Works of merit, in every department of literature
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In every department of Literature.
Orders taken in by John Millar, Bookseller, for
As but a few copies of these books remain on hand, the first orders will be carefully preferred—for it will not be possible to execute every order.
I. RATIONAL RECREATIONS. A collection of scarce and curious pieces, many of which were never printed before, containing, John Peden's Elegy—Churches of Paisley—Population of Europe—The learned Spaniel—Princess Ali Chan's petition to Governor Hastings—Trick of a French Quack—Anecdote of Dr. Goldsmith—Speech of George McKenzie—Successful bravery—Beware of National Reflections—Petrarchs' Idea of Books—Granger's Sophism—Lee the Poet—Author of Douglas, a tragedy—Swearers justly punished—Preſence of mind, &c. &c. Rescued from oblivion, "The Packman's Pater Noſter." A fragment of a ſatyrical poem againſt Popery, containing 42 lines. Written by Sir James Sempill of Beltrees, and his Son Robert, about A. D. 1609. Sir James Sempill was Ambaſſador to King James VI. and was contemporary with Knox, the Scots Reformer; Buchanan, the Scots Hiſtorian; and Shakeſpeare, the Prince of Poets. Robert Sempill, his Son, was author of the Epitaph of Habbie Simpſon—Discovered by the Editor, and fully explained in this Pamphlet. A new method of Addition, which may be uſed either for expedition in buſineſs, or as a check, or proof to the common way of Addition. It conſiſts in ſumming up three columns of Pounds, Shillings, and Pence, all at once, as if they were only one column—Upwards of 100 curious, Arithmetical and Mathematical Queſtions, original and selected—Three Arithmetical Games, very good for learning Addition by way of ſport.—Biographical Notes of the Sempills of Beltrees, from the Reign of King James V. to the preſent time.—Collection of curious Epitaphs.—Genealogical Paradoxes.—Comical Signs.—Receipts, &c. &c. containing 100 pages. Price, 6d. coarſe copy, 1s. fine.
II. The PAISLEY REPOSITORY, a well known periodical publication, containing a collection of excellent pieces, in proſe and verſe, original and ſelected, printed on writing paper.
III. HARDYKNUTE; or, the Battles of the Largs and Draffen, fought in Auguſt 1263, price 5d.
IV. The Life and Death of the famous Piper of Kilbarchan; or,
The Epitaph of Habbie Simpſon,
Quha on his drone bore bonny flags,
He made his cheiks as reid as crimſon,
And bobbit quhan he blew his bags.
Illuſtrated with Notes, price 2d.
V. Accurate account of the dreadful Cataſtrophe which happened at the Canal Baſin, Paiſley, on the 10th November 1810, price 1d.
VI. No. 6th of the Songſter, 1d.
VII. Picture of a Country ſchool, &c. 1d.
VIII. From Authentic Documents, A complete Hiſtory of Maggy Lang, and the other Witches of Renfrewſhire, who were burned on the Gallowgreen of Paiſley, in the 17th century, containing an account of their trials, &c. 200 pages, Price 2s. Perſons purchaſing this volume, will be gratified with a ſight of ſome of the old manuſcripts from which it was printed.
*.*The above eight publications are edited by John Millar, Author of a collection of Arithmetical and Mathematical Queſtions—Problems on the National Debt—Exerciſes in Spelling and Numbers—Tyro's Orthographical and Numerical exerciſes, &c. &c.
1 | Adventures of Capt. Robert Boyle | 1s. 6d. |
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Stranger - Noble Lie - Self-Immolation and La Peyrouſe, 2s. | ||
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90 | Lady's Magazine, 3 vols, printed in New York, in the years 1801—2, in which are Songs ſet to Muſic, | 12s. |
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93 | Manuel and Platoon Exerciſe, | 6d. |
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96 | Macdougal's Arithmetic, | 2s. |
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141 | Savarſy's Letters on Egypt, 2 vols. | 4s. |
142 | Shakeſpear's Plays, 9 vols. | 9s. |
143 | Shendan's Dramatic Works, | 1s. 3d. |
J. Neilson, printer
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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