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Zoological Illustrations/VolIII-Pl173

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Zoological Illustrations
William Swainson
Vol III. Pl. 173. Gallinula ruficollis var. Black-bellied Gallinule.
1314675Zoological Illustrations — Vol III. Pl. 173. Gallinula ruficollis var. Black-bellied Gallinule.William Swainson

GALLINULA ruficollis, var.

Black-bellied Gallinule var.

Generic Character.

Gallinula. Briss. Cuv. Tem. Lath. Fulica, Rallus. Linn. Crex. Illiger.
Rostrum capite brevius, valdè compressum, conicum, rectum, apice compresso, mandibulâ inferiore angulatâ. Nares sulcatæ, membranâ obtectæ; aperturâ magnâ, oblongâ, perviâ, vix mediâ. Pedes elongati, grallarii, genibus nudis, digitis gracilibus tribus, halluce mediocri.
Bill shorter than the head, much compressed, conic, straight, the tips compressed, inferior mandible angulated. Nostrils sulcated, covered by a membrane; aperture large, oblong, pervious, nearly medial. Feet long, wading, knees naked, fore toes three, long, slender, hind toe (or thumb) short.
Generic type. Rallus porzana. Linn.

Specific Character.

Gall. ruficollis var. A? Olivaceo-fusca; cervice cinereâ; pectore, abdomine, alisque rufis; crisso, uropygio, caudâque nigris; tectricibus interioribus rufis, nigro-fasciatis; pedibus rubris.
Olive brown; neck cinereous; breast, body, and wings rufous; belly, rump, and tail black; interior wing covers rufous, banded with black; legs red.
Fulica ruficollis. Gmelin, 1. p. 700. Turton, 1. p. 423.
Gallinula ruficollis. Lath. Ind. Orn. 2. 767.
Black-bellied Gallinule. Lath. Syn. 1. p. 253.

This is one of the largest water hens found in Brazil, where it is very rare. I am indebted to Dr. Langsdorff for the only specimen which I brought from that country. It differs considerably from the Black-bellied Gallinule of Latham, yet, perhaps, not sufficiently to record it as a distinct species.

Total length fifteen inches and a half; bill one and a half; the base (in the dead bird) orange, the other half green; frontlet none; the crown and nape are grey brown, the sides cinereous, and the throat whitish; the neck both above and beneath for about two thirds its length is lead-coloured; it then changes to rufous, which spreads over the breast, body, wing covers, and greater quills; the lower part of the neck above, with the back, scapulars, and lesser quills, brownish olive; the belly, thighs, tail, and rump black; the inner wing covers are remotely barred with black; legs (in the live bird) red.

Latham describes the Black-bellied G. as seventeen inches long; the bill two inches; the quills greenish brown, with rufous margins; the fore part of the neck and breast bright rufous; and the flanks with black bands.