A Dictionary of Hymnology/G
Chapters (not listed in original)
- G.
- G. I. W.
- G. J. S.
- G. M.
- G. R.
- Gabb, James
- Gadsby, William
- Gall, James
- Gallaudet, Thomas Hopkins
- Gambold, John
- Ganse, Hervey Doddridge
- Garve, Carl Bernhard
- Gascoigne, George
- Gaskell, William
- Gedicke, Lampertus
- Geh aus, mein Herz, und suche Freud
- Geletzky, Johannes
- Gellert, Christian Fiirchtegott
- Gelobet seist du Jesu Christ
- Genad mir, Herr, ewiger Gott
- Gentle Jesus, Lovely Lamb
- Gentle Jesus, meek and mild
- Gently, my (Father) Saviour, let me down
- Gerhardt, Paulus
- German Hymnody
- German Psalters
- Germanus, St.
- Gerok, Karl von
- Gersdorf, Henriette Catharine von
- Gesenius, Justus
- Gib deinen Frieden uns, o Herr der Stärke
- Gib uns, o Jesu, Gnad
- Gibbons, Thomas
- Gilbert, Ann
- Giles, John Eustace
- Gill, Thomas Hornblower
- Gilman, Caroline, née Howard
- Gilman, Samuel
- Gilmore, Joseph Henry
- Gisborne, Thomas
- Give ear, O Lord, to hear
- Give glory to the Lord
- Give glory unto God on high
- Give laud unto the Lord
- Give me the wings of faith to rise
- Give thanks to God the Sovereign Lord (King)
- Glad sight, the Holy Church
- Gladden, Washington
- Glassite Hymns
- Gloria in Excelsis
- Gloria laus et honor
- Gloria Patri
- Gloriosi Salvatoris
- Glorious in Thy saints appear
- Glorious things of Thee are spoken
- Glory and thanks to God we give
- Glory be to God on high, God Whose glory fills the sky
- Glory be to God on high! Peace on earth, &c.
- Glory be to God the Father
- Glory to God, and praise and love
- Glory to God on high, Let praises fill, &c.
- Glory to God, theangelsaid
- Glory to God the Father be
- Glory to God, Whose sovereign grace
- Glory to the Father give
- Glory to the glorious One
- Glory to Thee! O Lord, Who from this world of sin
- Glory to Thee, Whose powerful word
- Gmelin, Sigmund Christian
- Go forward, Christian soldier
- Go forward in your course
- Go, labour on, spend and be spent
- Go, messenger of peace and love
- Go not far from me, O my (God) Strength
- Go to dark Gethsemane
- Go to the grave in all thy glorious pride (prime)
- Goadby, Frederic William
- Goadby, Thomas
- God and Father, great and holy
- God hath two families of love
- God in heaven His glory hides
- God in His temple let us meet
- God, in the Gospel of His Son
- God is a (the) Name my soul adores
- God is gone up with a merry noise
- God is in His holy temple, All the earth, &c.
- God is King; the nations quiver
- God is love, His mercy brightens
- God is love; that anthem olden
- God is our Refuge and our Strength
- God is our Refuge, ever near
- God is the Refuge of His saints
- God made all His creatures free
- God moves in a mysterious way
- God of all consolation, take
- God of all power, and truth, and grace
- God of all-redeeming grace
- God of almighty love
- God of eternal love
- God of eternal truth and grace
- God of glory, God of grace, Hear from heaven, &c.
- God of grace, O let Thy light
- God of Israel’s faithful three
- God of life, and light, and motion
- God of love, that (Who) hear'st the prayer
- God of merey, God of grace, Shew the brightness of Thy face
- God of my life, through all its (my) days
- God of my life, Thy boundless grace
- God of my life, Thy constant care
- God of my life, to Thee I call
- God of my life, to Thee, My cheerful soul, &c.
