16 | Observations on Puffinus gavius (Forst.), Rain-bird (Hakoakoa), their Habits and Habitats. | 93–97 |
18 | 17 | Observations on Puffinus assimilis (Gould), Totorore, their Habits and Habitats. | 95–96 |
18 | 18 | Observations on the Habits of New Zealand Birds, their Usefulness or Destructiveness to the Country. | 96–104 |
18 | 19 | Notes on the Habits of some New Zealand Birds. | 105–107 |
18 | 22 | The Protection of Native Birds. | 112–117 |
18 | 24 | A List of the Native Birds of the Petane District, Hawke's Bay, with Notes and Observations. | 123–128 |
18 | 25 | A remarkable Variety of the New Zealand Pigeon (Carpophaga novæ-zealandiæ), with References to previous Notices. | 129 |
18 | 27 | On the Habits of Ocydromus australis. | 131–134 |
18 | 28 | Description of Hybrid Ducks, bred from Common Duck (A. boschus) and Grey Duck (A. superciliosa). | 134–135 |
19 | 13 | A Description of the curiously-deformed Bill of a Huia (Heteralocha acutirostris, Gould), an endemic New Zealand bird. | 140–145 |
19 | 21 | Description of the Little Barrier or Hanturu Island, the Birds which inhabit it, and the Locality as a Protection to them. | 181–184 |
19 | 22 | Notes on Ornithology. | 184–188 |
19 | 23 | Ornithological Notes. | 188–193 |
19 | 24 | Notes on some Moa Remains found at the Great Barrier Island during February, 1886. | 193–194 |
20 | 3 | Ornithological Notes. | 29–31 |
20 | 5 | On the Occurrence of the Masked Plover (Lobivanellus personatas, Gould) in New Zealand. | 33–34 |
20 | 7 | Note on the Female of Anas boschas assuming the Plumage of the Male. | 39 |
21 | 8 | On some Birds from the Kermadec Islands. | 121–124 |
21 | 9 | Notice of the Capture of a Specimen of the Shy Albatross (Diomedea cauta) near Auckland. | 125–126 |
21 | 10 | The Habits and Home of the Wandering Albatross (Diomedea exulans). | 126–128 |
21 | 11 | On a Specimen of the Brown Gannet (Sula fusca) shot in Napier Harbour, with Notes on other New Zealand Birds. | 128–134 |
21 | 20 | A few stray Notes on the New Zealand Owl, Athene novæ-zealandiæ, Gml.—Ruru and Koukou of the Maoris, and Morepork of the Settlers. | 200–205 |
21 | 21 | On the Birds of Lake Brunner District. | 205–224 |
21 | 22 | On Apteryx bulleri. | 224 |
21 | 23 | Notes on the Decrease of Pheasants on the West Coast of the North Island. | 225–226 |
21 | 24 | The Takahe (Notornis mantelli) in Western Otago. | 226–230 |
21 | 25 | Notes on some New Zealand Birds. | 230–233 |
22 | 32 | Observations on the Mokohinou Islands and the Birds which visit them. | 286–294 |
22 | 33 | Notes on a Paper entitled "The Takahe in Western Otago," by Mr. James Park, F.G.S. | 295–300 |
22 | 41 | Note on the Wandering Albatros (Diomedea exulans). | 340–342 |
22 | 42 | On the Assumed Hybridity between the Common Fowl and the Woodhen (Ocydromus). | 342–353 |
23 | 2 | An Exhibition of New and Forms of New Zealand Birds, with Remarks thereon. | 26–53 |
23 | 13 | Note on the Breeding Habits of the European Sparrow (Passer domesticus) in New Zealand. | 108–110 |
23 | 15 | Takahe versus Kakapo. | 112–119 |
23 | 16 | On the Origin of the Sternum. | 119–123 |
23 | 20 | Notes on Sceloglaux albifacies, the Laughing Owl of New Zealand. | 190–191 |
23 | 21 | Description of a Remarkable Variation in the Colour of Platycercus auriceps. | 192 |
23 | 26 | On the Birds of the Kermadec Islands. | 216–226 |
23 | 28 | On the Wandering Albatros: with an Exhibition of Specimens, and the Determination of a New Species. | 230–235 |
24 | 2 | Notes and Observations on New Zealand Birds. | 64–74 |
24 | 3 | Further Notes and Observations on Certain Species of New Zealand Birds (with Exhibits). | 75–91 |
24 | 4 | On the large Kiwi from Stewart Island (Apteryx maxima). | 91–92 |
24 | 5 | The Moas of New Zealand. | 93–172 |
24 | 6 | Notes on Moa Gizzard-stones. | 172–175 |
24 | 7 | On the Genus Aptornis, with more Especial Reference to Aptornis defossor, Owen. | 175–184 |
