A Dictionary of Hymnology/F
Chapters (not listed in original)
- F. (Fanch)
- F. (Flatman)
- F—s
- F. J. C.
- F. R.
- Faber, Frederick William
- Faber, Johann Ludwig
- Fading, still fading, the last beam is shining
- Fain would my thoughts fly up to Thee
- Faint not, Christian, though the road
- Fair are the feet which bring the news
- Fair shines the morning star
- Fair waved the golden corn
- Faith, hope, and charity, these three
- Faith of our fathers! living still
- Faith, 'tis a precious gift
- Faithful, O Lord, Thy mercies are
- Falckner, Justus
- Falk, Johannes Daniel
- Fanch, James
- Fannie
- Far down the ages now
- Far from my (our) heavenly home
- Far from my thoughts, vain world, begone
- Far from my thoughts, vain world, depart
- Far from the world, O Lord, I flee
- Far from these narrow scenes of night
- Farewell, poor world, I must be gone
- Farewell, thou once a sinner
- Farningham, Marianne
- Farrar, Frederic William
- Father, abide with us! the storm-clouds gather
- Father, again in Jesus' Name we meet
- Father, and can it be?
- Father and Lord of our whole life
- Father, at Thy footstool see
- Father, before Thy throne of light
- Father, behold with gracious eyes
- Father, by Thy love and power
- Father, ere we hence depart
- Father, God, Who seest in me
- Father, hear our humble claim
- Father, hear the blood of Jesus
- Father, hear the prayer we offer
- Father, hear Thy children's praises
- Father, how wide Thy glory shines
- Father, I dare believe
- Father, I know that all my life
- Father, I stretch my hands to Thee
- Father, I want a thankful heart
- Father, if Thou my Father art
- Father, in high heaven dwelling
- Father, in Whom we live
- Father, let me dedicate
- Father, Lord of earth and heaven, Spare or take, &c.
- Father of all, from land and sea
- Father of all, in Whom we live
- Father of all, my soul defend
- Father of all, to Thee; With loving hearts we pray
- Father of all! we bow to Thee
- Father of all, Whose powerful voice
- Father of earth and sky
- Father of eternal grace (love)
- Father of eternal grace! Thou hast loved, &c.
- Father of heaven above
- Father of heaven, whose love profound
- Father of Jesus Christ my Lord, I humbly seek Thy face
- Father of Jesus Christ my Lord, My Saviour, &c.
- Father of light, and life, and love
- Father of lights, from Whom proceeds
- Father of lights, we sing Thy Name
- Father of love and power
- Father of Love, our Guide and Friend
- Father of me and all mankind
- Father of (man) men, Thy care we bless
- Father of mercies, God of love; My (Our) Father and my (our) God
- Father of mercies, God of love; O hear a suppliant's cry
- Father of mercies, God of peace
- Father of mercies, in Thine house
- Father of mercies, in Thy word
- Father of Peace and God of Love
- Father of the human race
- Father, our hearts we lift
- Father, see this living clod
- Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. In solemn power, &c.
- Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One in Three, &c.
- Father, Son, and Spirit, hear
- Father, Thy paternal care
- Father, Thy Son hath died
- Father, Thy will, not mine, be done
- Father, to Thee my soul I lift
- Father, to Thy sinful child
- Father, we humbly pray
- Father, Who art in heaven
- Father, Who on high
- Father, Whose everlasting love, Thy only Son, &c.
