Zoological Illustrations/VolIII-Pl172
Purple Apple Snail.
Generic Character.—See Pl. 103.
Specific Character.
- A. testâ ovato-globosâ, lævi; spirâ ventricosâ, obtusâ, sub epidermide purpureâ; aperturâ nigro-purpurascente; labio exteriore tenui, margine reflexo.
- Shell ovate-globose, smooth; spire ventricose, obtuse; beneath the epidermis, purple; aperture blackish purple; outer lip thin, the margin reflected.
- Knorr, vol. 5. pl. 5. f. 2. (uncoated.)
- Ampullaria reflexa. Swainson, in Tilloch's Ph. Mag. vol. 61. p. 377.
The only record that I can find (in the works of the old writers) for this Ampullaria, is the figure by Knorr above quoted; it is obviously drawn from an uncoated specimen, although I have seen instances, where the blackish purple on the spire was so intense, as to obscure the thin epidermis which covered it. The peculiar character of the species, and in which it differs from all others, is in the outer margin of the lip; which is thin, rather spread out, and slightly reflected; the form of the shell resembles A. fasciata, but the spire, instead of being pointed, is obtuse; the umbilicus, likewise, is smaller and more concealed. From the absence of a groove round the aperture, I conclude the operculum is horny.
The size varies; perfect shells are in my possession much smaller than the figure, and I have seen others much larger, and with the aperture more chesnut than purple.
I am not acquainted with its locality.