24 | 8 | Preliminary Notice of Additions to the Extinct Avi-fauna of New Zealand. | 185–189 |
24 | 9 | Note on a Species of Platycercus (P. erythrotis, Wagl.) from Antipodes Island. | 190–191 |
25 | 1 | On the Classification and Mutual Relations of the Dinornithidæ. | 1–3 |
25 | 2 | On the Presence of a Crest of Feathers in certain Species of Moa. | 3–6 |
25 | 3 | On New Species of Moas. | 6–13 |
25 | 4 | On Anomalopteryx antiqua. | 14–16 |
25 | 5 | The Moas and the Moa-hunters. | 17–49 |
25 | 8 | Note on the Flightless Rail of the Chatham Islands (Cabalus modestus). | 52–53 |
25 | 9 | Notes on New Zealand Birds. | 53–63 |
25 | 10 | Further Notes on the Birds of New Zealand. | 63–88 |
25 | 11 | On the Fissures and Caves at the Castle Rocks, Southland: with a Description of the Remains of the Existing and Extinct Birds found in them. | 88–106 |
25 | 12 | Notes on Birds. | 107–108 |
26 | 12 | On a New Rail from the Auckland Islands. | 180 |
26 | 13 | Brief Ornithological Notes. | 181 |
26 | 14 | On the Birds observed during a Voyage from New Zealand to England, and Notes made on the Return Voyage from Plymouth to Auckland by way of the Cape of Good Hope. | 182–199 |
26 | 19 | Notes on Three Moa-skulls, probably referable to the Genus Pachyornis. | 223-225 |
26 | 20 | Result of a Further Exploration of the Bone-fissure at the Castle Rocks, Southland. | 226–229 |
26 | 21 | Materials for a Bibliography of the Dinornithidæ, the Great Extinct Birds of New Zealand, usually called Moas. | 229–257 |
27 | 3 | Illustrations of Darwinism; or, The Avifauna of New Zealand considered in Relation to the Fundamental Law of Descent with Modification. | 75–104 |
27 | 4 | Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand; with an Exhibition of Rare Specimens. | 104–126 |
27 | 5 | On a New Species of Fern-bird (Sphenœacus) from the Snares Islands; with an Exhibition of Specimens. | 127–128 |
27 | 6 | Notes on the Flightless Duck of the Auckland Islands (Nesonetta aucklandica). | 128–129 |
27 | 7 | Notes on Phalacrocorax colensoi, of the Auckland Islands, and on Phalacrocorax onslowi, of the Chatham Islands. | 129–132 |
27 | 8 | Notes on Œstrelata neglecta; with an Exhibition of Specimens. | 132–134 |
27 | 9 | Some Curiosities of Bird-life. | 134–142 |
27 | 13 | On the Axial Skeleton in the Dinornithidæ. | 157–178 |
27 | 14 | On the Occurrence of a Pneumatic Foramen in the Femur of a Moa. | 173–174 |
27 | 16 | On Majaqueus æquinoctialis, from Antipodes Island. | 177 |
27 | 25 | Further Contributions towards a Bibliography of the Dinornithidæ, the Great Extinct Birds of New Zealand, usually called Moas: Supplement No. 1. | 228–231 |
27 | 26 | On the Feathers of a Small Species of Moa (Megalapteryx) found in a Cave at the Head of the Waikaia River; with a Notice of a Moa-hunter's Camping-place on the Old Man Range. | 232–238 |
27 | 29 | On the Bird Moa and its Aliases. | 262–273 |
27 | 30 | The Kea (Nestor notabilis), a Sheep-eating Parrot. | 273–280 |
27 | 33 | On the Anatomy of Flight of Certain Birds. | 284–287 |
28 | 31 | Notes on New Zealand Ornithology, with an Exhibition of Specimens. | 326–358 |
28 | 32 | On the Occurrence of the Nankeen Kestrel of Australia (Cerchneis cenchroides) in New Zealand. | 359 |
28 | 33 | Notes on some Species of New Zealand Birds. | 360–367 |
28 | 34 | Bird Life on a Run. | 367–375 |
28 | 35 | An Ornithological Note. | 376–377 |
29 | 11 | On the Poua and Other Extinct Birds of the Chatham Islands. | 162–168 |
29 | 13 | Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand. | 179–207 |
29 | 18 | Notes on certain Species of New Zealand Ducks. | 252–256 |
30 | 30 | Notes on Bird-life in the West Coast Sounds. | 279–293 |
30 | 31 | A Romance of Samoan Natural History; or, Records relating to the Manu Mea, or Red Bird of Samoa, now nearly, if not quite, extinct. | 293–303 |
30 | 67 | On Swallows and Martins at Hicks Bay. | 532 |