- Father, Whose path is in the Sea
- Faussett, Alessie, née Bond
- Fawcett, John
- Fearless, calm, and strong in love
- Feeble in body and in mind
- Felices nemorum pangimus incolas
- Felix dies mortalibus
- Felix dies quam proprio
- Felix morte tuâ, qui cruciatibus
- Fellows, John
- Feneberg, Johann Michael
- Ferguson, Fergus
- Ferrar, Nicholas
- Festiva saeclis colitur
- Festum matris gloriosae
- Fever and fret, and aimless stir
- Few are thy days and full of woe
- Fierce passions discompose the mind
- Fierce raged the tempest o'er the deep
- Fierce (raged) was the storm of wind
- Fight the good fight; lay hold
- Finita jam sunt praelia
- Findlater, Sarah
- Finx, Erasmus
- Firm was my health, my day was bright
- Fischer, Albert Friedrich Wilhelm
- Fischer, Christoph
- Fitch, Eleazar Thompson
- Fixed firmly His (God's) foundations keep
- Flagrans amore, perditos
- Flatman, Thomas
- Fleet, John George
- Fleming, Abraham
- Flemming, Paul
- Fletcher, Phineas
- Fletcher, Samuel
- Flint, James
- Flitner, Johann
- Floods of waters high in air
- Flowerdew, Alice
- Foleshill
- Folget mir, ruft uns das Leben
- Follen, Eliza Lee, née Cabot
- For all Thy love and goodness, so bountiful and free
- For all Thy Saints, a noble throng
- For all Thy Saints, O Lord (God)
- For all Thy (the) saints who from their labours rest
- For ever blessed be the Lord
- For ever we would gaze on Thee
- For ever will I bless the Lord
- For ever with the Lord
- For mercies countless as the sands
- For Sion's sake I will not cease
- For Thy mercy and Thy grace
- Ford, Charles Lawrence
- Forgive, blest shade, the tributary tear
- Forgive, O Lord, our frailties (wanderings) past
- Forgive them, O my Father
- Forsaken once, and thrice denied
- Forsyth, Christina
- Fortem virili pectore
- Fortes cadendo Martyres
- Forth from the dark and stormy sky
- Forth in Thy Name, O Lord, I go
- Forth to the land of promise bound
- Forti tegente brachio
- Fortunatus, Venantius Honorius Clementianus
- Forty days and forty nights
- Forward! be our watchword
- Forward go in glad accord
- Forward let the people go
- Fountain, John
- Fountain of comfort and of love
- Fountain of grace, rich, full, and free
- Fountain of mercy, God of love
- Fouqué, Friedrich Heinrich Carl de la Motte
- Four streams through happy Eden flow'd
- Fox, Jane
- Fox, William Johnson
- Frances, Grace J.
- Franch, James
- Francis, Benjamin
- Francisci, Erasmus
- Franck, Johann
- Franck, Michael
- Franck, Salomo
- Francke, August Hermann
- Franklin, Jonathan
- Free, yet in chains, the mountains stand
- Freeman, Enoch W.
- Freeman, James
- French Hymnody
- French Psalters
- Freu dich du werthe Christenheit
- Freu dich sehr, o meine Seele
- Freudentheil, Wilhelm Nicolaus
- Freuen wir uns all in ein
- Freut euch ihr Christen
- Freylinghausen, Johann Anastasius
- Freystein, Johann Burchard
- Friend after friend departs
- Friend of sinners, Lord of glory
- Friends of the poor, the young, the weak
- Fritach, Ahasuerus
- Fröhlich soll mein Herze springen
- From all that dwell below the skies
- From all Thy saints in warfare, for all Thy saints at rest
- From distant corners (places) of our land
- From Egypt lately come
- From every stormy wind that blows
- From fisher's net, from fig-tree's shade
- From foes that would the land devour
- From glory unto glory
- From Greenland's icy mountains
- From hidden source arising
- From highest heaven the Eternal Son
- From Jesus' eyes, beside the grave
- From out the cloud of amber light
- From pole to pole let others roam
- From the courier (guiding) star that led
- From the Cross uplifted high
- From the depths to Thee, O Lord
- From the heaven of heavens descending
- From whence these dire portents around
- From year to year in love we meet
- Frothingham, Nathaniel Langdon
- Frothingham, Octavius Brooks
- Frühlingsluft, um blaue Berge spielend
- Fry, Caroline
- Fuger, Caspar
- Fulbert of Chartres
- Fulgens praeclara rutilat
- Fuller-Maitland, Frances Sara
- Fuller, Margaret
- Fumant Sabaeis templa vaporibus
- Funcke, Friedrich
- Funeri ne date planctum
- Funk, Gottfried Benedict
- Für allen Freuden auf Erden
- Furness, William Henry