Woman of the Century/Grace Denio Litchfield
LITCHFIELD, Miss Grace Denio, novelist and poet, born in New York City, 19th November, 1849. She is the youngest daughter of Edwin Clark Litchfield and Grace Hill Hubbard Litchfield, both of whom died some years ago.
Miss Litchfield's home was in Brooklyn, N. V., but much of her life has been passed in Europe. When she returned to the United States from a European trip, in 1888, she made her home in Washington, D. C., where she has built a house on Massachusetts avenue. She has written almost constantly, both in prose and verse, since early childhood, and in spite of much ill health. She did not begin to publish until 1882. Since that year her verses and stories have appeared in the "Century," the "Atlantic Monthly," the "St Nicholas." the "Wide Awake" and the New York "Independent." All her novels were written during the last six years which she spent in Europe. The first of these, "The Knight of the Black Forest," was written on the spot where the scene is laid, in 1882, and published in 1884-85, first appearing as a serial in the "Century." Her first published work in book form, "Only an Incident, was written two months later, and was brought out in February, 1884. "Criss-Cross," written in 1883, was published in August, 1885. "A Hard-Won Victory" was begun in 1883, laid aside a year on account of illness, finished in 1886 and published in 1888. A fifth book, a reprint of short stories, under the title of "Little Venice," appeared in September, 1890. Her sixth and last book, "Little He and She," a child's story, written in the spring of 1888, was published in November, 1890. Miss Litchfield was in Mentone, on the Riviera, when that portion of Italy was visited by the earthquake of 23rd February. 1887, and narrowly escaped death under the falling walls of her residence. Miss Litchfield is an industrious worker, and her wide circle of readers expects much from her in future.