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
17 | 3 | On a Parasite of the Penguin. | 19–20 |
21 | 57 | Rabbit Disease in the Wairarapa. | 429–438 |
22 | 35 | Rabbit-disease in the South Wairarapa. | 308–325 |
28 | 41 | On Animal and Vegetable Parasites associated with the Production of Neoplasms in Cattle and Sheep. | 451–454 |
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
2 | 2 | On the Tuatara (Hatteria punctata). | 17–20 |
2 | 3 | On the Anatomy of Naultinus Greyii | 20–21 |
3 | 2 | A List of the Lizards inhabiting New Zealand, with Descriptions. | 4–11 |
4 | 21 | Notes on the Lizards of New Zealand, with Descriptions of Two New Species. | 167–172 |
5 | 36 | Observations on Naultinus pacificus, Gray. | 307–308 |
7 | 44 | On the Disappearance of the larger kinds of Lizard from North Canterbury. | 295–297 |
9 | 30 | Notes on the Tuatara Lizard (Sphenodon punctatum), with a description of a supposed New Species. | 317–325 |
9 | 31 | Description of a New Lizard (Naultinus pulcherrimus). | 326–327 |
10 | 27 | Notice of a new Variety of Tuatara Lizard (Sphenodon) from East Cape Island. | 220–221 |
10 | 28 | Notes on the Physiology and Anatomy of the Tuatara (Sphenodon güntheri). | 222–239 |
11 | 42 | Further Notes on the Habits of the Tuatara Lizard | 349–351 |
12 | 26 | Notes and Observations on the Animal Economy and Habits of one of our New Zealand Lizards, supposed to be a new Species of Naultinus. | 251–264 |
12 | 45 | Description of a new Species of Lizard of the Genus Naultinus. | 314–315 |
13 | 62 | Description of a new Species of Lizard of the Genus Naultinus. | 419–420 |
17 | 14 | Description of a small Lizard, a Species of Naultinus, supposed to be new to Science. | 149–151 |
17 | 15 | A Description of some newly-discovered New Zealand Insects believed to be new to Science. | 151–160 |
18 | 20 | Observations on Sphenodon punctatum, Fringe-back Lizard (Tuatara). | 108–110 |
18 | 23 | Notes on the Bones of a Species of Sphenodon (S. diversum, Col.), apparently distinct from the species already known. | 118–123 |
19 | 8 | On the Occurrence of the English Scaly Lizard (Zootoca vivipara) in New Zealand. | 67–69 |
19 | 15 | Further Notes and Observations on the Gestation, Birth, and Young of a Lizard, a Species of Naultinus. | 147–150 |
19 | 16 | Remarks on Palinurus lalandii, M. Edw., and P. edwardsii, Button. | 150–155 |
25 | 13 | On the Occurrence of the Luth, or Leathery Turtle, on the Coasts of New Zealand. | 108–110 |
29 | 21 | The Lizards (Lacertilia) indigenous to New Zealand. | 264–280 |
Zoology (other)
[edit]Volume | Article No. | Article title | Page numbers |
5 | 26 | On the Geographical Relations of the New Zealand Fauna. | 227–256 |
10 | 39 | Notes on the New Zealand Myriopoda in the Otago Museum. | 288–293 |
10 | 43 | Notes on some Changes in the Fauna of Otago. | 306–324 |
11 | 35 | On a new Infusorian parasitic on Patella argentea. | 330 |
11 | 36 | Description of some new Slugs. | 331–332 |
11 | 38 | Notes on a Collection from the Auckland Islands and Campbell Island. | 337–343 |
11 | 53 | The District of Okarita, Westland. | 386–391 |
14 | 33 | On a new Method of preserving Cartilaginous Skeletons and other soft Animal Structures. | 258–264 |
14 | 39 | Notes on Zoological Researches made on the Chicken Islands, East Coast of the North Island. | 274–277 |
17 | 18 | Objections to the Introduction of Beasts of Prey to destroy the Rabbit. | 179–182 |
17 | 19 | A short Description of a few Experiments bearing on the Question of Spontaneous Generation. | 182–186 |
18 | 9 | On an Index-Collection for small Zoological Museums, in the Form of a Genealogical Tree of the Animal Kingdom. | 73–78 |
18 | 32 | Description of a new Pill-Millipede. | 139–140 |
24 | 27 | Animal Intelligence. | 349–354 |
26 | 4 | Description of a Large Species of Iulus. | 106 |
28 | 40 | Zoological Notes, Nelson District. | 449–450 |