- God of my life, Whose gracious power
- God of my salvation, hear
- God of our health, our Life and Light
- God of that glorious gift of grace
- God of the living, in Whose eyes
- God of the morning, at (Thy) Whose voice
- God of the prophet's power
- God of the seas, Thy thundering voice
- God of the universe, to Thee
- God of truth, and power, and grace
- God of unexampled grace
- God save the King
- God that (Who) madest earth and heaven
- God the all-terrible! King! Who ordainest
- God the Creator bless'd
- God the Father, God the Son, Holy Spirit, Three in one
- God the Father, Whose creation
- God the heavens aloud proclaim
- God the Lord a king remaineth
- God the Lord, in mercy bending
- God, the omnipresent God
- God, Who didst so dearly buy
- God's holy law transgressed
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
- Goffe, Eliza Fanny
- Golden harps are sounding
- Good is the Lord (our) the heavenly King
- Goode, William
- Goostly Psalmes and Spiritualle Songes
- Gospels, Hymns on the
- Got thir eigenhaf ist
- Gott der Vater wohn uns bei
- Gott ist gegenwärtig
- Gott ist und bleibt getreu
- Gott rufet noch, sollt ich nicht endlich hören
- Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet
- Gott verlässt die Seinen nicht!
- Gotter, Ludwig Andreas
- Gough, Benjamin
- Gould, Sabine Baring-
- Grace, J. Frances
- Grace, 'tis a charming sound
- Graces, Metrical
- Gracious Lord, incline Thine ear
- Gracious Lord, our children see
- Gracious Saviour, gentle (holy) Shepherd
- Gracious soul, to whom are given
- Gracious Spirit, Dove divine
- Gracious Spirit, dwell with me
- Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
- Gradual
- Grant, James
- Grant, Sir Robert
- Granted is the Saviour's prayer
- Grateful notes and numbers bring
- Grates, peracto jam die
- Graumann, Johann
- Gravi me terrore pulsas vitae dies ultima
- Gray, Jane, née Lewers
- Gray, Thomas
- Great and glorious Father, humbly we adore Thee
- Great Author of my being
- Great Creator, Who this day
- Great Father of each perfect gift
- Great First of beings, Mighty Lord
- Great Former of this various frame
- Great God, and wilt Thou condescend?
- Great God, as seasons disappear
- Great God, indulge my humble claim
- Great God, now condescend
- Great God! o'er heaven and earth supreme
- Great God of Abraham, hear our prayer
- Great God of heaven and nature, rise
- Great God, our infant voices raise
- Great God, the nations of the earth
- Great God, this (hallow'd) sacred day of Thine
- Great God, to me the sight afford
- Great God, to Thee our songs we raise
- Great God, we sing that (Thy) mighty hand
- Great God, what do I see and hear?
- Great God, where'er we pitch our tent
- Great God, Whose universal sway
- Great is the Lord, of high renown
- Great is the Lord our God
- Great is their peace who love Thy law
- Great King of nations, hear our prayer
- Great King of Saints, enthroned on high
- Great Ruler of all nature's frame
- Great Ruler of the earth and skies. A word of Thy, &c.
- Great Ruler of the earth and sky, In boundless deeps, &c.
- Great Saviour, Who didst condescend
- Great Shepherd of Thine Israel
- Great Source of being and of love
- Great Source of life, our souls confess
- Great Source of unexhausted good
- Great was the day, the joy was great
- Greding, Johann Erns
- Greek Hymnody
- Greenwell, Dorothy
- Greenwood, John Brooke
- Greg, Samuel
- Gregor, Christian
- Gregory, John George
- Gregory of Nazianzus
- Gregory I., St., Pope
- Greitter, Matthäus
- Greville, Robert Kaye
- Griffiths, Ann
- Grigg, Joseph
- Grinfield, Thomas
- Griswold, Alexander Viets
- Grosart, Alexander Balloch
- Groser, Horace George
- Groser, William
- Groser, William Howse
- Gross, Johann
- Grüenwald, Georg
- Grünbeck, Esther, née Magdalene Augusta Naverofsky
- Gryphius, Andreas
- Guest, Benjamin
- Guide Thou, O God, the guardian hands
- Guiet, Charles
- Guion, Jeanne B. de la Mothe
- Gunn, Henry Mayo
- Günther, Cyriacus
- Gurney, Archer Thompson
- Gurney, John Hampden
- Guter Hirte, willst du nicht
- Guthrie, John
- Guyet, Charles
- Guyon, Madame