Wikisource:WikiProject Transactions NZ Institute/Article topics/Zoology

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Article topics:Zoology

List of zoology articles to be proofread


Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
2 13 On the New Zealand Frog (Leiopelma Hochstetterii); with an account of a remarkable feature in the history of some species of Australian Frogs 87–88
12 25 On the New Zealand Frog 250–251


Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
2 11 On the Katipo, a poisonous spider of New Zealand. 81–84
3 7 On the Katipo, or Venomous Spider of New Zealand. 29–34
3 10 On Latrodectus (Katipo), the Poisonous Spider of New Zealand. 56–59
5 31 On the Spiders of New Zealand (Part I., Genus Salticus). 280–286
6 36 An Introduction to the Study and Collection of the Araneidea in New Zealand, with a Description and Figures of Cambridqea fasciata, L. Koch, from Chatham Island; and also of a New Species of Macrothete, Auss., M. Huttonii, Cambr., found at Wellington, New Zealand. 187–207
8 31 On the Habits of the Trap-door Spider. 222–262
10 37 On a new Species of Trapdoor Spider from New Zealand. 281–287
10 41 Notes on a Marine Spider found at Cape Campbell. 299–300
10 42 Description of Trapdoor Spiders' Nests from California and firom Western Australia in the Christchurch Museum. 301–306
11 22 On Desis robsoni, a Marine Spider from Cape Campbell. 263–268
11 54 Notes on the Breeding Habits of the Katipo (Latrodectus katipo). 391–392
15 12 On some newly-discovered New Zealand Arachnids. 165–173
15 13 On the Protective Resemblances of the Araneidea in New Zealand. 174–178
16 13 On the New Zealand Pycnogonida, with Descriptions of new Species. 242–248
17 5 On the Spiders of New Zealand. 31–53
18 37 On the Spiders of New Zealand. 184–205
19 10 On new Species of Araneidea. 72–118
19 28 Descriptions of new Spiders. 201–212
20 17 On new Species of Araneidea. 109–125
20 20 Descriptions of new Species of New Zealand Araneæ. 133–139
20 21 Notes on Amaurobioides maritima, Cambridge. 140
21 12 On new Species of Araneidea. 134–152
21 13 On a new Species of Gasteracantha from Norfolk Island. 152–154
22 26 Description of a New Species of Argiope, from Fiji. 234–236
22 27 On Two Species of Aranea new to Science, from the Jenolan Caves, New South Wales. 236–239
22 28 Description of New Species of Araneidæ. 239–266
22 29 Description of New Species of New Zealand Araneæ, with Notes on their Habits. 267–273
23 19 On New Species of Araneæ. 128–189
24 15 Catalogue of the Described Species of New Zealand Araneidæ. 220–230
24 16 Descriptions of New Species of Araneæ. 230–253
24 17 On New Zealand Araneæ. 253–257
25 21 Descriptions of New Species of Araneæ. 165–190
26 5 Notes on Spiders. 107–108
26 16 Descriptions of New Species of Araneæ. 204–218
29 24 Described Species of New Zealand Araneæ omitted from the Catalogue of 1891, "Transactions of the New Zealand Institute." 284


Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
22 3 Bacteria and their Relation to Disease. 31–55
22 4 Remarks on Pathogenic Microbes, and the Means of preventing Diseases originating in their Introduction into the System. 55–63
26 61 Tuberculosis in Man and Animals. 526–533


Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
5 34 Remarks on the Coleoptera of Canterbury, New Zealand. 294–304
6 32 Notes upon certain recently-deseribed New Genera and Species of Coleoptera from Canterbury, New Zealand. 155–157
7 45 On the Goodephagous Coleoptera of New Zealand. 297–314
7 46 On the Longicorn Coleoptera of New Zealand. 315–332
8 32 Notes on the Coleoptera of Auckland, N.Z. 262–271
8 33 Remarks on the Pselaphidæ (Coleoptera) of New Zealand. 271–282
8 34 Description of a New Genera and Species of Heteromera, New Zealand. 282–298
9 48 Descriptions of New Species of Coleoptera. 371–374
9 49 Description of a New Species of the Genus Cicindela. 374–375
9 50 On the Anthribidæ of New Zealand. 375–390
9 51 On the Colydiidæ of New Zealand. 390–401
9 52 Description of New Genera and Species of New Zealand Coleoptera. 402–427
12 32 Contributions to the Cœlenterate Fauna of New Zealand. 274–276
12 35 On the Habits of Prionoplus reticularis, with Diagnoses of the Larva and Pupa. 284–288
12 36 Description of the Larva of Pericoptus truncatus, with Observations as to Habitat. 288–290
15 29 Notes on the Anatomy and Embryology of Scymnus lichia. 222–234
20 16 On Henops brunneus, Hutton. 106–108
25 24 Remarks on the Carabidæ of New Zealand. 194–198


Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
11 16 On some Coccidæ in New Zealand. 187–228
11 17 On a Hymenopterous Insect parasitic on Coccidæ. 228–230
12 37 Further Notes on New Zealand Coccidæ. 291–301
14 29 Further Notes on Coccidæ in New Zealand, with Descriptions of new Species. 215–229
17 4 Further Notes on Coccidæ in New Zealand. 20–31
19 2 On the "Honeydew" of Coccidæ, and the Fungus accompanying these Insects. 41–45
19 3 Further Notes on New Zealand Coccidæ. 45–49
22 16 Further Notes on Coccididiæ, with Descriptions of New Species from Australia, Fiji, and New Zealand. 133–156
23 1 Further Coccid Notes: with Descriptions of New Species from New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji. 1–36
24 1 Further Coccid Notes: with Descriptions of New Species from New Zealand, Australia, and elsewhere. 1–64
25 26 Further Coccid Notes: with Descriptions of New Species from Australia, India, Sandwich Islands, Demerara, and South Pacific. 201–252
26 2 Further Coccid Notes: with Descriptions of several New Species, and Discussion of various Points of Interest. 65–105
27 1 Synoptical List of Coccidæ reported from Australasia and the Pacific Islands up to December, 1894. 1–35
27 2 Further Coccid Notes: with Descriptions of New Species from New Zealand, Australia, Sandwich Islands, and elsewhere, and Remarks upon many Species already reported. 36–75
28 38 Further Coccid Notes: with Descriptions of New Species, and Discussion of Questions of Interest. 380–411
29 28 Further Coccid Notes: with Descriptions of New Species, and Discussion of Points of Interest. 293–331
30 26 Further Coccid Notes: with Description of New Species, and Discussion of Points of Interest. 219–252


Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
4 23 On the New Zealand Chitonidæ. 173–183
4 37 Description of a New Shell found at Nelson. 218–219
7 39 Description of two new Species of Aplysia. 279
10 40 Contributions to the Conchology of New Zealand. 293–299
12 40 Descriptions of new Marine Shells. 306–307
14 22 Description of two little-known Species of New Zealand Shells. 168–169
14 37 Additions to the List of New Zealand Shells. 268–269
14 41 Description of new Shells. 282–283
15 8 Descriptions of new Land Shells. 134–141


Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
7 40 Description of two new Species of Crustacea from New Zealand. 279–280
7 43 Description of a new Crustacean, Phronima novæ-zealandiæ. 294–295
9 64 Notes on New Zealand Crustacea. 472–475
9 65 Notes on the Genera Astacoides and Paranephrops. 475–477
11 18 New Zealand Crustacea, with Descriptions of new Species. 230–248
11 19 Description of new Crustacean from the Auckland Islands. 249–250
11 20 Description of a new Species of Isopodous Crustacean. 250–251
11 21 On the New Zealand Entomostraca. 251–263
11 55 On Additions to the Carcinological Fauna of New Zealand. 392–397
11 57 Notes on some New Zealand Crustaceans. 401–402
12 38 On Melicerta ringens and Plumatella repens. 301–303
12 44 Description of a new Species of Palinurus. 313–314
13 23 Recent Additions to, and Notes on, New Zealand Crustacea. 204–221
13 31 Notice of new Crustaceans. 236–237
14 24 Additions to the New Zealand Crustacea. 171–174
14 25 On some Subterranean Crustacea. 174–180
14 30 Additions to the Crustacean Fauna of New Zealand. 230–238
15 2 Further Additions to our Knowledge of the New Zealand Crustacea. 69–86
15 3 Notes on, and a new Species of, Subterranean Crustacea. 87–92
15 4 On the New Zealand Copepoda. 93–116
15 10 Additions to the Isopodan Fauna of New Zealand. 145–150
15 11 On some Points of Difference between the English Crayfish (Astacus fluviatilis) and a New Zealand one (Paranephrops setosus). 150–165
15 15 On two new Isopods. 188–190
16 11 Descriptions of new Crustaceans. 234–240
16 14 Additions to the Sessile-eyed Crustacea of New Zealand. 249–265
16 21 On the Structure of the Head in Palinurus, with especial Reference to the Classification of the Genus. 297–307
18 33 Critical List of the Crustacea Malacostraca of New Zealand. 141–159
19 25 On a new Species of Alpheus. 194–196
20 4 On a curious Parasite (Anthosoma smithii, Leach) from the Porbeagle Shark (Lamna cornubica). 31–33
20 6 Brief Description of a new Species of large Decapod (Architeuthis longimanus). 34–39
21 28 The Distribution and Varieties of the Freshwater Crayfish of New Zealand. 237–252
21 31 Notes on, and recent Additions to, the New Zealand Crustacean Fauna. 259–268
22 22 Revision of the New Zealand Idoteidæ. 189–204
22 43 Parasitic Copepoda of New Zealand, with Descriptions of New Species. 353–376
23 7 On the Changes in Form of a Parastic Isopod (Nerocila). 68–71
23 27 A New Parasitic Copepod. 227–229
24 18 Notes on some New Zealand Amphipoda and Isopoda. 258–269
27 22 Notes on some Crustacea from Macquarie Island. 210–214

Entomology (other)

Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
3 8 Notes on the Genus Deinacrida in New Zealand. 34–37
3 15 Notes upon a New Zealand Flesh-fly. 116–120
5 32 Notes on the Stridulating Organs of the Cicada. 286–288
5 33 On the Direct Injuries to Vegetation in New Zealand by various Insects, especially with reference to Larvae of Moths and Beetles feeding upon the Field Crops; and the expediency of introducing Insectivorous Birds as a Remedy. 289–294
6 31 Note on the Occurrence of Dernestes lardarius and Phoracantha recurva in Canterbury, New Zealand. 153–154
6 33 List of the Insects recorded as haying been found in New Zealand previous to the Year 1870. 158–171
9 37 Insect Architecture, or Notes on the Habits of the Black Spider-wasp of New Zealand. 343–348
9 42 Contributions to the Entomology of New Zealand. 355–358
9 47 On Insects injurious to the Kauri Pine (Dammara australis). 366–371
12 31 Contributions to the Entomology of New Zealand. 272–274
13 27 Description of the Larva and Pupa of Lasiorhynchus barbicornis. 228–230
13 28 On the Larva and Pupa of Ceratognathus irroratus. 230–231
14 16 On the New Zealand Hydrobiinæ. 143–146
14 40 On some new and undescribed Species of New Zealand Insects, of the Orders Orthoptera and Coleoptera. 277–282
15 16 On two Marine Mites. 190–192
15 27 Description of a new Dipterous Insect. 218
16 3 Notes on a Native Species of Mantis. 113–118
16 12 On a new Species of Daphnia. 240–241
17 2 Note on an Aphidian Insect infesting Pine Trees, with Observations on the Name "Chermes" or "Kermes." 13–19
18 34 A new Species of Philygria. 159–161
18 41 On the Metamorphosis of the Caddis Fly. 213–214
19 7 On Ixodes maskelli, a Parasite of the Albatross (Diomedea exulans). 65–67
19 14 A Description of a large and new Species of Orthopterous Insect of the genus Hemideina, Walker. 145–147
19 26 Notes on some Foraminifera from the Hauraki Gulf. 196–200
20 8 A Description of a new Species of Coccinella found in New Zealand. 40–42
21 17 A Description of a new and large Species of Orthopterous Insect of the Genus Hemideina, Walker. 193–194
21 26 The Mole-cricket (Gryllotalpa vulgaris) in New Zealand. 233–235
21 30 On some Gall-producing Insects in New Zealand. 253–258
22 17 On some Species of Psyllldæ in New Zealand. 157–170
22 18 On some Alcurodidæ from New Zealand and Fiji. 170–176
22 19 The Wattle-blight (Icerya purchasi) in Tasmania, and its Natural Enemies. 176–178
22 20 An Entomological Tour on the Table-land of Mount Arthur. 179–186
22 21 Eristalis tenax and Muaca vomitoria in New Zealand. 187–188
22 25 Notes on a Collection of Pselaphida from the Neighbourhood of Clevedon, Southern Wairoa. 230–233
22 40 On the Occurrence of the Black Vine-weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) in Nelson. 338–340
23 4 On the New Zealand Cicadæ. 49–55
23 14 Notes on Blights. 111
24 24 Description of a New Genus of the Family Formicidæ. 303–304
24 28 Instances of Instinct in Insects. 354–358
25 17 Notes on New Zealand Insects. 153–155
25 19 Synonymical Notes on New Zealand Cicadidæ. 162–163
25 20 Note on an Ant-like Insect (Betyla fulva, Cameron) parasitic in the New Zealand Glow-worm. 164
25 25 On some Mites parasitic on Beetles and Wood-lice. 199–201
25 27 On the Geographical Distribution of Atax. 252–253
27 10 On the Wetas, a Group of Orthopterous Insects inhabiting New Zealand; with Descriptions of Two New Species. 143–147
27 15 On a New Species of Weta (Locustidæ) from Bounty Island. 174–176
27 32 A Chapter in the History of the Warfare against Insect-pests. 282–284
27 36 On some New Species of Tipulæ (Daddy-long-legs) found in New Zealand. 293–295
27 72 On a New Species of Ant from New Zealand. 635–636
28 24 New Zealand Diptera: No. 1. 216–250
28 25 New Zealand Diptera: No. 2. Mycetophilidæ. 250–309
28 26 New Zealand Diptera: No. 3. Simulidæ. 310–311
28 30 On a New Species of Deinacrida or Forest-cricket from Nelson. 323–326
28 39 Contributions towards a Monograph of the Aleurodidæ, a Family of Hemiptera-Homoptera. 411–449
28 42 Notes on the Cicadidæ of New Zealand. 454–459
28 44 On the Habits of New Zealand Ants. 468–479
28 45 On the Construction of the Comb of the Hive-bee. 479–490
29 14 The Stenopelmatidæ of New Zealand. 208–242
29 15 Note on the Mantis found in New Zealand. 242–243
29 22 Notes on the Cicadas of New Zealand. 280–282
29 27 On some Tick-parasites of the Kiwi. 290–293
30 17 The Grasshoppers and Locusts of New Zealand and the Kermadec Islands. 135–150
30 19 On a Collection of Insects from the Chatham Islands, with Descriptions of Three New Species. 155–160
30 20 On the Phasmidæ of New Zealand. 160–166
30 21 Synopsis of the Hemiptera of New Zealand which have been described previous to 1896. 167–187


Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
2 1 On the New Zealand Sword-fish. 13–16
2 7 On a species of Ophisurus, found on the Coast of New Zealand. 34–40
2 12 On four Fishes, commonly found in the River Avon; with a consideration of the question, "What is Whitebait?" 84–87
2 Paper6 On the Mud Fish (Neochanna apoda, Günther), from Hokitika. 402
3 16 On the Absence of the Eel from the Upper Waters of the Waiau-ua and its Tributaries. 120–122
3 20 Observations on Coridodax pullus. 130–132
3 21 On the Salmonidæ of New Zealand. 133–136
3 22 On a New Species of Fish, Coryphænoides Novæ Zelandiæ; Native name, Okarari. 136
4 27 Notes on the Anatomy of the Kanae (Mugil sp.). 189–191
5 28 Contributions to the Ichthyology of New Zealand. 259–272
5 29 Notes on some Undescribed Fishes of New Zealand. 272–278
5 37 Note on Ctenolabrus knoxi. 308
6 20 On Cheimarrichthys fosteri, a New Genus belonging to the New Zealand Freshwater Fishes. 103–104
6 21 Notes on some New Zealand Fishes. 104–107
6 22 Notice of Motella novæ-zealandiæ, n.s. 107–108
7 32 On the Occurrence of Lamna cornubica, Porbeagle Shark, Flem., the Mako of the Maoris, in New Zealand. 237–238
7 33 On the Occurrence of Leptocephalus longirostris, Kaup, on the Coast of New Zealand. 238
7 34 Notes on New Zealand Ichthyology. 239–250
8 26 Notes on the Introduction and Acclimatization of Salmon. 205–209
8 27 Contributions to the Ichthyology of New Zealand. 209–218
8 28 Notes on the Habits of the Frost-fish (Lepidopus caudatus). 218–219
8 29 Notes on the Sword-fish (Ziphias gladius). 219–220
8 30 Is Access to the Sea a necessity to Eels. 221–222
9 41 Contributions to the Ichthyology of New Zealand. 533–354
9 62 Notes on New Zealand Ichthyology. 465–469
9 63 Remarks on New Zealand Fishes. 469–472
9 67 Fish and their Seasons. 484–490
10 30 On two new Fishes. 243–246
10 31 Notes on Regalecus pacificus, a new Species of Ribbon-fish from the New Zealand Seas. 246–250
10 32 On the Habits of the New Zealand Grayling (Prototroctes oxyrhynchus). 250–252
10 44 The Dunedin Fish Supply. 324–330
11 23 Notes on the Anatomy of Regalecus pacificus, von Haast. 269–270
11 24 On the Brown Trout introduced into Otago. 271–290
11 25 On some new Fishes. 291–295
11 26 On a new Fish found at Hokitika. 295–297
11 27 On a new Fish. 297–298
11 28 Notes on the Genus Callorhynchus, with a Description of an undescribed New Zealand Species. 298–300
11 52 Our Fish Supply. 380–386
12 42 Additions to the List of New Zealand Fishes. 308–310
12 43 On the Occurrence of Giant Cuttlefish on the New Zealand Coast. 310–313
12 46 Notes on Fishes in Upper Whanganui River. 315–316
13 19 Notes on some Specimens of Migratory Salmonidæ. 175–193
13 20 Notice of a new Fish. 194–195
13 21 Description of a new Species of Trachypterus. 195–199
13 60 On the Venous System of the Skate (Raja nasuta). 413–418
14 26 History of Fish Culture in New Zealand. 180–210
14 27 On the Occurrence of the Salmon Trout in Nelson Harbour. 211–213
15 21 On Diseased Trout in Lake Wakatipu. 198–203
15 22 Notes on the New Zealand Sprat. 203–208
15 23 Notes on the Picton Herring, Clupea pilchardus (C. sagax, New Zealand form). 208–213
15 30 On the Connection of the Air-bladders and the Auditory-organ in the Red Cod (Lotella bacchus). 234–236
16 16 Effect of Cold on Fishes. 275–278
16 18 On the Occurrence of the Spinous Shark (Echinorhinus spinosus) in New Zealand Waters. 280–281
16 19 On a Torpedo (T. fusca, ? n. sp.) recently caught near Dunedin. 281–284
16 20 On a Specimen of the Great Ribbon Fish (Regalecus argenteus, n. sp.), lately obtained at Moeraki, Otago. 284–296
16 25 Notes on New Zealand Ichthyology. 322–323
16 55 On the Brown Trout introduced into Otago.—Paper No. 2. 467–512
17 16 Notes on New Zealand Fishes. 160–172
18 29 Note on a large Sun-Fish (Orthagoriscus mola, L.), recently captured at Napier, Hawke's Bay. 135–136
19 17 On a new Species of Giant Cuttlefish, stranded at Cape Campbell, June 30th, 1886 (Architeuthis kirkii). 155–157
20 2 On a Specimen of Regalecus recently stranded in Otago Harbour. 20–29
20 19 List of Fishes found round the Mokohinou Islands; their Spawning Time; and Observations regarding some of the Species. 127–133
21 27 On the Cause of the Disappearance of Young Trout from our Streams. 235–237
22 30 On a New Genus of Fishes of the Family Percidæ, from New Zealand. 273–275
22 31 List of the New Zealand Fishes. 275–285
22 39 On a Specimen of the Great Ribbon-fish (Regalecus argenteus) taken in Nelson Harbour. 333–338
23 6 Notes on the New Zealand Squillidæ. 58–68
23 8 On the Anatomy of the Red Cod (Lotella bacchus). 71–83
23 17 Description of a New Species of Migas, with Notes on its Habits. 123–126
23 18 Notice of the Occurrence of the Basking Shark (Selache maxima, L.) in New Zealand. 126–127
24 10 On a Species of Regalecus or Great Oar-fish, caught in Okain's Bay. 192–198
24 12 Note on the Occurrence of Cancer in Fish. 201
24 13 Notes on Sea-fishes. 202–215
25 14 On a Specimen of Sunfish captured at Poverty Bay. 110–111
25 22 On Eels. 191–193
25 28 Note on some Sea-trout (Salmon or Salmon-trout?). 254
26 7 On the Anatomy of the Pig-fish (Agriopus leucopæcilus). 111–120
26 18 Note on the Occurrence of Lophotes in New Zealand Waters. 223
28 28 Notes on some New Zealand Fishes, with Description of a New Species. 314–318
29 16 On Two New Globe-fish. 243–250
29 17 Notes on the Occurrence of a Species of Lophotes on the Coast of Taranaki. 251–252
30 27 Notes on Regalecus Sp. 253–254
30 28 Notes on Occurrence of Regalecus argenteus on the Taranaki Coast. 254–266


Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
9 40 On the New Zealand Earth-worms. 350–353
11 33 Catalogue of the hitherto-described Worms of New Zealand. 314–327
11 56 On some New Zealand Aphroditæ, with Descriptions of supposed new Species. 397–400
12 33 Additions to the List of New Zealand Worms. 277–278
14 36 On some new Marine Planarians. 267–268
14 38 On Pseudo-scab and Lung-worm in Sheep. 269–274
15 24 On two new Planarians from Auckland Harbour. 213–214
16 15 On the Habits of Earth-Worms in New Zealand. 266–275
19 5 On New Zealand Glow-worms. 62–64
19 6 Note on a curious Double Worm. 64–65
19 11 On the Work of Earth-worms in New Zealand. 119–123
19 12 Notes on New Zealand Earth-worms. 123–139
21 29 Note on the Parasite (Temnocephala) found on the Freshwater Crayfish of New Zealand. 252–253
23 3 The Habits and Life-history of the New Zealand Glowworm. 43–49
25 15 Further Notes on New Zealand Earthworms, with Observations on the known Aquatic Species. 111–146
25 29 Notes on a Land Planarian (sent by F. V. Knapp, Hampden State School, Nelson). 255
26 10 Further Notes on New Zealand Earthworms. 155–175
27 17 Notes on New Zealand Land Planarians: Part I. 177–189
27 18 Note on a New Variety of Peripatus novæ-zealandiæ, Hutton. 190–191
27 19 Notes on a New Zealand Land Nemertine. 191–194
28 22 Notes on New Zealand Land Planarians: Part II. 210–214
28 23 Note on the Discovery of Living Specimens of Geonemertes novæ-zealandiæ. 214–215
29 20 Notes on New Zealand Land Planarians: Part III. 258–264


Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
3 23 On the Lepidoptera of Otago. 137–141
4 36 Observations on a Paper read by Mr. A. Bathgate before the Otago Institute, 11th January, 1870, "On the Lepidoptera of Otago." 214–218
5 30 Notice of a New Species of Moth in New Zealand. 279–280
6 34 List of the Lepidoptera recorded as haviug been found in New Zealand previous to the Year 1871. 171–182
6 35 Observations on the Occurrence of a Butterfly, new to New Zealand, of the Genus Danais. 183–186
8 36 Description of a Species of Butterfly belonging to the family Satyridæ, Westwood. 302–304
9 58 On the occurrence in New Zealand of a Species of Lepidoptera belonging to the Cossidæ family. 459–460
9 59 Brief Observations on the Genus Chrysophanus as represented in New Zealand. 460–463
10 33 Supplementary Description of Species or Varieties of Chrysophani (Lepidoptera Rhopalocera) inhabiting New Zealand. 252–259
10 34 Description of new Genera and Species of Psychidæ. 260–263
10 35 On the Butterflies of New Zealand. 263–276
10 36 Notes on the Metamorphosis and Development of one of our large Butterflies (Danais berenice), or a closely-allied Species. 276–280
11 29 Notes on the Metamorphosis of one of our largest Moths, Dasypodia selenophora. 300–304
11 30 Further Notes on Danais berenice 305
11 41 Notes on the Life History of Charagia virescens. 347–348
12 27 Description of a new (?) Genus and Species of Butterfly of the Sub-family Satyrinæ. 264–266
12 28 Description of a (?) new Species of the Family Leucanidæ, and a (?) new Species of the Genus (?) Chlenias. 267–270
13 32 Notes on some Species of Diurnal Moths. 237–239
15 1 Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-Lepidoptera. 3–68
15 17 Occurrence of a Species of Ophideres, Boisd., new to New Zealand. 192–193
15 18 Description of a Species of Butterfly, new to New Zealand, and probably to Science. 193–195
15 19 Description of two new Species of Heteropterous Lepidoptera. 195–196
15 20 Notes on a peculiar Neuration in the Wings of some Individuals of Perenodaimon pluto, a New Zealand Butterfly. 197
16 1 Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-Lepidoptera. 1–49
16 2 A Monograph of the New Zealand Geometrina. 49–113
16 4 Description of a new Species of Cidaria (Lepidoptera). 119—120
17 10 Supplement to a Monograph of the New Zealand Geometrina. 62–68
17 11 Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-lepidoptera. 68–120
17 12 Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-lepidoptera. 121–140
17 13 Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-lepidoptera. 141–149
18 35 Description of New Zealand Micro-lepidoptera. 162–183
18 36 Notes on Nomenclature of New Zealand Geometrina. 184
18 39 Life History of Epyaxa rosearia, Dbld. 208–209
18 40 Notes on the so-called Vegetable Caterpillar of New Zealand. 209–213
19 1 Monograph of New Zealand Noctuina. 3–40
19 9 Description of a new Species of Moth (Pasiphila lichenodes). 69–72
19 27 On the Occurrence of Junonia vellida and Deopeia pulchella in New Zealand. 201
20 11 Supplement to a Monograph of New Zealand Noctuina. 44–47
20 12 Notes on New Zealand Geometrina. 47–62
20 13 Notes on New Zealand Pyralidina. 62–73
20 14 Notes on New Zealand Tortricina. 73–76
20 15 Descriptions of New Zealand Tineina. 77–106
21 14 Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-Lepidoptera. 154–188
21 15 On the Natural History of Three Species of Micro-Lepidoptera. 189–190
21 16 On the Varieties of a common Moth (Declana floccosa). 190–193
21 18 Notes on a peculiar Chrysalis of an unknown pages Species of Butterfly. 194–196
21 19 A few Notes on the Economy and Habits of one of our largest and handsomest New Zealand Butterflies (Pyrameis gonerilla). 196–199
22 23 Descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. 204–220
23 5 A few Words on the Codlin-moths, Carpocapsa pomonella, L., and Cacoecia excessana, Walk. 56–58
23 11 New Species of Lepidoptera. 97–101
23 22 On the Occurrence of Danais plexippus and Sphinx convolvuli (?) in Nelson. 192–194
24 14 On New Species of Lepidoptera. 216–220
26 3 Notes on New Zealand Neuroptera. 105–106
27 31 On the Abundance of Vanessa itea in Wellington during Season 1894. 281
28 27 On Dodonidia helmsi, Fereday. 312–313
28 36 Notes on Rare Lepidoptera in Wellington. 377–379
28 37 On the Unusual Abundance of certain Species of Plume-moths during the Summer of 1894–95. 379
29 23 Descriptions of Two New Species of Lepidoptera. 282–283
30 37 A Synonymic List of the Lepidoptera of New Zealand. 326–377


Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
2 4 On the Balænidæ, or Whales with baleen. 21–28
2 5 On Seals of the genus Stenorhyncus, captured on the East Coast of Otago. 28–32
2 6 On a (probably new) variety of the Small-nailed Seal,—Stenorhyncus Leptonyx, of Cuvier, and De Blainville, and allied to the Phoca Leopardina of Jameson. 33–34
2 45 Preliminary notice of a Ziphid Whale, probably Berardius Arnuxii, stranded on December 16, 1868, on the sea beach, near New Brighton, Canterbury. 190–192
3 1 On the New Zealand Rat. 1–4
3 17 Notes on the Skull of Balæna marginata, described in "Transactions of the New Zealand Institute," Vol. ii., p. 26, as the Type of a New Genus, Neobalæna. 123–124
3 18 Observations on the Ziphidæ, a Family of the Cetacea. 125–129
3 19 Short Notice of a Remarkable Tooth of a Cetacean. 130
4 24 Description of a Specimen of Mus rattus, L., in the Colonial Museum. 183–184
4 25 On the Bats of New Zealand. 184–186
4 26 Observations on the New Zealand Bats. 186–188
4 29 Notes on the Fur Seal of New Zealand (Arctocephalus cinereus, Gray?). 196–199
4 30 On the Fur Seal of New Zealand. 199–202
5 19 On the Whales and Dolphins of the New Zealand Seas. 154–170
6 14 Notes on Delphinus forsteri. 85
6 15 Notes of a Variation in the Dentition of Mesoplodon hectori, Gray. 86–87
6 16 List of Seals, Whales, and Dolphins of New Zealand. 87–89
6 17 Notice of the Skeleton of the New Zealand Right Whale (Macleayius australiensis). 90–92
6 18 Notes on Dr. Hector's Paper on the Whales and Dolphins of the New Zealand Seas. 93–97
6 19 On the Occurrence of a New Species of Euphysetes (E. pottsii), a remarkably small Catodent Whale, on the Coast of New Zealand. 97–102
7 35 Notes on New Zealand Whales. 251–265
7 36 Description of some Plates of Baleen in the Otago Museum. 266
8 15 Notes on the Existence of a large Bat. 180
8 16 Description of the "Cow Fish," or "Bottle-nosed Dolphin" (Tursio metis.) 180–181
9 38 Notes on the Maori Rat. 348
9 39 Notes on the New Zealand Delphinide. 349–350
9 54 Notes on the Skeleton of Epiodon novæ-zealandiæ. 430–442
9 55 Notes on the Mesoplodon floweri. 442–450
9 56 On Oulodon: a New Genus of Ziphioid Whales. 450–457
9 57 Description of a Species of Catocala, new to Science. 457–459
9 66 Notes on the New Zealand Cetacea. 477–484
10 10 Notes, chiefly historical, on the ancient Dog of the New Zealanders. 135–155
10 38 Second Note on the Maori Rat. 288
10 45 Notes on the Whales of the New Zealand Seas. 331–343
11 39 Note accompanying Specimens of the Black Rat (Mus rattus, L.). 343–344
12 21 Notes on Ziphius (Epiodon) novæ-zealandiæ, von Haast—Goosebeaked Whale. 241–246
13 18 Notes on Balænoptera rostrata, Fabricius (B. huttoni, Gray). 169–175
15 25 Notes on a Skeleton of Megaptera lalandii (novæ-zealandiæ). 214–216
15 28 On the Gravid Uterus of Mustelus antarcticus. 219–222
17 1 Notes on the Skeleton and Baleen of a Fin-whale (Balænoptera musculus?) recently acquired by the Otago University Museum. 3–13
17 22 The Plague of Rats in Nelson and Marlborough. 199–207
17 23 Notes on the Dolphins of the New Zealand Seas. 207–211
18 21 Notes on the Habits of the Polecat, Ferret, Mongoose, Stoat, and Weasel. 110–112
20 9 Note on the Rat that invaded Picton in March, 1884. 43
20 18 Notes on Bats. 125–126
22 34 On the Habits of the New Zealand Bush-rat (Mus maorium). 300–307
22 37 On the Wild Dogs of New Zealand. 327–330
22 38 Note on the Fœtal Membranes of Mustelus antarcticus. 331–333
23 23 On Rats and Mice. 195–201
23 24 On Rabbits, Weasels, and Sparrows. 201–207
23 25 Further Notes on Coloured Sheep. 207–216
24 11 On some Points in the Anatomy of a Species of Sea-bear caught off Sumner, Canterbury, New Zealand; with Notes on the New Zealand Eared Seals. 198–200
24 51 On the Native Dog of New Zealand. 540–557
25 6 Notes on Mus maorium, Hutton, with Exhibition of Specimen. 49–50
25 7 Note on the Bats of New Zealand. 50–52
25 30 Notes on the Southern Seals. 255–260
26 17 Notes on the New Zealand Bats. 218–222
27 27 Zoological Notes: (1) Arboreal Nests of Bush-rat (Mus maorium); (2) Paryphanta hochstetteri found at Low Levels at West Wanganui. 238–239
27 28 Remarks on the Rats of New Zealand. 240–261
30 18 Note on the Ancient Maori Dog. 151–155
30 32 On Rats, and their Nesting in Small Branches of Trees. 303–309

Marine (other)

Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
5 27 On the New Zealand Sertularians. 256–259
7 41 Description of a new Species of Actinia. 280
7 42 Notes on the New Zealand Hydroideæ. 281–293
8 35 Critical Notes on New Zealand Hydroida. 298–302
9 44 Corrections and Additions to the Catalogue of the New Zealand Echinodermata (1872). 362
9 60 On the occurrence in New Zealand of Diadema bolina, Linn. 463
11 31 Notes on some New Zealand Echinodermata, with Descriptions of new Species. 305–308
11 32 The Sea Anemones of New Zealand. 308–314
11 34 List of the New Zealand Cirripedia in the Otago Museum. 328–330
11 40 On a new Species of Millepora. 345–347
12 29 Note and Description of a possibly-new Species of Aplysia. 270–271
12 34 Descriptions of new Star-fishes from New Zealand. 278–283
13 61 On a new Holothurian (Chirodota dunedinensis, n.sp.). 418
14 42 Description of new Cephalopoda. 283–286
18 38 Description of Diadema nerina. 205–208
18 42 On some Specimens of Vorticellæ, collected in the neighbourhood of Wellington. 215–217
19 4 On the Freshwater Infusoria of the Wellington District. 49–61
19 18 On the Anatomy of the Limpet (Patinella radians, Quoy). 157–160
20 1 On the Freshwater Infusoria of the Wellington District. 3–19
23 12 Revised List of the Marine Bryozoa of New Zealand. 102–107
24 25 On the Composite Ascidians of the North Shore Reef. 305–334
24 26 On the Structure of Boltenia pachydermatina. 334–348
25 23 On a New Zealand Variety of Floscidaria coronetta, Cubitt. 193
26 6 Description of a New Species of Ophiuridæ. 109–111
26 11 Contribution to a Knowledge of the New Zealand Sponges. 175–179
27 20 Notes on New Zealand Echinoderms. 194–208
27 21 Descriptions of Two New Gymnoblastic Hydroids. 208–209
27 23 On the most frequent Pelagic Copepods and Cladoceres of the Hauraki Gulf. 214–223
27 34 Further Contribution to a Knowledge of the New Zealand Sponges. 287–292
28 21 New Zealand Sponges: Third Paper. 205–210
28 43 List of New Zealand Hydroida. 459–468
29 19 On Virgularia gracillima in Lyttelton Harbour. 256–257
30 22 Notes on New Zealand Starfishes. 187–191
30 23 A List of Recent and Fossil Bryozoa collected in Various Parts of New Zealand. 192–199
30 24 On the Hydroids of the Neighbourhood of Dunedin. 200–218
30 25 On the Occurrence of Pedicellina in New Zealand. 218
30 34 Notes on New Zealand Sponges: Fourth Paper. 313–316
30 35 On the Sponges described in Dieffenbach's "New Zealand." 316–320
30 36 Notes on a Remarkable Collection of Marine Animals lately found on the New Brighton Beach, near Christchurch, New Zealand. 320–326


Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
8 37 On the Mollusca of Auckland Harbour. 304–311
9 43 Corrections and Additions to the List of Polyzoa in the Catalogue of the Marine Mollusca of New Zealand (1873). 358–361
11 51 Descriptions of three new Species of Opisthobranchiate Mollusca. 378–380
12 39 List of Marine Mollusca found in the neighbourhood of Wellington. 303–306
12 41 Notice of the Occurrence of Vitrina milligani in New Zealand. 307
13 22 Contributions to New Zealand Malacology. 200–204
13 24 On some new Species of Nudibranchiate Mollusca. 222–224
13 25 On a new Genus of Opisthobranchiate Mollusca. 224
14 17 On a new Genus of Rissoinæ. 147
14 18 On the Fresh-water Lamellibranchs of New Zealand. 148–150
14 19 Notes on some Pulmonate Mollusca. 150–158
14 20 Notes on the Anatomy of the Bitentaculate Slugs of New Zealand. 158–161
14 21 Notes on some Branchiate Mollusca. 162–167
14 23 Notes on New Zealand Mollusca. 169–171
14 28 On two Species of Nudibranchiate Mollusca. 213–215
15 5 Notes on the Structure of Struthiolaria papulosa. 117–118
15 6 Notes on some Branchiate Gastropoda. 118–131
15 7 Additions to the Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand. 131–133
15 9 On the New Zealand Siphonariidæ. 141–145
15 26 Description of a new Species of Æolis. 217
16 5 Further Notes on Coccidæ in New Zealand, with Descriptions of new Species. 120–144
16 6 On the Anatomy of Sepioteuthis bilineata, Quoy and Gaimard. 145–160
16 7 Notes on some New Zealand Land Shells, with Descriptions of new Species. 161–186
16 8 Revision of the Land Mollusca of New Zealand. 186–212
16 9 Notes on some Marine Mollusca, with Descriptions of new Species. 212–216
16 10 Revision of the recent Rhachiglossate Mollusca of New Zealand. 216–233
17 6 The Fresh-water Shells of New Zealand belonging to the Family Limnæidæ. 54–58
17 7 Description of a new Species of Paper Nautilus (Argonauta gracilis). 58–59
17 21 Description of a new Octopus. 198–199
18 30 On a new Species of Chromodoris. 137
18 31 On a new Paper-Nautilus (Argonauta bulleri). 138–139
19 19 On the Mollusca of the Vicinity of Auckland. 161–176
19 20 The Land Mollusca of the Thames Goldfields. 177–181
20 10 Description of a new Land Shell from the Province of Nelson. 43–44
22 24 Descriptions of New Species of New Zealand Land and Fresh-water Shells. 221–230
23 9 Descriptions of New Species of New Zealand Land and Fresh-water Shells. 84–93
23 10 Miscellaneous Communications on New Zealand Land and Fresh-water Molluscs. 93–96
24 19 Contributions to the Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand. 270–278
24 20 List of the Introduced Land and Fresh-water Mollusca of New Zealand. 279–281
24 21 List of Land and Fresh-water Mollusca doubtful for New Zealand or not inhabiting it. 281–283
24 22 Miscellaneous Communications on New Zealand Land and Fresh-water Mollusca. 283–286
24 23 On the Dentition of some New Zealand Land and Fresh-water Mollusca, with Descriptions of New Species. 286–303
25 16 Contributions to the Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand. 147–153
25 18 An Enumeration of the Janellidæ. 156–162
26 8 Further Contributions to the Knowledge of the Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand, with Descriptions of Eight New Species. 121–138
26 9 Check-list of the New Zealand Land and Freshwater Mollusca. 139–154
27 24 Notes on the Larger Species of Paryphanta in New Zealand, with some Remarks on the Distribution and Dispersal of Land-shells. 224–228
27 35 On a New Shell (Anomia walteri). 292–293
28 29 Further Contributions to the Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand. 319–323
30 33 Notes on Patellidæ, with reference to Species found on the Rocks at Island and Lyall's Bays. 309–312


Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
1 6 Notes on Herr Finsch's Review of Mr. Walter Buller's Essay on New Zealand Ornithology 49–57
1 12 Notes on the Birds of the Great Barrier Island 104–106
1 13 Notes on the Birds of the Little Barrier Island 106
1 6a Notes on Mr. Walter Buller's Essay on the Ornithology of New Zealand 58–73
1 Essay5 On the Ornithology of New Zealand. By Walter Buller, F.L.S. 213–231
2 8 On the Birds of New Zealand. 40–78
2 9 Description of two Birds new to the Fauna of New Zealand. 78–80
2 10 On the introduction of the Pheasant into the Province of Auckland. 80
2 63 Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand. 385–392
3 3 Critical Notes on the Ornithological portion of "Taylor's New Zealand and its Inhabitants." 11–14
3 4 Notice of a Species of Megapode, in the Auckland Museum. 14–15
3 5 On Zosterops lateralis in New Zealand, with an Account of its Migrations. 15–23
3 6 On the Structure and Habits of the Huia (Heteralocha Gouldi). 24–29
3 9 Further Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand. 37–56
3 11 On the Birds of New Zealand (Part II.) 59–109
3 12 Notes on an Egg of Alea impennis, Linn., in the Collection of the writer. 109–110
3 13 On the Nests and Eggs of some Species of New Zealand Birds not previously described. 111–112
3 14 Notes on the Habits of Podiceps cristatus. 113–116
4 19 On Megapodius pritchardi, Gray. 165
4 20 On the Microscopical Structure of the Egg-shell of the Moa. 166–167
4 22 On some Moa Feathers. 172–173
4 28 Notes on Harpargornis moorei, an Extinct Gigantic Bird of Prey; containing description of Femur, Ungual Phalanges, and Rib. 192–193
4 31 Notes on a New Species of Rail (Rallus pictus), Painted Rail. 202–203
4 32 Notes on a New Species of Gull, Larus (Bruchigavia) bulleri, Potts. 203–204
4 33 Notes on a New Species of Apteryx (A. haastii, Potts). 204–205
4 34 Notes on the Habits of some of the Birds of New Zealand. 206–213
4 35 On a Supposed New Species of Duck. 213
5 20 On the Birds of New Zealand (Part III.). 171–205
5 21 Remarks on some Birds of New Zealand. 206–212
5 22 On the Birds of the Chatham Islands. By H. H. Travers. 212–222
5 23 Notes on some of the Birds brought by Mr. Henry Travers from the Chatham Islands, with Descriptions of the New Species. 222–224
5 24 Notes on some of the New Zealand Birds. 225–226
5 25 Note on Colluricincla concinna, Hutton. 226–227
6 13 On Cnemiornis calcitrans, Owen, showing its Affinity to the Lamellirostrate Natatores. 76–84
6 23 On a New Genus of Rallidæ. 108–110
6 24 Notes on the New Zealand Woodhens (Oeydromus). 110–112
6 25 Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand. 112–118
6 26 Notes on the Little Bittern of New Zealand (Ardetta maculata). 119–121
6 27 Note on Platycercus unicolor in the British Museum. 121–123
6 28 Remarks on Captain Hutton's Notes on Certain Species of New Zealand Birds. 123–126
6 29 Notes by Captain Hutton on Dr. Buller's "Birds of New Zealand," with the Author's Replies thereto 126–133
6 30 On the Birds of New Zealand (Part IV.) 139–153
7 22 On the Ornithology of New Zealand. 197–211
7 23 Notes on certain disputed Species of New Zealand Birds. 211–212
7 24 On the Existence of two Species of Hieracidea in New Zealand. 213–214
7 25 Notes on an alleged new Species of Tern (Sterna alba, Potts). 214–215
7 26 Description of a new Species of Petrel (Procellaria affinis). 215–216
7 27 On the Occurrence of Plotus novæ-hollandiæ in New Zealand. 217–218
7 28 Notice of a new Species of Parrakeet in New Zealand. 219–220
7 29 On the Genus Himantopus in New Zealand. 220–224
7 30 On some Additions to the Collection of Birds in the Colonial Museum. 224–225
7 31 Preliminary Remarks on some New Zealand Birds. 226–236
8 17 Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand. 190
8 18 Notes on Gerygone flaviventris. 190–192
8 19 Notes on the Nesting Habits of the Huia. 192–193
8 20 On the Occurrence of Apteryx oweni at high altitudes in the North Island. 193–194
8 21 Remarks on Dr. Finsch's paper on New Zealand Ornithology. 194–196
8 22 Remarks on various Species of New Zealand Birds. 196–199
8 23 Notes on Birds observed during a voyage to England. 199–200
8 24 Further Remarks on some New Zealand Birds. 200–204
9 32 On the Ornithology of New Zealand. 327–337
9 33 On the occurrence of the Royal Spoonbill (Platalea regia). 337–338
9 34 Observations on a Species of Shag inhabiting Queen Charlotte Sound. 338–340
9 35 On a Tendency to Deformity in the Bill of Nestor meridionalis. 340
9 36 On the alleged Intercrossing of Ocydromus earli, and the Domestic Fowl. 341–342
9 45 Remarks on Dr. von Haast's Classification of the Moas. 363–365
9 53 Notes on the occurrence of a Curlew (Numenius cyanopus, Vieillot ), in New Zealand. 427–429
9 61 Notes on the Antarctic Petrel (Priocella antarctica). 464
10 19 Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand. 191–201
10 20 Further Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand. 201–209
10 21 On the Disappearance of the Korimako (Anthornis melanura) from the North Island. 209–211
10 22 Further descriptive Notes of the Huia (Heteralocha acutirostris). 211
10 23 On the Egg of the Huia (Heteralocha acutirostris). 212
10 24 On the Species forming the Genus Ocydromus, a peculiar Group of brevi-pennate Rails. 213–216
10 25 Notice of the Occurrence of the Shy Albatros (Diomedea cauta) in the North Island. 217–219
10 26 On the Addition of the Red-tailed Tropic Bird (Phæton rubricauda) to the Avifauna of New Zealand. 219–220
10 29 Disappearance of the small Birds of New Zealand. 239–242
11 37 On Phalacrocorax carunculatus, Gmelin. 332–337
11 43 On the specific Value of Prion banksii 351–352
11 44 Remarks on the Long-tailed Cuckoo (Eudynamis taitensis). 353–355
11 45 Remarks on a species of Lestris inhabiting our Seas. 355–359
11 46 Note on Mr. Howard Saunders' Review of the Larinæ, or Gulls. 359–360
11 47 On a further Occurrence of the Australian Tree Swallow (Hylochelidon nigricans) in New Zealand. 360
11 48 Additions to List of Species, and Notices of Rare Occurrences, since the publication of 'The Birds of New Zealand.' 361–366
11 49 Further Contributions to the Ornithology of New Zealand. 366–376
11 50 Memorandum of the Keá. 376–377
12 6 On the Moa. 63–108
12 22 On the Occurrence of the Red-capped Dotterel (Hiaticula ruficapilla) in New Zealand. 246–247
12 23 Remarks on some curious Specimens of New Zealand Birds. 248–249
12 24 Notes on the Nesting Habits of the Orange-wattled Crow. 249–250
12 30 On Anas gracilis, Buller. 271–272
13 26 An Analysis of Moa Eggshell. 225–227
13 29 On Harpagornis (third paper). 232–234
13 30 Notes on some Additions to the Collection of Birds in the Colonial Museum. 235–236
14 31 On the Notornis. 238–244
14 32 On the Skeleton of Notornis mantelli. 245–258
14 34 Notice of the Occurrence of the Eastern Golden Plover (Charadrius fulvus) in the Auckland District. 264–265
14 35 Notice of the Occurrence of the Australian Roller (Eurystomus pacificus) in New Zealand. 265–266
15 14 Remarks upon the Distribution, within the New Zealand Zoological Sub-region, of the Birds of the Orders Accipitres, Passeres, Scansores, Columbæ, Gallinæ, Struthiones, and Grallæ. 178–187
16 17 On the Occurrence of Phalaropus fulicarius, Pennant (the Red Phalarope), in New Zealand. 279–280
16 22 Observations on the Breeding Habits of the Eastern Golden Plover (Charadrius fulvus). 308
16 23 On some rare Species of New Zealand Birds. 308–318
16 24 On Hieracidea novæ-zealandiæ and H. brunnea. 318–322
17 8 Notice of the Occurrence of the Eastern Golden Plover (Charadrius fulvus, Gml.) near Wellington. 59–60
17 9 Notes on some New Zealand Birds, exhibiting curious Variations of Colour. 60–62
17 17 Notes on Moa Remains in the Mackenzie Country and other Localities. 172–178
