Yawcob Strauss and Other Poems/The Young Tramp
- Hello, thar, stranger! Whar yer frum?
- Come in and make yerself ter hum!
- We're common folks—ain't much on style;
- Come in and stop a little while;
- 'Twon't do no harm ter rest yer some.
- Youngster, yer pale, and don't look well!
- What, way frum Bosting? Naow, dew tell!
- Why, that's a hundred mile or so;
- What started yer, I'd like ter know,
- On sich a tramp; got goods ter sell?
- No home—no friends? Naow that's too bad!
- Wall, cheer up, boy, and don't be sad—
- Wife, see what yer can find ter eat,
- And put the coffee on ter heat—
- We'll fix yer up all right, my lad.
- Willing ter work, can't git a job,
- And not a penny in yer fob?
- Wall, naow, that's rough, I dew declare!
- What, tears? Come, youngster, I can't bear
- Ter see yer take on so, and sob.
- How came yer so bad off, my son?
- Father was killed? 'Sho'; whar? Bull Run?
- Why, I was in that scrimmage, lad,
- And got used up, too, pretty bad;
- I sha'n't forgit old 'sixty one!
- So yer were left in Bosting, hey?
- A baby when he went away—
- Those Bosting boys were plucky, wife,
- Yer know one of 'em saved my life,
- Else I would not be here to day.
- 'Twas when the "Black Horse Cavalcade"
- Swept down upon our small brigade
- I got the shot that made me lame,
- When down on me a trooper came,
- And this 'ere chap struck up his blade.
- Poor feller! He was stricken dead;
- The trooper's sabre cleaved his head.
- Joe Billings was my comrade's name;
- He was a Bosting boy, and game!
- I almost wished I'd died instead.
- Why, lad! what makes yer tremble so?
- Your father! what, my comrade Joe?
- And you his son? Come ter my heart!
- My home is yours; I'll try, in part,
- Ter pay his boy the debt I owe.