Zoological Illustrations/VolI-Pl59
PSITTACUS Barrabandii.
Red-collared Parakeet.
Generic Character.—See Pl. 1.
Specific Character.
- P. viridis, sincipite gulâque flavis; torque coccineo circa medium cervicem extendente; rostro rubro; alis spuriis cærulescentibus.
- Green, fore-part of the head and throat yellow; round the middle of the neck in front an orange-red collar; bill red; spurious wings blueish.
The vast and little known region of New Holland has afforded us some of the most beautiful birds of this superb family, and among which the species now, as we believe, for the first time published, will stand conspicuous. It is from a fine skin in the possession of Mr. Leadbeater, and is named in honour of the late M. Barraband, the first ornithological painter that France or any other country has produced.
The tail is very long, measuring eight inches three quarters; the total length of the bird being near fifteen inches. The green which predominates over the plumage is bright and changeable, having a blueish tinge on the hind head, which is much darker and stronger on the outer margins of the quills and middle of the tail-feathers: the back and scapulars are tinged with an olive-brown; the spurious quills and their protecting covers are greenish-blue, appearing in some lights entirely of the latter colour; the inner margin of the quills and tail, as well as their entire under surface, deep brownish-black; but the tips of the tail-feathers beneath are much paler; the two middle feathers five inches longer than the outermost, and extending near two inches beyond any of the others; their extremities instead of being pointed are rather widened and rounded. Bill red; ears and space between the eye and bill green; fore-part of the head, chin, and half the neck, a clear orange-yellow, which is terminated by a narrow collar of a beautiful orange-red; the remaining under plumage pale-green; inner wing-covers darker. Legs black. The fourth, fifth and sixth quills notched at their tips.