17 20 Notes on New Zealand Ornithology. 187–198
18 10 Notes on a Skeleton of Notornis, recently acquired by the Otago University Museum. 78–82
18 11 Remarks on the Feathers of two Species of Moa. 83–84
18 12 Notes on New Zealand Ornithology: Observations on Pogonornis cincta (Dubus), Stitch-bird (Tiora). 84–87
18 13 Notes on New Zealand Ornithology: Observations on Procellaria parkinsoni (Grey); Brown Petrel (Taiko). 87–90
18 14 Observations on Gould's Petrel (Hutton), Procellaria gouldi (Ohi), their Habits and Habitats. 90–91
18 15 Observations on Cook's Petrel (Grey), Procellaria cooki (Ti Ti), their Habits and Habitats. 92–93
18 16 Observations on Puffinus gavius (Forst.), Rain-bird (Hakoakoa), their Habits and Habitats. 93–97
18 17 Observations on Puffinus assimilis (Gould), Totorore, their Habits and Habitats. 95–96
18 18 Observations on the Habits of New Zealand Birds, their Usefulness or Destructiveness to the Country. 96–104
18 19 Notes on the Habits of some New Zealand Birds. 105–107
18 22 The Protection of Native Birds. 112–117
18 24 A List of the Native Birds of the Petane District, Hawke's Bay, with Notes and Observations. 123–128
18 25 A remarkable Variety of the New Zealand Pigeon (Carpophaga novæ-zealandiæ), with References to previous Notices. 129
18 27 On the Habits of Ocydromus australis. 131–134
18 28 Description of Hybrid Ducks, bred from Common Duck (A. boschus) and Grey Duck (A. superciliosa). 134–135
19 13 A Description of the curiously-deformed Bill of a Huia (Heteralocha acutirostris, Gould), an endemic New Zealand bird. 140–145
19 21 Description of the Little Barrier or Hanturu Island, the Birds which inhabit it, and the Locality as a Protection to them. 181–184
19 22 Notes on Ornithology. 184–188
19 23 Ornithological Notes. 188–193
19 24 Notes on some Moa Remains found at the Great Barrier Island during February, 1886. 193–194
20 3 Ornithological Notes. 29–31
20 5 On the Occurrence of the Masked Plover (Lobivanellus personatas, Gould) in New Zealand. 33–34
20 7 Note on the Female of Anas boschas assuming the Plumage of the Male. 39
21 8 On some Birds from the Kermadec Islands. 121–124
21 9 Notice of the Capture of a Specimen of the Shy Albatross (Diomedea cauta) near Auckland. 125–126
21 10 The Habits and Home of the Wandering Albatross (Diomedea exulans). 126–128
21 11 On a Specimen of the Brown Gannet (Sula fusca) shot in Napier Harbour, with Notes on other New Zealand Birds. 128–134
21 20 A few stray Notes on the New Zealand Owl, Athene novæ-zealandiæ, Gml.—Ruru and Koukou of the Maoris, and Morepork of the Settlers. 200–205
21 21 On the Birds of Lake Brunner District. 205–224
21 22 On Apteryx bulleri. 224
21 23 Notes on the Decrease of Pheasants on the West Coast of the North Island. 225–226
21 24 The Takahe (Notornis mantelli) in Western Otago. 226–230
21 25 Notes on some New Zealand Birds. 230–233
22 32 Observations on the Mokohinou Islands and the Birds which visit them. 286–294
22 33 Notes on a Paper entitled "The Takahe in Western Otago," by Mr. James Park, F.G.S. 295–300
22 41 Note on the Wandering Albatros (Diomedea exulans). 340–342
22 42 On the Assumed Hybridity between the Common Fowl and the Woodhen (Ocydromus). 342–353
23 2 An Exhibition of New and Forms of New Zealand Birds, with Remarks thereon. 26–53
23 13 Note on the Breeding Habits of the European Sparrow (Passer domesticus) in New Zealand. 108–110
23 15 Takahe versus Kakapo. 112–119
23 16 On the Origin of the Sternum. 119–123
23 20 Notes on Sceloglaux albifacies, the Laughing Owl of New Zealand. 190–191
23 21 Description of a Remarkable Variation in the Colour of Platycercus auriceps. 192
23 26 On the Birds of the Kermadec Islands. 216–226
23 28 On the Wandering Albatros: with an Exhibition of Specimens, and the Determination of a New Species. 230–235
24 2 Notes and Observations on New Zealand Birds. 64–74
24 3 Further Notes and Observations on Certain Species of New Zealand Birds (with Exhibits). 75–91
24 4 On the large Kiwi from Stewart Island (Apteryx maxima). 91–92
24 5 The Moas of New Zealand. 93–172
24 6 Notes on Moa Gizzard-stones. 172–175
24 7 On the Genus Aptornis, with more Especial Reference to Aptornis defossor, Owen. 175–184
24 8 Preliminary Notice of Additions to the Extinct Avi-fauna of New Zealand. 185–189
24 9 Note on a Species of Platycercus (P. erythrotis, Wagl.) from Antipodes Island. 190–191
25 1 On the Classification and Mutual Relations of the Dinornithidæ. 1–3
25 2 On the Presence of a Crest of Feathers in certain Species of Moa. 3–6
25 3 On New Species of Moas. 6–13
25 4 On Anomalopteryx antiqua. 14–16
25 5 The Moas and the Moa-hunters. 17–49
25 8 Note on the Flightless Rail of the Chatham Islands (Cabalus modestus). 52–53
25 9 Notes on New Zealand Birds. 53–63
25 10 Further Notes on the Birds of New Zealand. 63–88
25 11 On the Fissures and Caves at the Castle Rocks, Southland: with a Description of the Remains of the Existing and Extinct Birds found in them. 88–106
25 12 Notes on Birds. 107–108
26 12 On a New Rail from the Auckland Islands. 180
26 13 Brief Ornithological Notes. 181
26 14 On the Birds observed during a Voyage from New Zealand to England, and Notes made on the Return Voyage from Plymouth to Auckland by way of the Cape of Good Hope. 182–199
26 19 Notes on Three Moa-skulls, probably referable to the Genus Pachyornis. 223-225
26 20 Result of a Further Exploration of the Bone-fissure at the Castle Rocks, Southland. 226–229
26 21 Materials for a Bibliography of the Dinornithidæ, the Great Extinct Birds of New Zealand, usually called Moas. 229–257
27 3 Illustrations of Darwinism; or, The Avifauna of New Zealand considered in Relation to the Fundamental Law of Descent with Modification. 75–104
27 4 Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand; with an Exhibition of Rare Specimens. 104–126
27 5 On a New Species of Fern-bird (Sphenœacus) from the Snares Islands; with an Exhibition of Specimens. 127–128
27 6 Notes on the Flightless Duck of the Auckland Islands (Nesonetta aucklandica). 128–129
27 7 Notes on Phalacrocorax colensoi, of the Auckland Islands, and on Phalacrocorax onslowi, of the Chatham Islands. 129–132
27 8 Notes on Œstrelata neglecta; with an Exhibition of Specimens. 132–134
27 9 Some Curiosities of Bird-life. 134–142
27 13 On the Axial Skeleton in the Dinornithidæ. 157–178
27 14 On the Occurrence of a Pneumatic Foramen in the Femur of a Moa. 173–174
27 16 On Majaqueus æquinoctialis, from Antipodes Island. 177
27 25 Further Contributions towards a Bibliography of the Dinornithidæ, the Great Extinct Birds of New Zealand, usually called Moas: Supplement No. 1. 228–231
27 26 On the Feathers of a Small Species of Moa (Megalapteryx) found in a Cave at the Head of the Waikaia River; with a Notice of a Moa-hunter's Camping-place on the Old Man Range. 232–238
27 29 On the Bird Moa and its Aliases. 262–273
27 30 The Kea (Nestor notabilis), a Sheep-eating Parrot. 273–280
27 33 On the Anatomy of Flight of Certain Birds. 284–287
28 31 Notes on New Zealand Ornithology, with an Exhibition of Specimens. 326–358
28 32 On the Occurrence of the Nankeen Kestrel of Australia (Cerchneis cenchroides) in New Zealand. 359
28 33 Notes on some Species of New Zealand Birds. 360–367
28 34 Bird Life on a Run. 367–375
28 35 An Ornithological Note. 376–377
29 11 On the Poua and Other Extinct Birds of the Chatham Islands. 162–168
29 13 Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand. 179–207
29 18 Notes on certain Species of New Zealand Ducks. 252–256
30 30 Notes on Bird-life in the West Coast Sounds. 279–293
30 31 A Romance of Samoan Natural History; or, Records relating to the Manu Mea, or Red Bird of Samoa, now nearly, if not quite, extinct. 293–303
30 67 On Swallows and Martins at Hicks Bay. 532


Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
17 3 On a Parasite of the Penguin. 19–20
21 57 Rabbit Disease in the Wairarapa. 429–438
22 35 Rabbit-disease in the South Wairarapa. 308–325
28 41 On Animal and Vegetable Parasites associated with the Production of Neoplasms in Cattle and Sheep. 451–454


Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
2 2 On the Tuatara (Hatteria punctata). 17–20
2 3 On the Anatomy of Naultinus Greyii 20–21
3 2 A List of the Lizards inhabiting New Zealand, with Descriptions. 4–11
4 21 Notes on the Lizards of New Zealand, with Descriptions of Two New Species. 167–172
5 36 Observations on Naultinus pacificus, Gray. 307–308
7 44 On the Disappearance of the larger kinds of Lizard from North Canterbury. 295–297
9 30 Notes on the Tuatara Lizard (Sphenodon punctatum), with a description of a supposed New Species. 317–325
9 31 Description of a New Lizard (Naultinus pulcherrimus). 326–327
10 27 Notice of a new Variety of Tuatara Lizard (Sphenodon) from East Cape Island. 220–221
10 28 Notes on the Physiology and Anatomy of the Tuatara (Sphenodon güntheri). 222–239
11 42 Further Notes on the Habits of the Tuatara Lizard 349–351
12 26 Notes and Observations on the Animal Economy and Habits of one of our New Zealand Lizards, supposed to be a new Species of Naultinus. 251–264
12 45 Description of a new Species of Lizard of the Genus Naultinus. 314–315
13 62 Description of a new Species of Lizard of the Genus Naultinus. 419–420
17 14 Description of a small Lizard, a Species of Naultinus, supposed to be new to Science. 149–151
17 15 A Description of some newly-discovered New Zealand Insects believed to be new to Science. 151–160
18 20 Observations on Sphenodon punctatum, Fringe-back Lizard (Tuatara). 108–110
18 23 Notes on the Bones of a Species of Sphenodon (S. diversum, Col.), apparently distinct from the species already known. 118–123
19 8 On the Occurrence of the English Scaly Lizard (Zootoca vivipara) in New Zealand. 67–69
19 15 Further Notes and Observations on the Gestation, Birth, and Young of a Lizard, a Species of Naultinus. 147–150
19 16 Remarks on Palinurus lalandii, M. Edw., and P. edwardsii, Button. 150–155
25 13 On the Occurrence of the Luth, or Leathery Turtle, on the Coasts of New Zealand. 108–110
29 21 The Lizards (Lacertilia) indigenous to New Zealand. 264–280

Zoology (other)

Volume Article No. Article title Page numbers
5 26 On the Geographical Relations of the New Zealand Fauna. 227–256
10 39 Notes on the New Zealand Myriopoda in the Otago Museum. 288–293
10 43 Notes on some Changes in the Fauna of Otago. 306–324
11 35 On a new Infusorian parasitic on Patella argentea. 330
11 36 Description of some new Slugs. 331–332
11 38 Notes on a Collection from the Auckland Islands and Campbell Island. 337–343
11 53 The District of Okarita, Westland. 386–391
14 33 On a new Method of preserving Cartilaginous Skeletons and other soft Animal Structures. 258–264
14 39 Notes on Zoological Researches made on the Chicken Islands, East Coast of the North Island. 274–277
17 18 Objections to the Introduction of Beasts of Prey to destroy the Rabbit. 179–182
17 19 A short Description of a few Experiments bearing on the Question of Spontaneous Generation. 182–186
18 9 On an Index-Collection for small Zoological Museums, in the Form of a Genealogical Tree of the Animal Kingdom. 73–78
18 32 Description of a new Pill-Millipede. 139–140
24 27 Animal Intelligence. 349–354
26 4 Description of a Large Species of Iulus. 106
28 40 Zoological Notes, Nelson District. 449–450