A Dictionary of Hymnology/J
Chapters (not listed in original)
- J.
- J. A.
- J. A. E.
- J. B.
- J. C. and T. C.
- J. C. W.
- J. E. (Christian's Magazine)
- J. E. (Gospel Magazine)
- J. E. L.
- J. E. M.
- J. J.
- J. L.
- J. M. (Montgomery)
- J. M. (Maurice)
- J. P.
- J. S.
- Jackson, Edward
- Jackson, Edward Hall
- Jackson, Martha Evans
- Jacobi, John Christian
- Jacobus de Benedictis
- Jacque, George
- Jactamur heu quot fluctibus
- Jahn, Martin
- Jam Christe sol justitiae
- Jam Christus astra ascenderat
- Jam desinant suspiria
- Jam lucis orto sidere
- Jam non te lacerant carnificum manus
- Jam sanctius moves opus
- Jam solis excelsum jubar
- Jam toto subitus vesper eat polo
- Janus, Martin
- Je Te salue, mon certain Rédempteur
- Jehovah! 'tis a glorious Name
- Jelecky, Johannes
- Jersey, Margaret Elizabeth Villiers, née Leigh, Countess of
- Jerusalem, Jerusalem, enthroned once on high
- Jerusalem luminosa
- Jerusalem, my happy home
- Jerusalem, thy joys divine
- Jervis, Thomas
- Jesaïa, dem Propheten, das geschah
- Jesu, accept the grateful songs
- Jesu, at Whose supreme command
- Jesu Corona Virginum
- Jesu deine tiefe Wunden
- Jesu, dulcis amor meus
- Jesu dulcis memoria
- Jesu dulcissime, e throno gloriae
- Jesu geh' voran
- Jesu, if still Thou art to-day
- Jesu, komm' doch selbst zu mir
- Jesu, Lord we look to Thee
- Jesu, Lover of my soul
- Jesu, meek and gentle
- Jesu meine Freude
- Jesu, my God and King
- Jesu, my great High Priest above
- Jesu, my Master and my Lord
- Jesu, my Saviour, Brother, Friend
- Jesu, my Strength, my Hope
- Jesu, nostra redemptio, Amor et desiderium
- Jesu, now Thy new-made soldier
- Jesu quadragenariae
- Jesu, Redeemer of mankind
- Jesu Redemptor omnium, Perpes corona praesulum
- Jesu, Redemptor saeculi, Qui tertio post funera
- Jesu Redemptor saeculi, Verbum Patris altissimi
- Jesu, sacerdotum decus
- Jesu, Saviour, Son of God, Bearer of the sinner's load
- Jesu, shall I never be?
- Jesu, Shepherd of the sheep, Thou Thy flock, &c.
- Jesu, soft harmonious Name
- Jesu, the word of mercy give
- Jesu, Thou art my Righteousness
- Jesu, to Thy table led
- Jesus, and didst Thou condescend?
- Jesus, and shall it ever be
- Jesus, arise with saving might
- Jesus, at Thy command
- Jesus, behold the wise from far
- Jesus, bestow the power
- Jesus calls us; (mid) o'er the tumult
- Jesus came; the heavens adoring
- Jesus Christ from highest heaven
- Jesus Christ is risen to-day
- Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour
- Jesus Christus, nostra salus
- Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, Der den Tod überwand
- Jesus, exalted far on high
- Jesus, full of all compassion
- Jesus, gentlest (holy) Saviour, God of might, &c.
- Jesus, I love Thy charming Name
- Jesus, I my cross have taken
- Jesus, I sing Thy matchless grace
- Jesus, immortal King, arise
- Jesus, immortal King, go on (display)
- Jesus is God, the solid earth
- Jesus is our great salvation
- Jesus, lead us with Thy power
- Jesus lebt, mit ihm auch ich
- Jesus, Lord of life and glory, Bend from, &c.
- Jesus, Master, Whose I am
- Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone
- Jesus, my kind and gracious Friend
- Jesus, my Lord, how rich Thy grace
- Jesus, my Lord, I cry to Thee
- Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all! How can I love Thee, &c.
- Jesus, my Saviour, and my King
- Jesus, my Saviour, bind me fast
- Jesus, my Shepherd is
- Jesus, our Lord, who tempted wast
- Jesus, our souls' delightful choice
- Jesus setzt ein vor seinem End
- Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
- Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me
- Jesus, the Christ of God
- Jesus, the needy sinner's Friend
- Jesus, Thou all-redeeming Lord, Thy blessing, &c.
- Jesus, Thou needest me
- Jesus, Thou Soul of all our joys
- Jesus, Thou wast once a child
- Jesus, Thy Church with longing eyes
- Jesus, Thy name I love
- Jesus, when I fainting lie
- Jesus, where'er Thy people meet
- Jesus, while He dwelt below
- Jesus, while (whilst) this rough desert soil
- Jevons, Mary Ann, née Roscoe
- Jewitt, William Henry
- Jex-Blake, Thomas William
- John Arklas
- John of Damascus, St.
- John the Monk
- Johns, John
- Johnson, Samuel
- Johnston, James Aitken
- Join all the glorious Names
- Jonas, Justus
- Jones, Edmund
- Jones, Griffith
- Jones, Samuel Flood
- Jonson, Benjamin
- Jordanis oras praevia
- Joseph of the Studium
- Joseph of Thessalonica
- Joseph, St., the Hymnographer
- Josephson, Ludwig Carl Leopold
- Joy to the followers of the Lord
- Joy to the world, the Lord is come (high)
- Joyce, James
- Jubes: et, in praeceps aquis
- Jubilate
- Jubilemus omnes una
- Jubilemus pia mente
- Jucundare plebs fidelis
- Judkin, Thomas James
- Judson, Adoniram
- Judson, Sarah, née Hull
- Jussu tyranni pro fide
- Just as I am, without one plea
- Justinian's Hymn