Zoological Illustrations/VolI-Pl60
THYREUS Abbottii.
Generic Character.
- (Familia Sphingidis Latreille.)
- Antennæ lineares, in medio incrassatæ, in maribus extrinsecus ciliatæ, (sub-barbatæ) in fœminis simplices, filiformes, mucrone obtuso arcuato sensim terminantes. Palpi breves, obtusi, in utroque sexu similes. Alæ opacæ, angulatæ. Abdomen crassum, barbatum.
- Antennæ linear, thickened in the middle, externally ciliated in the male, simple and filiform in the female, gradually ending in an arcuated, obtuse hook. Palpi short, obtuse, alike in both sexes. Wings opaque, angulated. Abdomen thick, bearded.
Specific Character.
- T. alis angulatis, anticis testaceis, fusco umbratis et obliquè lineatis; posticis flavis, margine lato nigro.
- T. Wings angulated; anterior testaceous, with lineated brown shades and oblique lines; posterior yellow, with a broad black border.
A lovely insect, which is unfigured, and, as far as we can ascertain, undescribed by any author. It appertains to the Linnæan genus Sphinx, which can be viewed (from the immense diversity and great number of the species) only as a family containing many and striking natural genera: in modern arrangement it is most nearly allied to the Sesiæ of Fabricius, from which, as it strikingly differs in the formation of the palpi and antennæ, I have separated it.
I have named this insect to commemorate the exertions of Mr. Abbott, well known as having furnished the materials for that beautiful work the Lepidopterous Insects of Georgia, edited by Sir James Edward Smith. And from the unpublished drawings of this zealous collector, the larva and pupa have been figured. Mr. Abbott writes that it is a rare species in Georgia, and feeds on the grape. The female differs not in colour from the male, which is here represented.