Zoological Illustrations/VolIII-Pl174
TANAGRA canicapilla,
Grey-crowned Tanager.
Generic Character.
- Rostrum breve, validum, conicum, basi trigonâ, lateribus compressis, culmine levato, mandibulâ superiore ad apicem deflexâ et emarginatâ, inferioris brevioris rectæ basi crassâ, ambarum marginibus inflexis. Nares parvæ, basi plumosâ, aperturâ rotundatâ, nudâ. Alæ mediocres.
- Bill short, strong, conic, base trigonal, sides compressed, culmin elevated, upper mandible towards the tip deflexed and notched, under mandible shorter and straight, the base thick, the margins of both inflexed. Nostrils small, the base feathered, the aperture round, naked. Wings moderate.
- Generic Types. Tanagra Jacapa, tricolor. Motacilla velia. Lin. Pipra musica. Lin.
Specific Character.
- T. olivaceo-viridis, infrà flava; vertice cinereo, strigâ oculari auribusque nigris; rostro gracili.
- Olive green, beneath yellow; crown cinereous, eye stripe and ears black; bill slender.
The Tanagers are a numerous, and, in general, a beautiful tribe, including some of the most richly coloured birds of America; to which continent modern ornithologists consider they are exclusively confined.
M. Temminck proposes to unite with the Tanagers, several birds scattered in the Linnæan Genera of Lanius, Loxia, Fringilla, Pipra, and Motacilla. This view of the subject, it may not be superfluous to add, is in perfect unison with my own. In fact, I had meditated a similar arrangement; but the appearance of M. Temminck's work rendered the publication of my own remarks no longer necessary. The bird here figured belongs to that division which forms a transition to the Sylviæ, from which they are readily distinguished by the thickened base of the under mandible. It is not uncommon in the West Indies; but I cannot find it described either among the Tanagers, Finches, or Warblers of the Linnæan school: in this, however, I may possibly be mistaken. It is represented the size of life, and is sufficiently distinguished by its specific character.