Zoological Illustrations Series II/Plate 108
1, bulimoïdes. 2, livida.
ACHATINELLA bulimoïdes,
Thick-spired Achatinella—middle figures.

Generic Character.
See pl. 99.
Specific Character.
Shell ovate-oblong, subventricose, whiteish, with chesnut bands; spire thickened, the tip pale brown.
Achatinella bulimoïdes. Sw. in Brands Journ. Ap. 1828. p. 85.

We continue our Illustrations of these pretty little land-shells, of which all the species, as we before remarked, are natives of the South Sea Islands, and very little known to collectors. The present is distinguished by the thickness of its spire, the apex being more suddenly pointed. We have represented two varieties in point of colour, but in both the suture is scarcely, if at all, margined by an indented grove.

Livid Achatinella.

Specific Character.
Shell reversed, ovate, obtuse, livid brown or greyish; spire thickened; suture with a deep fulvous line.
Achatinella livida. Brands Journ. Ap. 1828. p. 85.

A small reversed species, unbanded, and scarcely exceeding half an inch in length. In form it perfectly resembles the green variety of Bulimus citrinus. The three specimens in our museum vary in colour from a light olive brown, to a livid purple which lies in longitudinal shades, and gradually changes, on the spiral whorls, to white; suture marked by a line of deep orange brown; aperture white, tinged with purple.