Woman of the Century/Sara Jane Lippincott
LIPPINCOTT, Mrs. Sara Jane, author, widely known by her pen-mime, "Grace Greenwood," born in Fompey, Onondaga county, N Y.,
23rd September, 1823. She is a daughter of Dr.
Thaddeus Clarke and w.is reared in Rochester, N. Y. In 1842 she went with her father to New Brighton, Pa. She received a good education in public and private schools. In 1853 she became the wife of Leander K. Lippincott, of Philadelphia, Pa. She began to write verses in childhood under her own name. In 1844 she published some prose articles in the New York "Mirror," usingfor the first time her now famous pen-name, "Grace Greenwood." She had a liking for journalism, which she satisfied by editing the "Little Pilgrim," a Philadelphia juvenile monthly, for several years She contributed for years to "Hearth and Home," the "Atlantic Monthly," "Harper's Magazine," the New York "Independent" New York "Times" and "Tribune" and California journals, and the English "Household Words" and "All the Year Round." She was one of the first women newspaper correspondents in the United States, and her Washington correspondence inaugurated a new feature of journalism. Her published works include "Greenwood Leaves" (1850); "History of My Pets" (1850); "Poems" (1851); "Recollections of My Childhood"
(1851); "Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe" (1854); "Merrie England" (1855); "Forest Tragedy, and Other Tales" (1856); "Stories and Legends of Travel" (1858); "History for Children" (1858); "Stories from Famous Ballads" (1860); "Stories of Many Lands" (1867); "Stories and Sights in France and Italy" (1868); "Records of
Five Years" (1868); "New Life in New Lands" (1873) and "Victoria, Queen of England" (1883). The last-named work was brought out in New York and London simultaneously. She has spent much time abroad. During the Civil War she read and lectured to the soldiers in the camps and hospitals, and President Lincoln called her "Grace Greenwood, the Patriot." She is interested in all questions of the day that relate to the progress of women. She has one daughter. Her home is in Washington, D. C., but she spends much time in New York City.